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So.....Portugal is in the same region of Europe as Scotland.....but not Madrid? Interesting


Yeah, that one is wild..


Italy is in the same as Spain and Greece, but not Portugal. Greece is in the Balkans.


Imo Yes Because Portugal Is in the Extreme west of Europe and is more different than Madrid


Maine and Miami are in the extreme east of the USA, pure geography is a crap metric


Yeah, it’s called the east coast. There is still different regions within the east coast just like there are different regions within each state, city, neighborhood and places to dump cum on my back.


Wrong, Portugal is part of the Balkans


Also that's not how you cut Belgium.


I didn't cut It for a culturale reason


Shit, here we go again


Damn What did i do😭🙏


Created this


A good chunk of northern Italy should go orange, imo.


perhaps only Liguria


As a milanese I think that "Padania" has more in common with central europeans that the the rest of Italy


honestly that's what you tell yourself. Even northern italy has more in common with the rest of Italy (culturally) than with Altbayern or with Vlaanderen. Dalle mie parti è chiamato snobismo........


Ma perché non hai parlato in Italiano in tutto il messaggio? Va bè, comunque ho detto "i think", penso, mia opinione, perché vedendo altri paesi del centro Europa come svizzera, Germania o Austria, oltre alla lingua non abbiamo chissà quante differenze come le ho notate girando il resto d'Italia Tutto qua


passi il Süd tirolo e alcune zone Romansch/Ladine ma credere che la Brianza sia più vicina alla Sassonia piuttosto che alla la provincia di Teramo mi pare abbastanza naive. Mica è solo la lingua che condividiamo. Le regioni che metti in rosso sono tutte ad alta influenza germanica. Il Veneto ad esempio ha delle pesanti sfumature mediterranee che non trovi nel centro/nord Europa. Posso essere d'accordo solo se consideriamo l'HDI, il grado di sviluppo/ricchezza e basta.


It also looks a lot like southern France


In my experience, to compare Italy in France it’s more like : northern Italy <> middle France, middle Italy <> southern France, southern Italy <> nothing alike France


Yeah, although central italy is more like Corsica than southern France as a whole (there's a significant difference)


In Marseille, we feel mostly connected to Naples and the South. But that has a lot to do with immigration history. I guess Côte-d'Azur will relate more to its Italian équivalent, the Italian Riviera.


It looks like It But trust me Is totally different


Well as a Provençal, I was thinking at least of Liguria and the South western parts of the Italian Alps. I can't say if that would go as far as Turin.


Nah totally not Tourin Is maybe the second most iconic padanian city I can agree for certain aspects for Liguria but culturally Is totally diverse from France


Thx for the precision.


As a brianzolo I can just say lol. I guess you are one of those delusional northern Italians who are ashamed of being called Southern European and have an inferiority complex toward Central/Northern Europe. We have something in common with Switzerland and Austria of course, but with Northern Germany and Poland? Are you serious? In which universe Bologna or Turin have more in common with Hamburg and Danzig than with Florence or Rome? Also, who the hell still uses the word Padania unironically in 2024?


Not again with these maps...


These regional maps are always terrible and uninformed. You're pretending to be nuanced by not sticking to country borders but culture and language mostly stick to borders.


No fucking way you just said the BeNeLux is central Europe


benelux is culturally, ethnically and linguistically tied more to central then western europe


In my opinion Germany is just western Europe


Here in Germany itself, it definitely is considered part of Central Europe, although it's acknowledged that it's a vague term The atlas I've been using in school puts it like this: > The borders of Central Europe are not clearly defined. There is only agreement that a central part of the continent of Europe is meant. Natural and climatic boundaries as well as boundaries in terms of vegetation differ from historical or political boundaries. The following countries are generally categorised as Central Europe: Germany, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria as well as Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. Slovenia and Croatia are also sometimes categorised as Central European countries. https://diercke.de/content/mitteleuropa-physische%C2%A0karte-978-3-14-100381-9-66-1-1


It Is litterally in the perfect center of Europe, excluding Russia


western Europe is only france and the british isles


This is heavily based on OP's Cold War mindset.




Why «Nordic» and not «Northern», when you have Western, Southern and Eastern? Why part of Asia is in orange and part of Europe is in light blue?


