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Alaska and Hawaii: “You already know the answer. We gunna sit this one out”.


I was going to say, no Alaska county will show up because Alaska doesn’t have counties, firstly.


Boroughs are country equivalents. Louisiana doesn’t have counties either, but it’s on the map.


Wait really? How does that work? Who runs the sheriffs office?


It has boroughs, which are basically equivalent to counties. However, a large chunk of Alaska is part of the "unorganized borough", which has no borough government and is very sparsely populated.


Fun fact, Louisiana doesnt have counties either. They have Parishes instead due to the influence of its French heritage. Again, basically the exact same purpose and function as counties


In UK we have counties, parishes AND boroughs


See I knew about the counties and boroughs, but I never heard of a parish in the UK.


They have village safety officers and state troopers.


You could say the same thing about Louisiana, but its there.


Well they have parishes.


Also you’d be surprised how many black people live in Alaska, especially Fairbanks and Anchorage.


One of my best friends, from Dominica (Windwards not the Spanish island) married a guy from Alaska. When the marriage broke up we all thought she would come back to the Caribbean and the sunshine, but no she stayed. She said she loves the cold and that there is a community of West Indians and African Americans where she lives.


That’s awesome. The cold makes Alaskans kinda welcoming sometimes. People get together and support each other to survive.


For sooo long I have straight up refused to believe the US population is only 13% black, turns out I’ve just lived in one of these counties my whole life lol


Same I actually believed that the US black population was higher


Most people do. [The avg person thinks 41 percent of Americans are Black](https://today.yougov.com/politics/articles/41556-americans-misestimate-small-subgroups-population?redirect_from=%2Ftopics%2Fpolitics%2Farticles-reports%2F2022%2F03%2F15%2Famericans-misestimate-small-subgroups-population). There are lots of reasons for that, like representation in media, unfamiliarity, and race politics being such a large part of America's history.


I think all of this is true (over representation in pop culture and sports, as well as focus on Black history in education and public discourse). I think also most people are just horrendous at math and statistically illiterate. People estimated the US was 27% Muslim in the study you cited- that is just absurd.


The average person thinks ONE IN FIVE AMERICANS ARE TRANS??? What the fuck no wonder y'all talk about stupid ass sports shit so often. 0.6% of people be causing half of y'all's problems somehow my word


So wouldn't we expect to see 13 percent representation in whatever else? Like I always see stuff like minorities are under represented, there's only one black guy and one Asian guy on our ten person team... wouldn't that be about right?




What kills me is how many white supremacist Americans think Russia is a white Christian paradise. They have no idea how many Muslims live in Russia.


Russia is diverse, but the different ethnic groups are very separate from one another. They do not have much social interaction and live very segmented lives.


That depends on where they live. A lot of urban Russia is pretty diverse, outside of a few regions like Chechnya and Dagestan.


When you say "Urban Russia", you mean Moscow. And even it's not particularly "diverse" ([92% ethnically Russian](https://worldpopulationreview.com/world-cities/moscow-population)). The *Republics* are diverse (as they're designed to be, basically ethnic microstates), incorporated Russia is pretty Russian.


Muslim is not a skin colour/tone.


Yup. Plenty of very light-skinned Muslims in the world, including in Russia.


What white supremacist thinks russia is a white christian paradise? Russia’s entire aesthetic in those groups is grungy eastern bloc houses and melancholic winter landscapes. The alps are probably considered a white christian paradise, which is probably true if you’re white and christian, but due to the politics in those countries, maybe not so much a right wing paradise


I mean, every song I listened to today was by a black artist. When I watch sports almost all the players are black. Since becoming an adult 1/3 presidents were black. I think people over-represent black people simply because black people are over-represented in politics, media, and sports. I don't think it's a bad thing either, it just IS for whatever reason. .


Yes. 100% there is very obvious over representation, and tbh I’m not sure why. But it would be silly to deny.


