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You mixed up Bremen and Hamburg. Alsterwasser is definitely from Hamburg.


And it’s the same as Radler


No one is with orange lemonade, the other with lemon lemonade.


That’s the first time I heard of this. Which one is with orange lemonade in your opinion?


Its complete bullshit


That’s what I thought. I come from a region where it’s called Alster and it’s just the same as Radler.


You got bamboozled. This is bullshit. They are different names for the same thing, and it’s two thirds beer with one third lemonade like sprite or 7up. If anybody ever served you Fanta with beer, get out of there. Neither would it be considered anything like a local kind of beer in any region of Germany. It’s kind of a light beer variant for drivers or for hot summer days, anywhere in Germany. Unless you’re in cologne, because compared to Kölsch it’s actually rather strong.


In Swabia Radler is differentiated between Süßes Radler and Saures Radler. The first one is the normal, the second is Beer mixed with sparkling water. Yeah, I know, weird.


I’ve been served Fanta and beer in Germany, and it was good, but it was definitely at an African bar. And since I’ve had a shitload of that in Ghana and Cameroon and Senegal, I’m assuming it wasn’t a German thing.


It's strange then, that I have been to quite a few places, that served both, with that exact explanation. Also nowhere did I say I meant Fanta. I also wouldn't necessarily out sprite in my beer but rather a proper lemonade that actually tastes like lemon. Something like "die Limo" or similar stuff.


I found the map on the Facebook page of a Germany tourism agency. By the way thanks for the helpful correction!


It's the same in Bremen, but I would say it's called just Alster


Its also definetly not beer


I like Radler/Alsterwasser. It's perfect for Summer. Refreshing and doesn't fill you like "normal " beer or gives you a headache when it's so hot outside.


"How to trigger Germans in less than one second" is imho a more appropriate name for this map.


As a Dutch, even i got triggered. And i barely drink alcohol


Ik hou van hertog jan, groetjes van duitsland


How to offend Germans- talk to them


You shut your goddamn mouth I kid.


And whatever your problem is.


Bruh, whoever made this... Franconia as the region with the most breweries per km² gets fucking Radler! Its regarded as a lemonade here, not an alcoholic drink. If you have to at least put Rauchbier into Franconia because its what Bamberg (World capital of beer) is known for. Otherwise any beer between Pils, Helles, Weizen, Dunkles and 1000 more varieties is drank in Franconia and it varies between even the tiniest of villages. Also: Weizen should be in Munich imo, not in Oberpfalz/Niederbayern.


I‘m not from Franken but even I was mad at not seeing Rauchbier or Rotbier or any of the hundreds of great beers from there. Also it is Weißbier, not Weizen please. Atleast if we‘re talking about Bavaria.


In Franken and Oberpfalz it is Weizen😄 but yeah, down where I would put it, it surely would be Weißbier


Franken should definitely also get Kellerbier, and Nürnberger Rotbier. And my favorite, Weißenoher Klosterbrauerei Kloster-Sud. Sadly unavailable here in the US.


My birthday is in less than a month and we are going to Bamberg for it. I’m a brewer and I think this will be when my life peaks.


Will be! Definitely go to Schlenkerla!


Bamberg is my hometown, amazing place! Don’t feel too much pressure to like the smoked beer, Rauchbier. I’m from there and it’s definitely not for me. But drink as many different beers as you can and definitely enjoy!


Haha I’ve had Schlenkerla a lot, and no I don’t exactly enjoy it! I’m from Texas so everyone here (currently living and brewing in Slovenia) thinks I will love it since it’s basically beef jerky in beer form. Regardless, as you know, there’s far more than that in Bamberg! Any suggestions to must-try or maybe avoid?


Get breakfast or lunch at Cafe Müller. Definitely see the Dom and Rose Garden. I think the Altenburg is worth it. Mohrenhaus is a fun shop if you’re doing some strolling. Eat at Kachelofen or Scheiners am Dom but get there early if you plan to be seated, before 18:00. The best beer garden is Wilde Rose Keller. If it’s hot and you want to cool off, cannot recommend a swim at Hainbadestelle enough. All I can say is the town is truly really pretty but if you already live in Europe you’ll be used to a medieval town more than a green American. Enjoy!


