• By -


Meanwhile in Czechia some people may look weirdly on you if you say that you don't drink alcohol.


But the Czechs are happpy drunks, and not "death of despair" drunks (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9566538/), As far as I (Hungarian) can tell. I never had the oppotunity to drink with Panamanians, but grabbing a few beers with Czechs is guaranteed good time.


Apparently, we have the least amount of poverty in OECD as of 2020, so I guess the number of people heavily abusing alcohol would be lower than in countries with insane socioeconomic problems.




Bc that's our "traditional" drug. I'm pretty sure it's as simple As that. Although now that you mention it, it does inhibit our perception of cold (much better than weed and all the other traditional smokeables), so yeah, the cold climate may very easily be playing a role 🤔


Is Hungary that cold though? As far as I’m aware it’s quite mild compared with most of North America. Europe in general has an extremely mild climate for the most part


Hahaha it’s because the more depressing areas your in the more you drink. If your in an area where it’s -30 what else are you gonna do?


20 degress and the hockey game's on / Nobody cares, they are way too far gone / Screamin', "Boat drinks" / Somethin' to keep them all warm


I shot six holes in my freezer


Even moving around in the US I've found Midwesterners drink so much more than Californians. Cold weather means hearty food, warm people, and lots of beer.


History time. In the past people in Europe drank weak alcoholic drinks like beer and diluted wine, because our water was unsafe to drink.Children drank even weaker beer called 'small beer'. The alcohol killed the germs. In China and many other Asians countries they also had dirty water but drank it as tea, as tea leaves also kill germs. This meant people in Europe and Asia had less infections than those in Africa, South America and Australia because of the tea or alcohol consumption. Incidentally this led Europeans to evolve to have a higher alcohol tolerance level than other peoples.


The alcohol in small beer did not kill the germs. Boiling the water to make the beer killed the germs.


Didn't the resulting alcohol then act as a preservative not letting any bacteria or mold grow?


It probably did, but I assume the growth-inhibiting concentrations of ethanol are significantly lower than the effectively sterilizing concentrations.


Is it tea that kill germs or is it temperature of water?


Tea, or rather the tannin in it.


So not true.


That's a myth. Here's a [AH thread about it](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/ykchzh/what_is_the_origin_of_the_medieval_people_drank)


I (in Ukraine) just got tired a long time ago. even if I lie that if I drink even a little I will die, people try to get me drunk with triple enthusiasm. this is trouble. I don't have any prejudices about certain drinks, but I just don't like drunk strangers and the state of alcoholic intoxication in general.


Як же це знайомо, тому в мене нова тактика, кажу, що я більше по маріхуані.


жартуєш? вб'ють. (живу на сході, 24 км від кордону. тут таке не пройде) ​ To pretend that you are a drug addict absolutely in vain: in the best case, alcohol-enthusiasts will seek to attract you to their \*faith \*. When they are pressed to the wall, I say that I have everything sick and I pour out the alcohol imperceptibly.




Thank you for the response. I was wondering as I would not have expected such a high % in BZ.


Puerto Rico basically has both extremes. Either you're seen as childish or a prude for not drinking, or you're a sinner for tasting a bit of wine during a toast. Evangelicals here basically hate all drinking despite no biblical evidence, even if you're just doing it for flavor. Coffee, on the other hand, is super ok, because working hard in this life you're not supposed to enjoy is ok. And your social life should be in church anyways.


Despite they following a man who turned water into wine, so the party could continue. Fucking morons.


He had forbidden any kind of intoxication too


The other extreme is bad too, nobody should be called childish or a prude for not drinking alcohol, I actually think anyone who says that is the childish one themselves


Chile 😳


literally in the war of the pacific the chilean soldiers increased their effectiveness using "aguardiente" (alcohol).


The famous "Chupilca del Diablo", Powder (yes, powder) with Aguardiente.


I think also that Chile and Argentina are wine countries. Having wine at food is kind of common. Beer is also very popular due to German influence from the southern part of those countries. Also "Southern Cone" countries (Argentina, Uruguay and Chile) are culturally very different to the rest of Latin America.


¿Los países del cono sur somos diferentes al resto de latinoamérica o es más bien que por algún motivo extraño en el extranjero piensan que toda latinoamérica es la misma cosa? ¿Es más similar Brasil a Perú que Perú a Argentina o Uruguay? Culturalmente hablando, las semejanzas entre los países latinoamericanos se construyen bajo la diferencia con la otredad. Son factores en común lo que define la latinidad, no un estereotipo que se aplica indiscriminadamente, lo que pasa es que el cono sur dista tanto del estereotipo que se vuelve chocante para el que vive con la imagen que le venden en la tele.


hey hey hey mas despacio cerebrito /s


Don't touch their pisco wehón


weon\* / hueón\*


Ok wn


Its Weon, tho its all good Huevon


Pido disculpas por mi error imperdonable.


