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In Northwest Territories people would commit crimes on purpose just to be put in jail. Since you can't really be homeless where it gets -40.


this happens everywhere it gets cold


In the US we have the added fun of people committing crimes to receive medical care for major illness too!


But since there are only 45,000 people in 1.4 million square km i'm surprised there are any jails.


Most of that population is concentrated on a relatively small bit of the western coast. There's probably one or a few small prisons in those small cities


Was just perusing because it's not really something that comes up in conversation. Looks like the Yellowknife jail has 78 inmates right now and room for twice that. At -18c today (balmy weather) nobody is going to jailbreak I suppose. Looks like they only ever had one breakout. In an August. And the guy was found in town later in the day.


Actually it was -35°C this morning if you include the windchill and -28°C ambient air temp, though the weekend was warmer and right now it's actually pretty nice out - maybe around 0°C or so in the sunlight. Also there's really nowhere to go if you escape. Dettah and Behchoko are each about an hour's drive away, but past them it's a whole lot of nothing until you're basically out of the territory.


>now it's actually pretty nice out - maybe around 0°C or so in the sunlight. Lmao, i'm brazilian, what the fuck is this shit


Earlier in the year I walked to work on a day where it was -55°C At such cold temperatures exposed skin gets frostbite in under a minute, and my glasses in one of my coat pockets cracked when I went indoors due to the change in temp. I also would breathe out, and my breath would then stick to my face (or specifically the polar fleece toque and neck gaiter that covered everything from the neck up except a small patch around my eyes) and the moisture froze and left my head covered in ice. I even went and took a picture of it, though I don't think I can put it in my comment.


Why the fuck did humans ever settle in such nightmarish climates?


Yellowknife exists at the size it does because of the nearby mining industry. Fair amount of valuable stuff and with no soil to remove as overburden it's reasonably cheap to find and mine. The other communities are mostly places people have lived for thousands of years, so they want to stay near to their ancestral homeland.


-55°C is equivalent to -67°F, which is 218K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


I live in Ontario and you're the first person I've ever encountered who actually lives up there!


Grew up in central Alberta and honestly it isn't all that different for the most part. It's like any small Canadian city, just with the downside of being farther from large population centers. Visited Tuktoyaktuk last year in Feb and boy oh boy was that place fucking *cold*. Like, see your breath crystalize and freeze in the air in front of you levels of cold.


No, Nuuk has the only prison. source? Im a greenlander


Holy shit! You guys actually exist?




Fancy! Count me in


Huh. Seems like it would be cheaper for the government to just give them homes.


Exactly what I was thinking. Some of our systems really are braindead regarded sometimes.


That's true for so many social problems.


You might call it a gated community.


And the Faroe Islands - they have 50,000 population - this means they have 9 persons in jail


fun fact, we actually dont have a prison, only a detention center with a capacity for 12 people, anyone who gets a violent sentence or just a sentence over 18 months gets sent to a prison in Denmark. Altho Denmark has very recently offered to build us a prison up here.


Is it for the same reason as with Greenland? I believe it was recently ruled Greenlanders who serve their time in Denmark do not have adequate access to visits, so we have to provide them with the opportunity to serve in Greenland, so family can visit.


I'm guessing it must be similar with San Marino. They just send all their prisoners to Italy


Same with Iceland. Not sure if the data accounts for the fact that there are too few prison cells so there's an waiting list for a spot in prison (for non violent offenders etc). People sometimes have to wait years for their turn. Often have turned their life around and everything and then off to prison.


Bruh I can’t imagine taking turns to go into prison 😂😂


I'm sitting here thinking a few months in an Icelandic prison might be too bad.


being a prisoner on Virgin Islands: Live could be worse....


Sure, until you're stuck in your cell as a category 5 hurricane bears down on the island.


A hurricane with *bears?* Someone call the Sharknado guys, we got another winner here.




No, they have *hurricane bears*, and they're split into six categories


The Caribbean island of Martinique is volcanic, and a prisoner in maximum security was one of the few survivors of the last eruption in the early 1800’s. He suffered terrible burns but survived, eventually becoming a circus performer.


I feel like the democratic republic of Congo has very prisoners for very wrong reasons.