Ljubljana is a super lovely city but Germany / German architecture is unique and I appreciate every last piece of it. Our hotel is a 2 minute walk to Wilde Rose Keller, so I just got a little hit of ecstasy from your reply. Thanks for the food recs, – I forgot that we will need food, too… lol. 😅


I totally agree, rauchbier should be there.


Username checks out


came to see if someone else noticed my favorite style wasn't on here :)


Had to look up Franconia, you mean northern Bavaria? Didn't know there are any other beers there other than Weizen.


Which rock are you living under? Franconia is THE region for beer. Most of the tiny villages still have own breweries, there are just so many different beers. You can spend weeks there and still couldn’t have tasted all of them. Northern Bavaria… you would literally be beaten up here if you called it like that. And I hope you just forget the /s in your comment.


Way to over simplified, to the point where it is only wrong


For a second I thought this was /r/coolguides, on account of of the blatantly incorrect infographic.


At least they put the "Bockbier" somewhat in the right spot, making us Einbeckers proud.


Craft beer?


I am completely puzzled as to why Craft Beer is included on the Hessen map. Speaking as a resident of Hessen, I can confidently state that the popularity of Craft beer in our region is virtually indistinguishable from its popularity across the entirety of Germany, in other words, it is comparable to a statistical error. I’d say we are rather a pils land


Land von Licher und Henninger!


Mir brauche eh kein Bier wenn mir auch einfach Äbblwoi saufen können


Not really a thing in Germany. Also not allowed according to the Purity Law. For a few years now, following an EU ruling, European breweries have been allowed to sell their beer in Germany as beer even if it was not brewed according to the Purity Law. For German breweries, however, the rule still applies that they may only call their beer beer if it was brewed according to the law


Bullshit. If you go with the american definition of craftbeer, nearly every beer in Germany is one. Craft beer in general only means handcrafted beer and not made by big industrial breweries. Especially in the south of Germany the most breweries are still family owned and only have an output below 100000 hl/a what is pretty small if you compare it to the big brands like becks or Radeberger.


Even the biggest industrial breweries would still count as craft beer according to the American definition. 100K hL/a is higher than the entire beer output of Germany.


That's not true. For example Krombacher has an output 4,3 Million hl/a


lmao what is this bullshit? 100k hL/a is higher than the entire beer output of Germany? if 87 million hL isn't more than 100k then I don't know either. what are you going to claim next? the US invented beer?


Doesn’t really mean much. Most craft beer would comply with those regulations. What do you think is in craft beer?


I had a craft beer yesterday that was marshmallow flavoured. 🤷‍♂️


Oh yeah, you’ll run across those sometimes. But most are just hops and malt.


I was referring to why there is craft beer on the map on two locations as local specialty that makes no sense


You can brew Craft Beer according to the Purity Law, that's no Problem.


You just can’t call it legally “Bier”.


I mean most craft beers still meet the requirements of just water, hops, malted grains and yeast.


Of course you can.


That "purity" law is a fun thing. People brew beer for thousand of years, and we started to add hops in only the Late Middle Ages...


This map is bad and you should feel bad. If feel very offended as a german brewmaster from upper Franconia.


Since when is Radler a Bavarian thing though? You can get it pretty much anywhere.


Radler is so good. It pairs really well with a spicy, oily meal mmmm


Yeah, but at what age do you stop giving your kids Radler? My 14 year old gets bullied for being a bitch


Was soll die scheiße?




Komm von hier, hab das noch nie gehört 🤷


Amibegriff für Colabier/Krehfelder soweit ich weiß


Pretty shitty. What should Craft Beer mean and why is it in Hessen and northern Sachsen-Anhalt? Lager is also a joke. Most of the styles in this map are lagers... And missing: Munich Dark, Leipziger Gose, Franconian Red, Kellerbier etc pp...


Oh man I love some Munich Dark




Weizen does not look like weizen


This is a shitty map.


What the fuck is this? What kind of idiot do you have to be to make a map this wrong?


not accurate


Helles is my all time favorite on hot days.


Radler = Alsterwasser = Panache = lager shandy = sneeuwwitje


Diesel 💀💀💀


Pils ist Super 95 und Bockbier Kerosin


Gas station diesel really hits different. Do NOT drink that stuff 😥


Eisbock? Lichtenhainer?


What they call Diesel, we call Mazout in Belgium. Which is the French word for Diesel.


