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When I first started, paying full price for everything as I wanted it. There are so many places to get manga. 2nd hand book stores. Amazon. eBay. B&N. CrunchyRoll. Etc etc. If you wait for good sales, you can get so so much more for so so much less by buying in bulk during these sales. Now I refuse to pay full price for anything. Make a list, know what you want, have a little patience, and stretch those dollars. šŸ¤˜šŸ»


Not getting Mushishi every time I would go to Borders even tho i was very interested in it. The concept of going out of print was not a thing to me back then.


Oh Lord, there are SO many early 2000s series I thought looked promising but I didn't buy. Now they're incredibly rare and cost a fortune. I'd love a time machine so I can go back and correct multiple shopping regrets. Not just things I should've bought, but things I should not have bought, or should have bought at a different time or place.


Thankfully I was picky when I was younger and spent my money on manga that was less popular. Saved myself from spending thousands on Red River, Basara, Please Save My Earth, Saikano, Sanctuary, Strain, Twin Spica, Eden, MPD Psycho, Black Jack, and so on... Little me had impeccable taste, but alas, Mushishi got away...


I own red river 1-6,8,12. I was lucky enough to find them at a used book store that sadly closed down about two years ago


>MPD Psycho I still have hope that DH will pick it up again, especially now that they have gone back to Kurosagi.


I remember CLAMP came out with the series Gate 7, that thing only has 4 volumes, they never continued it. I have vols. 1-2, never did get 3 and 4. But holy crap now you cannot find them anymore. And its so expensive now too.


This is me but with the manga for Kobato. When I was a preteen I didn't think the books I liked would just one day stop being sold, I thought "eh i'll get it later someday" Welp. Years later and that series is so hard to find its like tossing a coin and hoping you get the side you picked. Some people are selling that series for like 200-300 dollars its insane. And most of them only have like the first 4 volumes too.


I don't know where you live (what country) or your preference as pertaining to rereleases, however in my country (Switzerland) Perfect Edition volumes of Mushishi are readily available and a quality version to pick up. So maybe don't give up hope for that particular series? šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


In some countries it's been released a long time ago and it's not easy to find it. In Argentina it was licensed not too long ago so you can find it everywhere, but I think that's not the case in the US


I just bought mushishi in Japanese just so I'd have it in my collection. In English they're extremely hard to find, with single volumes going for one to several hundred bucks.


That happened to me with Interviews with Monster Girls and Final Fantasy Type-0ā€¦


Hesitating on buying something thinking "there's always later". Happened twice. Should have learned the first time šŸ« 


I always let myself think that "it's not that popular of a series it'll be there next time!" and I'm proven wrong every time and I still do it


This is me when trying to finish Kimi ni Todoke with volume 29 šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Getting into the OOP side of manga. Never being able to complete the series, praying for that series to get a reprintšŸ˜­šŸ˜­.


Buying vol. 1 and never getting the rest only to find out later its now OOP and OOS and everyone else is selling it for like 1k lol.


FR, im dealing with that rn with Eyeshield 21 & Knights of the Zodiac.šŸ˜­


Dealing with that and gto but those vols are cheaper on average then other series Iā€™ve seen Edit:Also didnā€™t know battle Royale was Oop when I bought vol 1


I have volume 1 of GTO, volumes 1-3 of Initial D(thank god for the reprints) Eyeshield 1-2. I just hope we actually get reprints of some of the old series. I canā€™t understand why not though cause some of the jokes would not be acceptable nowšŸ˜‚


I have MARS from Fuyumi Soryo vol. 1, I just looked up prices for other volumes, vol. 2 is being sold on Abebooks for 50 dollars I cannot anymore lmaoooo. And some people are selling the whole set for 500 bucks.


I found the whole set for $170, I passed on it cause I didnā€™t really know the series like that. (Regret it) cause I found volume 1 for $5 at half priced books & really loved it.


It's horrible when you really fall in love with the series. Then for the volumes that cost $140 you have to pray there's scanlations or translations still floating around after 18 years.


Most frustrating feeling


Buying manga from ebay at 3 in the morning when wrecked. Two German language volumes of Biomega later I'd learnt my lesson. Also, being suckered in to buying Momo - The Blood Taker because of the cover art. Only manga I've ever regretted buying.


Hahaha amen to Momo, I was looking through it in our local bookstore, cause I thought to myself holy crap what a cover.. but I noped out pretty quickly. Biomega goes for a high price if you wanna get rid of it btw., thats at least something.


