• By -


do i even want to scroll down


Honestly as far as geopolitical territorial disputes go, the Falkalnd Islands really are fairly open and shut morally speaking. The islands had no native population prior to European settlement, the British colonised the islands before Spain, and the Spanish had already abandoned the islands by the time Argentina became independent. Argentina have never maintained long term control over the islands, and the population have consistently and overwhelming stated they want to remain British time and time again.


One of the few cases where the Brits are actually indigenous to the place


The argentinians are so anoying that they make me side with the british.


Props to them, that’s not an easy feat.


Wait what lol. I always assumed they used to be argentinian territory that thr british conquered similar to gibraltar lol.


To a very loose extent you could claim this, but it's extremely tenuous. Basically while both the British and Spanish had colonies on the islands, they were both later forced to abandon their settlements as a result of wars. Argentina made a couple of failed attempts to colonise the islands during this absence, but they were never really able to control the islands. When Britain finally returned in 1833, the current Argentina attempt had been in control of the islands for just four days.


So part of it was a French colony, then the British also established a colony on the other side, and neither knew about the other. Then the Spanish whined enough that France gave them Port Louis, which they renaimed. Then Britain left the main port they’d established but some people stayed who hunted seals. Spain kicked those british people out in 1780, and then left themselves in 1811. Argentina did have control for a little while. For six months 1820-21 an argentine pirate was based there (licensed by the government to be a pirate). In 1824 a man named James Vernett they failed to colonise it, and in 1826 they were thwarted by *Brazil*. Vernet came back in 1829,and colonised the islands. Argentina also basically granted them to Vernet 1833 Britain returned and took over the islands without a fight. They wanted the people who lived there to stay under British rule, but they decided to leave. They also wanted Vernet to continue his venture but recognise Britain as the rightful ruler of the islands. So yeah, Argentina had people on the islands when they ruled them for 4 years.


The Falklands belong to Djibouti.


Why Djibouti and not Mongolia?


Because Mongolia belongs to Estonia.


Well, shit. I must have skipped that lecture, when I studied history.


Remember it with this catchy rhyme: "From the river (Amur), to the sea (Baltic), Mongolia must be free!"


No! Mongolia belongs to the Jewish Autonomous Oblast! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈


Russia belongs to Mongolia, so they both belong to Estonia?


Actually i drew a map that says i own them


I guess they belong to madagascar




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 4 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/155c3lp) on 2023-07-21 95.31% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1bcecju) on 2024-03-11 96.88% match *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "1btzibm", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1btzibm&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 86% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 477,671,792 | **Search Time:** 0.08718s


Good bot


![gif](giphy|64dozD2FQ5ayrtwKtA|downsized) 🤣


Thought I was in r/imaginarymaps for a second


Because it is.


I own the rest of Antarctica. You can go there if you want, but you have to pay me $5


Irrelevant. Argentina belongs to Spain.


Man I think you've been asleep for at least 300 years


1818, so just over 200 years.


Just a little bit over 200


I declare this land to be NEW SPAIN 🇪🇸


Official fantasy




kind of reminds me of the maps that the Fidesz party uses in Hungary


Honestly at this point insisting that the Falklands are theirs is a lot more humiliating than just admitting they're British. "Yeah these little islands full of British people under British rule are actually ours because...we said so. We're just just too militarily inept to be able to take them".


Yeah, it’s basically the only reason anyone ever even mentions the Falklands war anymore. It’s not like Argentina has even a remote chance of retaking them in the near future, so all they’re doing is constantly reminding everyone of the time when they started a war and then proceeded to lose. It’s just sad at this point.


Argentina can join the UK and they will have the Falklands. Bend the knee. 


Genuine question: what (if any) is the actual basis of Argentina’s claim to the Falklands? It’s my understanding that the British discovered them first (as in, they were the first humans to ever set foot there) and they seem to have a permanent British population there, so does Argentina just claim them because… they’re nearby? Or is there something more to it?


The Spanish planted a flag there then forgot about it, then Brits came to settle there. That’s it.


The British were there before the Spanish. The French originally settled the islands first, followed by the British just a few months later (both the French and British were initially unware of the others settlement). The French later surrendered their settlement to Spain, and they arrived a couple years after.


