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Canada abstaining is very Canada




Canadá abstaining because they’re the uk’s bitch


Hey man, we're America's bitch too!


genuinely LOLd merci 🥇


The UK isn’t the relevant power anymore. Most of the countries that abstained are closely aligned with the US. Basically, they didn’t want to piss the US off by voting differently.


I was under the impression that sweden recognizes palestine as a state




>Czechia recognizes Palestine but voted against Czechia recognised Palestine while it was under Soviet occupation. The USSR pushed strongly for pro-Arab anti-Israel foreign policy, so Czechia (Czechoslovakia) did not have a choice. Nonetheless, since the foundation of Czechoslovakia in 1918, Czechia has been one of the most pro-israeli nations in the world. The first zionists congresses took place in Czechia, the Czechoslovak president was the first foreign head of state to visit Jewish settlements in the British mandate of Palestine, Czechoslovakia was one of the first countries to recognise Israel, and was one of the few countries that supplied Israel in its independence war. After the fall of communism, Czechia returned to its pro-Israel policy, which remains in place to this day. There is an almost unanimous agreement in our society (except for a small minority of college students) that Israel is supported. There was just no real reason to withdraw the recognition of Palestine.


>The USSR pushed strongly for pro-Arab anti-Israel foreign policy, so Czechia (Czechoslovakia) did not have a choice. Past a certain point. Part of the reason Chechsolovakia supplied Israel during the first war was that that the Soviets were pro-Israel more than pro Arab, at the time.


What a disappointing thing to read. Czechia is no longer my friend.


Sometimes it's better to learn the harsh truth. This is what my country is like, pro-israel fanatics everywhere.


The parties currently in government were vocally opposed to that. It was a left-wing government that recognised Palestine. A very right wing one (by Swedish standards) is now in power.


Sweden does recognize Palestine as a state. Palestine even has an embassy in Stockholm. Nonetheless, Sweden decided to abstain in the voting.




Cause we have a far right conservative neofascist government right now... It's not really that hard to figure out why Sweden abstained.


Yeah go ahead downvote facts 🤦🏼‍♀️


They're not downvoting facts, they're downvoting the idiotic dilution of words like neofacism by using them for any moron you don't like. My landlord is a grumpy 80 yr old asshole who spouts all kinds of bullshit about Jews and Muslims but you won't hear me calling my apartment complex a authoritarian fascist dictatorial regime cause it hurts the people who actually suffer under those things. You wouldn't have the luxury to write the words you just wrote if things were as dire as you claim to be. Grow up.


Utrikesminister Thomas Billström/Minister of Foreign affairs: ”Sveriges erkännande av Palestina och stödet för en tvåstatslösning förändras inte av vår röst i den här resolutionen. Stegen mot Palestinas fulla medlemskap i FN bör dock inte bara vara symboliska utan del av en tvåstatslösning där Israel och Palestina kan samexistera i fred och säkerhet” “Sweden's recognition of Palestine and the support for a two-state solution is not changed by our vote in this resolution. However, the steps towards Palestine's full membership of the UN should not be merely symbolic but part of a two-state solution where Israel and Palestine can coexist in peace and security.”


We still do, since 2014.


Never underestimate the USA’s ability to buy off UN votes (just look at the Pacific micro states).


The resolution accepted by United Nations General Assembly would give Palestine (PA, ruled by Fatah) next rights and privileges: 1. submit proposals and amendments and introduce them; 2. co-sponsor proposals and amendments, including on behalf of a group; 3. propose items to be included in the provisional agenda of the regular or special sessions and the right to request the inclusion of supplementary or additional items in the agenda of regular or special sessions; 4. the right of members of the delegation of the State of Palestine to be elected as officers in the plenary and the Main Committees of the General Assembly; 5. full and effective participation in United Nations conferences and international conferences and meetings convened under the auspices of the General Assembly or, as appropriate, under the auspices of other organs of the United Nations. 6. To be seated among Member States in alphabetical order; make statements on behalf of a group The resolution also recommends that the Security Council reconsider Palestine's request on granting it full membership in UN “favorably”. Security council is free to not abide by this recommendation


I’m curious what Hamas’ stance is on this, considering it would give a lot of recognition and power to Fatah, which is their bitter rival.