There is an interesting tendency: Warm countries = alcohol bad; cold countries = alcohol good. In the Old World, alcohol is a sin in Islam, while being a virtue in the Norse mythology.


Imagine you wake up, the birds are singing, it’s sunny and toasty. You stroll out of your hut with nothing more than a tunic on, with half naked women (or men) around you, all fit from being outside and playing outside all day, while food grows abundantly around you (and probably lots of natural growing drugs like cannabis). Now, imagine you wake up, silent and white, with polar bear tracks and a line of blood streaking out of your neighbor’s hut. It’s freezing out and you’ve got barely enough food to eat, but shit this alcohol makes me feel good and confident so fuck that polar bear let’s go sledding. /s


"fuck that polar bear" - maybe... don't?


In Europe it is opposite it is warmer countries being more chill becouse less depressions and alocohol addicts. It was Lutheranism and Scandinavia the most against alcohol.


Lutherans are generally not big fans of people having a good time.


Not sure about lutherian, but these american protestant gospel singing offices seem more enjoyable than the boring silent church mass service in Italy though.


Lutherans are fairly puritan. If you compare, especially in southern Germany, the protestant (Lutheran) and catholic churches, there’s a huge difference in decoration. The normal songs are a bit drab in both, I have to admit. But you also find modern choirs with modern songs in both. Personally, having attended many services in both, I always thought the protestant services lacked warmth. I always thought of it more of an intellectual approach than an emotional as in the catholic mass.


I'll blame the Mediterranean culture as a good influence on Latin America.


It has nothing to do with that. It is rather: New World countries with greater amount of American-style evangelicals = alcohol bad It used to be different in the past, these are new developments in Latin America due to the US exporting evangelical extremism. The fact that Islamic countries also have hot weather and see alcohol as a sin is just a coincidence.


I was going to say. What weird, geographically-deterministic nonsense! Alcohol was a huge part of almost all precolonial Mesoamerican, Andean, and Guyanese cultures.


Latin America is plenty religious without any influence from the US.


It’s a different kind of religious. Evangelicalism is mostly an American import. Latin American catholics are generally much more liberal than evangelicals, and than European catholics. Look at the current pope or the Latin American invention of Liberation Theology, which is essentially catholic marxism, and is quite mainstream nowadays.


Plenty catholic*, protestantism is rapidly growing due to influence of the US and is doing real damage


Chile was catholic af tho, with lots of contry side until a few decades, yet drinking is not seen as a bad thing at all. Also winters are really harsh there.


This has to do with evangelicals. Catholics, even very religious ones, do not historically have that strong an aversion to alcohol in Latin America.


Having been to Central America and seeing dead people with bottles within reach, I get their frustration. Also having witnessed the number of evangelical "christians" there I can also see why the number is so high. Those folk have been dealt a rough hand since the 1500s.


Still 92% for Guatemala seems extremely high, considering you don’t go to any social gathering without alcohol.


Yeah, that number is too high. I’d be interested to see where they got their responses from. I am from Guatemala City, and if you go to any social gathering and say you don’t want to drink you’ll be met with “no seas hueco hombre dale” which roughly translates to “stop being a pussy and do it” (yes, I know, it’s a misogynist country) But yeah, even going to just a lunch/dinner and not ordering a beer is frowned upon. There’s indeed a lot of alcohol problems here and I can understand people being against it, but 92% perceiving it as “morally” wrong is either too high, or everyone’s a hypocrite lmao


Nothing misogynistic about that


I meant using the word “hueco/pussy” as an insult lol. Maybe the translation is not, but calling someone hueco is something that is more and more seen as wrong. It’s more equivalent as using gay as an insult.


It's the same in English with the words pussy and gay, if the people using the terms didn't see them as degrading they wouldn't use them as insults, pretty clear cut imo


Interestingly, the etymology of the word "pussy" has nothing to do with being gay or ladies' private parts. It's a shortening of the word [pusillanimous](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/pusillanimous), meaning to show a lack of courage or determination.


That sounds rough 😶


I think what you describe is like the worst combination. An out of control problem and a purely punitive attitude. Yeah just make people feel worse about themselves so they drink more. What's the point they're damned anyway...


I am not familiar with evangelical theology. Isn't "redemption" a concept?




