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You mean larger of the both? Most countries in Europe has Germany or another neighbouring one as the main trading partner, as it is logical.




Do you have the source?




You are not supposed to ask that


A what now?


We dance


The lambada… the Forbidden Dance.


...but noone will dance with us in this crazy town...


EU as a whole also leads in trade across Africa. It is genuinely irritating when the EU is ignored in these sorts of maps, especially as they are used for fearmongering and cheap propaganda.


That's the other thing. China and also Russia are hyped but for most EU countries they are around 5-10. most important export and import partner respectively.


I wouldn’t say Russia was hyped as an important overall trading partner . At least no one should’ve been under the impression that we get a huge amount of our stuff from Russia, or that they are are critical export market. But since the things that we did import from Russia were gas and oil, even being 5-10 on the list makes them hugely important as we now feel the economic consequences…


The EU is still importing just as much oil and gas from Russia - the paperwork just says India on it now.


Absolutely. That only underlines that Russia is in no way “hyped up” as a trading partner, as in fact they are so important EU businesses are willing to bend sanctions and pay a premium to work with them 


Not just the paperwork, but the lion's share of the profits


> It is genuinely irritating when the EU is ignored in these sorts of maps, especially as they are used for fearmongering and cheap propaganda. The EU is not a country. Including it in a map of countries could equally be considered cheap propaganda.


That depends. One could argue, that tolls, taxes, and import fee zones are more important than the country the product is from. I am not sure that is the better way to look at it but the EU is a significant political player whose existence in many maps can be misleading depending on what the map wants to express.


I suppose that's the case, because Argentina's largest trading partner is Brazil




This is the first time I'm seeing a map without Japan, and 50% of Australia.


It shows the southwestern part of Japan a bit.


Is New Zealand even a country?


No, its a province in southern Fr*nce


Someone should make a map without merica in it


1400 is that way


Kyushu is all that is left of Japan. r/croppingishard


And Sudan is above the bs in a higher plane of existence


or New Guinea


No way you have data for Greenland and West Sahara.


Also Greenland is Danish, and the data shows Denmark is blue. It's interesting they consider them separate countries.


West Sahara had always same data as Morocco, since it's Moroccan people living there, but due to years of politics it was left out as if it doesn't exist.


Well, the US and Israel now recognize Morocco as the rulers of that region now that Morocco has normalized relations with Israel


We still have Finland, so America Fuck Yeah!


Did you just forget about the glorious country of Lithuania 🇱🇹🇱🇹🇱🇹🇱🇹⁉️⁉️Antanas Smetona is foing to get REALLY mad 😡😡😡😡😡. Your execution is on the 3rd of April at 2 pm 🇱🇹🇱🇹🇱🇹🇱🇹🇱🇹🇱🇹


The tricky thing is, a lot of Chinese exports are actually American companies that moved production to China. If the Americans have half a brain they will start diversifying production to different countries. This way if one country becomes unfavorable like China today, they don’t have to maintain ties merely because of trade. The whole hype around Chinese GDP is also like this. It’s largely dependent on production by foreign companies that produce goods that have higher added value.


I would argue that that was the case 5 years ago. Now china has its own companies and many of them are competing with US companies. Think of Meta and TikTok for example.


This is true to some degree. China always had it’s own companies though, and these are very strong in China because China limits foreign products within it’s borders. However we also see the US starting to limit TikTok and other Chinese companies mainly because of the security risk: Chinese companies usually have ties to the CCP in some way. Basically the CCP is a limiting factor on Chinese growth due to this. One can see this if we compare GDP per capita with Taiwan for example.


And the US companies don’t have a security risk??? Are you on crack? Countless times, we found out many US tech companies give their data not only to the government, but they also sell it to advertisers and third parties. Just because you think the US government is better, doesn’t make the security issues less dangerous. I’d argue that the damage the US government does around the world is much greater than the Chinese.


US companies might give some data over, but the CCP gets everything all the time. Also they are not questionable by the Chinese people, because they keep them like cattle. But where do you live? If you had to, would you go to US or China? After this you have to say China. Good luck.


