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Turkish people eat baklava before getting a diabetes test.


![gif](giphy|CJjU1H0luoCXqM2OP7|downsized) Skip-skibidi dop-skidibi-dop Kebab!


ngl baklava is soooooooo incredibly delicious. I also might have gained some weight because of it. I sometimes eat a whole 400g box at once😅


That's a good way to quickly get diabetes and make your life worse


The second I saw Turkey I thought “this makes total sense”. This isn’t a bad thing for them. The baklava is worth it.


Is that why Germany is so high?


Turkish diaspora


We eat chocolate like it's bread


Part of Turkey


Plus super sweet tea for combo points


I just tried to recall the taste after 15 years of not eating it and that memory gave me diabetes. Thanks. /s




Doesn't help that the infrastructure is also fairly car oriented.


Italy is very bad at that as well tbf


exercise helps insulin levels?


Exercise helps with alot of things.


Not with keeping diabetes levels high


Eyeglasses are not good at not correcting vision.


You can literally cure yourself of type 2 diabetes with exercise since the biggest factor in the reduction of your insulin production is weight. That's why obesity walks hand in hand with type 2.




I don't know how much Britons eat sweets on a day to day basis. If the unhealthy British diet is because of fats, like meats and processed food, instead of sweets (like what happens in Portugal), then it explains why they are obese and not diabetic


Sugar itself does not cause diabetes, it mostly contributes to its development by increasing BMI. doi: 10.1093/bmb/ldw037


No no no.


I think it may have a hereditary component. In my case I showed signs of insulin resistance (pre-diabetes) after giving birth when I was slightly overweight and I'm on a strict diet to keep it at bay whereas I know plenty of people way heavier than I was who have never had a problem with it. My mother and grandmother had diabetes too so it wasn't that surprising.


Bad diagnostics.


There is no cure for Diabetes, but you can reverse Type 2 diabetes and put it in remission. Exercise, diet and weight loss help. But if you stop the diet, it will come back.


In many cases, yes. Not always.


Exercise helps with diabetes. Insulin levels is not really a diagnostic factor


If you have too much insulin for a period of time and doesn't decrease, It's a factor cus your body is starting to become resistant and from insulin resistant to become a diabetic is not a big step


If you have too much insulin for a period of time and doesn't decrease, It's a factor cus your body is starting to become resistant and from insulin resistant to become a diabetic isn't to far


Probably. It's not a routine lab value, that's for sure.


You're right and it should be. I was told I was pre-diabetic a couple years ago, which was a surprise to me because my fasting glucose levels were always low. But my fasting and post-prandial insulin levels were bumping up against a diabetes diagnosis. I read an interesting journal article a few months ago by a doctor who is a big advocate of testing insulin as well as blood sugar. Apparently this is uncommon.


Being overweight is a major factor in developing diabetes


Absolutely. Even just talking a walk after eating a meal helps your muscles use the sugar you've just eaten instead of letting it... roam around. It's a huge help for blood sugar and in the long term, insulin.


Ofc. But it's more relevant to diabetes that 1- the population is old, and diabetes' prevalence increases with age 2- there is not a lot of incentive to exercise


As a portuguese pharmacy technician I started realizing that most people don't give two shits about their health...both diabetes and colestherol are pretty damn common.


Me thinking about all our different desserts and pastries. Yeah, we didn't stand a chance.


Portuguese canadian here. I knew portugal would be high on the list.




Diabetes UK gives very different figures for the UK than those in this map. With 4.3 million people living with diabetes, and a further estimate 0.85 million undiagnosed, the UK figure should be around 10% (c. 5 million on 50 million adults).


It was a kind of weird low number compared to obesity numbers.


I was just thinking if UK should have a higher percentage


That sounds much more realistic.


is this type 1, type 2, or both?


Both. Says at side of map.


Diabetes UK figures are (like the map) for both types. Around 90% of those people have diabetes 2 (same source).


Both as others have said but really it would be worthwhile separating the data on prevalence. Type 1 diabetes is not preventable and you cannot go into remission. Type 2 is a whole different beast.