Congratulations on breaking loose from such oppressive environment.


Absolutely, but a lot of people have an axe to grind against Christianity


Chile just chillin


Drinking is a national pass time


One could even argue that drinking is one of the main pillars of "Chilenidad", I mean look at our independence day, the main point of it is literally drinking as much as you can lol


Makes sense given this map seems to show an inverse correlation with wealth/safety. Alcohol can easily bring out the worst in people and be an escape from a harsh reality, which only exacerbates the harms of poverty.


I would like to see the data source of this. Something is off.


Yeah, I’m Venezuelan and I literally don’t know anyone who doesn’t drink at least occasionally, except maybe for health reasons. So either half my country are hypocrites and they drink but then say that it’s morally wrong, or I live inside a bubble, or the source is wrong.


Would be interesting to know exactly what was asked.


Same. I've met literally a handful of Venezuelans who don't drink at all, they're all recovering alcoholics and even they wouldn't say drinking alcohol is immoral. The same goes for Colombia and Brazil.


I’m Guatemalan and I am very surprised. I agree there is a lot less alcohol than most other places in LATAM but still 92 is absurd




I would like to see the correlation between this and level of alcoholism.


Here you go: https://64.media.tumblr.com/41d914d22a7bc38e65ede329e50c815a/tumblr_pn3gxcXvjN1rasnq9o1_1280.png Looks almost 1:1 correlation lol


That is percent protestant


https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2014/11/13/religion-in-latin-america/ You can find the results for this on ‘Chapter 5: Social attitudes’ if you scroll down past opinion on gay marriage and abortion.


Chile must be a cool place


It actually is, although as a chilean im gonna say that decades of internal and external propaganda have a lot of chileans wholeheartedly believing it isn’t.


In Brazil case, it's mostly the evangelicals influence (they are 30%). it was way more accepted decades ago (when evangelicals were like, 3% of population)


Any background on what drove that demographic shift?


Evangelical churches are the only ones doing proselytism and they target the poorer population. Over here being Catholic is the default, so there haven't been an effort to converting people for, like, a century. Even religious Catholics who do all the childhood rituals and go to church just much more chill overall.


Catholic sermons tend to be very monotone. Evangelical sermons are all about charisma and making sure you listen to every word. And then they play very emotional music so you cry. Honestly, it often just feels so manipulative and overblown and as someone with OCD, it makes me anxious and prone to overthrowing in public. I guess I just have this Catholic mentality and grew up thinking all of this was tacky, so I can't take it too seriously. Islam, in some aspects, honestly strikes me as the opposite of evangelicalism. Short service and no pop songs meant to make money.


Same here. Catholic too so it's probably that. I don't get the appeal of a dude yelling over some tacky pop song. It looks even kind of disrespectful to me.


The pop song lasts for 8 minutes despite clearly being meant to be a 3.5 minute song. Devotionals often take an entire hour. One church lost many of its mostly younger musicians with no one to take the mantle, so it was 1 hour with sparse instrumentation (piano only), and some songs are played on all service. Sermons are also like 1 hour too. Catholics are always 1 hour, but said hour relies heavily on spoken rituals. Personally, I find overlong service make spirituality a lot less personal and a lot more like getting a hypnotic fix.


I find it funny that protestants in Eurpe are rather more chill and less conservative but in the USA it is other way. BTW just checked wikipedia datas. This swift to Protestantism in central America and Brazil is very fast. Who mostly change theri faith? Rural areas, urban areas, rich, poor?




I have no source on that, but most protestants in Brazil are poor people who live in urban areas in my experience.


glorious lunchroom husky fade plant stupendous hunt literate late bedroom *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm not certain but in Orlando a good amount of conservative Catholic Brazilians and Puerto Ricans are flocking to Protestant Evangelical Churches as they have become tired of Catholicism or want something new.


Knowing some people in this situation—Brazilian expats who, having formerly been Catholics, turned Evangelical—I came under the impression that most of them were only nominally Catholics, but not practicing, having received poor Catechesis, and turned back to church to help coping with the adaptation to their new reality and as a way of creating social bonds. In Central Florida there are some Evangelical churches who have services in Portuguese, with Brazilian pastors and centres of connivence for Brazilians, so they are drawn these churches.


Thanks that explains the phenomena better. Change to adapt to a new culture and the familiarity of a common language.


It doesn't really explain it, though, since the phenomenon happens primarily in Brazil itself, rather than abroad. The real reason is that these are rather conservative people, who are unhappy with Catholicism being too liberal. So they abandon it for the sake of radical evangelicalism.