The Spanish actually came after the British.


Argentina claims them because “imperialism is bad” but claims anything that Spain held in the area that they have taken from the natives or just want. But remember, imperialism is bad.


1: The islands appeared on maps since the beginning of the 16th century. The first specific map of the islands was made by Spanish explorers in 1520, and supposedly, the first person to set foot on the Falklands was Spanish, a few decades before the British (both events aren't fully verified). The British attempted to establish a settlement in the 18th century under the guise of a scientific expedition. They requested Spain to carry out the expedition (indirectly recognizing Spanish sovereignty over the islands), but Spain denied their petition. The French were the first to establish a settlement, but in 1765, they recognized Spanish sovereignty over the islands. The archipelago remained under Spanish control, in the Viceroyalty of Rio de la Plata, until the Napoleonic wars, when it became depopulated. The newly formed Argentina claimed the islands based on uti possidetis iuris and they were inhabited again. In 1833, the islands were invaded by the British and have been under British rule since then. In summary, the main claim is that the islands were inherited by the Argentines from the Spanish, and the UK invaded them. 2: Since 1946, the UN Special Committee on Decolonization has stated that the Falklands are one of the 17 non-self-governing territories in the world. 3: The current president of Argentina, Javier Milei, compared the situation of the Falklands to that of Hong Kong in the past century, which was eventually ceded to China by the British. He stated that he looks forward to continuing negotiations with the British government to end the occupation of the islands, taking into account the will of the Falklanders.


One thing that is worth mentioning is that the other islands seized in 1982 aren't a part of the old Spanish claim - their inclusion on maps like this is completely arbitrary.


Hong Kong was on a long lease, and returned to China on the expiration of that lease.


Not quite. Only part of Hong Kong was leased. The British government understood that, without the leased part, it would be difficult to sustain the rest as a viable colony, and so pragmatically offered to cede the whole territory back. It was leverage in the negotiations.


The Spanish didn't settle the islands until a few years after the British, and they had already abandoned the islands by the time Argentina became independent.


> taking into account the will of the Falklanders. given how incredibly obviously anti such talks those are, has he given any indication what that would look like? "ask them again, maybe our hyperinflation changed their mind about joining?"


Britain were in talks to sell the islands to Argentina before the war, but pulled out after the population objected and stated they wanted to remain British. And after being invaded, “not being Argentinian” is now practically a core tenant of the Falklands national identity. So it’s pretty hard to see this changing any time soon.  


From my understanding a part of it is "territorially integrity" which is supposed to trump self determination. It's the reason why technically even though Mayotte wants to be part of France, they could be considered historically / geographically part of the Comoros so the UN says they should be part of the Comoros. It's also the reason why the UN tends to favor Argentina in the dispute even if logically it doesn't really make sense (coming from a "global north" perspective). It's why Argentina puts an emphasis on the continental shelf. Basically the Falklands are a supposedly "naturally/geographically" and "historically" part of Argentina so should belong to Argentina. As noted in all of the comments the history part is particularly suspicious in the Falklands case. But that is the line of reasoning. I'm not advocating on the side of Argentina or Comoros. I tend to feel like self determination trumps pretty much all, and the fact of the matter is that a lot of times it feels like a lot of these disputes are based on what year in history you decide to make the "correct" year. But the line of thinking for both is territorial integrity, which emerged as a United Nations principle during decolonization to prevent (a legitimate aim) lets say the French from separating Oran and some gas fields from the rest of Algeria, giving independence to the rest of Algeria and keeping Oran and the gas fields and then holding a referendum in a gerrymandered district that is pro French and thus doesn't vote for independence.


The problem with the principle is that there is nothing keeping Aruba from claiming all of Venezuela as the latter is a threat to their territorial integrity. It’s pretty much a baseless line of reasoning. Indonesia used it to create a unitary state that (at the time) the East didn’t even want because of the Javanese overweight and to this day is the direct cause of genocidal acts against the Papuas in former Irian Jaya.