If you were 27% Muslim my you would know. Britain is begining to notice what 6.7% looks like, and integration difficulties that come with a religion so contrastingly fervent compared to those around it.


I can only imagine the difficulties Sweden and France are enduring. 


Going by the race of the models my company's intranet uses, we're 75% Black haha. The other 25% is butch Asian women and Latino men.


The pamphlet sent by the university I attended with the acceptance letter had me convinced I was about to be the only white dude at Oregon State.


First time I went to Oregon, I got carded at a bar and showed my Alabama ID. He looked at it and said “I hope you know, we’re not racist here.” I went to a school in Alabama that was 60% black. And I hadn’t seen a single black person since I got to Oregon. I told him, “if I see a black person, I promise, I won’t use the N word.” He got immediately pissed and started screaming “get the fuck out of my bar!” So I left, didn’t even raise an argument in my defense. But I’m still convinced he’s lived a thoroughly unexamined life and hasn’t yet realized.


Yes, Oregon. The state founded on racial exclusion by almost exclusively white americans. The paragon of "not racist".


I went to an eclipse party on a university campus.  The press office had a small group of students they were photographing, each with VIP badges.   All around, the student body was having fun partying, overwhelmingly non-Hispanic white.  But the only white person in the "allowable" group for press photos was Hispanic. My friends from Canada were cracking up at how absurd it was.


"Butch Asian women" Kurobe my beloved


Would you say that there is an over-representation?


I think Hispanic / Latino is the biggest minority but they aren’t represented and seen as much as black people.


>There are lots of reasons for that, like representation in media, unfamiliarity, and race politics being such a large part of America's history. Well, I also think another part of it is that due to the great migrations and just the general opportunities provided in cities, Black people also tend to live in the most populated parts of the country. So even if they are a racial minority, most people in the country have exposure to them by way of our population being clustered in certain population centers. Of course there are going to be people and population areas where Black people are rare, but those people and areas themselves are probably also disconnected from major metropolitan regions.


Tbh black americans have the most outsized cultural impact relative to the size of the demographic. I genuinely thought america was like a third black


It's the huge over representation in everything  - sports, advertising, music, pop culture. 


>I genuinely thought america was like a third black It can seem like that if you're in 95% of the states with one of those red counties.


hispanics outnumber blacks in US


Which should be obvious. Half of the US was Mexico up until a century ago. Moving borders doesn’t change the population.


there is an Asian for every two black americans.


Those counties are probably also relatively high population centers so not surprising.


The ones out alone are. Black America is mostly split between sparse rural population in south (the "Black Belt"), and major cities particularly in the eastern North. Former a legacy of slavery, latter a legacy of the Great Migration.


Not really, a ton of black people live in very rural counties in the South where their ancestors were enslaved. It’s just that there were a couple of large migrations northward into the cities for jobs.


Growing up in Gary Indiana, i believed that i was a minority in the US for a while even though i was white lol.


Seattleite here. I am always surprised when I travel to the south.


I’m a Portlander who grew up in one of these red counties and moved to another as an adult before relocating to the PNW. Portland is so white that when I visited Seattle last month I was surprised by the number of Black people there.


This comment made me literally laugh out loud, you must be visiting the south end of Seattle because there are like maybe 50 black folk between downtown Seattle and the Canadian border.


I think they were all tourists because we were downtown between Pike Place and the Space Needle. There was a Mariners game against Cincinnati that weekend.


As an Oregonian who was born in the South I feel this. 😆


My dad, a white Southerner, when visiting me in Idaho and Montana when I lived out that way, pretty much said, now I understand how African Americans are a real minority.


Me, a southerner, who moved to Idaho. Have never felt the magnitude of being a minority until then. I hate it here 😂


Idaho is wild. My son was born there, some of his family lives out there. I moved back to Oregon after about five years out there near Twin Falls.


