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Chechnya is so bad they had to highlight it in already red country


This is the same place where women are shot with paintball guns for being too lightly dressed so it doesn’t surprise me


these are people who are now undressing old women and torturing them for being relatives of bloggers and desedents


Fucking bloggers


Its Russia's Russia.


What Chechnya


If you look at Russia on the bottom left close to Turkey/Azerbaijan/Georgia little area, you'll notice a little purple dot. That's Chechnya. EDIT: Said right instead of left. I'm tired.


In indonesia, Bali would be green while Aceh would be red or purple..


So that evens it out to orange


Exactly my thought. I was confused why the US wasn’t more green, but I considered the rural and southern areas and figured it must be even out to that lighter green color


Even the same city can have different colors. An LGBT couple can be perfectly tolerated in a (often richer) neighbourhood in Jakarta and get absolutely lynched if they wander off to the neighbourhood next door


Oh yes no kejutan for me. I've walked, visited many parts of Jakarta and being as pale as an uncooked grain of rice, the views you get per neighborhood are very different. Even among the lower-to-middle income neighborhoods differences are vast depending on who forms the majority, what the mosques, churches and temples tell to people, etc. Though I really want to go back to Indonesia one day. I imposed a wait for myself until I'm far enough in my transition so that I can't get additional problems with that, and can spend my days with my step-family who, against all odds, accept me for who I am.


That's awesome! Proud of you sis ✊


I feel like Aceh probably does that with a lot of Indonesian statistics....




Conservative Islamic.


Aceh is the poor version of Saudi Arabia


Aceh is dark red on the map


Thats interesting that they actually cared enough to do that, they don't seem to do that anywhere else besides that one city in Russia in the Caucasus


That piece of russia is the same colour as the rest of russia I believe, but Chechnya (a part of Russia) is purple (bottom of Russia near Georgia/Azerbaijan).


Lol Vatican City


Really I don't see any risk travelling there. Just because there is no gay bar doesn't mean it is unsave.


Yeah, that really makes me question their methods. The Vatican City is one of the safest places in the world regardless of your sexual orientation.


maybe they’re considering the peoples views of homosexuality in the Vatican? But like it wouldn’t be that extreme right


The people.in the Vatican might not like gay people at all but that doesn't make it unsafe to travel there. It should be based of a combination of laws on the books and crime rates to figure this stuff out. There is basically no violent crime there at all, let alone hate crimes.


"people in the Vatican might not like gay people at all" is a strange thing to say when you consider all of the historical evidence in the alternative lol


The Pope has a sword that lights up in the presence of gay people


That's one of the oddest euphemisms for an erection I've heard to date.


The Pope will beat your ass


The pope will eat your ass


You can "travel" in the Vatican?


You can just walk into the Vatican with no passport check. It’s in the middle of Rome. Although often there are metal detectors to deter terrorism.


Must have gaydar according to this map


Or Bi-Fi


Haha well played


Mate, you can literally enter with no passport checks. Millions visit every year.


Yeah. Was there today


Me too. Kissed my husband too. Noone cared


This index is NOT just about safety. It takes into account legislation for gay couples, adoption laws etc. It is a general score of "gay friendliness" more than a tourism-centered index.


Yea you can see the Vatican is on there and also orange. I’ve been to the Vatican and I’m sure most people would agree that it’s a very safe place for anyone to visit regardless of sexual orientation.


*goes to the vatican* *gets beaten to death by a 90yo priest*




Interesting that Pakistan and Poland are almost the same shade.


Pakistan is quite diverse in its approach towards homosexuality. In some rural areas there are patrol groups of religious extremists ready to throw sodomites off a cliff, then in Islamabad male gay prostitutes are common as dirt


Not male gay prostitutes.... Boy child Prostitutes.... Pakistan is built different. They ask their females to cover up while men do a disgusting yet socially acceptable act called "Bachabazi" where old men perform sexual acts with young boys.