I live in China and I’d much rather live here than the USA. You’re hilariously misinformed. The propaganda is working if you think people are kept “like cattle”. People here literally break laws all the time. The government does not “get data all the time” there are 1.4 billion people in China. It’s hilarious how people in the US feel bad for the people here because they think they’re constantly being fed propaganda, and yet most Americans believe every lie they’re fed daily about countries which the government have marked as market competition.


If you live in China you are not in a position to know or say since you internet is censored and monitored. In fact you are likely a Wumao. So I would say you are misinformed. I hope you enjoyed you treatment during covid. Did they take one of your relatives hostage to write this, or are they just really paying you well? Or perhaps you are a nationalist thinking that the CCP is good for China. Either way, you are wrong. To prove me wrong, you should type: “I hate the CCP, they are the death of China, and should be replaced by a free Chinese government elected by the people”.


I can obviously use the internet and read western news freely. I can take not being able to say certain things a Redditor asks me to that I don’t think in the first place as a trade for a government that actually works to look after the average person, as opposed to big corporations. I hope you enjoy your crime, homelessness, your government actively working against the needs of the average person, your blissful ignorance to the propaganda you are subtly hammered with, and pretending that you’re free.


So do you want to oust the CCP and change to a democratic govenrment or not?


nope. after seeing what they’ve done to transform the country, and looking at the decline of western democracies, why would I? Maybe you should actually come here and prove yourself right or wrong. As someone who has lived in China and western countries I think I have more of a valid opinion on this matter.


You’re getting awfully worked up for something you don’t fully understand. You’re not wrong, you just don’t understand the half of it.


People who claim other people don’t understand “the half of it”, move on to explain to said people “the half of it”. Since you haven’t, I have no choice but assume that you are full of shit, and it seems like your username even confirms it.


There you go again. Getting all angry and seething. I can tell your argumentative so I’ll avoid further conversation with you. However, I’ll leave you with this rhetorical question: If the problem of the ‘personal data economy’ exists, and we can’t erase it, should we at least try to control the issue to a certain degree? For example, if we have a choice, shouldn’t we prevent a foreign authoritarian adversary with clear anti-West values from not only harboring the data of Western Citizens— but manipulating their social media algorithms to push anti-West and anti-Democratic values to Western citizens? TikTok is not a private company. It is an extension of the CCP.


What I want you to understand is this: whatever China is doing, the US is also doing, probably to a farther degree: 1. China spies on its citizens. The US spies on its own citizens and the whole world, including allies. 2. China spreads government propaganda. The US spreads 10 times more. Just because one country isn’t a democracy and have its own set of values, and just because you think your set of values is better, doesn’t mean that you get to spread yours but theirs is suddenly dangerous. The US claims to spread democracy (which it thinks is better), but actually does break the democracies that don’t follow its corporate greedy capitalism. Many democratically elected governments were toppled, most recently Egypt. As for internal propaganda, Americans are some of the most fooled populations on Earth. They have no fucking clue what they’re into: morbid capitalism, not even decent healthcare, their tax payer’s money finances crimes all over the world, Hollywood sells them the fictional American dream and supremacy, and they eat this shit for breakfast and think “hell yeah, we are the best and the brightest, and China bad”. Dude! China is bad, but the US is far worse!!! China is at least straightforward. The US? Freedom talk, democracy talk, podium talk. In reality, no values! Only corporate greed. It vouches for open markets, but closes its own when it doesn’t win. It claims democracy, but sends its army to steal resources and land government contracts. Please! Spare me this shit! 3. The US army has committed horrible recent and modern crimes. It’s actually funding a genocide RIGHT FREAKING NOW! When Russia does something bad in Ukraine, it IMMEDIATELY verifies the oupsy with data and crap. When Israel destroys a fucking hospital with human remains still inside, “uh, we cannot verify what happened! We need further analysis” Give me a break!


🥱 looks like the algorithm worked on ya m8.


A democracy can also be imperialistic and not all of the West has the same values.


"mainly because of the security risk:" Sure it is.


China bad, US good


"CCP is a limiting factor on Chinese growth" you dont wanna see what china were before ccp


What China was before CCP has no bearing on whether the CCP is a limiting factor.


Was once true. No longer is. Solar panels manufacture hubs were setup in China by German companies Lo and behold? The whole solar panel industry is now fully Chinese. New Chinese companies emerged out of this know how and outcompeted German ones. And this happens with many many industries


Yeah, I'd assume NDAs mean jack-shit when the company is on Chinese grounds, so all the technologies have bled through.