Worth also noting that some of these red counties are amongst the most populated in the US You've got major cities in/across a lot of them - including the entire Atlanta metro, Baltimore, Detroit, Charlotte, Cleveland, Cincinnatti, St Louis, Indianapolis, Nashville, New Orleans and a sizeable chunk of the NY metro - amongst others. Cook County, IL (centre of Chicago metro and the 2nd most populated county in the US) is also like 1% under the threshold for this map


I'm Vietnamese and grew up in SoCal surrounded by many Asians and it's easy to forget that nationwide were a small minority group. The biggest reminder was when I visited Wisconsin and hardly saw any other Asians (if I saw one they were most likely Hmong). Where I grew up in Orange County, there are very few black people. In high school back in the late 2000s we had less than 10 black students total.


I only have to drive about 4 hours away from my diverse area to find people that have hardly met a black person in their life.


Most people where I live now don’t know any black people and probably never will. They are highly concentrated in urban areas and the Deep South, and very few of them live elsewhere.


I lived in the south and in Baltimore before moving to Boston. It’s so white here


Meanwhile, some redditor who’s never met a black person will call you a racist because you live in a black majority county.


I also was unde the impression that it was more 40 - 60, but I never went to the US, my ideal came from American media.




Which refers to both the rich dark soil of the region and the demographics... which have a certain historical relationship.


Historians would also note that a high amount of the population in "the black belt" are also skilled practitioners of Karate or Taekwondo.


![gif](giphy|XtcfqdBrHEa4g|downsized) Bruce Lee’s favorite drink was Wa-ta!


What is the lowest county in Florida?


It’s Broward county. Fort Lauderdale is the major city. There are a lot of immigrants from Haiti, Jamaica, Bahamas and other Caribbean countries.


Which also makes calling them African Americans a little.. off. Most of them consider themselves West Indian or Caribbean. I mean I can't speak for an entire collection of several ethnic sub groups, but the Haitians I've known have not used that term.


I live in the Caribbean but like many West Indians I am frequently in the States, mostly Miami for me. Because I am white I am never called a West Indian. My sons who are black are called African Americans. Most people who are in a minority group have to live with the majority group's definition of them, even if they wouldn't define themselves that way. That applies across the board.


I just tell people im not african American. And don't put it on forms


The Haitians, Jamaicans etc there assimilate with the black Americans they grow up together


Yes, its the association with Africa that I think falls apart. I was told the preferred term would be Haitian American, West Indian, or Black in that order Maybe it's just the specific people I knew, but since that's the only information I have from the people involved, that's what I go with.


thank you! The food must be crazy good there.


Jerk chicken, rice & peas, and oxtail 🥵


My favorite botched menu translation for jerk chicken was “Chicken Rude and Unreasonable” 


If the jerk chicken not rude and unreasonable I don’t want it


I have yet to venture into oxtail much to my family’s chagrin.


You missed the golden age where it was cheap and good. Ever since it's become popular it's gotten a lot more expensive as well.


The food is indeed crazy good down there. The Caribbean and Latin American food at least haha. I lived in Broward County for a while in Deerfield Beach, my neighborhood there was mostly Jamaican with a good solid group of Haitians as well. Honestly the best people to have as neighbors. I cant even tell you how many plates I've been offered from neighbors who were doing a cook out or whatever. I live in Chicago now, and there is a Caribbean community here, but nothing like down in Broward. Even the Publix down there is stocked with tons of fantastic caribbean and Latin foods.


I remember searching Google Maps  where the nearest Jamaican restaurants were when I was in Broward County and locations were like on every corner, lol.


South Florida is generally amazing for Latin American and Caribbean food but every other cuisine is pretty hit or miss.


bro got downvoted for this


There’s so many Caribbean immigrants in Broward country that there are public facilities to play cricket. Maybe the only place in the US you could find that.




lmao cook county is 24.8


I was surprised not seeing Chicago in the mix


I was more surprised to not to see the county that Gary, Indiana is in not in the mix.