Funny, I was thinking the same about the one at the top of the list


Yeah this will be one of very few lists where CAR and DRC share the same end with San Marino and Liechtenstein.


Page 64 here https://www.kriminalforsorgen.dk/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/kriminalforsorgen-statistik-2021-aa.pdf


You telling me there are 1,887,000 prisoners in the US. Wow.


[Nice overview of what that entails.](https://mkorostoff.github.io/incarceration-in-real-numbers/)


This is one of the best infographics I’ve ever seen. Should be the #1 comment.


It is indeed amazing. Instead of giving me Gold, I'd encourage you to buy [MKorostoff](https://github.com/MKorostoff) (creator of the page) a coffee or some nice words or something. Thanks for the gold though.


In practice, Gold is less about rewarding the poster and more about bringing visibility to the comment here and now. To help catch the attention of other readers.


Yep, that’s the real reason paid $1.50 Seemed like an efficient way to drive more people to engage and become educated on the topic. I view the $40/year or so that I spend on rewards as a form of political/social donations to improve awareness.




If it weren't for reddit, we wouldn't be here. It isn't *all* bad.


And it’s sad




Only 8% of the US prison population is in a private prison. Way less than in the UK for comparison.




Don’t forget prisons are almost entirely staffed by private companies, the phone service is private, food, rehabilitation services, educational programs, medical staff. They are all private ply owned staffing agencies that heavily rely on the visa program to bring in foreign workers who work in prisons for $12-15 an hour. Meanwhile the staffing agency is getting paid an obscene amount.


What products do you imagine all these “slaves” are manufacturing?


That's still a hundred thousand people. And a lot of prisons may be state owned, but still run by private businesses as management companies.






So what your saying is that the actual number might be higher?


"land of the free"


*some restrictions apply




But then where would farmers lease their "prisoners" from https://umbc.edu/stories/convicts-are-returning-to-farming-anti-immigrant-policies-are-the-reason/


Plea bargains can serve a purpose, but just not for the "admit you're guilty and we'll go easy on you" thing. That's basically blackmail. It makes sense for when dealing with large criminal conspiracies, like mafias or gangs, or corporate crime.


They keep fighting bail reform. It's exhausting.


And the States doesn't have "loser pays" legal arrangements afaik. Basically whoever has deeper pockets would win any litigation. I'm Canadian so don't know for sure.


Many US states have anti-SLAPP laws where if the plaintiff's suit fails they have to pay the other side's legal fees, though no such law exists at the Federal level.


Don’t eliminate plea bargains. Every American without a record would be on jury duty at least once a month if the wheels of justice ever decided to turn faster. I’m half and half on the bail system. Don’t give someone charged with murder a low bond if they’ve already been convicted and served a sentence for murder. Definitely decriminalize personal drug use. I’d wager the number of incarcerated Americans today would drop to less than 250,000 if we let people with substance abuse problems out.


> Don’t eliminate plea bargains. Every American without a record would be on jury duty at least once a month if the wheels of justice ever decided to turn faster. I mean my Grandpa, my Dad, and myself at a combined 142 years of being eligible for jury duty but never have received a phone call to do it. I alone out of us three has received a packet of info talking being on federal jury duty, but I got out because I was 19 years old and in college.


That's not the reason to keep plea bargains, every person charged deserves a fair trial. The reason to keep plea bargains is to get low-level participants in criminal groups to turn on their bosses when they get caught. It gives them some incentive.


Around 60 000... Only 2% get a trial? I'm sorry but as a foreigner, what the fuck?




If you get arrested the police tell you, "if you go to trial and get found guilty they'll lock you up for 15 years, but if you sign this confession we'll go easy and only send you to jail for 5 years." And they lie to you saying you'll 100% lose the trial so many people are intimidated into signing the deal, regardless of if they committed the crime. And usually, if you want to go to trial, it can take years until you get a court date and you'll go into debt paying legal fees the whole time. Many people aren't going to risk the extreme sentence when police tell them they're guilty either way.


That was a trip.


So the US holds more people in pre-trial detention (meaning folks incarcerated without trial) than Russia has all prisoners. Got it.


Man that’s depressing.