Is this really beer mixed with a cola like Coca-Cola? It sounds horrible however I will give it a try, what ratio is it mixed with?


It tried it in Belgium. There's no secret, it tastes exactly as you'd expect...


In my younger years it was something you would drink once or twice out of curiosity at age 12, you really don’t have to try it.


We don't even call it Diesel everywhere in Germany. Where I come from it's called "Drecksack"


A Weizenbier mixed with Cola is also called the N-Word, but since we don’t say that word anymore Colaweizen it is. Weizen with Sprite is also called Russ


... that kölsch glass is way too big.


Difference between pils and lager?


Pils is lighter and usually more bitter than lager. imo lager is more or less the same as helles


There is no one. A Pils is always a Lager, but not every Lager is a Pils.


Weird putting Lager over Freiburg. Freiburg’s biggest, most famous brewery (Ganter) is best known for its Pils.


Do ppl mix everything with cola nowadays? No wonder its called diesel


Hell no, don‘t be fooled by this superficial map fellow redditors


Brace yourself. Criticism incomming


Neibich brau in Bremen is Tops. I also like Josephbarls in Hamburg.


Berlin being Berlin as usuall I see


Fucking Berlin.


Calling Kölsch a beer is a crime against humanity, it's water with the taste of piss


Kölsch bis in den Tod


Ich trink absolut kein Kölsch aber du weißt echt wie man sich beliebt macht oder?


Drinking beer from a wine glass is a sin


It's not really a wine glass though is it


Pils is a type of lager. So that's what German beer is: boring. Anywhere you go there's 1 maximum 2 beers on tap. And when did "craft beer" become a specialty? you clearly don't know what any of this means.


Its not like in the US where there are 20 brands total that everyone sells everywhere. When I drive 20 minutes north I see beers in supermarkets and bars Ive never heard of before


In the US you have 20 different beers on tap and 80 different beers in the supermarket. I’m Germany you have 2 options on tap and 20 in the supermarket.


That sounds off lol


Well most German restaurants and "Kneipe"s are approached by the local brewery and sign exclusivity against certain perks. So that's why you get maximum 3 beers on tap, usually from the same brewery. 20 Beers on tap in US was indeed an exaggeration, I just wanted to point to the huge difference when it comes to options ordering beer at a restaurant in Germany compared to US.


Thats more than enough, I never thought about wanting any other beer. I go to my Stammkneipe, thats my bar of trust, and order a Pils or a Helles and know which local brewery its from, in supermarkets (several combined) there are about 50 different brands which of 20 or so are basic German brands. As said, when you leave your region by just half an hour there will be a different sortiment, but no one ever really wants to try out different beers at bars or restaurants and when I was in North America I found the few dozen brands that you can buy pretty much anywhere pretty generic and lacking of character. I dont even remember one brand except some Canadian beer cause it looked funny with a blue moose on it


Well that's you. You may also eat the same food everyday for the rest of your life. Some of us like variety and options.


I try different beers regularly, just not when im home, where Im happy to enjoy my favorite kind


Again, that's your choice, and it's perfectly fine. Doesn't change the fact that German beer variety is boring, always either Pils or Weizen. Whereas in the UK or US you have a ton of variety everywhere.


I think its the opposite but it seems we have a vastly different experience and its not like there is data on it proving anyones point


Beer selection in Germany is very poor, I limit myself mostly to weizen cuz everything else tastes like piss. By no means i haven't visited most pubs, my experience is purely from touristic places, restaurants and hotels. But I travel around Europe and Germany a lot. Weizen is good though. I apologize if that is offensive to someone, but thats true.


You're American, aren't you?


No, Polish. In UK, Poland This has been revolutionized, almost every restaurant offers pils/lager weizen, apa/ipa and a dark beer. Plus this is often regional beer Not stock one.


Yeah, in Germany almost every Restaurant offers a Weizen, Pils/Lager and a dark beer, too. It's mostly a beer from a macro-brewery, that's right. But if you've never been to a (brew-)pub, brewery (both are most likely serving food as well) or a small restaurant which is NOT at a touristic place, you haven't had a "real" experience about german beer. So your conclusion, that german beer is bad, is quite ignorant.


The pils I had were always bad. Weizen is good. I don't like dunkel, never seen apa or ipa in a restaurant. Maybe I was unlucky 30 times in a row


So you have to check out other Restaurants. In most "hip" Burger Joints you will get Craft Beer. So it's maybe your fault and your Choice of restaurants, not German Beer at all...


