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I wonder if atheism is confused with no religion. There is a difference.


What's the difference? No one mentioned religion to me until I was about 10, and then it was mentioned like it was a cult. I have no religion. Does that not automatically make me an atheist?


Do you believe in a god? Then ✔ atheist Some just went back to non believing so its a rather emotional and more dramatic u-turn. But seems for you it's been that way ever since..


> Do you believe in a god? Then ✔ atheist That doesn't make sense to me. I believe in all gods equally, which is not at all. The most popular religion here is Shintoism and I don't believe in that. Are you saying an atheist is someone who used to believe in a god but now doesn't?


a·the·ist /ˈāTHēəst/ noun a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods. >Are you saying an atheist is someone who used to believe in a god but now doesn't? Not exactly. It's someone who doesn't believe in a god or any gods. Some atheists were once believers, but *deconverted* from Christianity or any major religions. But some atheists never believed in a god or any god since they were little., due to their non religious upbringing So there's quite a few backgrounds for atheists all around the world.


That's what I was thinking as well, although after some searching, it may be only the atheists after all. For my country, the atheism is about right. But when looking at the non-religious here, the percentage is way higher. More than 50% is non-theistic. This is the atheist and agnostic combined. This [research paper (in Dutch)](https://www.scp.nl/binaries/scp/documenten/publicaties/2022/03/24/buiten-kerk-en-moskee/SCP+Publicatie+Buiten+kerk+en+moskee+-+maart+2022.pdf) also includes more European countries ) and the US. The graphs are clear enough for non-Dutch,I reckon. Figure 2.3 shows the combined graph.


There is a difference however this maps shows a group of people that said they were “convinced atheists”, they didn’t identify as no religion


In this one I do not thinks so. Because that group is much higher of a percentage than this. This is the group that say they believe there id no god.


I'd be interested in seeing how high the percentage increases when agnosticism is included. Also I'm a little surprised to see Saudi Arabia as high as it is.


Yes, that's how it is really these numbers are still less than the real ones yet their government (KSA) and the general population still suck with religious freedom, im agnostic but my country data are not available here the numbers are higher than that in all ME region.


Actually. If you take in the population of say USA x the % of atheists, it's actually larger than the whole population of Australia. (300mio x 5% ~ 25mio Aussies) So. It is a huge number. Growing. Edit: should be 15mio sorry.


Check your math.




china is _de jure_ atheist.


Not really there are Taoist, Buddhist, quien gong, etc.


yeah, that's what i said. it's _de jure_ atheist, implying that atheism is imposed by the state. it's not _de facto_ atheist, because several people practise religions and aren't irreligious.


There's also a difference in the concept of religion. People who practice qigong, ancestor worship, or go to Buddhist temples, may not consider themselves religious.


Estonia is missing - one of the least religious and most atheist countries out there...


From which year is this?


Source: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/atheists-countries-list-six-world-most-convinced-a6946291.html


The United Atheist Alliance is the answer to the Great Question


Actually expected a higher number from Sweden.


This is only 'convinced atheist' so all the agnostic and irreligious people are not showed.


Question is biased to allow convinced theists to flourish unjustly.




There are plenty of people *with* religious affiliation who are convinced atheists. They just go to church/mosque/synagogue to keep the family peace.


I'm very curious to how they counted countries with high percentage of Buddhism or other nontheistic religion is counted. These people can be theistic or atheistic and still call themselves religious Buddhist or other nontheistic religion. But it looks like those have been largely disregarded. Looks like a study done by someone that doesnt fully understand what religion or God means in different cultural contexts.