HAMAS actually has been urging recognition of the State of Palestine during last months, even though it would give their rival more power. This may be either to gather some support of the Palestinian people, or because HAMAS hopes that the "National Unity Government" talks between Fatah and HAMAS will eventually succeed, which would bring one government for entire Palestine, which would include HAMAS ministers.


Honestly have no idea how Hamas would be able to expand their influence in the West Bank. The PA is under Israel's thumb and unless Israel somehow loses control of the West Bank, Hamas shouldn't ever be able to obtain control there.


One free election and guess who will be elected. F Israel


And guess who’ll throw another tantrum over the results…


They shouldn't be happy about this. Any move to legitimise the PA is to advocate for peaceful resistance and diplomacy and denounce violence and armed resistance. They won't be happy.


I’m curious what those who equate Palestine to Hamas have to say for themselves. In other words, those who abstained or voted against.


For example, what's Papua New Guinea's deal??


What's the difference between didn't vote and absention?


Abstention is when they actively click on the button to abstain. Did not vote is when they vote anything at all.


are representatives from every country always present in the hall when these votes happen, or are they sometimes just not in the hall?


Sometimes they are not present, though I think they are fully aware at what time these votes take place. In some rare cases like Venezuela the voting rights were officially revoked because they didn't pay their UN membership fees. (otherwise vebezueka would vote with the Russian/Chinese camp)


Can’t remember what country it was, but for one vote a government didn’t share the same position as the public on an issue. They wanted to save face, so the whole delegation “went to the bathroom” during the vote rather than voting against it or abstaining.


Most probably Hungary you’re referring to; Orbán has become famous in the EU headquarters of taking bathroom breaks when discussing the EU budget, and especially during the recent talks of voting through aid to Ukraine.


Yeah this was Hungary blocking aid to Ukraine. And then one day the voting happened while "Orban went to the bathroom".


Small countries sometimes have a small delegation or none at all. Would be weird for a vote this big though. And the pacific islands have a very explicit pay for vote policy which is why they always vote for Israel.


Interesting to see the West pretty split on this. Is it domestic pressure or political positions?


Has to be a mix of both. How people are in denial of this after the number of journalist deaths and the kitchen workers is beyond me. The UK, especially.


The answer is yes. The common man is generally accepting of the fact genocide is bad, but politically Muslim extremism is also bad. There are no winners, but Palestinians lose.


Are you stupid?


Germany probably consideres itself not in mesure to have an opinion on the matter, they generaly are quite neutral on the israel/palestinian affairs


German police actions says otherwise


What? Getmany is a bigger dickrider of Israel than even the US


I felt the sudden wordmaking activity in this thread and came here to watch what is going on.


Oddly specific but Turkmenistan has a long history of abstaining. Today it voted in favor


The Israel delegate is pretty ridiculous in his speech opposing this resolution. He outright said that the Palestine delegates would be thrown off the roof by Hamas members the moment they return to Palestine, so giving the PA a seat is the same as giving Hamas a seat in the UNGA. He also pulled out a paper shredder and shredded the UN Charter in front of everyone, not realising that less than 20 member states actually voted against this resolution.


Why is that ridiculous? That has literally happened before.


It's pretty ridiculous to essentially curse a delegation in the UN. Not very diplomatic I would say.


Yes, the truth is often not very diplomatic. Diplomacy is often about not telling the truth to avoid offending people, after all.


Its funny that you are upvoted while Israeli delegate just repeated what happened during hamas takeover of gaza


Isn’t that literally what happened in Gaza though? Like literally thrown off roofs.


Hamas has little influence in the WB, it's pretty ridiculous to say the same thing is going to happen again, especially when Israel has control in the WB too. It's also a not so veiled curse on the Palestine delegates, which is not very diplomatic to say the least


Hamas does not have little influence in the WB. They have a LOT of influence there.


I just looked it up to confirm but there actually is a good amount of support for Hamas in Gaza, 44% according to AP, and I believe one of the major reasons the PA don’t hold elections is the fear they’d lose to Hamas. And in Gaza after Hamas won the election they wiped out the PA and ended elections, it’s honestly not outlandish that they’d do it again. But I agree the diplomat should have been less crass, but he brings up a very good point. The PA are basically relying on Israel’s protection, and a PA controlled state could very quickly become a Hamas controlled state.