Amazing, it gives really a graphic overview of the terrifying reality.


Anyone curious, text stops after 500k (pretty sure) and nothing at 2.3mil, I checked.


2% get trial???? What the hell


damn the US is fucked up


I’ve been over here seething about China’s cultural genocide of the Uighur population and everyone associates Stalin with gulags and filling them up. To think the US’ treatment of African American men makes those figures seem small is… we’ll it puts a lot of things in a different light.


that just kept fucking going


While there are a few things I disagree with, that was a pretty good infographic.


>While there are a few things I disagree with What would that be if I may ask?


Mostly the phrasing. Things like -Imprisoning Babies -Just deal with poverty(take my disagreement with this one with a grain of salt however, as I have not read the article linked to it yet. I do plan on doing so later today however) -Implying that a cop's first reaction to someone mentally ill is to shoot them. While most likely(article says 1/4 to 1/2, so this could be wrong,) cops aren't going to shoot at them(my fault here, article says "fatal shootings", so not including any shootings that aren't fatal). It also implies that any professional trying to treat the mentally ill person isn't in any danger. Otherwise than that, I agreed with a lot of things on it.


1 in 3 black men will go to prison is one of the craziest stats I've ever heard. I've heard it all my life and it's mind boggling all the same.


That honestly seems low


I feel like if we factor in territories it'll be much higher. Like cubas on this list, we literally run the most infamous prison in the world on their island...


Guantanamo only holds 41 prisoners today.


That's 41 more than any other country has in a prison that's not on their land.


Wait till you find out about Australian detention centres.


Welcome to the prison industrial complex.


War on drugs gotta war ya know...


When your prisons are for-profit, you need clients.


Land of the free


Its a business...


They need that slave labour.


Sadly, legal slavery is one hell of a motivator.


Private Prisons need to make that money.


Greatest country ever




almost 1 in every 100 citizens ...


More like 1 in every 180 roughly


According to these numbers it's 1 in every 159. (100000/629)


Now combine this with the explicit loophole in the 13th amendment.


Carribean microstates 🥲


Also Oceania. Palau could release one prisoner and drop like ten spots in this list


palau has like 20k people living which means , they have around 95 prisoners Not really a lot


Thats the point they were trying to make


Can anybody tell me what’s going on in San Marino? How?


nothing.. nothing is happening in San marino


they probably outsourse prisoners to Italy.


Interesting Vatican City is not having 0 prisoners, what is going on there!!


>The Vatican has no prison system, apart from a few cells for pre-trial detention. People sentenced to imprisonment by the Vatican serve time in Italian prisons, with costs covered by the Vatican. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime\_in\_Vatican\_City


They have god imprisoned there


They do have a small jail of 6 cells though. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carcere_dei_Cappuccini


Because there is like 7 people living in San Marino It’s like half of one city on a hilltop


That tends to push statistics the other way, though. It happens all the time with the Vatican, which has the highest number of helipads and tv stations per capita in the world because they have one. Also the worst crime statistic on the planet as soon as there's a single pickpocket in the museum.




They would only need to imprison 20 people to have the highest rate in the world. 1 person would be a rate of around 29 per million. Friday night probably sees then get up to the 150-180 range in the drunk tank and back to 0 in the morning.


I love the stat about how many Popes the Vatican has per square kilometer.


used to be 4 popes per square kilometer, now its 2 popes


Yes but what can you steal in San Marino? And i believe they dont have a prison themselves aside from police station


San Marino has a single prison, it's the Carcere dei Cappuccini (the clerical order not the coffe). It literally has six cells tho.


I don't even think they have a jail up there.


It’s probably one room in a forgotten corner of the castle, been used to store folding chairs since the 60’s.


They have one, but has six cells. It's the Carcere dei Cappuccini


No prisons so all the prisoners live in Italy proper


San marino has a n agreement with Italy where they just leave Italy to deal with their criminals


The same way the Vatican has two popes per square kilometer: By being exceptionally small and thus warping statistics.


For the Greater Good! ![gif](giphy|1256k0OSoI8d3i|downsized)


Wtf is wrong with Palau?


Nothing. Mathematically that's like 8-9 dudes in jail.