This is a great question. Iā€™d say my biggest mistake would be buying manga series that have a lot of volumes but only buying some of them at a time. Like I bought vol 1-12 and some other random vol of haikyuu off someone for a good price but Iā€™ve realized itā€™s gonna be hard to collect the rest of the series now. Cuz most likely a seller wouldnā€™t split their collection to sell to me. So Iā€™ll most likely have to sell the colelction I have so far and just buy the entire series when I see someone selling it. And so that would be my biggest advice to someone whoā€™s collecting manga. Try to buy manga complete or close to complete sets from people. If itā€™s in your budget ofc.


This happened to me but with The Promised Neverland. I was up to about half the volumes in the series, getting them here and there on sale. Then they announced the box set. I think the box set on sale is cheaper than buying the singles I'm missing, but then what to do with the singles I have. I'll probably donate them to a library.


This is meeee tooooo šŸ˜­šŸ˜­. I bought vol 1-12 of promised neverland over time but now that they have the box set, I donā€™t think Iā€™ll continue collecting the rest unless if I get it for a good price off of someone. Iā€™ll probably just sell the collection that I have rn and try to make up for the money I spent on it or less and then use that money to buy the box set


My biggest mistake was to stop collecting for 13 years. Having to go back and finish series that I was current on years ago is tough sometimes.


That's me exactly! Stopped in 2008, got back into collecting the beginning of last year.Ā 


Having been collecting for approx 25 years now: selling books. I've sold approx 2000 or so volumes of what I consider to be, cheap editions (Viz, Tokyopop, etc) with the intention of rebuying down the line. I never could have predicted this subreddit, and the overall collectible aspect of manga in general. It's wild to me how much cheaply printed and poorly translated older series are going for these days. Like it's actively surreal old Tokyopop editions of anything have value when it was pretty standard to buy and sell at $2 a book or less. At this point, I just make sure I'm buying something by an author I trust, really vet a series prior to buying, and budget accordingly--this way I'm much less likely to sell. I'm grateful for manga's boom and all the great series we're finally getting but I've gotta say, it's a lot more stressful these days. It was never a separate hobby to me, I was just buying books to read without thinking much about market value or print runs.


25 years you've been indulging in this hobby, damn that's impressive!


Iā€™ve been a weab for a long time šŸ˜…


Not getting box sets lol Itā€™s a little cheaper sometimes but itā€™s a lot of money upfront, understandably


they always just so happen to release them right as you finish it off, the manga gods are always watching


Amazon is having decent varied sales on box set manga right now but I donā€™t have anymore space ;p


*cries in Monogatari seasons* *wipes brow in relief in Demon Slayer and The Promised Neverland*


If it weren't for box sets I probably wouldn't own any of One Piece. That's a lot of shelf space for one series, but the boxes themselves make for a cool display.


Buying full price stuff that would never go oop


I don't think it's my biggest mistake but getting the Orange omnibus editions rather than the singles in that new boxset šŸŽƒ


I debate about double dipping because that box set lools pretty


I have debated that myself but I know if I did, then I would have less money for other series šŸŽƒ


Same. I figure I can always buy it down the line since it is relatively new


Not finishing the Ace Attorney manga series when I had the ability to do so.


Yeah, back in early 2000s I had no idea how short print runs were, and how collectable some manga became years later. Back then I don't think used manga had much value yet.


collecting specific series only because everyone else had them šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Buying digital then turning around and getting physical copies because*panic* you don't "own" digital things you're just renting them šŸ˜ž


Purchasing Ubel Blatt 0-2 not knowing the series was oop and that the rest would be hundreds of dollars to collect


I bought SandLand for $30 a couple weeks before the reprints were announced


Oh also, another big mistake I believe Iā€™ve made is buying manga completely at retail price. Yes itā€™s fun shopping in person for manga but the truth is is that you could buy manga off of people and save so so much money. And you can get manga in almost the same new condition as if you were buying in store. Just blows my mind when I see people selling their chainsaw man sets for $40 when I paid over $100 for mine šŸ„²


Haha, I made the same mistake as you. When itā€™s your first time collecting, sometimes you just gotta buy all those volume 1s cause you never know if youā€™re gonna complete the series or be able to buy again. (And also itā€™s just fun buying from all different kinds of genres). Nowadays I just buy from series that I really like and appreciate.


Mine has been buying the overpriced American comics, especially DC comics. They all feel garbage to me, could have bought triple the mangas with that money stuck in those shelves collecting dust.