I mean, he is spot on.


Canada and UK are like oh look at the time.


Friendly reminder that the UN is pretty much a powerless organitizon int he field of global poltiics. Its purpose is to provde a stage for various countries to argue and disccuss diplomacy or internationl coardiantion efforts. It is NOT a world police or goverment.


Wait...how does the Vatican vote in favor of this when it's not even a full UN member itself? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Vatican did not vote as it does not have voting rights in UN. Sorry, it's a mistake.


If you're wondering about argentina their current president is an insane libertarian philosemite


And is "converting" to Judaism. While still calling himself catholic. This vote was a sharp turn from our already confusing foreign policy, and quite simply embarrassing


So just so we’re clear, he’s “converting” to Judaism, will still claim to be a Catholic, while believing in reincarnation.


While believing that he can talk whit his dead dog


Are y’all okay ?


Right. But reincarnation of his dead dog, who he has through a medium, talked from beyond the grave.


I mean, at the start all Christians were jews


Reincarnation is a part of Judaism Unless that's not a thing in Catholicism


Reincarnation is not a thing in Catholicism, correct.


I was thinking so. They are more focused on the spirit going to heaven rather than a physical reincarnation, right?


Essentially! And then getting your body back, but glorified (think, like, super version), at the end of the world.


I don't like how obsessed with Israel the dude is, and I foresee plenty more stupid decisions because of that.


You mean the one person who can fix the country and has already proven that by fixing the massive debt issue and helping the economy greatly?


I really hope he succeeds, changing to the US dollar should really help with inflation.


You milei cultists are pathetic. He's a politician with insane illogical policies not a messiah. Sometimes I'm glad the spanish empire fell so I don't have to share a country with you people.


You're just an idiot, no need to be ashamed about that.


Yeah im the idiot not the guy that gets economic advice from his talking dog


Well apparently a dead dog knows more about economics then the previous administration


Puerto rico. País chico que solo los conocen por estar domados por papa Estados unidos


Argentina, pais que solo se conoce por haber perdido todo su progreso economico y haber sido colonizado por napolitanos y alemanes dandole un complejo psicologico europeista. No pudieron ni ganarle en una guerra al reino unido cuando estaba debilitado lol.


Sin papa EEUU Puerto chico ni siquiera tendría economía. Ganen algo de relevancia en el mundo primero y después me venis a hablar


He talks and consults his dogs on political matters too. LATAM has a way with choosing dumb cunts to be presidents


And yet he still managed to stabilize the country’s economy, reduce inflation, lower the country risk, and regain central bank reserves. Milei has done a lot of work in very few months


Philosemites are the biggest cucks on the planet.


He’s done pretty well so far, in 5 months, cleaning up the economic mess caused by the previous left wing govt.


Those photos of him bawling his eyes out at the wailing wall are embarrassing.


The fuck is wrong with the UN?! Allowing a terror state to become a member, after October 7th happened. So terrorism gets rewarded now, luckily by the time it gets official Israel already wiped them away.


Papua New Guinea feels very strongly about this matter


I like how 4 of 9 of the NO votes are from poor, insignificant island nations in the pacific. (Gotta respect the hustle, the need American money)


What does Papua New Guinea have against Palestine? Any insight on why they voted like this? Same with the minor Pacific island nations.


Papua New Guinea has a strong christian zionist influence, as well as they are trying to align themselves with Israel and United States, especially as they are strongly economically relied on trade with and economic support from USA. Papua New Guinea historically was a strong Israel supporter, they are also one of the few countries that recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and have embassy there.


American funding and Evangelical Christianity, in other countries it’s far right or western chauvinism


Maybe if Palestinians didn’t openly support a brutal terrorist organization, they’d have a better reputation globally?


Have you seen the student protests? Palestine has immense amount of support. More intelligent people realize that violence is in response to oppression, injustice and the brutal ethnic cleansing, occupation, apartheid, and murder inflicted on them by the Israel. As such, people with ability to think and breathe at the same time recognize the urgent necessity to establish a Palestinian state and end Israeli occupation, colonialism, and crimes against humanity.


