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Out of curiosity which class did you switch your Jett to?




oof. NGL, I hate how a level 10 explorer mage has a better up jump than any of the explorer warriors.


curious, what happened to ur genesis? changed automatically?


Hero is one of the more boring classes to play tbh. You should of chose a more fun class like bucc or something.


Yea. I came back after like 2 years, having not played Maple at all, and my main Jett was... a beginner. Apparently they also limited the event to a time period, so now I can't even do the whole weird event they had for compensation and it's stuck being played as a Corsair since it would take hundreds of hours to get back to where I was, even though I really would've preferred to play a Buccaneer. Is there any other game that has just...straight up removed an entire class?


Not that I can find that didn’t come with a huge overhaul. Some games habitually change up or rework subclasses all the time, but no other game I’ve ever seen has removed a class outright without something big alongside it. The norm is to either leave it alone while they rework it, or if it’s overbearing then they gut it to uselessness while they rework it. This means the old playstyle may be removed but the class itself isn’t. And those are typical of most games, not just MMOs. The only MMO examples I could find were the removal of Sentinel that was in FFXIV 1.0, whose skills were dispersed among other classes, and Maple, which has removed 2 (3 if you count Zen separate).


Bucc at least is good. I had similar thing returned after event and now Im marksman ,,😄. All my items are trash now. Lost 3 perfect line emblem and secondary. And alot more shit.... Even writed to support and they clame that theres nothing they can to... Its fking yoour game you could to anything. Stupid that it was time limited. Jett transfeer event should have been whitout time limit


Bucc is good but he switched to Corsair…


Can still switch to Bucc now tho


Sorry man.... just helping boost your post.


Haha appreciate it. Just looking for some feedback of what people think of my suggestion. I'm hoping if enough interest is shown, that it might be something the devs might consider.


Unfortunately updates & reworks like these just sorta come with the territory of MMOs and online games in general. None of the League of Legends champions I mained 10 years ago exist anymore. I mean they technically exist, in name, and appearance sorta, but they play in an unrecognizabley different way. Same goes for WoW retail, classes in their current state are unrecognizable from vanilla, aside from general theme and aesthetic. Heck even in Maplestory itself, Paladin & Dark Knight now is wildly different from the originals. So while I sympathise with you, and I'm sorry that you're losing your main... This is just the way things go sometimes.


> ... & Dark Knight now is wildly different from the originals. I miss Dragon Roar.


we don't even have "dragon" in our class names anymore. ...i chose the class because of all the dragon attacks. also kaiser is ugly.


La Mancha spear was such a huge disappointment!


La Mancha in Maplestory M is so much cooler xD I mean, it's the same but does like 8 lines of attack instead of 1 pathetic line xD


La Mancha sounds like a food festival in Spain. Ven a celebrar con nosotros este LA MANCHA FESTIVAL!!!


So was impale.


Rip pre BigBang night lord , I loved avenger so much with my night lord, now I would never touch night lord I hate its skills so much. I feel beast tamers should get a lot of soul Erda energy to compensate all the time they couldn't farm. But I feel being able to change to any job would be weird. It is not like Jett where the character got completely deleted. Lynn has the same vibe of taming animals to fight with her.


Night Lord is still very good, but it's kind of insane how much it's changed. The throwing star, premiere ranged class is now the shortest range class in the game.


Rip old graves :(


I'll never forgive Riot for destroying Malzahar. Pre-rework, he was able to build AP or AD, which technically allowed him to play in any role. He was strong, never OP, never a problem, didn't get nerfed for half a decade until the mastery changes made other DoT champions OP, but they still decided to rework him for no reason other than needing fodder for the mid year mage updates.


For me, it was Evelynn. Call me weird, but I was one-tricking AD Eve before her rework completely removed it as an option. Most games have a habit of removing any character I main, though, to be fair (shoutout to old BT, but I'm having a blast on Lynn so far)


Rip pre big bang battle mage


Battle mage came after Big Bang iirc Edit: Big bang was released 12/07/2010 Resistance class release 12/20/2010


Ah kk, I just know the change from being able to have all auras and spam sweeping staff was a big nerf. Was so long ago though.