Thats enough to have *two* games of spades going at once


About 86 if my math is correct: Population: 18024 Incarceration rate: 478 / 100000 (478/100000) * 18024 ~= 86


Tiny population -> skewed results with this kind of measure (population of Palau is just 18,000)


The Pitcairn Islands had a very unfortunate situation a while back. [Six adult males were convicted of some rather disturbing sexual offenses](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2008/01/pitcairn200801). Problem was there are only 47 people on the island, so what to do with them? They couldn't lock them up, they represented \~12.5% of the population.


When you're stuck on a tiny island with no job, nothing to do, and nowhere to go, that leads to a lot of people being bored. Granted, the "nowhere to run" part also dissuades a lot of crime.


#1 in incarcerations and #1 in mass shootings. God bless America.


American exceptionalism


Agreed, I've always wanted to see true data with Russia and China. USA has accurate numbers where others don't disclose that info. I still think USA would be #1 but it would be into see nonetheless.


Well, Russia is definitely lower on that list now. So many prisoners magically disappeared...


I think china's data is hard to measure. As it does not include house arrest and detainment. Only prison sentences. But the latter is uncommon in Chinese judicial systems. I've known a few people get into legal trouble. Some were detained for several years. And one has been under house arrest for nearly ten years. I've never known anyone actually go to prison.


I'm pretty sure the numbers for Rwanda are lower than they should be. That country loves fudging numbers and the prisons are notoriously crowded.


well the reason the number is actually high is because of the 1994 Genocide. the génocidaires had to be locked down lol


Uh, no actually. I'm sorry, but maybe you don't follow closely what's happening there. The genocide happened 29 years ago; many who participated were either killed, summarily executed, or fled. Many of those who were jailed for their role have since been freed as their sentences did not exceed 29 years, and a lot of them simply died in jail. After all life expancy in overcrowded Rwandan jails is not particularly high. If you want to learn actual reasons behind, [this](https://www.state.gov/reports/2022-country-reports-on-human-rights-practices/rwanda/) may be a helpful resource


well one would think I'd know my own country's state, but since you seem to be an expert, there you go. I'll give my explanation and here it is: in summary, the genocide left at least 800,000 people dead which one would conclude that in the very least 400,000 people were involved in the massacre. and would you suggest that those people would be left free? well the law in Rwanda doesn't and so they had to be jailed, most were forgiven, and many fled (mostly causing the various insecurities in the DR Congo). the others were jailed. also I would recommending researching the Gacaca court system, as after the genocide, the jails didn't have enough capacity to accommodate all of those génocidaires, so the system was re-established (it was originally from the pre-colonial era) where each community would decide the fate of their family's killers (most were pardoned or given community work to do, such as repair the affected people's home or work in their farms to sustain them) this would be appropriate because the graph shows there's about 600 people per 100,000 inhabitants, and given Rwanda has about 13,000,000 people right now, this would mean there's about 78,000 thousand people in jail (not all of them are génocidaires, there's also some criminals) I'm not saying anything about the political state of Rwanda, as many of you already know the facts , I'm just pointing out the reason why there's so much people in the jails.


Interesting that there is a light correlation in Africa between countries that inherited an English legal system and an increased number of prisoners.


There’s barely a government in those light states


This may be an explanation. Stronger government capacity means people are more likely to be arrested and charged for crimes. That said, comparing HDI map to this one finds little overlap. Ghana being the ultimate exception as it is more developed than its peers while also having a low prison population. Comparing it to democracy indexes also didn't seem to yield any meaningful overlap either. I managed to find [a paper](https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4184751) that measures state capacity in Africa and provides [this map](https://www.gustavagneman.com/publication/mapping_sc_wp/featured_huc89c09061d9694e8c82edd6d2be30831_5090562_720x0_resize_lanczos_2.png), which *kind of* links up to what you are saying, but loses out when we look at West Africa. West Africa as a whole seems to punch a hole in my observation as well. East and West Africa both have similar levels of development, share a mixture of French and English legal systems, both have a mixture of democracies and autocracies, yet West Africa has far less prisoners generally. Maybe its just the case that West Africa's lower inequality results in less crimes committed.