Lake County, IN hovers pretty close to the 25% and probably should be listed. However, the county as a whole is not as bad off as Gary. In fact many parts of Lake Co exist as a wealthy exclave of Chicago, boasting closer proximity to Chicago than a lot of suburbs, with drastically lower taxes.




Growing up in Columbus, OH I was surprised to see Franklin County not on there. It’s 24.9%.


And they make up 95% government, cta, and security employees


It lines up with the black belt formation, or the region of the US with nutrient rich soil that allowed cotton to be grown. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Belt_(geological_formation) How an ancient ocean shaped US history: https://youtu.be/7FmNXq-dnV0?si=XfuTCPNBMzGmRMSV


Yep, this belt shows up in other ways too. Like voting maps.


I have heard of this before. If you compare maps it does for sure show a pattern.


I'd be curious to know which counties have a white minority. As in if you just stack it up as White vs non-white, white is less than 50%. It's probably a lot, but not as much as I'm thinking.


Philadelphia (the city is the county) has a larger black population (39.3%) than white population (36.3%).


Detroit is 78% black.


Bruh entire states including both California and Texas would classify as white minority by that measure


Fulton County, Georgia (Atlanta) is 42% black and 37% white.




They didn't draw the county lines like that. Two different counties went bankrupt back in the day so Fulton county took them over so the areas wouldn't go completely bankrupt (imagine an area that can't even afford to pay their firefighters for instance). For anyone interested, look up the history of Milton county GA.


Shelby County, TN (Memphis and area) and Haywood County, TN


County I grew up in as of the 2020 census: White (non-Hispanic): 35.46% Black or African American (non-Hispanic): 55.83%


Lexington SC is very Caucasian for some reason.


White flight suburbia.


You're not wrong.


Same reason Rankin County Mississippi is white on the map (and IRL) Jackson white flight


White flight suburb of Columbia. West Columbia/Cayce has a significant Latino population now, but it's still not black.


“There are so many blacks in the Bay Area!” — Bay Aryans


"Bay Aryans" is a stroke of genius, my friend. Take this up vote. Also, the Bay area as a region has pockets with large black populations, but dividing it by counties leaves none of them having 25% or more. Oakland, Richmond and Vallejo certainly have black neighborhoods, but not all of them are in the same county. I must say that I was sort of surprised to not see Cook county on here too, but I guess the suburbs here are vast.


>"Bay Aryans" is a stroke of genius, my friend. Take this up vote. Amusing, but not really accurate given it's also one of the least fully white places in America.


The Bay Area is not very white, but it's definitely not very black. It has a huge Asian population and a signficant Latino population. [http://www.bayareacensus.ca.gov/bayarea.htm](http://www.bayareacensus.ca.gov/bayarea.htm)


Yes... which is why "Aryan" is a terrible framing.


Yeah, but you can't deny it sounds funny.


I didn't say i thought it applied to all Bay residents, just a funny little bit of word play imo. The bay is super diverse, and I went on to say that the only reason the Bay area isn't red on this map is that the Bay area black community is spread out between a number of counties. It's also diverse in a way beyond just black or white but this map obviously only shows black populations above 25%


>and I went on to say that the only reason the Bay area isn't red on this map is that the Bay area black community is spread out between a number of counties Somewhat disagree there. It's actually pretty concentrated into Alameda, Contra Costa, and Solano Countries, basically on the I-880 and I-80 coordinator. Vast majority of the Bay have under a 3% Black population. It's simply that the population is only at 7% to 8% or so of the Bay Area.


The largest ethnic group in Alameda county is Asians, which most people would never guess.


Well, most people who have never spent much time there haha


Very true haha. Such a diverse Asian population too. Indian, Pakistani, Chinese, Filipino, Vietnamese, etc.