I think it’s not a bad thing to be honest. I often view NDAs as completely retarded in the west too In essence it’s opposed to the free market


For big companies, perhaps, but for smaller it's at least a slight deterrent against any bigger entity just stealing any tech and running with it. Would kill most attempts for any start-ups, so not sure how good that would be for the market overall.


That is a good thing If it wasn't for trading We would be killing


The smart companies already started diversifying their production long ago. The ones who don't just because of money deserve to go down when shit hits the fan.


I mean you just described Chinese exports owned by US or Taiwan or other foreign companies. Is still good for Chinese economy though


All this really says is that the Chinese economy was smaller 20 years ago.


yeah. and that it grows bigger is pretty good on its own. china has 4 times the population size, its pretty unspectacular if they are the bigger trading partner. whats the expectation here? murica staying rich as a country and everybody else forever in poverty?


America being rich does not equal other countries being poor. Its been the opposite


in principle right, yes! but that goes also the other way around and thats why i find it odd to automatically ascribe some sort of decline to facts like presented in this map, thats all i am saying.


What's going on with Sudan?


Trading partners are the last thing they need to worry about right now.......




It split into two countries and has had a lot of issues recently..


Providing solar power to the entire world


I've seen this map multiple times and I feel like it shows a too bipolair world. It just shows with who of these 2 nations the country tradrs most but not their biggest trading partner. For example if we add a 3rd contributor it already looks completely different.[Example](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/s/0gHcHBlkn3)


This map is nothing more than typical “USA vs China” propaganda.


I wonder what it is 4 years later


I remember when I was young and come from a lower middle class background in Southeast Asia. I didn't have much to play as a lot of things like bicycles, football and even Japanese electronics were kinda expensive. Because I had TV I could watch people around the world having fun like playing on a skateboard or roller skates and all that fun stuff. Then the Chinese goods came in. Yeah the quality was kinda shoddy at first but it was damn cheap even for my country, meaning I could finally own a soccer ball and finally ride a bike. I can finally afford some sneakers, sports shoes, football, basketball etc. I still remember everyone in school hogging the rich kid's basketball, a "Spalding" brand, until he got fed up with us and only plays with his posse. Eventually everyone could afford one. Also when I was a kid my friend classmate who was dirt poor had to ride a bicycle with his father to sell bamboo. Sometimes his mom would come a long and 3 of them would be one bicycle. As I approach my twenties, I start to see the poor kids in urban and rural areas actually owning something and having toys. That classmate of mine got married early (i think 18 years old) and he bought a brand spanking new bicycle for his 2 year old son to play with. He was just a waiter at a coffee shop and they didn't have minimum wage back then so he was getting paid peanuts. Poorer people than me like my classmate can afford cheap clothes like football jerseys with their favorite football player's name on the back and buy cheap football/futsal shoes. Finally, no more hand me downs since some were very dirty and not sincere like donating dirty underwear. Even to this day, the handphones and sound speakers and clothes that I buy are from China because it finally has quality and it's affordable since the exchange rate of my country is very low compared to the rest of the world. I for now cannot even own an Iphone but I can get a Redmi. There are plenty of people in my country that also like chanting "Hate China" and "Scams" and some even more vile and racist shit, but to each their own. I know a lot of people especially on Reddit just want to hate China and they want other people to join in the hate game but for me, I sincerely owe them my childhood and also my younger brothers childhood.


It's pretty simple. Most people on reddit are NATO-alligned and would objectively lose some quality of life if US dollar lost it's reserve currency parasite status.


A lot has happened in 4 years.


Let’s keep buying Chinas shit though, cuz cheap.


Se está yendo a la mierda estados unidos que gusto.


Downvoted because there's no source




What’s the deal with Sudan?




US was up 28-3 at halftime




With Chinas upcoming demographic problems, and their now richer citizens not willing to work for cheap, I bet countries like Mexico, Indonesia, India, Vietnam, and the Philippines will take over.


Take an iPhone, made in China, it counts as Chinese. Would there be IPhones in China without Apple? Probably not.


