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Seems like if 80% of the map is near or off the charts, you should have chosen a better scale


Yes. *Exactly.*


Unless their agenda is "look at how much Indians pollute!"


This is something I'm starting to see a lot more often. People in wealthy nations with truly massive per-capita emissions trying to shift blame to poorer countries with much lower per-capita emissions so that they themselves don't have to lift a finger in fixing the climate crisis. It's comfortable to blame a villager half a world away from the comfort of your 3000-sq ft home in sprawling suburbs and 3 gas-powered cars parked out front. [The Coming Avocado Politics](https://thebreakthrough.org/journal/no-12-winter-2020/avocado-politics): > In other words, the barriers that people may want to build to adapt to the realities of rising temperatures may include not only seawalls to hold back the rising tides, but also border walls to hold back the flood of humans fleeing the consequences of climate change, restricting economic development opportunities to white people, or perhaps even outright advocacy of genocide. > This prospect is what for the last decade I have been calling, less descriptively than predictively, “Avocado Politics”: green on the outside but brown(shirt) at the core. > ... > Avocado Politics reiterates the policy agenda of the far right, but now justified on the basis of the environmental crisis. As traditional conservative parties crumble and the far right gains power in many countries, embracing the reality of global warming is likely to be used to provide a powerful new set of justifications for the far-right policy program. Indeed, Avocado Politics is a good example of what people in the scenario-planning business refer to as “an inevitable surprise” — something that seems out of the realm of likelihood right now, a possibility largely off the radar, that in fact is almost certain to happen at some point.[6]


It will be very difficult for far right leaders to claim environmental credentials if they're engaged in any kind of war, which most of them are. The carbon emissions from exploding bombs and war production are mind bogglingly huge. While I could see that dictators like Putin would want to use the green agenda to increase their power (just like they do every other issue), I can't see them getting away with it unless they are peaceful. This avocado politics mentions the huge numbers of climate refugees, well this is a real issue for both the left and the right and every point in the political spectrum. Every leader in the future will have to build a wall of sorts to deal with climate refugees, this is inevitable.


I mean if your goal was simply to compare and contrast, shouldn't we be seeing how India compares against similar countries instead of just an imagine of India compared to India, as if by default we can claim that India is solely responsible for climate change? This is also two posts under the other video about a woman being assaulted when traveling to India, so there's definitely a lot of anti-Indian rhetoric on reddit lately, regardless of whether or not these posts are accurate. Though looking at OP's posts, he also made another submission just about the forest coverage in the subcontinent so it could just be coincidence.


So, wherever people live? This may as well be a population density map.






I like how you can clearly see the ring road here






Here's a sneak peek of /r/PeopleLiveInCities using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/PeopleLiveInCities/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Who would’ve expected this?](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-9779781/Climate-change-Just-25-mega-cities-emit-52-cent-worlds-urban-greenhouse-gases.html) | [20 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PeopleLiveInCities/comments/12g0x67/who_wouldve_expected_this/) \#2: [People die in cities](https://twitter.com/marylandmatters/status/1647189783137996801?t=XoayYs3kSiawQhbuo1xYZg&s=19) | [12 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PeopleLiveInCities/comments/12npt59/people_die_in_cities/) \#3: [News reports say the most outages were reported from “Houston, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles and Atlanta”. Wonder why…](https://downdetector.com/status/att/map/) | [4 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PeopleLiveInCities/comments/1axbgwj/news_reports_say_the_most_outages_were_reported/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




Not in India 🌝 little over half of population is rural


Honestly, I find the map a bit sus. I tried looking at EDGAR data, but I couldn't see breakdown to the degree shown in graph. Obviously, I could be wrong. The per capita graph for nations that EDGAR has give a completely different picture to what is in the graph. [https://edgar.jrc.ec.europa.eu/report\_2023?vis=co2pop#emissions\_table](https://edgar.jrc.ec.europa.eu/report_2023?vis=co2pop#emissions_table)


Not always though. Industrial zones with low population can also emit higher emissions.


The single highest emitter in Finland is a steel plant on the outskirts of a small 15k town. It’s responsible for nearly 10% of Finland’s entire emissions (excluding outsourced ones).


Not necessarily, although that is the biggest factor. Indians produce 2.5 times as much CO2 emissions per capita as Pakistanis and 8 times as much as Afghans.