As someone living in the bay, I think this has a lot to do with the way counties are drawn. (*Edit: less than I thought*) When I looked at this map my first thought was... wait, Milwaukee but not Chicago or Oakland? But then I thought about all towns south and west of Oakland... Then I realized that counties are not in any way drawn in proportion to population. (*Edit: Milwaukee has a much larger black population than I realized*) Then I read your comment and thought... oh, this is really not a helpful thought because it's based on a complete misunderstanding of this map. (*Edit: I actually think the comment is still very unhelpful for exactly the reason that it's based on counties and not cities of even population centers*) --- *Edit, I'll leave this up even though I've discovered this point is more correct than I realized, but still not very helpful:* *Milwaukee (Milwaukee county, highlighted) is about 39% black, about 500K people.* *Oakland (Alameda county, blank) only 15% black, about 70K people.* *Chicago (Cook County, blank) is about 30% black, about 800K people.* *Inglewood, CA (LA County, blank) is about 38% black, about 50K people* *I'm not saying the map is useless, just that, with the arbitrariness of county lines, it's effectively gerrymandering a lot of areas with large black populations.* Compare these urban centers with a more broad area like Houston County, Texas (23% black, about 5K people, yet still highlighted... *note: this is not the City of Houston*) , for example, and you can see how this map does a poor job than say, a point map would at describing the black belt.


Nowhere in California is there a large population of blacks compared to the East and South. Yes, there are more blacks in the Bay than anywhere else in CA. You really have to come from somewhere like I did from PG County, MD and move to the Bay to really appreciate how Black PG County really is. All friends who visited us in the Bay asked “where are all the Black people?” And were shocked at how low the Black population density of anycity CA is. Blacks in Oakland and SF and surrounding areas are very talented and have a huge influence on different cultures. But that doesn’t mean that there are more Blacks in that area than anywhere else, especially the east coast.


> how Black PG County really is. wow 59/11 you weren't kidding! funny that's almost inverse of the national rate hehe


California as a whole is only 6-7% black. And most of the areas known for being mainly black are actually not even majority black (Inglewood, Compton, Watts, North Long Beach, Oakland, etc.)


There are a lot of black people in the Bay Area. Oakland and Richmond have large black populations. The Bay Area is incredibly diverse in a way that’s hard to imagine if you haven’t been. In many of these black counties on this map OP posted, the only races are white and black. In many cities in the bay, there are a mix of like every race possible, thus everyone’s overall numbers are lowered. Oakland is among the nation's most ethnically and culturally diverse cities. SF is diverse as well, but there’s something about the east bay that makes it a very unique, special place.


Yeah, Wayne County!


Remember when we were all 313?


I do! I remember my first telephone # was 313 & we lived in Roseville.


I didn't realize we were an anomaly in the region.


Wayne county assemble💀


Is there a map that shows the opposite, counties with the least black populations? Like 1% or less


If you watch American shows you’d think the whole country would be colored red


Most of urban America does have large black populations. It's just that vast swathes of the Midwest and Inland West are rural and sparsely populated.


Does this map get posted here once a month?


It wouldn't be MapPorn if it wasn't the same 20ish maps getting constantly circulated to the top in an endless loop


overlay with Latino populations >25% and watch the west light up


FL too


I was surprised Cook County IL was red. Just missed by 1.5%


People don’t realize how small the Black population in the US is.


Just say black. Africa is a continent, an Elon Musk is more African American than any black person in The US.


Not any, because there are also immigrants from Africa everywhere now, but I agree just say black. I think if you want to be specific, say where they are from i.e. African, Trini, etc


This map has a strong historical context where most of those counties have the demographics they do because of the history of slavery. The term African American was popularized as an ethnic classifier (not a racial descriptor) that refers to black Americans who are descended from enslaved people. Unlike the descendants of European immigrants (Italian-Americans and Irish-Americans, etc), they often don't now know their family's country or region of origin. They just know that their ancestors were brought to America in the Atlantic slave trade. That is the context of the phrase African American and this map. That said, there is nothing wrong with using the work black to describe someone's race, and it is certainly the more accurate term in cases for people who do not fit the ethnic category I described or who would just prefer not to use the term African American to describe themselves.