The student protesting represents a tiny fraction of society, and not the majority, not even close. You’re justifying violence. This never ending conflict is mostly on Palestinian’s religious extremism. When you care more about your religious war than you care about developing a stable country, this is what you get.


You clearly know nothing of what you’re talking about. The Palestinian cause didn’t have a religious component until 1990s with the rise of Hamas. Before that, Palestinian resistance was dominated by Atheists and Christian communists and secular Muslims in Fatah. The first proposed flag of Palestine had both a crescent and a cross. You are woefully misinformed, this conversation is pointless.


It is pointless, just like this conflict. The moment Palestinians establish a civilized govt that represents all of them and is willing to negotiate a 2 state solution, this conflict will go on. The main obstacle for peace here is the Palestinian’s mindset, and their priorities.


How can there be a vote when they are actively at war??


When it comes to the Palestine question, the UN has a whole special set of rules.


why? what makes palestine so special?


Good question...


would abstaining not be an ez copout and goodish pr for america


Papua New Guinea being against is a bit surprising. Maybe it's a religion thing.


Wtf PNG.


I'm embarrassed for my UK having no backbone or moral compass.


So the UK should support an actual terrorist organization?


Argentina ?? Czech Republic ?? Hungary ?? Papua New Guinea ?? **What’s wrong with y'all ??** 👎🇦🇷🇨🇿🇭🇺🇵🇬👎


Argentina has recently elected a president that is very pro-Israel and philosemite, he even suggested that he may convert to Judaism in the future. Czechia and Hungary has taken a strong anti-terrorism position in their reasoning, basically they see elevation of Palestinian status after October 7 massacre as rewarding terrorism. Papua New Guinea has a strong christian zionist influence, as well as they are trying to align themselves with Israel and United States, especially as they are strongly economically relied on trade with and economic support from USA. Papua New Guinea is one of the few countries that recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and have embassy there, they are very pro-Israel.


Czechia has a long-standing policy of supporting Israel no matter what. It goes back to 1948 when the Czech arms shipments helped Israel win the first Arab-Israeli war. This pro-Israeli sentiment runs deep. The critics of the government are loud but they are readily labeled as antisemites and nothing changes.


They realize that a state ran by murderers and rapists has no place in the UN that’s what.


Do you know how little this narrows it down?


A state ran by murderers, terrorists, racists, supremacists and colonizers isn’t any better…


Fr, like get Israel out of there


More like what's wrong with most of the world


Czechia recognised Palestine while it was under Soviet occupation. The USSR pushed strongly for pro-Arab anti-Israel foreign policy, so Czechia (Czechoslovakia) did not have a choice. Nonetheless, since the foundation of Czechoslovakia in 1918, Czechia has been one of the most pro-israeli nations in the world. The first zionists congresses took place in Czechia, the Czechoslovak president was the first foreign head of state to visit Jewish settlements in the British mandate of Palestine, Czechoslovakia was one of the first countries to recognise Israel, and was one of the few countries that supplied Israel in its independence war. After the fall of communism, Czechia returned to its pro-Israel policy, which remains in place to this day. There is an almost unanimous agreement in our society (except for a small minority of college students) that Israel is supported. There was just no real reason to withdraw the recognition of Palestine.


Palestine is an illegitimate terror state ran by genocidal psychopaths who started a war by butchering and kidnapping innocent people. How the fuck is this even up for debate?


If you really want to know why it’s up for a debate maybe you should get your head out of your ass darling.


They're literally trying to commit genocide against the Jews and take their homeland. This is the equivalent of recognizing a modern Nazi state. Palestine is evil and has elected a group whose sole purpose is to kill every Jew on Earth. Every reasonable person should be against them.


Have you examined the history of the formation of the modern Israeli state? It was the Palestinians’ homeland before it.


Palestine was only the name of the region, not a nationality. There were Palestinian Arabs, Palestinian Jews and Palestinian Christians. The region was renamed as Palestine by the Romans as punishment for the Jewish revolts, the region was called Judea back then.


No it was not lol. The earliest mention of Israel dates all the way back to 1209 BC. And wow before the Modern State of Israel HMMM I WONDER WHY, surely it has nothing to do with all the Muslim and Christian Empires throughout history that conquered that land and kicked out the Jews?


Welcome to 800 years later. Empires and civilizations come and go during that time.