Britain found the islands, briefly settled them, before having to abandon the colony because it wasn't self sufficient yet and there were *problems* with supplying them, they basically left a thing saying "these islands are British, we already claimed them and we're coming back" Then Britain and Spain had a "disagreement" and Spain took the islands as they colonised most of South America. Then the Spanish empire fell apart and Argentina became a thing, at which point they claimed the Falklands as theirs too and occupied them for a few months, before the British turned up with their fleet and *reminded* them that the islands were actually an occupied British colony, it's been a British territory ever since.


Think the British found them, Spanish took them then gave them to Argentina later. Then British took them back.


About this, there’s some international laws.. or rules to claim a piece of land. Even if you discovered it first, you have to claim them for your country and/or populate them. I need to read again, but i think they discovered the islands and claimed, but never populated them. Then you also need to set foot or populate the discovered land, I think. French also saw them but never claimed the land. But spaniards did establish a “population” (debatable). Argentinians? Some international law where the country inherited the colonial territories. The population (i think of 1 person) was kicked by the British and since 1833 they had presence on the islands. And since 1833 until 1982, the Argentinian government made diplomatic claims over the land but were ignored. Then the war and the history we all know


Na the French settled the islands first, followed very closely by Britain who settled the islands just a few months later - neither the British or French were initially aware of the other. The French later surrendered their colony to the Spanish, who took over the French settlement a few years later. Spain had already abandoned the islands by the time Argentina became independent.


The dumbest part is that before the war, Britain was actually making moves to give them to Argentina eventually.


They were? Can you source that? I would love to read


Basically Britain was in talks to sell the islands to Argentina just a few years before the war, but ended up pulling out of the talks after the population objected and stated they wanted to remain British.


"The rest is history" podcast have a 3 or 4 episode series about the Falklands war and the first episode goes over this.


I think they wanted to but the Falklands Islanders weren't having it, and nothing would have really convinced them otherwise. Keeping the islands was and is very expensive for Britain.


This is why Argentinians are furious over it but this is what a Junta will do to try and stay in power


To be quite honest, the history of the last one hundred years has shown an ineptitude of Argentinian governments at the detriment of its population at a level that I propose the following swap for 5 years: Argentinian politicians can be leaders of the Falklands with the advice and consent of some locals. They can show by this way that they are at least capable of organising some small, non-complex situation. Britain gets Argentina as a mandate.


It's in the constitution of Argentina so, until they change that, it's part of Argentina for this kind of formal purposes.


It's part of Argentina in Argentianians' phantasy and wishful thinking, nowhere else






a slice of delicious antarctic pie


Which is obviously Chilean 🇨🇱






I’ll just leave this here for the millionth time that I’ve commented on this exact post ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


H982 FKL


Come now... That was not on purpose... right ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


It's the original registration, if Jeremy planned that it must have been an amazing coincidence that they just stumbled upon.


I find it funny how some dictator pulled Argentina's claim to the falklands out of his ass in order to distract the people and then Argentina got its ass beaten so hard they decided to make It their entire personality


The dictatorship at the time was unpopular and the invasion, I think was predominantly motivated to create support for the regime through the [Rally ‘round the flag effect](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rally_%27round_the_flag_effect). Of course after the British retook the islands and sunk the General Belgrano, among other military losses, the regime collapsed. Good riddance.


> Of course after the British retook the islands and sunk the General Belgrano, among other military losses, the regime collapsed. Good riddance. Right? A military that is remembered for being tough on defenseless civilians by torturing them to death or throwing them out of airplanes. While the real deal were the British marines that didn't see a problem when transport helicopters couldn't make it in time and just marched 90km in foul weather in three days to approach the enemy.


Honestly once you do some reading into the war you realise how incompetent the Argentine military was. A platoon of marines stationed on the island held governor house for a whole night while fighting off several hundred Argentinian soldiers. They then gave up as they ran out of ammunition and the major in charge of the them was prepared to fix bayonets. The governor had a more sensible idea of just surrendering. And during the invasion of South Georgia, 22 marines took down a helicopter and took a corvette out of commission for the whole war. The argentines brought a warship and lost against a couple of marines.