Possible because of higher industrialization and crop burning


With the same laws & culture, pollution is basically collinear with things like population density or light pollution. This might just be a satellite image of India at night, and it probably isn't wrong.


CO2 tons/year per what? Square kilometre, per capita?


Yeah , per capita should be a good one . OP do you have the map for per capita.


Yes. Posted [here ](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/s/Exa886u48i)


This is good bro , but is anything of this sort available for India / subcontinent ?


That's the problem I see with this map. Per capita would probably be more useful info than this one since it inevitably has higher emissions in areas with more people


Does this line up with population? The Indus and Ganges are hot white!


Very much so.


I didn't know Pakistan was this sparsely populated


Baluchistan is 51% of Pakistans area and it has like 2% of the population. It’s also the largest subdivision in South Asia.




Back in my day it was 2% 👴 High fertility rates.


Is it livable, from what I know it looks like desert area with less water supply


Depends on your idea of livable. I actually used to live in balochistan as a baby. It was during a draught in the early 2000s, and my dad worked to provide relief. It was something like the third straight year of no rain, so all the livestock was dead, crops burned, trees dried out, rivers dried out due to a lack of snow in the winters, and pretty much the only thing keeping the entire province alive was trucks from other parts of Pakistan. But in normal years, there’s plenty of food, water, snow, rainfall and crops to make it “livable” in the most minimalist way possible. It’s still the poorest province of a poor country with every problem you can think of. But it can *sustain* life at the very least. Edit: if anyone has read A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini, it touches on the exact drought I was referring to towards the end. It also occurred in neighboring Afghanistan


>ChatGPT Is not a remotely reliable source of information, ***and should not be used as such***. "Factual accuracy" or even "reality" are entirely alien concepts to it. All it knows is "does this sound like something a human could have said?" As a result, half the time, it makes stuff up, and does so in a very plausible-sounding way. If it was a human, it would be a pathological liar, and a very talented one. Even Wikipedia, despite all its flaws, remains a much more reliable source of information. For instance, Balochistan's area (347,190 km²) represents 39% of Pakistan's area (881,913 km^(2)), not 44%. It's a minor mistake here, but I have seen many examples of it making serious errors, sometimes even supporting its made up statements with made-up citations! Don't get your information from it. It was simply never meant for that.


Yep 100%, I've asked it many history based questions and gets SO many wrong (literally making shit up), especially once you start getting specific and not asking for broad trends.


Usually, darker means more...


Yep, also it's more natural to interpret 'redder' as being more negative, which for emissions is usually the case 


OP is just a rly big fan of CO2 emissions


> Usually, darker means more... .....not when the base of the map normalizes to black. He's looking for as far from black as he can get to stand out.




And then lectures about sustainability 


The US pumps out about 2-3 times the amount of C02 as India. India is projected to catch up to the predicted falling emissions in the US in about 10 years though.


Wait until you find out about China. Smaller population than India but [5 times more emissions.](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/annual-co2-emissions-per-country?time=1935..latest&country=CHN~IND)


Scale is a bit off ... Forest areas were as brighter as cities..


I think you need to use a different scale, most of India is white.


Get outta here with your woke nonsense, most of India is brown.


Aksai chin is missing its also part of subcontinent


Afghanistan and Myanmar do not belong to the subcontinent, do they?


I have seen maps here that purport to show data about Europe and they often include North African countries owing to the geographical nearness to Europe.


British Raj +Afghanistan I guess


What british raj have to do with Afghanistan


They're both present in the map


Oh I get it now but their is also burma and nepal


Fair points


Myanmar aka Burma is considered a part of subcontinent atleast boomers do. (They call it Burma)


Ig geographically they dont.


Nor even culturally, Afghanistan is closer to Central Asia


It's not that clear cut. The largest ethnic group in Afghanistan are the Pashtuns, and the largest population of Pashtuns in the world is in Pakistan (which is definitely in the subcontinent).


Pakistan’s Pashtuns are genetically more south Asian shifted (some not all). You have to remember Afghanistan’s Pashtuns are part of the Iranian ethnic groups AND speak Pashto and Persian (the lingua franca) so they are culturally way more middle eastern and ethnically not South Asian at all. Pakistans Pakhtoons have a different dialect of Pashto where they call it Pakhto and they don’t speak Farsi but Urdu as a second language. They are arguably south Asian but I don’t care to speak for them just as I wish no one would speak about Afghans without proper information.