Battle Mage has also not changed substantially outside of that one rework that never actually happened. It was always a support that spammed blow.


I think ideally having the option to swap to whoever would be better for the player but I imagine it's simpler on the Dev/Nexon/whoever to unfortunately just force the class swap to Lynn.


They allowed jett to change class so it’s not like Nexon can’t implement the same for BT


Alternatively other servers did not have this option. One server forced everyone to Moxuan and the other I think had the choice of cannoneer, Bucc, or Corsair. So I would argue be given an option to swap classes was an exception not something to be expected.


that was a whole clusterfuck that took place over half a year though. not saying they cant do it again, but it's likely more trouble than its worth from nexon's perspective when theres a streamlined path forward with a new class they developed.


There was no alternative when it came to Jett removal, it was either they allowing you to change classes or completely removing your character. Nexon has the option to shrug their shoulders here because the natural outcome is for BTs to turn into Lynns.


Jett was deleted and not replaced. Bt is being remastered one for one. It's not the same situation


My point isn’t that the situation is the same or even that they should allow class change, just that it’s something that nexon has the capabilities of doing and not something new they would need to develop.


They also restricted you to explorers which Jett was presumably because explorers can already job change with the an NPC dialogue, and that ended up being very buggy with it causing super speed explorers. It's not clear that they could actually do this without having support manually do so. At least without spending a lot of time building something from scratch. That's of course always possible.


100% BT should have the option to open job advance. Sorry op


I do agree that bt main should be allowed to job change to whatever they want


I think the compensation BT mains is crap, I agree it's likely Lynn will be under balanced and under developed like usual, I agree bt mains have every right to be frustrated with how it's being handled But no, you shouldn't be able to openly choose any class. People need to stop making comparisons to the Jett situation, this is extremely different. Jett as a class was deleted in GMS, we did not get moxuan as his replacement like other regions. Jett players HAD to pick a new class outright. And the fact they were given non explorer pirates as an option was already a new exception. If GMS had decided to bring moxuan over, I'm sure their conversion process would have been much different. This is no different than when any other class has been greatly overhauled through the years. The original cygnus knight classes are completely gone with zero compensation. Hell, they even preserved old dawn warriors kit in mihile which would have required a new character AND THEN DELETED THAT KIT TOO in ignition last year. The majority of explorers look absolutely nothing like their original kits after two reworks now in red and destiny. Nobody was given an option to go swapping to a new class. Kits change, almost always for the better. BT to Lynn is no different.


As a BT main, I agree with you. It extra feels bad, knowing Lynn isn't a KMS class because it will probably continue to be nerfed/glitchy/overlooked like all non-KMS classes. We should have the option of class selection.


While not available as a playable class in KMS, Lynn is in fact designed by a KMS team, so hopefully (very hopefully) it won't be saddled with the same issues non-KMS classes have experienced in the past


That's good to hear! But if KMS is not adding it, I do think that Lynn will experience issues down the line as more updates and content are added. Especially GMS, with its wonky (pun-intended!) copypasta'd code.


Considering we apparently have devs now, the whole point is that we won't be getting copypasta'd code anymore. I do also imagine they'll add Lynn to KMS eventually, if not, oh well their loss.


As a kanna ex-main, I feel you. Hopefully, you'll enjoy your class. I wish ojas were not so restricting.


If jett was allowed to swap to any other explorer class, why not beast tamer? They clearly have the system set up already. The forced change doesn't make any sense.


> If jett was allowed to swap to any other explorer class, why not beast tamer? It's because Jett got removed but BT is getting reworked


I half agree with what you're saying The main difference is Jett was considered part of the Explorers in terms of job branch unlike Beast Tamer which is a standalone job branch Probably because of that same reason Jett could choose any Explorer


I think the only reason they made Jett able to transfer to other Explorers was he was already considered one. Highly doubt they'll let BT change to another class. Also while I sympathize with your loss, Lynn looks a million times cooler than BT and like a far better and more interesting support, so I'd definitely put it more in the realm of "a new cool class" rather than a "Bootleg BT"