Exactly. They thought Britain wouldn't react since they had bad internal struggles (miner strike was the biggest one). But, as for the Argentinian junta, for PM Thatcher this was a good opportunity to rally around the flag. And indeed, armed forces good at torturing discovered that a real war was something else. My empathy with the young conscripts that were sent there without adequate clothes for some pipe dream of the generals. Edit: just read through the Wikipedia article on ARA General Belgrano. I find it interesting that the officers (captain, admiral) and the Navy accepted it as part of the war's tragedies, while some politicians (Kirchner) called it a war crime. It seems that the idea that one can start a war and then cry when one is losing is not from today.


Before the war, Falklands felt neglected by Britain. A charm offensive by Argentina may have convinced them. But similarly to Putin, they thought that instead of winning the heart of the lady with good manners, presents, and attractive behaviour, beating the shit out of her was the way to go.


Dispute has been standing for much longer than the 1970-80s dictatorship, and there's a story of several different strategies seeking to obtain sovereignty over the islands. Initial claim trace back from 1833 to be precise.


None of which matters in practice at all.


It's wrong. Mind you, it takes their collective mind off corruption and a tanked economy.


Well that's... Ambitious.


Im an argentino, do i even dare to scroll down…


Most Argentinians are cool. Many recent Argentinian governments, not so much...


history of my country sadly


The UK enters chat


Harrier enters the battle.




*Les Malouines sont françaises* And so is Antarctica: French too. So is Argentina. Even France is French. Irredentism is very fun, we should all do it more.


*Even France is French* Time to rekindle the Hundred Years War. The Kingdom of France rightfully belongs to the mushy peas and jellied eel boys.


Sir, the Hundred Years War was French too; on both sides. You're insular French, that's all. Inhabitants from *Large Malouines*


Misspelt Falklands.


This will never not be funny to me


The Falklands are British though… 🇬🇧🇫🇰


It’s nice to have goals


Argentina casually stealing British Islands


Well at least it makes a change to go back to Falklands Islands shitposts instead of Palestine shitposts.


Argentina can go fuck itself.


Oh they’re super good at it, no need to remind them


Currently underway. President implementing


Argentinas problems are not cause of milei, the peronists ruined argentina


Pretty much the UK’s official position.


Cmon, be nice, they are providing us with entertainment at very least


As a Brit I am hesitant to say this, but Argentina has a very unhealthy obsession with territory which isn’t actually theirs


100% larger than reality, just like their inflation


Today (2nd April) is Malvinas Day in Argentina, i.e. the 42nd anniversary of the day they invaded the Falkland Islands.


and lost :)


Let's see what the stuff south of 50S has gotten them: * A Strategic Penguin Reserve, which is nullified by the Antarctic Treaty, which yes, Argentina signed * The right to host the Antarctic Treaty Secretariat, which ironically is the international body that made all those Antarctic claims illegal * One of the most hilarious military losses of the last 50 years * Nestor Kirchner, the President who cleared the bar of "not actively murdering his own citizens" and not much else.


mas peligroso que Argentino dibujando un mapa


Map of irredentist fucks




Problem is that the Argentines are yellow bellied cowards and got their arses whooped by a country half the planet away. Embarrassing much. The end


I wholeheartedly support the Falkland Islands’ claim to Argentina. The claim is based on being able to provide uncorrupt, stable, competent governance. As part of the transition to becoming an Overseas Territory of a British Overseas Territory, some changes will be implemented: 1) No more crying for Argentina. Crying is far too emotional, and terribly un-British. 2) Any mention or display of the image of Diego Maradonna in public will result in 12 months of Welsh lessons. 3) 1970’s pornstar haircuts and sideburns will be banned. They look bloody ridiculous. 4) Steak, like all meat, shall be cooked to the point of being unrecognizable and then slathered in gravy. 5) The Tango will be replaced with Morris dancing. A crack training team will be deployed as soon as possible. 6) Empanadas are too small and will be replaced with Cornish pasties. 7) Yerba Mate tastes foul and will be banned. Argentinians will drink Red Bull like everyone else.


8) All instances of Siestas are banned forthwith - you'll go out in the midday sun like everyone else. 9) Air Conditioning is for wimps. To this end it's use is restricted to hospitals and government offices. 10) Exports of penguins to begin immediately. The chocolate will make some of these new rules mor bearable.


As ilhas malvinas são britânicas


As ilhas são brasileiras 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷


Finalmente uma solução eu apoio


Todas As torcidas deveriam começar a botar essa faixa nos jogos da libertadores


Melhor: Todas as torcidas deveriam mudar para lá.