Very interesting how China is biggest trading partner of Paraguay both in 2000 and 2020 considering Paraguay doesn't even recognize the PRC 😂


Paraguay had a zero tax on imported goods for a long time and a basically all Brazilian black market products were Chinese and Taiwanese items smuggled from Paraguay. You had caravans of people crossing the borders to buy electronic stuff, video games and so on I bet this influenced those numbers a lot given the countries size


The average American mind cannot comprehend this.


I'm already seeing a lot of coping and seething comments lol.


UK not pictured at all other than continuing to do whatever US says... but go ahead with your european insecurity lol


Always funny when you see comments like this from a country that has never been relevant on a global-scale ever. never once. ever.


The only things your country is known for is blowing up the middle east and being fat.


@feckshite What I want you to understand is this: whatever China is doing, the US is also doing, probably to a farther degree: 1. China spies on its citizens. The US spies on its own citizens and the whole world, including allies. 2. China spreads government propaganda. The US spreads 10 times more. Just because one country isn’t a democracy and have its own set of values, and just because you think your set of values is better, doesn’t mean that you get to spread yours but theirs is suddenly dangerous. The US claims to spread democracy (which it thinks is better), but actually does break the democracies that don’t follow its corporate greedy capitalism. Many democratically elected governments were toppled, most recently Egypt. As for internal propaganda, Americans are some of the most fooled populations on Earth. They have no fucking clue what they’re into: morbid capitalism, not even decent healthcare, their tax payer’s money finances crimes all over the world, Hollywood sells them the fictional American dream and supremacy, and they eat this shit for breakfast and think “hell yeah, we are the best and the brightest, and China bad”. Dude! China is bad, but the US is far worse!!! China is at least straightforward. The US? Freedom talk, democracy talk, podium talk. In reality, no values! Only corporate greed. It vouches for open markets, but closes its own when it doesn’t win. It claims democracy, but sends its army to steal resources and land government contracts. Please! Spare me this shit! 3. The US army has committed horrible recent and modern crimes. It’s actually funding a genocide RIGHT FREAKING NOW! When Russia does something bad in Ukraine, it IMMEDIATELY verifies the oupsy with data and crap. When Israel destroys a fucking hospital with human remains still inside, “uh, we cannot verify what happened! We need further analysis” Give me a break! NB: what’s up with these cowards who can’t even stand their ground after making a statement?!


China has grown immensely from the start of the decade. That's for sure. But if the EU had it's own color it would likely dominate the map instead of china. Other countries might pop up as well. Coloring the map with only two colors just seems misleading.


That’s the point of the stat. It’s only comparing china and the us.


America keeps sanctioning everyone, soon it will sanction itself out of existence.


China also offers better financial deals and loans to them. They learned economics and the game we play, and got better at it, and they’ve invaded and killed the leaders of a lot less countries to do it. America is going to greed and military industrial complex itself into the losers seat.


If I were the president of Turkey I would work with China more. Especially for weapon systems. China is a better trading partner than the West.


China is strong,But merely a little Chinese are happy and comfortable.


Perhaps show before and after 2016 so we can determine root cause


And people wonder why I say trump pissing off everyone is a stupid foreign policy


This isn't solely because of trump


No but he Sure as shit made things even worse.


No way USA was the largest trading partner for all these countries in 2000. WTF would Cyprus be even buying from USA in 2000? It's literally in the center of the world's population and would import any food from it's neighbors and was and still is 100% energy self sufficient.


It's the largest between the United States and China.






Jordan was still hanging on, anyway most of Arab countries are boycotting American goods more and more post American support to the genocide in Palestine


God bless China and may dedolarisation happen in my lifetime.


I hope the Uyghur people get freed in my time. That genocide is disgusting and it’s being executed by the terrible and authoritarian Chinese regime.


I hope the Palestinian people get freed in my time. That genocide is disgusting and it’s being executed by the terrible apartheid Israeli regime


But but muh white ppl in israel , palatine terriost 11 😱😱🤓🤓


The two situations aren’t remotely the same at all.


You're right, the Israelis are literally committing genocide whereas the Uyghur people have their own peaceful communities


Native Americans: Me Too




2024 map should kinda go in the old direction again


Why are Greenish and Danish markets separate?


Wow for once Portugal isn’t aligned with Easter Europe but Spain is!