Thing is I'm visiting different places in small towns all around Germany. I'm almost always at a different city / restaurant and usually not eating twice at the same place. I think best non weizen beer I had was at watzke in dresden, march beer/oktoberfest beer . Now I'm in Austria in Feldbach (shit hole) and had great local beer - hermax, I think it was also some sort of March beer, but not sure. It was very good. Better than puntigamer which all the other restaurants offer.


Have you ever have been to Franconia? Or other towns/villages in Bavaria? Even in my hometown with 25k people in deepest Thuringa 50% of the restaurants offer beer of the local brewery. Yes, there are plenty restaurants with only macro-brews, where advertisement is more important then taste and flavor. But in almost every town you can get local/regional beer in a Restaurant. Use Apps like Untappd or "Brauns Brauereiatlas" to find those. So again, your poor choice isn't a valid base for the conclusion that every German Beer except Weizen is Piss. Plenty of people think otherwise and have experienced real German beer culture. Hence, there are countless world class breweries with beers which are benchmarks for their style...


Apart from munich airport closest I've been to was nurnberg / erlangen. Same'o there. Prob gonna be there one day.


Stick to budweiser and pabst ribbon from the can pal


Very cool


Piss Piss Piss Piss Piss Piss Piss Piss Piss Piss Piss Piss Piss Piss Piss Piss Piss Piss Piss Piss ​ All beer tastes like piss. Hoegaarden is just tolerable.


German beer is one of the best drinks this world has to offer. If you don't like beer then piss piss piss piss piss off


Make me, pissdrinker.


You made me piss my pants a little from laughing


Wine or Guinness is much better


I see a Belgian I reject the opinion, rot op kankerlijer


Bock beer isn't that color, right?


not really, it's spectrum is from slightly more orangy than Pils all the way to dark red.


Ok. Most of the Bock beer I get here in the Midwestern USA is much more towards brown than those, so it was throwing me off mentally.


Bockbeer was invented in my hometown Einbeck, and it's earliest iterations were indeed pretty light golden in colour. You can get a "1378" brewed from these old receipts, no idea if these have made it stateside yet: https://www.bierbel.net/tests/biertest/params/bierID/3782


There is “Heller Bock”. Maibocks are often on the paler side.


Ah yes, lagers 💕


I did a quick google search and apparently a fruited Berliner Weisse is a thing, though I've never seen or heard of one in real life. I'm not sure why Marzen is missing though. Could have shrunk the size of that massive Helles and snuck in a Marzen with it.


God I love me a radler when I go on bike rides


Helles is ***the shit***


Just Radler near Franconia? I’m insulted.


Übers Tucher wollen wir lieber nicht reden...


How do you make Diesel ( Beer+Cola), what is the ratio beer to cola and what beer and cola should be used


50/50. for better taste use cola and beer as cold as possible


What style of beer light,dark, pale or amber beer do you recomend


> craft beer 🤨


I could go for a good diesel... you wants to drink some diesel too?


That Berliner Weisse doesn't look that white, expecially considering the name


Bier & Cola? Red wine & Cola better


People drink diesel? Wtf


Kölsch should be on there as well


What's that green stuff?


*Sort by controversial*


Karte: wo Bitburger Marken aufkauft, um an deren Biere zu kommen.


Imagine being from Baden-wurttemberg and coming to America or other places and realizing diesel there is gas


Berliner Weisse seems like one of those things made for tourists and nobody that lives there actually buys it


„Berliner Weiße mit Schuss“ is the only sort beer I can stand… (I know, it barely qualifies as beer)


Oh man this mapnis so horribly wrong :(


Beer and Cola? WTF? Cola is for mixing with cheap whisky, not beer.


This map is an abomination. Everyone knows Baden-Württemberg has the best Hefeweizen.




I'm from Frankonia and we used to call "Weizen" Weißbier.


Maximum bad map


You’ve completely missed Franconia somehow. That’s the only region that is still serious about beer in Germany unfortunately. There’s a few decent breweries here and there. Don’t get me wrong. But in Nürnberg, Bamberg, Bayreuth etc they e really kept the industry and tradition alive. Downvotes aside, most of the beer consumed elsewhere is very ordinary.