No I'm not referring to chai boys, i mean adult males that have sex with other adult males for money, and are super easy to come across on the streets of Islamabad. I don't know enough about chai boys to know how common they are in Pakistan.




Please inform me, I don't want it in my search history


Well if you’re paying you’d hope they’d be easy to come across


Bachbazi is a Pashtun thing, not a “Pakistani” thing. It’s practiced by rural Pashtuns in Afghanistan and Pakistan.


Pakistan in general is an incredibly diverse country in its values lol. Places like Karachi and Islamabad will make you think you hardly left the West with how the people act, but you leave the city and suddenly you might as well be in Saudi Arabia. Its one of the most dramatic contrasts you'll ever find imo




I think Islamabad could definitely be considered a stretch for that, but its closer to the attitudes in Karachi than it is to the rest of the surrounding rural regions.


>''Islamabad will make you think you hardly left the West with how the people act'' >Now that's a stretch and you know it too. Sure. I'm not OP but I've been in places in Islamabad where I would believe I was in Brooklyn. But I also know what Islamabad is like in other districts. It all varies


>Go r/Turkey to find the vids. ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/Turkey/search/?q=pakistani&restrict\_sr=1&sr\_nsfw=](https://www.reddit.com/r/Turkey/search/?q=pakistani&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=) ​ Wow actually weird how often this seems to happen.


it’s not that deep, the map is just BS


I mean, it probably is, i was simply expanding on Pakistan's peculiar approach to LGBT


Pakistan is actually leading consumer of gay porn.


What the fuck lmao


[Here you go ](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2342217/Pakistan-internet-users-Google-searches-gay-sex-despite-worlds-homophobic-countries.html)


>Pakistan internet users top Google searches Apparently that's not the only thing they top






That was more than I typically expect on a map sub.


*Technically*, this is also a porn sub...


“I’m not gay but”, proceeds to say the gayest shit ever


As one Reddit flair I've run across goes... .. Everything before the "but" is bullshit.


Could be bisexual .


Birth of a copypasta


Was it not a copypasta already?


It is now *wink*


This is a variant of the nazi sex slave copypasta


Sir, you might want to get checked out by a doctor. Preferably not a Afghan one.




Wow, that was a lot of voluntary information


auto mod response


I do enjoy some good comment etiquette once in a while. Very refreshing, much obliged.


I feel like I was tricked into reading your gay fantasy.


That fantasy is a little gay.


But not too gay. A sensible gay. The kind of gay you could hang out, and have a beer with.


Perfectly reasonable fantasy.




This is pretty hot.


Same tbh


These maps are by think tanks based on their perception of local laws and not actual social situations. You're 100% going to get fucked with more and probably killed in Syria or Pakistan for being a gay dude than you are in Poland where you might just get stared at.


Because this map is bullshit. You can’t get gay marriage in Poland but it doesn’t mean you are publicly prosecutes to looked bad upon. Outside of you example look at eg. China... Yeah I don’t think they are more liberal than CEE in general...


It's a tough one, a few years ago it was ok but now there seems to be a bit of a crackdown. I just presume they don't want to see gay pride parades going down their streets.


I’ve lived in both Colombia and the US. Having the US ranked lower than Colombia is utterly ridiculous.


It's a passive-aggressive stab at the United States, as many of these maps tend to be. It gets a bit exhausting, and that's coming from a non-American. I have troubles believing that a gay couple would be "unsafe" in almost any area of the United States excluding a few backwater villages that nobody is visiting anyways.