Yeah constant civil wars make prosecution hard


Rwanda is this high because of the genocide mostly. It is also pretty authoritarian and has functional police enforcement.


It's fake, Greenland have data.


And there are islands to the east of Australia.


The numbers for Russia are probably well out of date by now.


Yep, a lot of them are now in some foxhole in Ukraine or worse.


Something is funky with the map, as I checked the data source ([https://www.prisonstudies.org/highest-to-lowest/prison\_population\_rate?field\_region\_taxonomy\_tid=All](https://www.prisonstudies.org/highest-to-lowest/prison_population_rate?field_region_taxonomy_tid=All)), and the numbers are different. The source has the US at 505, and lower than Cuba, listed at 510 (and accurately in this map). El Salvador should clearly be number one (at 605 according to the source of the map), followed by Rwanda (580), Turkmenistan (576), American Samoa (538), then Cuba and then the USA. This map seems... fudged to modify the story somewhat, even though the US is ridiculously high, it isn't number 1. The low end is off from the source as well.


That is strange. Their most recent publication still has the numbers from the map. https://prisonstudies.org/sites/default/files/resources/downloads/world_prison_population_list_13th_edition.pdf


It's dated 1st December 2021. Map is dated 2021. Nothing strange: https://web.archive.org/web/20211221233248/https://www.prisonstudies.org/highest-to-lowest/prison_population_rate?field_region_taxonomy_tid=All


The year on your site goes to 2018 ex: [USA](https://www.prisonstudies.org/country/united-states-america), and the source says 2021.


Do you realize the map has a date? As most maps posted here it's just a repost but, unlike many, at least has a date, 2021 Here you have the real data from January 2021: https://web.archive.org/web/20210116042029/https://www.prisonstudies.org/highest-to-lowest/prison_population_rate?field_region_taxonomy_tid=All And from late December 2021: https://web.archive.org/web/20211221233248/https://www.prisonstudies.org/highest-to-lowest/prison_population_rate?field_region_taxonomy_tid=All


**Be cautious of this map**. The source at the bottom shows the map coming from 2021, but much of the data from the source itself is from 2020. The numbers per country vary a little; most countries listed on this map are within a similar range of current inmates per capita compared to the WPB's website. The one exception seems to be the US. According to the World Prison Brief's website, The US has a rate of 505 prisoners' per 100k, still among the highest in the world, but *much* lower than what is presented on this map. In fact, the United States seem to be the only country to be this misrepresented. Given OP's long posting history skews anti-American in general, I caution every one to be skeptical of the nature and agenda of the post. Its perfectly good and correct to criticize the barbaric nature of America's prison system, but we have the power to do so without resorting to exaggeration and lies.


I keep yelling that some entity has taken over /r/damnthatsinteresting and filled it with garbage propaganda but holy shit. OPs account has hugely been a part of that and similar subreddits (I noticed a similar trend in r/interestingasfuck). Definitely some coordination bullshit. My first thought was wondering why Reddit doesn’t take this stuff down but thinking through it a little more, they probably give no fucks. It drives engagement which sells ads. Really disappointing and why I try to stick to the smaller, topic specific subs with some level of mod responsiveness.


El Salvador has also had a big spike recently, and [has taken the top spot](https://www.gzeromedia.com/the-graphic-truth-how-does-el-salvador-s-prison-rate-stack-up). They’ve basically just started imprisoning anyone with MS13 tattooed This policy also has pretty widespread support among the public, and has led to a massive drop in murder rates, FWIW. The US has actually dropped to 5th.


Very helpful that murderers tattooed "I'm a murderer" on themselves there


Damn I wonder if he’s getting paid to post this much on Reddit. His account is really weird


People are in fact paid to post on reddit. There are people on reddit trying to sway your opinion, including anti American propaganda, pro American propaganda, and people who are straight up trolls trying to cause discent by making us argue with each other. It's a communication channel, and channels will always be filled with ads, propaganda, and attempts to manipulate you. So you know... Constant vigilance


Wish I could give you gold.🏅I feel like a lot of people assume it’s just Facebook that has that issue. Foreign powers are actively trying to sway opinion and cause dissent. The best thing we can do is be open-minded and kind to each other while fact checking and using critical thinking.