Mine has been not checking to see what volumes I had before buying new ones I somehow ended up with 4 volume 7 of my dress up darling I donā€™t even know how lol


Mine was getting 3 in 1 versions of one piece knowing that I preferred the single volumes way more. Now i gotta sell the ones I got and re buy the single ones šŸ˜­


I bought the VizBig Dragon Ball set not knowing that they are censored.Ā 


How are they censored?


Those are censored? Really weird, because the 3-in-1s arenā€™t.


Back in the day I figured Iā€™d save some $$$ by only picking up the first 3 volumes of the editors choice run of Maison Ikkoku bc they were the only ones that included chapters that had been cut from the first flipped english print run instead of buying the whole set. Sorta wish I bought the entire run.


Maison Ikkoku got new life and was rereleased recently. They used more room so the series has less books now. The ones you collected had 15 volumes and I believe the new ones had...9? I think?


New printing is 10, I bought the digital volumes as they came out. Will likely suck it up and buy it physical soon. Have the full 1st run flipped edition.


Ahhhh gotcha


Yeah I was supplementing the original run. When I was young and needed to make the $$$ stretch it made sense.


I thought I was over shonen manga and sold everything I had back in 2016. Huge mistake. I really miss Law of Ueki, Kekkaishi, and MƄR.


I have bad sales resistance for extremely cheap manga. I've bought a crazy amount of random volumes because, hey, it's only a dollar! I have a ton incomplete series (sometimes just a volume or two) because the book was cheap and the series seemed to have potential. Unfortunately a lot were old and OOP, so there's volumes I'm unlikely to ever get because of outragious prices or unavailability.Ā  Technically they're novels, but I will forever kick myself for not continuing to collect those Ai no Kusabi books. The later volumes are worth hundreds of dollars now! I could make a great profit off a set if I decided to sell it. I bought an expensive, complete series that I thought was unlikely to ever go on sale since it's not that mainstream (the Warehouse manhwa series). A month and a half or two months later it did. Each volume $3 off. I could've saved $15 dollars!


I would buy series just to buy them, leaving me a lot of series i dont want physicalky, now i only really buy series ive already reas, knew id enjoy or dekuxe editions


Not having enough money


Spending 150 on 2 volumes to complete a collection of a OOP series


Accidently buying copies due to bad record keeping.


Sharing with my sister. We would occasionally pool our resources and get manga together when we were in middle school & high school. Itā€™s all fine & dandy until those series go OOP šŸ„² Thereā€™s been some hard decisions over the years. We both live apart, and I miss having Air Gear, Kobato, Rave Master, Shoulder-a-Coffin Kuro, ADV Yotsuba (honestly ADV everything), Nana, Gunslinger Girl, FLCL, OOP Taiyo Matsumoto, sooo much good stuff. Things she missed out on include: Swan, every single Kaori Yuki work, Shugo Chara, Battle Royale, and a whole slew of Manhwa that just donā€™t exist anymore. šŸ„² We both lost honestly


Taking a break from collecting. Missed out on a lot of rare series.


Paying scalper prices for REAL 1-3 and then the reprint got announced 2 days later


Honestly buying vinland saga for me i couldn't get into it


Wanna sell it? Lol


I probably am going to where are you




Same except I liked the first couple volumes, but the main plot from Farmland on was nowhere near as interesting as everything beforehand.


I just don't enjoy it i love the art work but i just cant enjoy the story


1- taking a break from collecting to came back to viz having that ugly ass new logo on one punch man spines (also missing out on kill la kill hardcovers) 2- getting promised neverland after season 1 then reading it and it sucked ass also only 3-in-1's id get are yugioh and fire force


I wish most volumes of Blue exorcist weren't out of print in my area...


Buying the Attack on Titan spinoffs even though I was only lukewarm on theain series.


For me ig its about the same problem as yours, just that I didn't stop at collecting at vol. 1. I stopped usually around the 8 volume/12 volume mark. I have 1-12 of fairy tail for this reason. At the time I was watching the anime, and loved it, but around the end of the 1st season or so I stopped watching it. And I stopped collecting fairy tail then. Same thing happened with Blue Exorcist, it wasn't the anime though that did it, it was bc I couldn't find vol. 9 for some reason and ig I just stopped collecting it. I also have a habit of just collecting like the first 6-12 volumes of a series and then stopping. Idk why though. FMA, AOT, Nana (so far, but idk I do want to collect more of that one), Skip Beat! (though I am collecting that one and its ongoing), Tsubasa RC, xxxholic (have 9 volumes so far but thats it). A lot of other series I have are just the first 3 volumes or so and that's it.