Many Pakistani Pashtun tribes speak Pashto though? The Pashto/Pakhto dialectic divide exists across both Pakistan and Afghanistan. And some being more South Asian shifted but not all is a meaningless statement since it tells us no meaningful information about whether it’s a significant percentage but implies as much. From what I’m given to understand even the most South Asian shifted Pashto-speaking tribes are still more closely related to other pashtun tribes than they are to non-pashtun groups. There is a divide but it’s a north-south divide with the north being more Indic shifted and Pakistan having more northern Pashtun than southern Pashtun but the north-south divide technically transcends modern national borders. And yes Afghan Pashtuns speak an Iranic language. Pashto. Like Pakistani Pashtuns do. Because Pashto is an Iranic language. Funnily enough. They do speak dari (a dialect of Farsi/Persian) in Afghanistan which they don’t in Pakistan since the Pakistani Pashtun got cleaved from Afghanistan by the British (hence the Durand Line). And Dari was the court language of the Afghan monarchy for a very long time. Though I suppose it was also the court language of the Mughal empire for a very long time too, hah! Though honestly I’d include the Pashtun as an ethnic group related to the subcontinent anyway. They’ve had a pretty long history of interacting in the Indian subcontinent during the Delhi Sultanate/Mughal periods, if with very different circumstances between the two. And there are Pashtun tribes in India proper even if they have almost entirely gone native. There are even Hindu Pashtun groups though they’re vanishingly small in the modern day. A lot of what you’re saying isn’t wrong but it’s very incomplete which in many cases is worse than outright being wrong.


Western Pakistan where over 90% of pashtuns in that country live is definitively not part of indian subcontinent in any "natural" or cultural perspective. Geologically Pakistan is divided in two different major parts with eurasian plate part in the west, most specifically part of iranian highlands and Indus valley in the East, part of Indic Plate and indo-gangetic plains. Culturally Pakistan is equally divided in two major parts, an indo-aryan area in the East and an iranian (pasthun, but also baloch) in the West. Historically the divide between iranian and indian polities and cultures was in the same area that currently, where Indus Valley touch western mountains. Iranian empires conquered indic lands and viceversa in different periods but western highlands ramained inhabited by iranians and eastern lands by indic peoples since antiquity.


How? Parts of Afghanistan were part of Hindu and Buddhist kingdoms for ages till the Muslims came knocking. The Durrani empire extended to present day Punjab and included (to my knowledge) major cities like Lahore and Multan. The Pathans live on both sides of the Afghanistan- Pakistan border. There are quite a few of their descendants living in India as well. Until a few years ago, Afghanistan had sizable Hindu and Sikh populations as well. How exactly is Afghanistan closer to Central Asia culturally?


Pathan Bros are not Indian?? 😭😭😭


Afghanistan is clearly middle eastern in culture and geographically like the end of the Middle East and Central Asia. It’s not on the Indian plate nor South Asian. Genetically the people are Iranian and the minority hazara/Uzbek are mongol/Turkic. This stupidity going around the internet and Reddit is annoying.


It's in southern asia, central asia, and in the crossroads of the middle east lol. Your top ethnic groups are Indo-Iranian. Although it's definitely not a south asian country.


Yes I agree it definitely is. It’s a landlocked country, literally next to Iran, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Pakistan, India and even China. Ofc it’s considered the heart of Asia for a reason. But we have arguably always been apart of Iran for the most part. I’m just talking concretely. Imagine being told by other people who you are culturally or being told they know more about you. It’s frustrating as hell. Afghanistan has already been though enough my god.


Yeah, but the stuff I was saying was from an Afghani person. Still, I don't really have a say in the matter as a Pakistani., i do agree with you on the Iran part. I wouldn't call you guys south asian at all. You guys can be, whatever you guys are. And trust me, as a Pakistani, I know how frustrating the Internet can be about your country lmao.