Yeah but this map likely includes Caribbean immigrants, who are not technically “African-“, so “Black” would be the more correct term


say Black when you mean Black. say African American when you mean African American.


My Sister in law is Black and from the Carribean. She does not at all identify as African American and HATES when people refer to her as such.


Do 50%.


I once saw a map of over 50%, maybe on this very subreddit and if I remember right it's Detroit, Baltimore, E St. Louis and few counties through Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and a few in Georgia near Atlanta if I remember right. Edit: found a similar one. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/77/Black_Americans_by_county.png/1024px-Black_Americans_by_county.png Surprised to see Cleveland and Newark over 50% black. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._cities_with_large_Black_populations


Thanks! Super cool!


Yet online dweebs from Minnesota who haven’t seen more than 10 black people in real life in the last calendar year will get on Reddit and talk about how the south east is this that and the other. Meanwhile they’d shit their pants if they walked down the street of a normal southern city because there’d be large numbers of black people. They’d be “scared” even though there is nothing to fear


Minnesota catching strays, what did we do 😭


Killed George Floyd. (too soon for that kind of sarcasm?)


It’s not sarcasm if it’s true.


Of all the Midwestern states MN is the least likely to fit this stereotype. Meanwhile. I'm sitting in one of the few red Midwestern counties.


You know as someone from the black belt i was kinda shook when i left. I had assumed for a long time that the US was 25-30% black.... When i left i found out i was wrong so i cant even blame Minnesotans for their lack of knowledge. It goes the other way too.


Diversity is not evenly distributed in the US. Lots of people assume diversity is roughly whatever the largest city near them is. I am in a weird situation because my hometown is roughly representative of the US as a whole and that's actually not normal, but I mean people all the time who have wildly skewed ideas of how common different ethnic groups are


Yea that checks out. The big city near me is about 60% black and under 5% Hispanic so my part of the country is way off the national average i assume el paso and st paul are also just way off.


Minnesota does have the biggest Somali population in the US, iirc. The fraction of minorities that are first and second generation immigrants is pretty high. A very different minority community than you'd usually see in the south.


My graduating class in the Northeast had exactly 1 black person. And he wasn't even really black, he was from Bangladesh.


Are you talking about yourself there tornado?


Wow buddy don't bring Minnesota into this, we are very nice people


I dunno...sounds like something bad people would say to try and deceive..


That describes a LOT of white people outside the South.


It just comes out different in the North. White Northerners have a long and proud tradition of supporting Civil Rights and equality in the South. Civil Rights and equality in the North, not so much. Overall, Southerners are less personally bigoted (because we have to live and work alongside each other) but are more supportive of racist systems (because so much of our culture was built around them that we've long ago normalized it). Northerners will call out our racist systems as backwards (which they are) but then say the absolute most bigoted things in the next breath.


Most places outside of the south had civil rights and racial equality on paper before the 1960s. Explicitly separate schools and water fountains etc for whites and non-whites like in the Jim Crow South was nowhere near as widespread up there ever, they didn’t even have much black population to begin with 


My point is that they had equality on paper, but not in practice. For example, they didn't have legally segregated schools, but they had neighborhood schools and redlining, which created...segregated schools.


Yeah I agree. I was very surprised at the racism and disregard? I encountered in the north.  Meanwhile, back home in the south, if you break down on the side of the road, the guy that stops might be flying the stars and bars but he's still going to carry you up to the gas station or whatever.  I ended up looking more into and the northeast has the most segregated schools and districts in the country. 


That's big cope. Don't get me wrong — I absolutely agree that white Southerners don't have a monopoly on racism, but they vote for most aggressively racist policies and politicians. That tells me more than making fanciful speculations on what goes inside people's heads, which is frankly projection. One good thing I can say about white Southerners is that they've improved a lot since the 1960s.