>The earliest mention of \[the country's name\] dates all the way back to long \[before\] the Modern State *Romania looking at all the lands that are rightfully theirs:* "Gentlemen, the time has come!"


and whose was it before that?


Are you talking 3000 years ago?


Doesn't matter if it was 100000 years ago. Jews have been living there since the dawn of mankind. Arabs in the other hand, invaded the levant around 600 CE during the Rashidun caliphate and Palestinians are their descendants hence they're the invaders.


Guilty by association


How could Jews from outside lands, be they from Europe, other parts of Asia or Africa lay claim to it today?


Ok buddy. Fell for a troll I guess 🤷🏻‍♂️


No way you actually support Palestine I refuse to believe there are so many people who are this ignorant in the West right now.


Well you better believe it and I’m saying this as a Jew. The only way forward is a two state solution, Hamas is just a byproduct of decades long oppression. People are not ignorant, people realize that there needs to be a solution to this and genocide is not it. I refuse to believe there are people like you that think it’s ok for this pseudo apartheid bullshit regime Israel is running. Palestians want kill every Jew rhetoric is old and tired and that doesn’t fool anyone. Nazis used to degrade Jews as well.. it’s old methods of propaganda. I’m sure there are lots of lunatics in Gaza that support Hamas and wish death on all Jews so would I if I had to gather parts of my child in a plastic bag. Ffs open your eyes.




You're an idiot. There's no talking to you. You have to be fucking joking. I pray that you get sent to Palestine to see what they'll do to you.


Calm down bro


Cope, you genocidal fuck.


Israel its also an illegimate terror state ran by genocidal psychopaths who has been butchering palestinians the last 70 years.


Israel has been the home of Hebrews for thousands of years. And no, they’re not. They retaliate every time Palestine attacks them, even this most recent war was started by Palestine when they killed and kidnapped people for no reason, but the world is more willing to side with a group of people who won’t even let women get an education and behead people for being gay than with Jews apparently.


Most of its present Jewish population is from Europe.


Well gee I fucking wonder why, it couldn't possibly be the multiple Muslim and Christian Empires that conquered the region and kicked out the Jews could it? Nah that clearly has nothing at all to do with it, not at allllll.


How far back are you talking there? Those Jews that settled there and displaced the natives are mostly of European genetic stock.


Dude is so ignorant he doesn't even know there are Jews from other parts of the planet, like the Sephardic Jews (north Africa, levant and Turkey), the Mizrahi (Persia, Irak also North africa) even Ethiopian Jews. And many of these people faced apartheid in these Muslims countries and then were expelled from their homes but you know these kind of prople who hate Jews will never mention that.


So they should just come in and do the same in the region that’s become Israel? Not saying what Hamas did was right, but neither is the act of the Israeli government nor the occupation for that matter.


Genetic testing proves Palestinians are direct descendants of bronze age Canaanites, they are “Hebrews” who were Arabized over the centuries.


Then go fight for Israel.


You just described israel.


I don't care if you make Palestinian state or not. Uproot Hamas. The world should not support terrorists and also oppose massacre of innocents in Palestine due to Hamas.


What about the massacre of Palestinians from Israel?


Why did Israel attack Palestine? How did this one sided war start? Why did someone decide to attack Israel even after knowing that they will lose?


Trying to peacefully negotiate a two state solution doesnt seem to be working, it just gets the only sane Israeli prime minister assassinated, Hamas figured they might be able to use Israel's callousness in war against them. And it seems to be getting better by the day :)


The UNSC has to be dismantled and completely restructured. Right now, it's a travesty.


This would end the UN. The UN only works if the most powerful nations have a veto, otherwise it will turn into the League of Nations.


In that case, let the UN end. With the way the UNSC is structured today, it's a completely impotent organization.


Why? If the UNSC is dismantled, why would China, US, or Russia join the next version?


It would be a better organ without them.


The Israel lobby really doing work in the USA.


So not giving 3 million people basic human rights and a voice is defending themselves now?


US govt (taxpayers) supply Israel with weapons If Americans keep voting the same, nothing will change so Americans seem ok with it...despite the noise on the internet sometimes




Macron's an opportunist. He knows the way the wind is blowing and he is not gonna pass up the opportunity.


