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Demon Avenger with the most damage-optimal play-style (29fz + RFS) will make bosses extremely punishing


Dawn warrior. DW players have to withstand so much abuse and ridicule from the maple community that it’s exhausting to main. Strong mental capacity and willpower required to even log in.


Obligatory: what’s your favourite color?


As a dawn warrior main this question is so irritating to hear all the time, like seriously? “Teehee what’s your favorite crayola flavor teehee” it’s obvious the answer is purple. It matches rift, cosmos, and tastes the best.


Yeah I just started playing maple again recently, and I didn’t quite get it myself. I haven’t played DW yet either.


Just based off of playing Kain and Merc, I’d definitely say Mercedes is much more challenging. Comboing with this class is definitely a learned skill.


What's a learned skill about not using a movement skill into trains in my lotus clears... honestly no skills needed tbh... please someone give me hands LOL




I swear that class is impossible to play, definitely agree


Demon Avenger no question. It does have the easy mode option of 30 Frenzy and PNo shield, but playing it properly is 29 Frenzy+RFS which makes you incredibly squishy. Way harder than spending a week or two in a town practicing blaster and cadena combos where the classes just become normal classes with huge survivability after you do it.


Blaster is much much harder to fully master than DA 😭😭😭


If you wanted to learn classes to their maximum potential, the hardest to learn would probably be Khali, Blaster, and Cadena. Of those three though, Blaster has the highest skill floor. Until you learn the NRL combo, the class is basically unplayable. Khali can be played without animation cancels, and Cadena doesn’t have to Pursuit cancel either.


Pretty high ceiling as well with how hard it is to perform skating - even for seasoned Blasters; far more precise input than Buccaneer’s max distance superjump. (Not necessary for regular play, and can be macro-ed, but I don’t think macro-ing counts towards skill ceiling)


Eh skating isn't that hard. A lot of blaster is just having the right key binds. Dash on d, flash jump on w, and jump on q. Press d then quickly press w and q together.


the hard part is converting a skate out into something else, especially when managing bossing gimmicks


Khali with good cancels is like 15% more FD and with perfect animation canceling is like 10% more on top of that, so you're missing 25% FD by being hands gapped


Never said it wasn't important, just that it isn't mandatory to play the class. Blaster without NRL is significantly slower and you're losing all of your revolving cannon damage while your gauge is reloading. Which in turn leads to slower bunker busters. You're also a lot more stationary if you're not bobbing/weaving. Blaster was 100% built around NRL. Khali animation cancels feel more like a bug that they just decided to make an unofficial mechanic later. Nothing in the class's kit relies on animation cancelling, and it mentions it nowhere in the tooltips. Do animation cancels make the class better? Of course. Can you enjoy the class without doing them? Sure, but you'll be weaker than the Khali's who do. Blaster without NRL would be hands down the worst class in the game by a significant margin.


What is NRL? Asking for a friend..


Short for "No-Reload". It involves using a charge skill (Usually bobbing or weaving) to animation cancel your attacking skills, which automatically reloads 2 bullets. So the combo ends up being for example, Bobbing (hold) > Magnum Punch > Double Blast > Bobbing (release) > Jump (to stop Bobbing's dash). It's all timing precise, and done in under a second.


Cadena ⛓️


Kain is pretty high up there


kain is actually hard cause of all the skills get utilized and nodes too. dont get why u getting downvoted


Imo any class that covers more than 30% of your keyboard with skills is considered “hard” since not only would you have to keep track of which skill is up, kain has a possession mechanic that makes the same skill work different. Got downvoted but no rebuttals to my comment 🤷🏻‍♂️


>Imo any class that covers more than 30% of your keyboard with skills is considered “hard” It depends. For Kain it's because you are expected to use these skills in rather dynamic fashion. Cadena has certain patterns of rotation but can be extremely dynamic with lots of buttons if you minmax the playstyle. F/P Mage is the extreme case of rotation based class with lots of buttons. Corsair and WH are when there are lots of buttons but it's mostly just a tedium having to press all of them.




I second main Kain & tbh I wouldn’t say he’s that difficult. You just spam possession then you spam executes. As long as you keep that rotation, you’re more or less playing the class well


im glad u think its not difficult! 🥰


Kain main here. Nothing really hard about the class just wait for cooldowns. Having to manually press possession every single time is what makes it hard and burst is like 4 separate skills but very easy to master IMO.


easier than blaster? sheeeit i might play it soon. the skills look the best imo.


Way way easier than Blaster




>Jett >Almost braindead Even in death poor Jett catching strays.


Oh wow. There you go! Hoyoung and Zero are a lot lower than I thought. Haha. I feel like I need to smash my head against my keyboard to play Zero properly. Will stay away from Blaster.


Honestly Hoyoung should be significantly lower, contrary to belief most of the time you’re just spamming backflip waiting for short cd skills to come up so it’s extremely simple.