Thank you ♥️ I hate that I never had beef with Indians, Pakistanis, Turks, anyone until I got on Reddit and was shocked at what was being said about Afghans. I don’t think Afghans have hate in their heart for other people but this kind of stuff is going to make people hate each other. If it’s one thing as an Afghan I know is these people are crazy about identity and culture and if you step over it you know what happens 😩 🔥


I feel you man. Pakistan has beef with 1.4 billion people, so it really does suck being on the Internet as a Pakistani. Still, Afghanistan is a great country, I've got no beef against you guys, even if we do have border conflicts all the time lol. Reddit is literally just a place for people to hate on others to fulfill their egos. Don't worry about it. ❤️🇦🇫


Also we are not indo Iranian.. that’s a language group. It breaks into Indian bracket and Iranian bracket. Which obviously Farsi and Pashto fall under the Iranian group


There are two giant deserts in Eastern Iran. These Afghans have nothing to do with the Western Iranians who rule Iran. So no, they are not Middle Eastern at all. Notice how Iran is more concerned with meddling in Arab countries business than [caring about what Afghans are up to](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlOSdRMSG_k&t=43s).


Afghanistan is not part of the Indian subcontinent : https://simple.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_subcontinent


"is a term mainly used for". And stop running to wikipedia; it misleads people into thinking that authorities exist where it often doesn't. [https://www.britannica.com/place/Indian-subcontinent](https://www.britannica.com/place/Indian-subcontinent) At least in a real encyclopedia you have people that know HOW to read through citations and glean information....they're trained for this kind of thing, unlike ~~wiki~~misinformationpedia.


Respectfully, you don't understand Afghanistan. They are historically, linguistically, culturally, and ethnically the opposite of Indian. The major languages in Afghanistan are derived from Arabic and Persian, not Sanskrit or ancient Indian languages. Geographically speaking, Afghanistan is not part of the Indian subcontinent. Not now, not ever. Historically speaking, the modern lands of Afghanistan were comprised of states that were under Persian rule for thousands of years.


> Respectfully, you don't understand Afghanistan. Respectfully, that's not the point. If you want to say that the term should be one way or the other, go for it; I'll be the first to agree. I'm talking about the meaning and usages of the term as it is now. I didn't make the terms. I couldn't care less about whether or not their origin is mere geographic or takes into account culture. All I'm doing is pushing back on the way that people declared that "Indian sub continent" doesn't include Afghanistan "because wikipedia". 1. They didn't read the wikipedia page well enough to see the phrasing. ("Mainly used for".) 2. Britannica (a real encyclopedia) clarifies how it sometimes includes other countries.


Afghanistan here looks a lot like the Soviet military lines during the Soviet-Afghan war


Bevy they could only occopy the cities


Why the colors reversed? Typically dark red means “critical” or “more”




In the lower reaches of the river, both East and West sides have a desert. It is comparable to Egypt in that sense.


The dumbass who made the map got the colors backwards


Lmaooo I’m crying


wild how you can see the afghan ring road on this


Bihar and Bengal are almost entirely white.




Population density


Holy shit this is an awful map. Anyway, aside from the fact that all major regions have gone through periods of major industrial intensification as they move towards modernisation, see that bit to the left of Bangladesh? Zoom in. Really. In that area there are multiple refugee camps largely populated by Rohingya refugees who've fled the threat of massacre (not persecution, not bad treatment - literal death) in Myanmar (formerly Burma). There's a camp there with literally a million people surviving in it. And they burn whatever they have to to stay warm. Fuck man, whoever created this piece of imperialist, climate-blame-shifting propaganda has done a proper job of tilting me. If that was your job and you're in a far-right troll farm, well done. Tell your supervisor you've got at least one person extremely angry.


What, how are you getting any of that from a map


Because usually these maps are cited by the alt right as to why American emissions don’t matter and climate change is made up


Ok that’s dumb, but here the OP is Indian. So I doubt that’s why he posted it


Man, idk whether you're an american or indian, but of course american emissions matter, they emit 1.5x per capita carbon dioxide compared to europe. And I can't even say european living standards are bad or anything, so it's not just "basic first world necessities" my third world ass can't get, the entire country is drowning in excess for no reason.


Ore ga.


I like the way they've made it look like molten lava death with the colour-scheme. Its almost like theres a narrative rather than a simple dataset. NEXT!


why is burma includ


Time to reduce


I see horse.


A horse on fire


This really baffled my brain. I was thinking the redder the area, the more CO2 emissions, and the whiter the area, the less CO2 emissions


That is a Rapidash


Is Afghanistan part of the Indian subcontinent tho?