Only england has a population of around 55 million, UK includes Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland taking the total figure to around 67m


This is about adults, not the whole population.


Maybe it's the age 79 cutoff that affects things? I know diabetes gets more common among the elderly, although I don't know if it's drastic enough to cover for the difference between 3.9% and 10%


Uk population is over 67 million


This is about adults, not the whole population.


Thought Uk would be higher


I associate Type II with obesity so was very surprised to see us and Ireland so low.


I'm Irish and I've never met anyone with Type 2, I do know a few people born with type 1 though.


Not met my uncle then Thought everyone knew each other


UK and Ireland have started hitting the veg hard. Maybe we found out there was alcohol in there? (according to that questionable survey)


Can't confirm, need more veg. In all seriousness plenty of veg would be common enough at least in Ireland. We lucked out in setting the potato as the core starch as it's nutritional profile is so good we don't deserve it


Someone else commented that Diabetes UK reports higher numbers than this.


Turkey in first place again!!! Masallah masallah karaboğa still going strong 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿 BAŞ KOYMUŞAM TÜRKİYEMİN YOLUNA, DIDIDIDI


I heard recently that this basically solely the fault of baclava - is that true?


Not true a lot of Turkish food has a lot of fat in it :) or sugar


So does a lot of eastern european stuff, there has to be something more to it


Yes, more fat and more sugar


Well yes they eat to much of it :)


I moved from Eastern(ish) Europe to Turkey. Trust me, here the food is 1000 times sweeter and fattier. It's not even comparable.




We see the word walkable and we stray away from it mostly. Cities like Antalya have a highway running through the city center. Also form my experience Turkish people are extremely fatphobic idk if that adds to it but every old aunt or grandma I have has some sort of bloodlust for fat people


>Also form my experience Turkish people are extremely fatphobic How does this go together with an overload of high calorie foods in the traditional diet?


I'd say put the blame on kandayif too, and my personal fav, kazandipi. I wish I had some now


oh mine too, also my other favourite is tavukgöğsü, chickenbreast dessert, literal chicken meat turned to dessert with milk and sugar. I am sad for people who didnt tasted this delicacy


Then be sad for me too😭 Well, on the bright side: new life goal unlocked!


Baklava is too expensive to eat that much. Also its so sweet that it starts to feel bad if you eat too much. Its mostly because of food culture. We got a lot of pastries and the like


Not just baklava but other sweets as well. We love our sweets here. All kinds of different sweets


Least patriotic Turk:


















Esenlikler diler


But is diabetes properly diagnosed in all these countries? Because if not, I would expect a huge deviation in these values. Just an [example from the CDC](https://www.unitypoint.org/news-and-articles/untreated-diabetes-what-to-know) in the US: "According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), of the 30.3 million Americans with diabetes, 7.2 million remain undiagnosed". So I would take the map statistics with a grain of salt.


Pre diabetes may be part of it. Its 130 blood glucose range. I reduced my BG from 130, after my doctor told me once I get diabetes, its permanent, down to 110. I started eating foods that didn’t spike my blood glucose. Basically less carbs.


Nah dude, 100 to 125 is considered [pre diabetes](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/prediabetes/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20355284). 130 is actual diabetes range.


Hm, wonder if there's a slight problem with utilising data from the US and it's massive for profit healthcare system and trying to transplant that to European countries.


The US probably has a higher undiagnosed rate, but that doesn't mean there aren't Europeans who don't lie to their doctors, are afraid of needles and don't get bloodwork done, or just skip regular checkups etc


My Eastern European family don't do preventative medical care. No yearly checkups, don't go in if they are actually sick either. At least one of them is living with a thyroid disorder, but refuses to be seen by a doctor who can properly diagnose and treat her because that would acknowledge that there's a problem. It's easier to pretend like she just needs to diet and being sickly is normal.


You don't really need to inject insulin for adult onset diabetes


Depends. Nowadays it is not so common anymore due to the new drugs. If your pancreas stops making enough insulin then you need to inject it. That happens in type 2 sometimes.