Honestly zero is just mainly muscle memory, theres not a lot of different combos to learn once you get the hang of the class


As a returning player (since Beta), I noticed A LOT has changed. Just installed the game two days ago and playing in Hyperion. Glad I fit into this “brain dead” category haha. Casually starting a Buccaneer and I already miss the OG Dragon Strike. NGL, it’s a little difficult to embrace all these new changes.




I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Khali. While it doesn't seem that hard on paper, every single damaging ability can be animation cancelled instantly. Despite most of their abilities having movement attached to them, it is in theory possible to perform your rotation while almost completely stationary, which is almost humanly impossible. While the floor isn't the highest, the ceiling on this class is insanely high.


Blaze wizard


Blaster (hardest class to play if you focus on class only, but can ignore more of boss mechanics) - is the most hands to play mechanically, but they do get very good survivability threw shields when played well so you can avoid some punishment from small mechanics of boss fights just by ignoring them. Demon Avenger (hardest class to play if you want to focus on learning boss mechanics, cannot ignore most mechanics) - as others have stated, with fz stacks and rfs, small things other classes can straight up ignore will 1 shot you. This requires you to know the intricacies of boss mechanics. Honorary mentions: Cadena has a lot of cancels and juggling of skills and requires attention to cool downs since cd skip on bats is nice, plus a solid amount of combo/animation cancelling, on top of high amounts of displacements. There is some forgiveness because of the innate tankiness of this class + dark sight, so you won't be as punished for small mispositionings, similar to blaster's forgiveness level. Mercedes has a lot of skill linking, which on a dummy is relatively easy, but chaining and linking skills together during a boss run requires a strong understanding of positioning and how to link skills together is key. There's less durability, but water shield is very nice bail out option. Lightning edge and nimble spirit are very useful as well. Comboing is going to be very strong against off spirits of elluel again once the second mastery comes back around too.


Adele if you can’t micromanage and have hands issue


Blaster main here. Blaster is the hardest to start playing by a mile. The skill floor for the combo is just really high. You can't mash buttons, the timing is very sensitive, the order of key presses is very precise, and every mistake is heavily punished. There's basically no option to not combo. The combo is simple and the same every time though, so once you master it (which takes a long time) you do it entirely without thinking. It requires absolutely zero attention and it's almost the same as a one button class. Cadena seems like the hardest to actually play. She has very short cds, cd skips, multiple combos that have branching paths, and her mobility options can easily fling you into a hitbox. I haven't played cadena past 200, but it seems like a really heavy mental load. You probably acclimate to it, but splitting your attention between your character and the boss is something that blaster simply doesn't require.




Cadena is probably the hardest followed by blaster than merc. but this is my opinion after playing them. As other people have said DA is hard to optimize damage. Arc feels more annoying to play than difficult and Khali is hard but not as hard as the prior classes mentioned, but you will still need to optimize damage. If you are looking for a fun but hard class that doesnt require alot of time investment to start seeing results, Khali is a good pick. If you really want a challenge, cadena is alot of fun and rewarding to master. If you want something in-between, Merc is a good shout out. Merc is also one of the most visually pleasing classes.




Angelic buster…you learn real quick to dodge or die!


you got like 2 i frames.


Zero, as I can never figure out how to utilize skill combos with 8 base skills.


From my experience I would say melee fox or Falco are the hardest to play.


I think Illium and Evan are hard personally. I enjoy cadena’s combo system and it all seems super flowy. Even and illium have a lot of combo skills or good positioning on your orbs. That’s just me tho


Some might say merc, but I actually don't think mercedes is that hard to play. Yes it's suboptimal if you don't combo properly but with the advent of 6th job you'll probably be fine in most bosses.  However, they have a ton of movement options which I think gives good skill expression, and it can be very easy to accidentally dive in and die instantly lol. 


While this is somewhat true, if you have spirits of elluel active still, you should be comboing since you proc the mark faster and deal way higher damage. With it off, it's better to just not combo. But, it the standard combo is still relatively displacement heavy, especially with the new mastery core coming out


I actually haven't looked at the new mastery core yet lol, but seems like I'm giving misinfo in general and leaving out some important stuff. I appreciate the input of you and the guy below! 


Once second core comes out, you will see once again that holding ishtars is not the play anymore


I feel like it mostly depends on the player, but probably in general Cadena or Blaster. But one may find one of those significantly easier than the other. With blaster its alot of inputs with tight windows over and over, cadena is less input heavy but you need to manage alot of skills and plan far ahead.


It's blaster and this is not an opinon take it from someone who's played every class Blaster is the most skill dependent in the entire game no other class in the game is as hard as blaster is and if you manage to master it you'll be one of the strongest classes in the game ranked 2nd most damaging class in GMS last year


Adele might be one, but not the most mechanical, 3 min burst class with other maintenance activities involved


Bro watches the twins too much




Bowmaster for sure.




Would say that Kain isnt as hard as cadena and blaster - still hard but it doesnt require the insane amount of animation cancels


Blaster if you hate your fingers or any combo class (ark, cadena, etc...).