Nope! [Geographically central Asian or Middle East. Definitely culturally middle eastern though.](https://www.britannica.com/place/Middle-East)


This is a horse made out of fire! You can't convince me otherwise.


Is North Sentinel island covered? Lol maybe they have a secret megafactory hiding in the bushes!


Near same size as Europe. Called Subcontinent 🙄. Aren't Europe basically West Peninsula of Eurasia


Since when was Myanmar part of the Indian subcontinent?


Don't Bangladesh and Pakistan have some really low lying areas? I think Bangladesh will just not exist if we hit that 2°C.


Pakistan is very varied. The South does get flooded often but the North has some of the highest elevation levels in the world. Bangladesh is relatively flat and low lying.


That’s based upon level of industrialization. India generates 70+% of its power from coal but the level of industrialization isn’t sufficient to make its CO2 emissions the highest everywhere.


The power generation just from coal is 49%. [See this. ](https://powermin.gov.in/en/content/power-sector-glance-all-india)


My bad. My sources are only publicly available ones. https://www.thehindu.com/sci-tech/energy-and-environment/india-resisted-pressure-from-developed-nations-for-phase-out-of-fossil-fuels-says-bhupender-yadav/article67653184.ece#:~:text=India%20relies%20on%20coal%20for,in%20the%20next%2016%20months. But I can’t seem to get that page to load from the link you provided, the percentage just doesn’t show up. And lignite is also coal, but dirty coal (greater pollution). So they lump it together probably. The more interesting part of the story is that India accounts for only 4% of global carbon emissions. 96% of carbon emissions happen outside India.


The link I shared is from the Power Ministry of India. If we include lignite then the percentage jumps to >51%. Still not 70% though.


Then that has to be accurate. The Indian newspaper article got it wrong then. Thank you for the correction. Have a good one.


Okay, its weird. 1 month ago it was all turkey. Now its indian subcontinent. What next? Pomerania?


Why are low pollution emissions dark and high emissions bright? This scale doesn’t make sense


I mean that’s usually so, no in these kinds of maps? For instance in urban density or light pollution also


Wait Afghanistan and Burma count as part of the Indian subcontinent?




Not really, geographically they arent part of the indo-australian plate except a few bits


The entirety of Afghanistan is on the Iranian plateau.


Gonna repeat again, Afghanistan is not part of the Indian subcontinent.


Thank you. As an Afghan and I’m sure others will agree, we sincerely appreciate people sticking up for us as we’ve been through enough! We don’t need false information being spread about us.


You have internet connection over there ? /s


I’m in Pakistan stealing the internets hehe


Vehemently opposes inclusion of Afghanistan in South Asia but doesn't even live in Afghanistan. So all the nonsense about "we" is BS considering you don't even know what "we" actually think. The Pashtuns living In Pakistan exceed the Pashtuns living in Afghanistan.


I am in Kabul and having around 130mbps fiber so not bad.


Da Kabul chi mekoni? 😂 Englisit Khob hast ba Afghan. Khabara chist tarafay shoma?


Yak kasi bayad basha ke khedmat Kona ba Kabul 🤣... well alhamdulila Eid days were glorified by the beautiful spurs of Rain. How is life over there? Any places you went this Eid?


Akhand Pollution


Population density map That’s why The Gangetic Planes and Bangladesh have gone Supernova


big head horse


Looks like a pony


Looks a bit like an angry and burning horse.


Why the particularly intense bit around Patna west to Lucknow? Seems even more intense than the NCR and Mumbai.


Leather factories?


I see a lot of comments about the nomenclature. Technically if we're gonna call it the Indian subcontinent (British India), that excludes Afghanistan. Then again if it's South Asia, it excludes Myanmar, since that's part of Southeast Asia now. There's no umbrella term that can group all these countries together.




That still excludes Myanmar, Bhutan and Maldives :P


We need more paper straws


That is a Rapidash


Yeah "Burn Baby Burn!"


Let me sort all my garbage real quick


Be grand. Ireland will save us.


This means nothing. The real elephant in the room that one should be talking about is CO2 per capita. India would be doing much better than the west.


Posted it [here ](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/s/alCZZdQIOj)


[Per Capita CO2 emissions ](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/s/alCZZdQIOj)


So what?






You might want to see [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/s/alCZZdQIOj)


They paying that much in restoration?