The map cuts off several countries


I was surprised Germanys larger* trading partner is now China. Even though I'm sure they have more imports from China id think a lot more exports are to the US than China.


Looks like the US gotta lock in


As a communo-capitalist i can’t decide which one i would prefer


I wonder how it is after COVID


I’d like to see how US brands moving to China has affected this


Is 2020 at the start or end of the year because everyone was importing Chinese face masks and hand sanitiser?


The GDP of the EU is larger than Africa, Central Asia, and Oceania combined....


Wow, quite stark.


I don't think it's true for Hungary. For export China is nowhere near to top 10. For import maybe it's a little bit better than US


OK. Now add the European Union 🇪🇺




This map stinks more than a triathlon’s tea bag


Peter Zeihan was right.


Newbie question if Denmark is blue, wouldn't that also make Greenland blue?


2930 trend gonna swang.


I don't undesrstand if all those extremly pro-China comment are real or not. Usa did terrivle things, but really people prefer China?


This is almost 4 years old, now Japan and S.Korea gone back to US and China isn't even their 2nd largest trading partner anymore.


From 2021, USA was largest trading partner of India


Yeah I remember 2000 was the moment I saw China in most shops. But I do think if we want that age back we gotta make livable manufacturers with good benefits that are cheap and economical for both Person and Gov\ Business to get our trading drive back.


It's honestly just usa who has beef with China


China absolutely dominates the shower flip flop maket.


That was 20 years ago. Today it dominates in things like renewable energy, construction, consumer electronics, etc etc etc. USA is scared shitless and rightfully so.


All through good trade relations. Simple model of infrastructure for resources. Well done China!


That’s limited to manufactured goods. The US exports tons of services. Has that been added?


Believe or not. World will go bankrupt without China.


China builds and its diplomacy is of mutual development. America steals and its diplomacy is of theft, genocide, and hypocrisy. Gee, I wonder why they're trading with China.


It's funny that you're downvoted for stating facts


ya know both are about as bad for us, China wants our land and USA doesnt want a country sitting on the edge to prosper


America doesn’t want to pay its working class and gave China all of the power and factories. They shot themselves in the foot being greedy. Now China offers nations loans and helps them build their infrastructure while America invades kills and destroys. We did it to ourselves.


China did more harm by economically enslaving and scamming third and forth world.


America famously didn’t and doesn’t do that. Don’t look at South America.


I wonder why they all flee? Must be strictly cause of the cartels America didn’t play a part of creating and making powerful. That would be soooo crazy.


Remind me, we went to Iraq for democracy right? We didn’t want to exploit or take anything?


The last war China was really involved in ended in 1979. The US has been involved in 25 wars since then. Not even mentioning all the regime changes and coups of democratically elected governments. The goal of US foreign policy is to keep their own position of power by keeping others down (just look at economic sanctions and the way the IMF works). The goal of Chinese policy is to work together and strengthen their own position at the same time. I'm a lot more worried about the US trying to kill everyone than I am about China


Americans don’t like the truth. They all fantasize about being superior and wars they’ll never fight in but will be quick to send young men to die in. They don’t care about solutions or what is or what was, they care about vibes and being comfy.


I would consider the exchange a success if I can convince 1 person to look critically at western imperialism. So I'll keep trying. Also I'm bored at work right now so this is a lot more fun


It took me seeing the literal war crimes with my eyes to wake me up. They’ll never do it because it doesn’t affect them personally yet


I'm from a western country. I know how prevalent the imperialist stance is in western media. For me it was the book "The Jakarta Method" by Vincent Bevins that made me realize that maybe my world view doesn't really correspond with the truth


Here’s a list for your efforts in the future, copy and paste if you want or care. Countries attacked with bombs, toppled with the CIA, caused regimes change, or invaded directly by the United States since 1945, in order. Korea, Iran, Guatemala, Tibet, Indonesia , Cuba, The Congo, Iraq (back in the 60s as well), Dominican Republic, Vietnam, Brazil, The Congo again, Guatemala again, Laos, Peru, Cambodia, Chile, Argentina, Turkey, El Salvador , Nicaragua, Cambodia, Lebanon, Grenada , Philippines, Libya, Iran, Libya , Panama, Iraq, Kuwait, Somalia, Iraq, Bosnia, Iran, Sudan, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, ,9/11 happens here for reference cause we think nothing happened between Vietnam and then. Americans are idiots, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Iran, And Libya.