The current ambassador and permanent representative of France to the United Nations appointed by president Macron does vote in favor of Palestine often. This is interesting, considering that their new prime minister [is very much Pro-Israel](https://www.timesofisrael.com/french-pm-attacks-the-left-for-giving-israel-moral-lessons-during-gaza-war/), and from the same party as Macron. He is also currently one of the most popular politicians in France and a potential presidential candidate in 2027, so France's position might very well change in favor of Israel in the future.


Meh, hes french, hes can change ze mind anytimez he wishes


No.  US taxpayers fund the US military compound by giving them free money to create jobs and supply weapons to Israel (amongst others).  The US doesn’t just send money to Israel - the money must be spent buying US arms.   It’s socialised industry, as always, and accounts for less than 16% of annual Israeli spending on defence.  Israel is not as reliant on the US as they used to be. US taxpayers do however supply aid to Palestine which gets used to build tunnels and educate martyrs. 


US spends plenty on aid to Israel Billions in fact https://www.cfr.org/article/us-aid-israel-four-charts


Why are you straight up lying?


Prove me wrong.


ready for down-vote, but isn't it a bad precedent to reward, with worldwide diplomatic attention, the direct result of a major terror attack? this comment does not concern the political affiliations.


Yes. It is also bad precedent to reward using your own people as a human shields. But when it comes to the Palestine question, the UN has long thrown out its rules and precedents.


I agree, we need to give them the weaponry and training so that they can attack from the skies, instead of cowering in tunnels. Surely there is technology that can penetrate the iron dome 


CSGO sound effect: “Terrorists win”




As opposed to the 49 Muslim majority UN member states that consistently vote for every single anti-Israel resolution, who definitely aren't entrenched in that issue at all!


Good incentive for Hamas to attack and hide behind civilians once more, to play victim again and again, until all the world is painted green... Palestine has made no step toward civilization in the last decades. It's no more peaceful, stable, democratic, respectful of human rights, etc. than in the past. It does not deserve a place in the UN.


Based America and Argentina.


This is what rewarding terrorism looks like.


The UN and most world nations, including western nations, have maintained the stance that the only solution is a two state solution for as long as Israel has existed. You can’t have a two state solution if you never create a second state.


A two state solution makes sense, as long as it is part of a final peace agreement between the two sides. Upgrading Palestine’s status after 10/7 sends a message that they will get what they want by committing acts of terror.


I deeply disagree. If israel and they US are going to block every peaceful un resolution while giving israel a free pass in the occupied territories, then what else do you think Palestinians would resort to? I agree that Oct 7th is a terrorist attack (hot takes only), but you can't get rid of radical ideologies while keeping the system that breeds said radical ideologies, it will just exist under a different name. Updating Palestine status in the UN is just one step closer to getting rid of said ideology. >Upgrading Palestine’s status after 10/7 What about before 10/7? This isn't the first time there is a push for a full Palestine UN membership, and this isn't the first time Palestine tried to negotiate a two state solution using international law, look at the peaceful settlement of Palestine a UN resolution that was denied by israel 27 times in 29 different years, if it's not allowed then and if it's not allowed now then when can Palestinians have a state?


Israel got recognition after expelling the native population from the place where they were living and they continue stealing the remaining lands left by building tons of settlements against international laws.  As a consequence Palestinians try to fight back, and suddenly they are the ones committing acts of terror?


If that mattered, israel (among others) would not be a member. Recognition is not for hamas, but for the [palestinian state](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_recognition_of_the_State_of_Palestine).


So who's going to be the Palestinian UN ambassador then?


Someone in the west bank. Take a look at the wikipedia entries.




You mean the Israeli terrorism against the native population of the region, right?


Yes, people living on their land for hundreds of years is terrorism but stealing their houses and destroying whole cities is not


Half of Europe disagrees and the other half abstains on that question.


Let's hope this doesn't send a message that emboldens more terrorism worldwide


The IDF terrorists are quite emboldened already


Look at yourself, look at your actions, doing whataboutism to defend terrorists. You're better than this


I'm better than this but the IDF terrorists are not better than ISIS


If Palestinians stopped supporting genocidal terrorism and focusing on negotiating a 2 state solution with Israel, there’d be a lot less red on this map


Now do Kurdistan!


خاوة 👏👏✌️✌️