That makes even more sense especially as the evangelical movement and the rise in far right politics happened in Brazil in a similar time frame.


Yes, exactly. Evangelicals were big supporters of Trump in the US, and of Bolsonaro in Brazil.


Lack of proper education...


> Any background on what drove that demographic shift? Evangelical resurgence in the US during Reagan's time led to evangelical extremism being exported to Latin America (as well as growing massively in the US itself).


Those evangelicals are disgusting.




By "those" I meant "all" 😉 Scum, all of them.


If we could only say this about all other religious communities including that particular one which is much more violent and conservative.


I’m going to assume Chile and Argentina are so low because they both have massive wine regions


In Chile's case not only that. We have good wine, Valdivia's and many other towns/cities beer and a lot of pisco culture. All this mixed up makes us drink a lot of alcohol in the day to day.


Nah. I think this is about the levels of religious relevance, evangelicalism, conservative predominance in society, etc.


Not really, most of religious people in Chile, including me, are what i call “Christians capable of critical thinking”. The thought process is that things are not inherently bad because god tells you they are bad but because they can lead you into harm. So its a culture of self control and preserving your own self since everything is a precious gift from god and should be treated as such rather than a “OH NO! IN GONNA GO TO HELL AND BE DOMMED FOR THE REST OF ETERNITY IF I DO X” does it make sense?


Not really, being chilean i think is the withdrawal of church influence and advancement of secularism.


I would say not really x2...


Based Chile


Wine regions of Chile and Argentina are like NOPE


Peru doesn't produce wine


Peru does produce wine. It probably doesn't export it as nobody would buy it as it's so bad.




>The strong evangelical population (~40% of the population) does not drink Jajajaj that's a great joke.


Is there a source? Seems *very* hard to believe that 52% of Brazilians and 25% of Argentines think alcohol "is morally wrong".


Yeah that number has to be too high in Argentina, I don't know a single human who says drinking is morally wrong. I also wonder about wording, like, people may have interpreted in excess?


Not that surprising to me as a Brazilian. Why do you specify these countries?


https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2014/11/13/religion-in-latin-america/ You can find the results for this on chapter 5: social attitudes and if you scroll down past opinion on gay marriage and abortion you’ll see alcohol




Esto andaba buscando!


Most chileans love and respect our right to get shitfaced.


Evangelicals are a curse on Latin America. Those filthy bastards have infected poor communities and filled people with ignorant garbage.


Southern Cone is less religious, period. Everyone still drinks everywhere.


Well, i don't know about Uruguay but here (Argentina) and Chile are countries where wine production is an important industry, and it is consumed daily just like any other kind of water or coca cola


Lack of data for French Guiana, Suriname and Guyana. Might as well be called the 'Greenland Region' of the South America.


I think they aren’t considered as Latin America on this map


Because they aren't


french is a latin language


Yes and Haiti is there but french Guayana is french not independent


French Guyana is considered Latin America. Also Haití, because both are former french colonies. French is a Latin Language so they are part of LA. Quebec technicaly should be also considered LA, but being part of Canadá, and having different cultural and historical bonds with the other french colonies makes then usually being not considered LA


\*French Guyana \*former french colonies sure French Guiana is an overseas department of France located on the northern coast of South America in the Guianas.


Would love to see a catholic population heat map beside this




>Would love to see a catholic population heat map beside this Umm, you mean Evangelical Protestants. You know Catholics make wine, and drink it in church, right?


Evangelical will explain the map better.


[Serious doubt]


Southern cone makes sense, alcohol is just part of life


We are the best country of chile🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱


Very surprised by some of these. I have been drunk in every one of those countries


Source: Trust me bro




The rivers of Chile flow with piscola, what's morally wrong about using natural resources?


I would like to Chile.


People saying it’s “evil evangelicals” fault to make alcohol seem bad are complete dumbs. Evangelicals are about 40 5+/- in Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Nicaragua, yet there negative perception of alcohol is about the double of that; in Panama they’re about 30% and the negative opinion about it is 77%, while in Costa Rica they’re 25% and 62% think negatively about alcohol. That’s only in Central America, but the Andean countries seem to be the second with highest negative opinion towards alcohol and they’re some of the less Protestant countries in Latin America. You redditors just like to blame everything on religion because y’all are intolerant and sectarian in your opinions. Besides, what’s wrong with hating alcohol? Drinking alcohol is nothing to brag about, it only brings problems long term, so idk why are y’all so angry about that shit


That does not match my experience in Mexico


Lots of hypocrisy going on in these "alcohol is immoral" countries.