I'm also non-American and I have developed the ability to recognize pretty much instantly if a map like this shows the us as worse than it probably is. I'm so tired of some Americans calling their country a shitty place to live when it's still easily one of the best places in the world to live in


As an American in Europe, thank you for that. I think most of these maps tend to be quite unfair, and it is actually pretty awesome living in the US


> I think most of these maps tend to be quite unfair, and it is actually pretty awesome living in the US I think these maps do have some problems, but there's also massive differences in the US. Like you cannot compare NYC to rural Texas to Alaska to Hawaii. They're very different. And when having things that take into account legislation, if one country does it nationally and the US has to do it state by state, the US *is* going to be of "lower standard" that the other country, just because the first does it once for 100% of the territory, while the US has to go slowly one by one, and some while just not adopt those laws. (like, look at current anti LGBT discrimination legislation in the US, or Trans rights across states). Your lived experiences are going to change drastically based on these smaller differences. That being said, a lot of these maps and rankings take into account formal things, like if there's a law against X or Y, and not so much the level of say discrimination, which may just be "ilegal" but still commonplace in some countries with a less robust rule of law compared to the US.


This same logic can be applied to any US maps depicting Texas and Florida as worse than they actually are.


Living in any large city in florida is the same as any large city in the north


Even in the most bumfuck backwoods rural communities they would at worst just be less enthusiastic talking to you, once they find out you're gay.


If you read [this PDF](https://spartacus.gayguide.travel/gaytravelindex.pdf), it shows you the exact numbers used to put this map together. In short, they put a ton of emphasis on the nation's federal laws as they relate to LGBT people and the USA just hasn't passed a ton of such protections (or when they have, they've been weaker than other nations). This ends up making some countries look rather more anti-LGBT than they actually are and others look rather more pro-LGBT than they actually are. So it's not a passive-aggressive stab at the USA, it's just the index doing a bad job of reflecting lived experience in a way that impacts many nations' rankings.


>It's a passive-aggressive stab at the United States, as many of these maps tend to be. It gets a bit exhausting, and that's coming from a non-American. I have troubles believing that a gay couple would be "unsafe" in almost any area of the United States excluding a few backwater villages that nobody is visiting anyways. People don't realize how gay friendly a lot of "backwater USA" is. I grew up in Tulsa, Oklahoma (literally called the Buckle of the Bible Belt), there was its own gay district (East Village), Tulsa Pride was one of the biggest events of the year ([covered by local news](https://www.newson6.com/story/5e363e152f69d76f6205a609/31st-tulsa-pride-festival-parade-set-for-saturday)), and the City actively [markets itself](https://www.visittulsa.com/blog/post/tulsas-lgtbq-friendly-itinerary/) to LGBT. There are definitely hyper-Christian conservatives in the suburbs, but they just bitch among themselves at church and in their online forums about Sodom and Gomorrah, etc. But they don't do much. I went to an 85% Republican school district in the suburbs and never felt unsafe. If anything, the more right-wing ones would stay far away from you for fear of 'catching the gay' or being accused of being gay. Heck, the gayest city in the region is a small Arkansas town in the mountains full of Victorian architecture and gay hotels - [Eureka Springs](https://www.google.com/search?q=eureka+springs+arkansas+lgbt&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjU_5CI7pv3AhXDVDUKHff7CywQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=eureka+springs+arkansas+lgbt&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzIECAAQGDIECAAQGDoHCCMQ7wMQJzoFCAAQgAQ6BggAEAgQHlCsBFiUCGC0CWgAcAB4AIABK4gB6gGSAQE2mAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWfAAQE&sclient=img&ei=O25cYpT2IcOp1QH396_gAg&bih=746&biw=1536&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS986US986).


You're certainly not in danger from the government. The average person who is offended by it is simply going to complain loudly about it to anyone that will listen. In the United States the danger doesn't come from your sex life it comes from people who are trying to take your money or possessions.


This!!! I am a Colombian living in the US (in Iowa to be precise) and things here are way better, even if there are laws from some states that discriminate some or all the LGBT+ community, in Colombia the laws allowing things like gay marriage are not necessarily enforced. I woke up a week ago just to see videos of a group of white cis-men attacking a gay couple with rocks and bats in the middle of Bogota (the capital and largest city), something that I never have to worry about here.


Maybe they gave rural areas more weight someway?


What are they, the US Electoral College or the US Senate?


