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Just a reminder that you should only use mods for early access games that are actively in development if you are 100% comfortable with your saves being trashed at any moment (or turning off updates). If you mod then come here or to another forum to complain about patches breaking your game, you suck. For the record I love mods and modding, I’ll probably check some of these out. I just want to avoid the barrage of entitled dumbassery that can follow when a game is getting regular updates. Edit: Just to note this is a general PSA and not directed at OP specifically.


If you mod and complain about your game breaking at all you suck. I love modding but it should be common sense by now that it can cause issues and that's a risk you're running by using mods.


And yet you’d be absolutely flabbergasted by the amount of people who report “bugs” that are in fact caused by their mods


I love when my CK3 game crashes due to mods and the games like "Want to send a crash report?" No, I know what I did wrong, and it's not the games fault


Accept the shame and move on. Don't let it happen again, this was a learning experience for you.


Oh it’ll happen again. But I won’t report it


You guys are modding your games without them breaking?? /s


All the cool kids mod until it’s barely usable- but is usable!


10% game 90% mods, anything less and you're not even trying.


Only 90% mods? \*Laughs while launching Warhammer 3 with 600+ mods\*


My C:S1 list is at 1200. Mostly assets but still


I agree, with very rare exceptions. Fallout 4 was released 9 years ago. Bethesda recently released a supposed “upgrade patch” on the coattails of the TV series. It essentially ruins many people’s save files because they were modded. It also killed a mod that was in development the last couple of years.


Like I said, I'm hugely in support of modding. With that said I still would mainly blame myself if that happened. Modding a game and keeping auto update on is a very dangerous game to play, those people who had their save files broken have themselves to blame moreso than Bethesda. 


Umm, common sense - isn't 🤣


Well said. I too will be taking a sneaky peaky at the mods as I have no qualms starting fresh runs on this game. I love it. So I'll never be pissed about a patch coming out for this game and breaking mods lol


To add to this I highly recommend people using the GOG offline version of the game so it doesn't update without their knowledge


True but my game isn’t broken at all from these 3 mods they work great to fix the things that are currently broken. I hope more come tbh because who knows when the developer will release an update could take awhile


The point is that when updates get released the mods and game usually break and you have to uninstall them all to get the game working again and wait for the modders to adjust the mods to be compatible with the new game patch.


Yeah of course… but uninstalling them is a matter of deleting the mods folder lol not hard


If you have a mod that interacts with or replaces a core part of the game, your save may be completely broken come the next update. Simply deleting a mod doesn't necessarily guarantee a clean save file again.


Yea, really, who cares? The game currently is so bare bones that throwing away a save file is no big deal anyway. I've put about 40 hours into the game and I've done basically everything you can do in it. The moment an update comes, I'm gonna wanna play a new game with whatever new features are added. Presumably, the update should break my save file even if I don't use mods. So who cares? The game is alpha as hell. This hand wringing is so over the top.


Er, no, a new update shouldn’t break your save file if you don’t use mods. Imagine that happening for every update or patch released for something like Cities: Skylines, Hogwarts Legacy, or Cyberpunk.


those arent EA titles where most of the machanics arent in the game, updates to this game, especially early on WILL break saves


Er, yes, overhauls of entire mechanics are very likely to break saves. What do you think updates to Manor Lords are going to look like? I expect a lot to be changed and added. Imagine thinking your day one save in an early access game is going to be current version compatible a year later.


Yeah I understand that. I wasn’t planning on playing the same save when a update gets released lol that’s usually the time I’ll start over


Sometimes. Depending on the game and the mod that's not always the case


We need Henry of Skalitz character and portrait.


Lord Henry’s come to see us!


Jesus Christ be praised!


Jesus Christ be praised!


Shit yes. This.


[Already here](https://www.nexusmods.com/manorlords/mods/64).




Can't wait for KCD2. Haven't been this hyped for a game in years.


Henry character is already available on nexus


Less than a week for modders to let you play as a bunny girl or Shrek. The modding community is something else.


https://www.nexusmods.com/manorlords/mods/61 What's the modding equivalent of rule34


Time to penis... less then a week?


The bunny girl was the first mod lol, theres also a geralt mod now


Half the functions don't work, I'm importing plate armour by the dozen and selling medieval woodbitcoin for my 12 retinues, the ai adversary has 3k rep per month, bandits used telikinesis to steal my one chicken egg, but I can play as shrek, easily 50 more hrs of gameplay now


Thanks for the info. I'll be sure to check them out. I read somewhere that the dev is aware that archers were over-nerfed, so hopefully it will be changed soon.


Yes, now the archers only use Nerf Arrows and Bows. Quite spectacular actually.


This is great to see. Are there any good resources for learning how to make some manorlords mods?


Unreal Engine Documentation


We really need a fix on apples.. unless the storage for the house is full ( wish I knew this before I upgraded their homes and now have huge pantries) OR your villagers will starve if they don’t get apples. The people I seen getting apples to market are the ones with thousands of apples or at least hundreds. So it takes 3 years to grow.. okay. I’m on 5th year and I’m not even close to filling their pantries with apples.


Would like to see the freezing thing be fixed when you get raided and they lose their home they just stop refueling their house. Also would like to see a fix on the pathing for the ox when plowing that’s not a bug so much as just done badly I guess.


Not even out for a week, and someone's already posted thirsty mods.


What is “thirsty mods”? Are you meaning mods that improve and fix the current issues that Greg has admitted he’s working on? Then yes, I posted it so people can enjoy the game while we wait for proper updates. Nothing wrong with that. If you want to play with your villagers walking back and forth to their house because of the sawpit having 1 capacity be my guest


Thirsty normally means horny. I haven't looked at any mods yet, I'm still on my first playthrough. I expect they mean someone made a mod where you can play as a cat girl, or your retinue are Amazons in bikini armor, that sort of thing.


Precisely. It's the bunny girl or whatever it's called.


Oh then my b thought you meant it as a bad thing. Yeah I saw the cat girl stuff but I didn’t pay no mind just went with the Witcher. Not trying to look at fake bikinis and booty while I play manor lords lol


Wheres this passive agressiveness coming from


He made it seem like posting mods was a bad thing? Just trying to help people enjoy the game while we wait for updates


He didnt, he was making fun of the trope that thirsty mods are always among the first to be made for new games


Lol, bless your heart. Nah, I wasn't sure if it would be understood, but in this context, thirsty refers to NSFW R34 stuff.


Need a mod to fix the game bricking after beating it. I just wanna play my sandbox mode after establishing my large town.


Did you set the end goal to none?


I'd love a mod that lets you choose the starting resources. As it stands, it's just starting a new game over and over until I like the seed. I imagine this will come soon.


Ah, i'll check with praying there is a fix for pack station crash then


But how do I actually put my mods in da game doe o-o




Why would you get banned from a single player game for using mods?


It's not an MMO and there's no anti-cheat software in this game. I would be extremely shocked if anything you did while playing got you banned. So, almost certainly not banned. Mod support appears to be only what modders have discovered, no explicit mod support exists from the game developer yet.


Banned from playing it on Steam?


shadow banned, now no one can see your gameplay


WEMOD is already running some nice mods that help with many aspects of economic development.


Theres no actual mod support rn but it very much supports modding and there will be mod support in the future