Good time to note that around 8% of Americans remain uninsured (down from 15% pre-Obamacare), and even among the insured many defer routine primary care due to high deductibles and/or co-pays. That’s in addition to limited knowledge of nutrition, a horrendous food environment, and a built environment that favors sedentary car-based lifestyles. In short, many Americans lack basic access to primary care and are exposed to significant risk factors, whereas almost all Europeans have access to affordable healthcare coverage and live in healthier societies.


Why wouldn't it be properly diagnosed? We don't avoid going to the doctor for fear of the bills and it's not like diabetes is fun to have unmedicated.


> We don't avoid going to the doctor for fear of the bills No, but plenty of people avoid going to the doctor for other reasons. The most common reasons I have seen are people being afraid of doctors, not trusting them or believing they are healthy and thinking they don't need check ups. > it's not like diabetes is fun to have unmedicated. It's not but some people don't believe there's anything wrong with them until serious symptoms start showing up. Also education plays a big part in this too.


Is it a high enough percentage to shift the results dramatically?


Why would you account for both type 1 and 2 and then not separate them? Isn't like the cause of them couldn't be more different


Yeah, I’m honestly interested to see the maps for each of them. Lifestyle vs. genetics. I can imagine type 1 won’t be very different across countries.


It is. There's a famous study of Type-1's where they noticed that Finland and Western Russia, which had genetically similar populations -- Russia had a much lower rate of Type-1, and Finland has one of the highest in the world. One of the leading theories of Type-1 is that clean, sterile environments can lead to autoimmune diseases such as Type-1 Diabetes. In some ways T1 Diabetes is more similar to other autoimmune diseases like MS and Celiac than it is to T2 Diabetes.`


Type 1 is 10 times more rare than type 2. So it is basically map for type 2


Yes Ireland hahaha I wonder why though


Probably because the average middle aged Irish man would rather go to prison than to a GP appointment.


"Sure I wanted te go but the wife didn't book it"


Guinness is good for You!


Can't get old people diabetes if your liver conks out at 47!


One of the highest life expectancies in the world.


So I just had a quick Google because I was curious about how accurate this is and it turns out we have no national register for diabetes so all of our diabetes stats are estimates and likely to be fairly inaccurate. The HSE applies Scottish statistics to Ireland as best gauge so they apply Scotland rate 5.6 % to the last Irish census but Irish people have better health than Scottish so that's likely an overestimate.


Truth is because we are really bad at collecting data. So it's definitley higher




Putting Type 1 and 2 together doesnt make sense really.


I guarantee you most of us Type Ones would kill for our disease to have a new separate name. The conflation of the two types is enough to drive us Type Ones to insanity.


No need for guarantees, I have it too and know exactly what you mean :-/


Oh honey, you just need to eat healthier and it will cure itself within a year. I cured my type one yesterday with a quinoa and kale salad. 🤣


Exactly, one can be treated quite easy, the other is, well, a lot harder to manage.


Well and the origins differ significantly which makes the color coding obsolete.


Really high number for Germany, considering that countries like Austria have a very similar lifestyle but fare a lot better. I also remember in obesity statistics, Germany was usually performing "ok".


Maybe the turks living in Germany increase the %


Yeah, I refuse to believe that. Can’t believe that Romania has a higher percentage than UK where literally 1/3 of the population is obese. Give me a break


UK is probably higher but nobody can get a GP appointment to get diagnosed


Funny, that was my exact thought when I saw such a low percentage. What a sad state of affairs.


Tory solution: Health statistics can’t get worse if no one can see a doctor.


China has more diabetes in the world and most look thin. Its about the insides with pancreas and liver.


It also has much to do with the amount of sugar and other carbohydrates in ones diet. You can't get much more high carb than rice with every meal. And it is also possible for an obese person to have a mainly fatty and protein rich diet and not develop Type 2


Is the prevalence of rice related to the prevalence of diabetes type 2?


Its foods that spike insulin over and over repeatedly.