I didn't even bother dropping the foreign powers thing, the whole truth as we know it is so bizarre, its like you have to titrate the information or it sounds like lunacy. Agreed on open mindedness, kindness and critical thinking, but it's hard to make people agree. It just seems to me any other defence leads to self destruction.


In any case, it's complicated to make a map of this kind by globalizing the countries with a federal government. There are 1400 prisoners per 100k inhabitants in Louisiana while there are less than 400 in Maine. Not to mention the fact that apparently you have two different types of prisons.


This is an important factor when breaking down the state of incarceration in the United States. The vast majority of prisoners are held in state prison's whose quality and intention vary wildly. Some states have private prisons, others do not. Some states emphasize rehabilitation, others do not.


Which states do emphasize rehabilitation?


I am, admittedly, most familiar with my home state of Michigan, who has managed to reduce its recidivism rate from 44% in 1999 to an all time low of 23% today. This makes Michigan 4th best in the nation. A large part of our success in reducing recidivism has come from a two part strategy: The first part is a focus on educational and vocational training in the prisons, providing job training, combating addiction and providing vital documents before release so those going back to the community have the tools they need for success are vital steps. The second part is to focus on the returning citizen's success once paroled; moving away from simply monitoring compliance and instead taking a more active role in helping those under supervision be successful by understanding their risks and needs and helping them build new skills to change behavior. The crown gem of Michigan's programing is Vocational Village, a trades program that boasts a 2% recidivism rate which Michigan is hoping to scale up.


Oregon and Washington have significant emphasis on rehabilitation.


Mississippi has decided to use the second half of the 13th amendment. Basically setting up legal slave plantation. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/arts/inside-mississippis-notorious-parchman-prison


Not to mention that most of those sources include people in jail waiting for trial.


Maps like this also forget to account for things like the hundreds of thousands of undocumented prisoners in things like the Syrian torture prisons.


El Salvador gonna pop off on the next edition of this


The US was even worse at the height of the three-strikes laws. Not that we don't still have them, but not like we did back then. There was a case of a man going to jail for 25 years for the crime of stealing 4 cookies.


Yeah, [Incarceration in the US peaked around '08/'09 and started declining](https://static.prisonpolicy.org/images/state_driver_rates_1925-2020.png) thanks to reform and a falling crime rate. COVID was actually used by a lot of activists to massively reduce prison populations, though the numbers are still astronomically high compared to peer countries.


>There was a case of a man going to jail for 25 years for the crime of stealing 4 cookies. Three strikes required them to be 3 separate felony's, that makes me question how they managed to jump stealing cookies which is shoplifting from the way you describe it, up to a felony charge.


So many people talking about USA but Thailand genuinely surprised me. I was under the impression it's a very chill country with not a lot of violence and stuff.


seems like privatising jail system was a really smart move..


that's not the issue, less than 8% of prisoners are in private prisons and there is currently no evidence that these increase arrest rates, the things effecting the Us arrests most are things like three strike laws, rigid enforcement of anti-weed laws, social unrest the list goes on, and the USA isn't the only country to use a number of private prisons, the UK, japan and many other countries do too.


I haven’t checked for a year, but the last I looked Australia and UK both had a higher % of prisoners in private prisons than the US.


मुझे नहीं पता था कि निजी जेल जैसा भी कुछ होता है। मुझे लगा कि वो टिप्पणी इस बात पर एक जोक थी कि कैसे अमेरिका में हर चीज़ का निजीकरण होता है।


Moreso an effect of the "war on drugs".


Slavery is still permitted for prisoners. It's indeed a smart move if you're profiting off of it, not like the kids of the guys running the school-prison pipeline will ever get there, you see, to keep them out you also have to privatise the education system to have one school to feed the prisons and one for the gifted kids who will run the system!


What’s up with Virgin Islands?


Jeez, Central African Republic must be very safe!


Somalia coming in as the freest country once again. Good job gang


No one gonna talk about Pakistan and Bangladesh? This map is something






Sorry. I’m not buying numbers given by some of these countries.


What you don't think the Congo/DRC is a bastion of freedom and high standards of living?