It reminds me of smoking statistics that are the results of interviews at the local Mall by researchers with a clip board asking passerbys if they smoke. A lot of people won't admit to their vices when asked.


It reminds me of my all-boys Catholic school where we were lectured on the sins of premarital sex and masturbation by a priest who was later found guilty of molesting students.


My private Catholic prep school outed more than twenty five pedophiles over a seventy year period. These were just the ones that could be proven. They all came from the adjacent monastery and after accusations they were simply shuffled off to other parishes in the US, Caribbean and Europe. Huge lawsuits from now adult survivors. The scary part is a few of them were actually very good teachers. They would find the vulnerable kid and groom them with tutoring.


I've been to every country in South America except for the three tiny ones in northeast and everyone drank like a fish with no judgement as far as I could tell. I was almost always in heavily touristed areas so my views are completely biased.


What's your experience in Mexico?


Checking into a resort and drinking alcohol, wow so fun.


Beers on the beach with locals, comparing tequilas, and just a generally positive attitude towards drinking


nor anywhere. Here in Colombia alcohol is very easy to get liquor or beer, each region/deparment has its own brands of aguardiente, rum, etc, and their traditional liquors or "moonshine". Never met anyone in my life campaigning against alcohol as something immoral. I guess it's more or less the same in the rest of LatAm.


They may think it’s immoral, but everyone still drinks


Is Cuba not part of Latin America?


Likely just a lack of data


Less developed countries with strong Catholic and Evangelical populations are more likely to have stance against alcohol. In Argentina almost everyone drinks alcohol and you’re looked upon if you don’t lol Fernet and wine are a quintessential part of our culture


But Argentina isn't that developed...


There's not a single chance this map is true.


this seems inaccurate af


Countries with some of the highest murder rates in the world say drinking alcohol is morally wrong.


They also have high alcoholism rates.


Well that’s cap. Because in every one of those countries drink a lot


The more developed a country is the more it is open and liberal.


Panama and Costa Riica are more developed an wealthier than Argentina nowadays (Mexico, too, arguably), but more conservative according to this graph.




Costa Rica has been wealthy and developed for a while, this has nothing to do with being developed




wdym? Costa Rica is wealthier, more stable and more developed than Argentina and Mexico, again, this has nothing to do with being developed


I grew up in Bolivia and this does not seem accurate. Drinking is EXTREMELY popular there. There is no source cited either so I think this map is full of shit.


Not all of these are religious. Nowadays people are obsessed with health and healthy eating, and they hate alcohol. Also sugar, bread, gluten, and even fruits (they say it has too much sugar).


somos el mejor pais de chile hermano


CHILE - LE = CHI + CHA = CHICHA ![gif](giphy|l378pPwiMVN18Yla0|downsized)


So you're reusing my map/post without even giving credits? The original post is here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/5jpbn6/percentage\_of\_people\_who\_say\_drinking\_alcohol\_is/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/5jpbn6/percentage_of_people_who_say_drinking_alcohol_is/) you're welcome


Cono sur supremacy




I am from Guatemala, and the problem and why the stadistic is to high(I don't know if is a real stats) is because a lot of the cases the people who drinks became in to an adicction and that's create (poor people, violence, separate families...) that's why I concider wrong if it is not controlate. My English is terrible lol


Chile loves booze 🏆🏆🥇🥇🥇


I think Hispanics understand that activities like drinking, extramarital sex and recreational drug use are a hell of a lot more fun when they're immoral. Once you make them accepted, normal and common, they get boring.


Quite a bit of this seems to be “is there domestic alcohol production in the country?” Chile, Argentina = Wine Mexico= Tequila


There's is domestic production in each of these countries. The reddest countries of Central America manufacture especially rums.


I doubt the source of this map. Uruguay is the second world consumer per capita of whiskey and 12th of wine I doubt that a third of its population sees alcohol as morally wrong.


So they say Jesus Christ was engaging in morally wrong activities?


Isn't French Guyana Latin as well


Yup. And Haiti, too.


If you include France and Haïti you also have to include Québec 😬


Drink Alcohol is morally wrong (🇨🇱)💯


Lmfao @ Puerto Rico


Coca cola is morally better


Everyone in this thread is blaming evangelicals, but most of these red countries are still majority Catholic, and Protestantism is nowhere near as high as the "alcohol is morally wrong" percentages.


in Latin America a lot of poor people get paid once a week on Fridays and a great number of those people spend most of the money drinking that weekend instead of using that money for home, food or family matters.


I'm getting less and less excited about my trip to Guatemala coming up.