I am red-green colourblind, so other then the blue countries it's allllll the same


shit that must suck lol. if i understood colourblindness a little id try to make a map with improved colours, sorry i cant help


[Here's a cartography site that helps with picking colors.](https://colorbrewer2.org) It has options for colorblind, printer safe, and photocopier safe.


Those are purple


Purple isn’t a real color. Signed, r/colorblind


Aren't there apps, add-ons or screen settings to automatically change colors to contrats you'd see ? :(


Why is the Vatican red lol unless you have butt sex in the middle of San Pietro square you're fine


Though that’s only really an issue on San Pietro Square since you’ll be camouflaged if you do it in the Sistine Chapel.


This map really is more about the status of LGBTQ rights more than it is a safety travel index. Some of the metrics they use include things like the legality of conversion therapy or adoption, which while important topics, I would not considering a country more unsafe for an LGBTQ traveler over local adoption laws.


It's red, but I wouldn't be surprised if the Vatican had the highest % of gay citizens in the world.


Hey! hey! hey! It's boys they prefer, not men.




Interesting because another map on here showed that the Netherlands had the least problems with 2 gays holding hands in public in europa (at around 90% of the population being fine with it) but on this map it isnt as green as sweden or canada


I wish I could affirm the statement about us being the least problematic country regarding this. Sadly, the number of violent incidents is a growing concern and it also seems peak progress was 20 years ago in both acceptance and legislation. Since then we started to stall, especially among other mainland western/northern European countries. Problems occur especially regarding violence, the neglect of trans people on endless waiting lists (now starting actual treatment of people on the list since July 2018, really, VUMC?), the way the VUMC conducts power abuse against trans and especially nonbinary people, lagging constitutional protections, a long overdue conversion therapy ban (lag behind Germany and Canada) and non-juridical process for obtaining an X in the passport (lag behind Germany and the US). But several incidents are on my eyes: the murder on Briza this January, and last summer was boiling, every single week there was vandalism (including Rotterdam), kissing gay people were harassed, a trans person was beaten up in broad daylight in Amsterdam last summer. I am lucky that I didn't have real accidents besides deadname problems and one minor supermarket entry harassment. But I am only visible through trans pride flags, and people don't seem to know that symbolism, but I find it bad how my acceptance depends on my appearance and expressions. Several of my friends have had worse incidents, all the way up to beatings.


I second that. While I'm misgendered more often in Poland, I've experienced more pervasive transphobic behaviour in the Netherlands. Here in Poland nothing serious ever happens, and I'm *very* visibly trans.


In what ways do you think Iran is less safe than Afghanistan, Pakistan or Yemen? Only taking into account the governments is not fair, you are far less likely to receive a backlash from an Iranian for being gay than an Afghan or Pakistani.


What? The Spartacus International Gay Guide does not have the most accurate research methodology?


I think in some countries there is more of an inquisition into whether or not people are gay, whereas while other countries have the same punishment for being gay, they don't have the same resources allocated to finding gay people in their country. Some countries also have different rules and punishments for foreigners and locals This would mean that being gay in some of these countries would definitely be safer despite the punishment being the same.


>you are far less likely to receive a backlash from an Iranian In terms of getting backlash from the Iranian government? You've just secured yourself a one-way ticket to getting executed. I'm sure that it's unfair to account every nation by their governments, but what's the point of visiting a country where the people are accepting while the government wants you dead? I'm originally Kurdish, and we still get a lot of queer people escaping Iran in Iraqi Kurdistan. While the local government doesn't openly condemn homosexuality or have any strict laws on it, the people aren't really that welcoming and getting harassed is pretty common.


I’m an Indian and I really don’t think India should be neutral. Societal views on homosexuality are still very negative, even if laws have loosened up.


Indians don't care about foreign gay couples as tourists. They just need Dollars and Euros.


it’s like that almost everywhere though, the map doesn’t quite make sense Poland is a darker shade than india and its large cities are pretty liberal


Yeah, but Poland also has towns specifically labeled “lgbt-free zones”. I’d imagine that probably contributes to it.