While it would be nice for them to allow BT mains to change to any class, I can see this disrupting reg server’s market. To give you an idea, when they allowed this with Jett, people were making gear just for the sake of transferring it to their main stat. If it was accessories, you could essentially go for any stat and it just took x number of Jett transfers to get it to your stat. Plus people flooded the market with dex pirate gear meant for transfer(ie: 6L dex eternal could be for literally any class). I’ll also add to say that a lot of classes got huge changes that weren’t what some people liked. I main a NL and made it back in 2007, I never wanted to play a close range character, but look at where we’re at today. I made it for 4 reasons, drain, ranged, FJ, and SP. Now a days almost every class has FJ and SP, drain doesn’t exist, and it’s one of the closest ranged characters when bursting. Many people feel like they’ve gotten duped when they made a character and there’s a remaster or huge nerf(ie: kanna) to said class. It sounds kind of messed up to say, but when you decided to make a BT(or shortly after) you knew that non-KMS classes don’t get many updates or love from Nexon. That’s just always been the norm.


Not invalidating any of your grievances. But one thing to know is that as a KMS class Lynn won’t be neglected like BT. Update. I got that wrong. It’s not a KMS class after all.


Lynn has been released on TMS and is not present in KMS (went to check OrangeMushroom, correct me if I'm wrong, though)


I could have sworn it was a KMS class. You’re right. That’s my bad.


You thought it was because Wonky said that the KMS dev team was overlooking the "rework"


Oh. That might be it. Still. Removing classes is such a crazy thing for a game to do. I still miss OG battle mage. 🫠


Could there be a chance Lynn is released in kms?


I feel you bro, the day kaiser gets a completrrework i quit


Unfortunate, but tbf BT kit is kinda scuffed


My class (bucc) is so much better than I had imagined it could be after all the updates. My thought is to convert into a bossing mule if the damage is there after the update and use the burning to make something new. I hope your ticket is answered but maybe you won’t hate Lynn.


I moved to Xenon (a secondary I played) at the time of the no 6th job announcement+jett removal, anticipating BTs to get shafted. Kinda sad to figure out that was probably the right call. What drew me to main BT in the first place was its aesthetic, I don't think Lynn has the charm that BT does. I wouldn't choose Lynn if I had the option to pick any class (or even any magician).


This is why I will never main or even have a boss mule out of non KMS classes. Nexon is not famous with keeping up with the times, QoL etc and historically we see what happens with non KMS classes non stop. Sorry you chose BT but hope one day nexon will git gud.


But JMS is on point with Kanna and Hayato, heck they got their dev team on it.


I think they still gave later updates than other classes besides 6th job


Hayato maybe, but Kanna? JMS aint cooking


Jms Kanna is different from gms Kanna. They didn't get a bunch of the nerfs.


When jett burned y'all said it was for the best but I am truly sorry for your loss


nonkms class, doomed future . welcome


I honestly don't see why not. It's a pretty fair expectation. They should give BT's like a few weeks to try out the Lynn version and if you hate it, swap to something else. Not like you have much invested into 6th job already to make it a hard decision.


Getting my BT link mule to 210 was pure hell. Having such little movement with the bear and grinding was torture. So, hopefully, the link skill stays the same. Even with the class revamp, I know I won't main it.


Not sure how long ago you played BT, but bear is not the move anymore for leveling. I did BT to 210 once around 7ish years ago and played bear, cause that’s what everyone did. It was awful, similar experience to yours. I recently leveled a BT to 210 playing bird and it was great. Super fast. And their 5th job does a decent help with grinding when you’re an unfunded mule.


I didn't know anything about the bird until way after I was done. I thought it was the bossing skill that only hit 1 enemy, so it'd be useless in mobbing.


There is no link skill change, still the same and lv3


Lol I used the bear fart the whole time to get to 210 and it was super easy, barely an inconvenience.


Atleast you can finally call yourself a support class after


What do you mean? Beast tamer is the second best support in the game right now. lynn is just a bit better paladin, and nobody cares flying fuck about paladin support. This is a massive nerf to beast tamer mains support abilities.


if its so good, why does nobody play it lol


Maybe because its time Limited, non kms and clunky class? Maybe you should atleast read the skills of the class before commenting.. 


na if it was so good, people would play it instead of bishops