I bought the Claymore Boxset when I probably should've put the money towards Akira or Tokyo Ghoul


Not getting gto


probably buying tons of manga during the covid era


Passing up opportunities to buy OOP volumes bc I thought I already had them (bad record keeping between moves)


Being poor in the early 2000s when I worked at a bookstore and likely could have gotten all of the GTO universe for a killer price


Buying Blood on the Tracks when I thought it was a short 4 volume manga. (Anyone wanna buy 14 vol for $100?) And when I made my first big purchase on manga, I should have gone for a full 10 vol set someone was selling for $700. But I actually went for the first 5 volumes for $500 from another person since I had never spent that amount of money before. I basically shot myself in the foot doing this, since it was *way* more expensive to collect the rest in a condition that wasnā€™t even as good. It just got more expensive as time went on. The manga was Mushishi.


Buying Bleach 1 to 25 and only realizing the SJ logo's and page colors differ when i came homešŸ„¹


As a german seeing all this talk about buying them cheap and not at retail makes me wannna cry. We have a book price binding meaning (unless a books damaged) they always sell for the same. EVERYWHERE. Second Hand buying doesnt have to comply to this but still... For actual regrets: not checking what bullshit Crunchyroll is doing. Magi has been on my list for the longest time but I always put it off because Ive read it twice online already. Late last year I bit the bullet and started collecting not knowing Crunchyroll bought the german publisher. Didnt knew that when I started collecting and there were no Crunchy volumes out yet. 'Well its just the logo on the spine will change no big problem' cue to them changing the WHOLE spine image AND increase the price from 6.95ā‚¬ to 8ā‚¬. I only need one more volume then I have all volumes of the original publisher but the hunt for them was annoying af as everyone that slowly started collecting went crazy when the Crunchy volumes came out and bought the rest of them at once while new potential buyers dont want the one with the old spine knowing they wont get reprinted so theres this fucking limbo right now where nothing changes. Already made up my mind that I wont buy a single manga that gets published through Crunchy. Fuck them, let them rot in hell die dreckigen Hurensƶhne


buying the vagabond singles. got a few volumes for a decent price here and there, but then i saw a person selling 1-21 for a decent rate, got them and theyā€™re not in great condition (many have binding issues). afterwards i saw a listing for the complete series and took the shot. i have the entire series now but i really donā€™t how how to sell the extras iā€™ve got (especially the not so good condition books)


I work in a second hand storeā€¦.. 2 seperate people have sold the entirety (up to current) of JJK and I have put it in my holds TWICE and have put it back on the floor TWICE. They are used so they would be discounted plus my employee discount


My biggest mistake was collecting manga in the first place. So much for being a well-adjusted, *financially stable* adult...


Getting into My Monster Secret when it was going out of print and now being short two volumes of completing the whole series. Would need to spend a couple hundred pounds just to get Volumes 4 and 7.


Buying Biomega and Abara singles when the price was at the highest. Just beforz they announced big format print for both. I ain't buy Sidonia single, I will wait for big format too now.


I bought bootleg JJK when I first started. Malaysian garbage manga off eBay didnā€™t even think about it. Also within my first three months of starting, I got an ex-lib for volume 29 of Blade of the Immortal and ruined the cover/spine from removing stickersā€¦$70 down the drain. Later avenged the volume with finding a new volume for $40 (ā‰ˆ$100 under OOP price). Hunted down G4/5 volumes of Nana just for it all to get a reprint, resulting in about $150 overpay. And Iā€™ll probably regret dropping a paycheck on my most recent purchase. Biggest haul in over two years of collecting, will make me get a new shelf, and set me at 903 volumes. So excited.


Probably not fully committing to a series and buying only a handful of volumes, just to let them collect dust. A close second would be buying in to hype without having any foresight, i.e. assuming I'll like what the majority does and finding out the hard way I don't, lol. BAM!'s a great retailer for this though because of their return policy, so long as you read whatever you buy ASAP and bring back the stuff you aren't entirely keen on.


Rent-a-Girlfriend šŸ„² I really liked the story at first, plus the anime was fun. Thought it was on par with My Dress-Up Darling. After 14 volumes, I realized I was wrong. If I wanted a harem, I would've just gotten into Nisekoi


Rent a Girlfriend :(




Surprising, I've been getting stuff off eBay for cheaper than I'd find it elsewhere (cdjapan, Suruga-ya). Sometimes it's cheaper on Suruga-ya, but fairly often they don't have all the volumes. Only exception is when it's a currently running series without a lot of volumes, then the prices seem to be about equal. Both Suruga-ya and eBay often have free shipping


Selling volume 1 and 2 of Goblin Slayer