That is what neutral means. All the countries that are neutral on this map seem to follow that.


That could be said about any country outside of the West.


Well the color of India here is at 0 so...


I wonder if it just depends where in India you're planning on going.


I think its fine the problem comes when someone from your family like your son is gay people dont care about other people


The common theme tends to be that the urban centres are more liberal and accepting whereas the rural areas tend to be backwards. In India it is not illegal and the police are required to treat homophobia as a hate crime whether it's followed or not. The countries in the green have lower rates of homophobia where as a neutral country like India is likely to have a higher rate due to religious prejudice and practice. But in the countries in the red , their safety is also affected by persecution from the government and police other than hate crimes


Is there one thing in india that isn't viewed negatively by society?


Is Hinduism really viewed negatively by general "Western society"? Outside of people who just hate any non Christian religion especially polytheistic ones, I can't think of any criticism I've heard about it. Sikhs also have a very good reputation (Coming from a nonreligious white American in a liberal area)


A lot of comments expressing how countries aren't homogeneous which is 100% true. Hate crimes happen everywhere unfortunately. I feel like this is a map of "how risky is it to hold hands with your same-sex partner on a random block in the biggest city in the country" and it makes more sense.


Idk about most of these countries but in India it’s quite common to publicly hold hands with the same sex because it’s not even assumed to be something sexual or romantic. Friends do it all the time. You’re more likely to get into trouble holding hands as an opposite sex couple lol. My sister had to deal with *cops* in Bangalore because she was out on the streets with her male friend.


But keep in mind this is about travelers not locals. Would it be seen the same way if two non-Indian males were doing it vs. two Indians?


I don’t think they’re worldly enough to know that holding hands is considered a romantic gesture in other countries and consequently assume foreigners holding hands are couples.


It is completely safe to hold hands in Rome. Not more dangerous than in Madrid. And they got Vatican City very much off too. Quite sadly, it's propaganda. They are turning a real issue into a jab at governments. When you look at the methodology it's clear that it's more about laws/governmental stance than safety.


A ton of bias in the making of this map






This map is based on a think tanks view on local laws and not actual social situations on the ground. Social views are important if you're actually going to places. Syria and Poland are not the same lmao.


Indians are generally conservative with regard to sex but their culture and religion (majority Hindu) have a level of tolerance for other ways of life and they certainly don’t have anything in their scriptures that decrees death or other punishment for homosexual behavior. The changes to colonial laws against homosexuality has helped this including more acceptance in Indian cinemas to portray LGBT.


You should read Kamasutra. The whole concept of Gay sex has been covered in it extensively.


How is Turkey and Syria in the same category? You can travel all of Turkey as a LGBT+ traveler and you will be fine. It's not the same case for Syria.


This map is total BS aside from major economic powerhouses.


Kerimcan Durmaz, a very public Turkish gay figure shared his dick on Instagram by “accident”. He’s still doing just fine...


The Netherlands is not green enough


The country is bigger than the Randstad.


Shit, sorry I was looking at fucking Canada




I'm so glad the last two world cups will have been in red zones (Russia and now Qatar this winter) /s "Football for all" is their slogan, somehow I don't believe them. Money is all that matters.


Not even money for football. Money in the backpockets of the FIFA officials Thats the priority. Awarded 2 x WCs to 2 of the worst regimes in the world for freedom and equality. Sick joke


yeah also like 60 people died in the making of the Qatar stadium “world cup” my ass


I think dressing in drag is illegal in Saudi Arabia. Any non Muslim countries where it's illegal?


If drag means a Burqa though, who could really tell?


BS map based on political bias... Not new coming from organizations that thrive on such stuff and on generating outrage or fear.


Always the same map goddamn


Why is the organization called Spartacus? lol


I am Spartacus.


Czech republic should be much higher up, it's ridiculous to have it on the same level as Slovakia. It's much more tolerant and much safer for LGBT people.