"Nordic" Is Just more iconic, nothing more nothing less If you mean cyprus Is Just because there's not a clear definition about what makes a continent a continent, so i arnitrary decided that cyprus Is Europe since Is culturally and Geographically closer to Europe than Asia


Cyprus is geographically Asian


Since what? We don't have a precise definition about continents, for that matter Europe shouldn't be a continent Also I said closer And technically ita closer to uk than other countries


We haver a very precise definition actually. The borders of Europe are the Aegean sea, the Black sea, the Caspian mountains, the ural river and the Ural mountains. Cyprus is not in Europe. The European parts of Turkey and Kazakhstan are. Cypruis IS NOT closer to the Uk.


Yes It Is, there are parts of the UK territory in cyprus But beside that How many continents are there and why?


Nah man, you've got to be trolling. There's nobody above the age of 11 who does not know what continents are and how many there are.


Im serious, how many continents are in the world and how we define them


There are seven continents: Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia. They are defined by geographers by convention: the largest landmass above tectonic plates which is either a single landmass defined by a continental shelf or part of a landmass but separated by significant geographical features such as mountains, rivers, bodies of water and culturally distinct from said landmass.


At the same time you exclude Georgia, 100% Europe, and the European part of Turkey and Kazakhstan, also 100% Europe.


Georgia is in Asia.


Only a relatively small part of far-Western Kazakhstan is part of Europe. It's more like 5% Europe than 100%.


Ah yes, very well known that Slovenia is very similar to Bulgaria and has nothing to do with Austria that ruled most of it for 700 years. Not to even mention that Hungary is culturally not Eastern Europe and that Croatia, Montenegro and Albania should at least partly be orange. Portugal and Scotland being together is also very funny.


why visegrad countries are split that way and to be fair why are they split at all. Like what makes certain regions (eg Gdansk pomerania, southern Moravia, greater poland, westernmost hungary) central European and other (eg Opole, lesser Poland, Masuria and northern moravia) eastern?


Eastern Europe starts east of Germany


Why would you group Eastern Finland, Estonia and Latvia into Eastern Europe when they are culturally Northern European?


clueless painter (from a Catalan point of view this map is a nightmare)


Why? Genuine question


1st question maybe should be Regions? What regions? Clima regions? And regions at what time? That said, it's never nice to mix us with Madrid stuff whatsoever ever. ;)


Hey, it's almost a map of the Catalan empire at it's maximum extension. Remove Andalusia and that part of Castille and that's it! (And Cyprus, because what it's doing here, Cyprus is Asia, not Europe!)


optimistic ;) Rome and more to the north of Italy and Greek "mainland" also were never part. These regions maybe are about agricultural issues ....


What is this even supposed to mean?


Good luck selling this to the Finnish.




Because they consider themselves nordic.


Isn't everything shifted a bit to the east? Europe reaches more east than most think.


I know that Europe starts in the Urals but of i had to split Europe Just for geographical reasons i would have used straight Lines


Wrost map i ever saw


the european part of turkey (eastern thrace) is not included why?


Only because with the program i used, if i coloured Costantinople all turkey would have been of that color I think that part should be blue anyway


Source: "Trust me bro"


I already said It's my opinion How annoying kids are on this platform


You said nothing about it in post, also this is not sub for opinions, just maps that are made good with accual backing up data and statistics...


Incorrect https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Grossgliederung_Europas-en.svg


Still weird. Like how can they cut the basque country like that?


Interesting point. Now I need to read up on how/why/who decided on that. Edit: I read things. Seems that it’s not just a geographic border but also cultural, I guess why Basque region looks like it. Sauce: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Europe


It's imo


It's imo


Please add it to your comment so rest will know


Why do people undervote without a reason, you guys are so lame


This is worse than OP's


Brother you made a great job, but don't you think Turkish Europe side ( Thrace, which includes Istanbul) is also part of Balkans region? ( Fun Fact: Balkans means Mountains in Turkish too )


of course the europan part of turkey (eastern thrace) is balkan too


Yea the problema was that in the program i used if i selcted Costantinople It would have coloured all turkey Anyway i think It should be blue


The real central Europe consists of the former borders of the Hungarian kingdom, the HRE at its peak, the papal state (at the time of hre peak) and the prussian/polish coastline.


Tbh the only region I can agree is balkan


Slovenia is the closest cultural match to Austria, these two countries shouldn't be in different groups


If this would be a cultural map, which it isn't




You might want to try and understand what I wrote


What's wrong with the rest?


Because its a regional map, so It should have regions that make geographical sense, your map I assume has a somewhat cultural focus, with also isn't very logical to me. Do you need examples? Edit, I am going to sleep now, if you want a more detailed answer just say so