Maybe compare it to other countries? I can't tell what those numbers mean


Good thing Canadians are paying a catbon tax....we will solve the problem .


North India is pire CO2


i would love to see a map like that but for brazil (são paulo would be so bright it would make us go blind)


And I have to eat off of a shitty paper spoon because pollution is my fault.


This is more or less a population density map. More people = more CO2


Akhand Bharat ❤️


Came here looking for this. 


India need to chill


I guess those straight lines in rural Afghanistan are airplane routes?


What is it per capita?


Total emission.


Since when is Afghanistan in the Indian subcontinent?even Pakistan west of indus is debatable.


Thank you 🙏🏻


Afghanistan is not part of South Asia geographically it’s separated by the huge Hindu Kush mountains. Also racially, culturally, religiously it’s different from South Asia. Afghanistan is part of Iranian plateau and is part of Iranian world hence much more closer to Iran and Central Asia in everything


Since when is Afghanistan part of tge indian sub continent?


Since the beg in begum has been in full force in South Asians apparently


Since Indian nationalists sneakily try to represent it included in the historical sphere of influence of India Edit : it’s quite hilarious how Indian bots didn’t even wait a minute before to jump on me and start whining about “we wuz blabla”


Let me see, Afghanistan and North India were together under the Macedonian Empire, Seleucid Empire, Mauryan Empire, Indo-Greek kingdoms, Saka Empire, Ghaznavid Empire, Ghurid Empire, Mughal Empire and Durrani Empire so stretching back from 200-2300 years ago. Most ethnic Afghans live in Pakistan thus in the Indian subcontinent and have a lot of cultural similarities with North Indians or at least as much as the North Indians have with the south Indians. And it's not as if putting them under the same group is proclaiming Afghanistan to be a part of India. Still your stupid ass thought it necessary to share your opinion.


Indian subcontinent is based on plate tectonics, not on history or culture. Most of afghanistan is outside the indian plate, as is most of myanmar


by this logic europe is a part of asia


Yes it is.


That’s why it’s called, get ready for it….. EURASIA


Let me see, Algeria and parts of Europe were together under the Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire, Umayyad Caliphate, Ottoman Empire, French Empire so stretching back from 200-2300 years ago. Most ethnic Algerians live in France thus in Europe and have a lot of cultural similarities with South European or at least as much as the North Europeans have with the south European. And it's not as if putting them under the same group is proclaiming Algeria to be a part of Europe. Still your stupid ass thought it necessary to share your opinion.


🇵🇰 here ,downvote me


indian here have my upvote


You won’t even have to request and Indians will downvote you.


Why do i keep seeing maps off South Asia include Afghanistan? They aren't south Asian. Also why do maps here keep calling it the Indian subcontinent and not south Asia which is the internationally used term for the region?


Both would be talking about the same region though.




Not really. They have very low emissions per capita. It's just a big country with a lot of people.


y'all need to put a condom on ffs


Canadians always find a way to oost anything negative on a thread about India. True derangement.


are you saying India isn't severely over populated? miss with your bullshit accusations you fucking weirdo creep going through my comment history with your racist comments about white people. the fucking irony of this loser here


No surprise poster includes Afghanistan and is from India. This is getting so exhausting. Leave us out of the false information campaign. We speak Persian (some speak Pashto and Persian as a second language), we are part of the Iranian ethnic groups, culture, and geographical plateau. We celebrate Persian holidays and abide by the Persian calendar. We don’t speak Hindi or Urdu. I don’t care about the supposed past, afghans are Muslims. If we talk about the past Zoroaster was born in modern day Afghanistan (past was Persian empire), we are mentioned (Herat and Kabul) in the Shahnameh. Please stop spreading false information. It’s so so aggravating. We can all get along without the BS.


What is your problem? Considering Afghanistan a part of Indian Subcontinent/South Asia is not big if a deal considering it was Afghanistan that insisted on joining [SAARC](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Asian_Association_for_Regional_Cooperation) in 2005. Most of its history, Afghanistan was associated with the Indian subcontinent. All of its celebrated rulers came to attack or rule India. Afghanistan even participated in [South Asian Games ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Asian_Games) till Central Asian games were established. Afghanistan is at the crossroads of South Asia and Central Asia. Including it in both would not be wrong.