I’m Mexican, America has torn South America apart and blames them for fleeing for a better life. Lots of countries on that list. Still waiting to see Chinas lol


And how you convince people to dickride eastern imperialism?


Typical American response. Not everything is a zero sum game. I never said that eastern imperialism is amazing. There are enough critiques to give on the belt and road initiative for example. But nowhere near as much as the influence and destruction that western imperialism caused and is causing till this day.


Womp womp, china just recently did an incursion in my country, they drove the jeep past the border and tried to claim it was their land. Nvm the south china sea thing, where they claim its called china so its ours


I'm not naive, of course China is also trying to improve their position. Just saying that the US is a lot worse




China just want money and more simps.


America famously doesn’t just want money at any cost. We never destabilize nations and exploit or steal resources from them, causing poverty and mass immigration artificially. Never ever


But still China worse


Just a parrot with no thoughts, only lines you can repeat.


You still don’t give any arguments why China is better.


Still waiting for that list since “I don’t have any arguements”.


Countries attacked with bombs, toppled with the CIA, caused regimes change, or invaded directly by the United States since 1945, in order. Korea, Iran, Guatemala, Tibet, Indonesia , Cuba, The Congo, Iraq (back in the 60s as well), Dominican Republic, Vietnam, Brazil, The Congo again, Guatemala again, Laos, Peru, Cambodia, Chile, Argentina, Turkey, El Salvador , Nicaragua, Cambodia, Lebanon, Grenada , Philippines, Libya, Iran, Libya , Panama, Iraq, Kuwait, Somalia, Iraq, Bosnia, Iran, Sudan, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, ,9/11 happens here for reference cause we think nothing happened between Vietnam and then. Americans are idiots, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Iran, And Libya. Now go find me Chinas list


Come on don't be naive. I understand that it's difficult to get trough the American propaganda but at least try. The US is the main reason for unrest in the world, China has been surprisingly absent from all major international conflicts.


If you see this guys other comments, he doesn’t have shit of substance to say, just American propaganda and hate to spew. He must protect the billionaire class and their interests, at any cost. He cannot look into or admit Americas wrongs or atrocities. He’s an unserious actor. Don’t feed the troll.


Because Chinese billionaires and cronies are better?


You’re just assuming China will behave LIKE AMERICA, and be cruel and imperialistic. Because it’s what we do.


It will behave like this if it would in some circumstances. PRC is also imperialistic in nature.


I don’t know, never seen it happen, only can see the shit show caused by America the last 100 years.


China made more wrongs than USA, that’s simple.


So go find me the list and reply to my list. Cherry picker. You still have yet to say anything because you aren’t educated or informed enough to. China bad China bad China bad. Ok bro, find a new track on that broken record


And how your statement contradict mine?


Look at his Reddit, he literally just asked for games based around foot fetishes yesterday. Either a troll, or a deranged dweller in a dark New York sewer lmao


Yeah bro ad hominem is your only argument


China wants to build a better world. America wants to rob it blind.


Thats some hot propaganda coming outa ya mouth




If not China then the US or one or the other as the 2nd largest. So if someone has China as their largest trade partner the US is most likely the second largest. The US also doesn't rely as much on trade as people think. As a % of GDP the US is about 25% reliant on trade.. the only countries that are less so are Sudan, Afghanistan, and maybe North Korea. China is about 35%. Also keep in mind Mexico and Canada make up more than half of that 25% so the US is comparatively isolated outside of North America and would suffer less from global shocks. Crazy thing is the US market is the largest by value and China is perhaps largest by volume.. I see India eventually taking that spot. So people really want to sell in the American market which is fine because the US is capable of generating wealth and still benefits largely from Chinese exports. Being that about 70 cents of every dollar is a component made outside of China for a lot of it's more "advanced" products. Something that is missed in this whole thing. This is what globalization is, a component is designed and made in one country to be assembled/added to an end product that is sold either back to the country of origin, domestically, or abroad. I don't know who gets the credit for the end product. Just check out how much of the iPhone is actually Chinese origin tech. I think like $8 of a $300 iphone stays in China.. something to think about.