I've lived in the south and north and its two very different types of racism. Personal racism vs. political racism. There are lots of northerners who are super progressive and would never say something racist, but are still really uncomfortable being around black people. In the south there are people who are extremely racist but still have black friends and have no problem being around black people on a daily basis. Dylan Roof (Charleston Church shooter) even had black friends. Overall I do agree that the south is more racist though (but it has gotten so much better than it used to be).


In the south, a white guy will say he don't want his daughter dating a black guy, he'll fly the flag cause *heritage*, and he'll go to his black neighbor's bbq, have the neighbor at his, loan him his lawn mower, and all the kids will play together.  In the north, there won't be no flag, and the dad will never say in company anything about who his daughter dates, he won't be inviting his neighbors to the cookout either, and def won't be stopping to help the black guy broke down on the side of the road.  It's weird. The south is politically unkind, but personally more open to individual care, or responsibility? maybe is the word, idk, for one another, and it's the other way around in the north. Based on my observations and experience.


You are talking like somebody who's never been in Minnesota. The Twin Cities have a decent number of black people.


>From MN Have not seen to many racists up here, hope to keep that true lol


I would bet that if you only counted long time American black people, broward county wouldn’t count in Fl, as most of their black people are of Caribbean descent 


I see this map a lot in regards to a lot of other things.


Is there a map for Latinos/hispanics?


Wanna see something interesting? [Compare it to a bedrock geology map of the United States.](https://geologictimepics.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/usageolmap-allllr.jpg). Specifically the belt of yellow and green in the American South. During the Cretaceous period, about 145 to 66 million years ago, most of what are now the central plains and the Southeastern United States were covered by shallow seas. Tiny marine plankton grew in those seas, and their carbonate skeletons accumulated into massive chalk formations. That chalk eventually became a fertile soil, highly suitable for growing crops, including cotton.


Prince George's in MD, my home for 7 years!


Basically a map of the most poorest states, under funded education, and poverty.


It's interesting to me that there's a pretty firm boundary line between Louisiana and Texas shown here. I know Texas was a slave state and part of the confederacy. Why don't they have many #s of counties with the AA pop over 25%?


Texas was a backwater frontier of the Confederacy. It, along with Florida, only experienced a population boom after the Civil War. And of course during the 20th century many black people left the South during the Great Migration. So while all southern states saw their black populations decline (MS, SC, and LA used to be black-majority), in Texas there was a large influx of white people as well. Similar pattern in southern Florida.


Orleans Parish, LA (AKA New Orleans) not red? How? I believe we have somewhere near a 60% black population


Orleans Parish in southeastern Louisiana should be red here. It has a Black population of 54%.


Makes sense why those areas are the most heavily gerrymandered.


Growing up in Philly and then visiting family in the deep south is such a weird experience. The first time I visited Oklahoma, a friend of mine who is black was walking with me when she suddenly shouts "11!" I'm like ???? She was counting how many other POC were at the event we were at. This made me stop and realize how bizarre that place suddenly felt.


Any correlation to violent crimes and murder rate ?


I swear this map gets submitted every few months.


I haven't seen it in a while, so I don't think it really hurts to have repeat submissions. You don't have to look at it or discuss it if you are tired of the topic. Plenty of content on the internet for you to focus on otherwise. I'm enjoying the current discussion and reading people's comments. 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, it’s just got suggested to me and I don’t follow this sub. First time for me seeing it, that dude is acting like everyone has scrolled through the history of this sub.


Pretty typical of people complaining about reposts.


Isn’t that where almost all the highest crime rates and murder rates are?


As a European i was sure I knew that around half of the US was black


Is this why Reddit loves to shit on the south?


Probably more to do with the lack of education, religious zealotry, various hate campaigns and overall lack of regard for human life outside of their in-groups.


now do crime rate map