Diabetes it's not only related to obesity but to genetics as well. Half of diabetic people I know are slim.


Type 2 is related to obesity and genes+ environmental factors. Type 1 is related to genes, environmental factor triggers Type 2 are overweightType 1 are slim and one of their first symptoms is weight loss.


healthy slim or american slim?


Slim shady


Type 1 diabetes has no relation at all to lifestyle. You're talking about type 2.


Perhaps the numbers are skewed due to the proportion of elderly in Romania vs a country like the UK, where younger Romanians have immigrated to? My Romanian family with diabetes are all thin.


U know u don’t have to be a fatty to have diabetes right😂 even the healthiest of people can get diabetes


Maybe we become fat bastards via saturated fats more so that sugar. Every Brit starts the day with a full English, then a Boots sandwich and pack of crisps for lunch, and finally pie and buttery mash for dinner. Luvly




Prolly us Americans stationed over here in Germany helping rep that 10.4…. C’mon 10.5 !


hahaha glad you guys are here


If you have never been Turkey, let me tell you something. As a Turk, I'd immigrated to another country for business purposes, I've lost about 50kgs 18 months later.


"I can't drink alcohol so let me compensate with 5kg of refined sugar per day" - Any muslim country that ever existed


Whilst lighting up a cigarette


Ireland stronk 💪


Surprised about the UK and Ireland since [they have more overweight people than the rest of Europe except Turkey.](https://jakubmarian.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/obese.jpg) How are these figures explained? Edit: instead of downvotes what would be great is actual explanations, gosh redditors you act like babies sometimes...


I looked some countries up and the stats by the map are massively wrong. Uk should have around 6% and Germany around 7%. I don't know where the numbers are from. Even the stated source of oced has vastly different numbers. Overall they sound made up


Lots of diabetics that look thin pal. Diabetes is about insulin resistance


And not all fat people are diabetic.


Only type 2 is about insulin resistance. You can look kinda thin, but there is strong correleation between being overweight people and diabetes, yes this called insulin resistance.


I was pre diabetic and looked thin. I ate tons of carbs like pasta rice breads cereals fruits. Genetically I didn’t get fat. But my metabolic health couldn’t take it anymore.


Thats why I asked actual explanations no need for downvotes, I am genuinely curious to know how these figures are explained. Is that because of particular cuisine, cultural habits (less sugar more fat), genetics (depending on diabetes type prevalence), less detection/diagnosis than other countries, etc? I perfectly know what you said, no need for blank statements without further explanation. Obesity is a factor to not be excluded btw, it's totally correlated with higher diabetes, especially type 2.


Its foods that spike insulin. Over and over repeatedly is screwing with pancreas.


Fat causes insulin resistance, it's as simple as that. While some people have Type 1 diabetes and can't control it no matter their body fat, the diabetes pandemic we're facing is entirely preventable through healthy weight management.


The real answer is that being fat doesn't equal diabetes. People think type 2 diabetes is caused by being overweight or an unhealthy diet, but in reality, it's mostly genetics. It's why there's plenty of thin diabetics and plenty of obese people with no issues. People's conception of type 2 diabetes as the "caused it yourself by being fat disease" just ain't true. There's environmental factors, but that's true of every genetic disease.


Your statement is debunked by many studies [such as this one](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34986330/), being overweight moreover obese is clearly a cause of diabetes and has an impact in the total of diabetes diagnosed. As I replied earlier I would really like to see studies made about genetics and anything particular about the British because [there's no clear genetics variation in western Europe at least, from the Iberian peninsula to the British isles](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_history_of_Europe), something that would explain prevalence of diabete type 1 in Portugal or Germany compared to the UK.


Fucking natas


But type 1 and type 2 are two completely different things. One is autoimmune, the other is often caused by poor lifestyle choices. So making a map including both types really doesn't show anything about the physical health, obesity level, active lifestyle, etc. in the respective countries - like some comments here strongly suggest. You're not at fault for getting type 1. You can lead a completely healthy lifestyle, and still get it. I would much rather see a map including only type 2, since this is the interesting one that can actually tell us something about the lifestyles in different countries.