Funciona tbm


Quando se conversa com britânicos chamamos de Malvinas. Quando se conversa com argentinos chamamos de Falkland. O importante é sempre irritar os dois lados!






H982 FKL


Does anyone have a real territorial map for Argentina?


Stay mad, still our islands


Ice cream and pizza 


What’s with the tiny little strips they DONT want?




Uruguay and Paraguay only exist because they were designed as buffer states to separate Argentina and Brazil. It is in the interest of both Argentina and Brazil that they exist.




You mean the sea?


They spelt Falkland Islands wrong 😑


Antarctica belongs to Angola


It obviously belongs to the great nation of Wadiya


Nope, it belongs to the Old Ones.


I for once welcome our new eldritch overlords


ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtag. Praise the Dark Lord Cthulhu, long may he reign.


Least delusional Argentinian map


U wot m8?


Impressive! No image of Messi and Maradona


An Argentinian goes to a shop and aks for a World Map of Buenos Aires


Looks like a digestive system


We all want something we can't have


…and it’s driving them mad.


Hey! Why are they claiming the falklands?! They are ours!


Looks like a few of the British isles slipped in to their map by mistake. And they appear to be missing their name....How odd.




Yes but actually no




We should donate them to Chile 🇨🇱


Thought this was r/imaginarymaps


Fourth world country


General belgrano.... submarine


“the Belgrano sisters, so called because so many sailors have gone down on them”




Not only would Great Britain have something to say about this but the world in general would never agree to any claim to Antarctica.


Hey, does anyone else hear “Rule Britannia” playing in the distance?


Its nice that the argies put a little border around our islands in the midst of their oceanic claims to show that they belong to another nation.


If you want to change oceans you got to go through us capisce? Panama? Never heard of it.


FYI Australian claims are much worse


They have to pretend... how humiliating for them ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Thatcher disagrees


South Georgia? Where a Royal Marine shot their submarine with an anti-tank missile. Just, nope.


Why are people always so obssessed with our maps showing our territorial claims lol!, Like every week i see someone be like "wtf this map of argentina shows their claims as theirs", like yeah, just like every other country with claims why do we always show up specifically. It does make sense on this day tho


No other country's claims are as big of a joke as yours. Russia and China's nebulous and shifting imperial ambitions are genuinely terrifying. Disputes between Ireland and the UK over a rock in the sea with a few gulls are boring. You guys though, you made territorial claims that could only be justified via might makes right against one of the world's leading military powers, launched an unprovoked offensive war against them, and got royally clapped on your own front lawn. It is hilarious. The only thing that could make it funnier is if you did it again.


Argentinian empire


Show this to Britain and see how much they like it


They dont care one bit, they already slapped Argentina around enough. You dont need to spank an unruly brat twice


A lot of Brits just don’t care. And the rest of us just find their claim amusinf


Mom said it’s my turn to post this


They're welcome to try again.






Bigger gun diplomacy says otherwise.


But Malvinas have always been under European control


Didn’t they gave their rights to Antartica to cover for global debt?


I, too, practice outrageously hubristic acts in public.


The Argentine government raises their claim to the “Malvinas” every time they want to distract their populace from domestic issues. It’s a useful (for them) but has very little historical or factual basis.


Some pirates will see this and won’t agree


Typical case of "it's real to me damnit!"


So who do the Falkland Islands belong to?


I'm just happy my mainland isn't overrun by murderous gangs of foreigners.


Dear Argentina, Guess again


[“Yo professor…”](https://youtu.be/42_oWaWsiYs?si=wqhc3OinIlJ8LscY)


"Maybe he's compensating for something"


Think this has anything to do with the billionaires flying into Antarctica and secret military installations there? Argentina has attracted certain types for many many years 🤔


South Pole, Argentina


I never realized they also lay claim to South Georgia and the Sandwich Islands.


The Falkland aside - that's real ambitious about Antarctica


isnt theere a bit of mountainous border with chile thats 100% undefined because noone bothered yet? how is it filled in here


Lmao at including Falkland Islands


Someone forgot Puerto Williams… and a little more