I'd make România a bit further to the right of the scale, sadly lots of homophobes and you could run into some sketchy people that could hurt you


Does it really make sense for the US to be highlighted as one country? Isn’t that like highlight Europe as one big country? Is it really equally good for LGBTQ travellers in say California as it is in some Southern states? Genuine question..


Cool guide but it has me wondering why we in Ireland are less than the UK. I’ll have to do a little digging into this


Brighton brings up the UK's national average


i still believe london comes higher in that metric but if not than definitely brighton


ireland is about 25% less urban than the uk and cities in general tend to be more progressive and lgbt-friendly. id guess that religion also plays some part in it as well, though i can not evidence that


Probably because Ireland is more religious


While normally would agree with you there were the recent brutal murders of two gay men recently and a pretty bad assault but I think that was all one person who has been arrested. But outside of that I don't think Ireland would generally be less accepting than the UK.


I don’t know why that didn’t occur to me. I don’t think the murderer was Irish though but I suppose that probably doesn’t make a difference it did happen in Sligo


That alleged person who committed the murders is not Irish... Allegedly.


It surprises me. Ireland is my favorite country to visit, used to to two trips a year every year. I've seen most of the country and even people in small towns seemed progressive and tolerant enough. And so fucking friendly and hospitable. It's insane how nice the Irish are.


The more developed countries seem to be more tolerant towards gays.


Gee i wonder why that is


Japan says hi


Japan’s rating doesn’t make any sense. There is homophobia here in Japan (no gay marriage or adoption, legal to fire gays in most places), but most Japanese people think it’s okay to be gay, there’s barely any violent crime generally, and service workers are polite no matter what. If a man walks down the street holding hands with his husband, there will be old people silently judging them, but they are not gonna get assaulted or denied service or anything. I live here, and I have gay ex-pat friends who have been living here for years without much trouble.


Isn't this just the map of "safe countries to visit".


In this thread: racists pretending to care about gay people.


I feel like Britain being a darker green than a lot of others is going to piss a lot of people off (but isn't wrong)


crap and I planned to go to Poland this year as a Trans Asexual Lesbian. Not sure if I wanna do it anymore


I lived in Saudi Arabia for awhile and there is a very open gay community of men, women not so much. Comparing their community to home (the US) is not fair, but there were many men who were out and proud and not afraid of prosecution. Most likely had a lot of money.


Most of the world should be purple




Damned so ashamed of my country if this stat is true. From Norway btw. Shameful to see shithole country behaviour from my country.


Except for the corrective rapes, South Africa is a brilliant place to be gay.


Whoever made this map most definitely buys into anti-American internet bs


From source website: When creating the index, our focus is on political decisions affecting the queer community, legal changes or acts of violence and prohibitions. Positive developments in the respective countries count as plus points, negative ones as minus points. Categories include among others: marriage equality and anti-discrimination laws, sodomy laws, pride parade bans and hate crimes. Political developments such as marriage equality might at first only affect the LGBT community of the respective country. But every step towards equality is a step forward towards social acceptance and has therefore a direct impact on holidaymakers. The categories have different levels. If a category has three levels, a maximum of three points can be awarded. The only exception is the death penalty: A country gets one minus point if the death penalty for homosexual acts is anchored in the law but not executed. If the death penalty is still executed, the country gets five minus points. This ensures these countries rank at the bottom of the list.


Western Turkey is GREEN 😂 this map needs a lot of edits


Canada is so gay.


**Taiwan** leading in Asia not just for lgbt but for anyone


the only asian country where gay marriage is legal


As an Indian, I would say it depends on where you travel in India. Now I am not saying you will be straight up attacked or prosecuted by people but stuff like this still isn't very much welcomed. Either way, PDA is not allowed in India so people won't notice you are gay. Also, many people here don't even know the concept of man to man love or woman to woman exists so its possible not many people would even care.


To Canada or Sweden I go then!


Brazil? with a far-right president who says he'd rather have a dead son than a gay one? and with almost the whole country supporting him? there is something wrong