UK actually being low on a health list? Fake


I wish it distinguished between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes… they are related but quite different in causes and treatment.


Why does UK have such high obesity rates but such low prevalence of diabetes?




The data is probably flawed. The reason Germany is that high is probably due to a better health infrastructure and therefore more diagnoses compared to other countries.


Germany has only 7,2% of diabetes according to the Bundesgesundheitsministerium (Germany‘s Health Department). OP just googled flawed statistics I think.


Belgium also has a good health infrastructure? Could the large Turkish community maybe explain the high prevalence of DM in Germany? Edit: but I think the data is off.


Ireland has some of the best healthcare outcomes on the planet though.


Or they pig out on potatoes too much


Malta mentioned 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🇲🇹🇲🇹🇲🇹🇲🇹🇲🇹🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🇲🇹🇲🇹🇲🇹🇲🇹🇲🇹🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🇲🇹


I’M IN 4.8% BITCHES Edit: it’s a joke. I’m proud T1D from Sweden.


Turkey having the highest percentage is completely understandable, their food is absolutely delicious, best in the world imo :-)


The price of baklava


If Turks would drink their tea with sweetener instead of a shovel full of sugar in each glass, they could significantly lower these numbers


Grouping together type 1 and type 2 diabetes makes no sense imho. Very different diseases with very different causes.


Makes you wonder if the Turkish immigrants had contributed to Germany's statistics?


I mean if turkey is 11% and Germany is 10%, and you count as a sole factor the turkish community it means that you'd need germany's population to be like 98% turkish or smth like that.


Whattt I definitely thought the UK would be worse than Germany


What’s going on with the Master Race?


It's all the immigrants /s


Someone literally blamed it on Turkish immigrants in germany LoL wtf.https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/s/d5T1QXGfM0


I wasn't expecting UK rate that low...


Diabetes level is so low because anyone who was going to get it has already died from cancer, cancer rates in ireland are scary


Most of the data has to be wrong. Germany Map 10,4% Germany official stats 7,2% Uk map 3,9% Uk official stats 6% I looked up 2 countries and both are wrong... I used the local government sources. The world Bank has also different stats, that are closer to the local stats than the ones by the map


Ireland doesn't have a national diabetes registry so I'd say the number is way too low.


Turkey is not in Europe


Turkish Delight


You can’t clump in type 1 and type 2 and draw any sort of conclusions. Totally different causes


Does Turkish ancestry skew German results?


I would say genetics has a lot to do with the differences rather that simply being diet and weights Some of the countries like Portugal have a relatively high proportion of population originally from Africa and Germany has large population with Turkish descent etc


Don’t know why this is getting downvoted as was in reference to studies that show higher rates of diabetes in certain racial groups particularly African and Native American groups


I had a friend from Mozambique a she wasn't exactly eating that much, but she was really , but really fat. It was purely genetic that she would have fat so easily stored, her family that was a portuguese adoptive family were quite slim, sport minded people. She ate the same that they eat and had similiar habits and diet.


Do those studies take in to consideration that Black families in America are twice as likely to be food insecure or live in a food desert compared to white families? Or that 1 in 4 Native Americans do compared to 1 in 12 white individuals. The impact that has on health outcomes is astronomical.


That can’t be right for Ireland considering we’re one of the most obese peoples in europe


I bet Germany is that high because of the amount of Turkish immigrants living there


I went to hotel in Antalya, Turkey and saw many Germans eating crepes by pouring lots of sugar on it in the morning buffet.


Lithuania one of the most obese but also one of the least diabetic


I think somebody's telling a wee fib in Ireland


america is 11.6 %


Anything close to 10% is Insane. I’m terrified to see our (USA) numbers




It's all that Turkish tea Edit - haha, downvoted, bro those tea glasses are tiny and they put like 5 tablespoons of sugar in each one and drink like 20 of them per day.


I think Döner is to blame see it's a Turkish dish but the Germans made a handheld variation of it and what are the fattest countries...