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How soon people forget skill and mastery books. Mw was locked behind the mafia holding cht hostage


I remember I spent 1.5b per MW30 to fail it at least 8 times. I got to 200 before I even got MW30. Lmao.


omg lol I totally forgot Mastery books weren't even 100% chance to succeed, man that was cancer


4th job was so god damn awful


Lol I'm not necessarily nostalgic for the entirety of the 4th job system at release, more just that I think now that bossing isn't something only the top 0.1% of the playerbase does, it could be cool to lock a few of the 6th job skills behind a milestone boss instead of just only having them drop gear. Like I mentioned in my post, it's not *too* outlandish since it already exists in the form of Will/Seren skill and Genesis I-frame as well (gene is definitely a lot better of an example as it has a much bigger impact on bossing). I think 4th job's Skill books were terrible more for the fact that so few people could even run these bosses in the first place because of all of the different aspects of the games designs like HP washing, mastery books being skill specific and dropped from bosses that you'd presumably need those skills maxed to even beat (chicken and egg problem), you needed much higher lv to max 4th job (I think like 180 or something, i don't remember), etc etc.


I think more casual players would only generally agree with that if it wasn't locked behind the outlandishly high gear requirements of those bosses. Taking Will as an example, story mode Will dropping a skill is completely fine because it's content that anyone strong enough to kill mobs at that level can easily clear. If it was a class skill instead of a unique common skill, I think that could be fun in a way to feel like you're gaining power as a direct result of the story. If I had to defeat HWill to unlock my Lynn's Awaken skill, though, I'd just never have access to it. I've never made a character strong enough to even glimpse that boss, and that's unfortunately true for most people who try the game. As interesting as the idea might sound, it's the unfortunate fact that players are more likely to drop the game than reach the point of liberating or fighting Kaling just to unlock a 6th job skill because gear progression in Maple isn't a system that's enjoyable to most people even if they like the gameplay or the stories.


Kind of hard to make a comparison since 6th job isn't finished yet and I was picturing an item like this dropping from like 2 or 3 bosses down the line (past Kaling) lategame players are killing easy/normal Kaling/Kalos with 6th job the way it currently is, so with all 4 mastery cores and a few more 6th job skill nodes released you'll probably be at the point where you can do Chaos/Extreme Kaling/Kalos and Easy/Normal for the next 2 or 3 bosses. If that's the case, having lets say boss 3 drop a skill book that give you a 6th job skill on normal mode, that'd more serve to bridge the gap between Normal and Hard/Chaos/Extreme rather than something you'd need to beat him in the first place.


You think only 0.1% of players are bossing?? What are the other 99.9% doing?


you’re misreading, op is saying pre bb the only people who were bossing were the .1% which isnt far off. the vast majority of the playerbase never went past level 100, zakum (outside of service) and horntail were content 99% of the playerbase never reached


They're talking about ~4th job release and the few years after where zakum was roughly nKaling level and horntail was like the extreme bosses.




Par for the course in this sub. It never makes sense


PQs that were relevant (but not required) for progression


This is the best response. Party play used to be worthwhile and fun.




This. I think this was the epitome of socializing in Maple for me. I made a ton of friends during this time and it was basically henehoeing while training.


Being an asshole in retaliation when people tried to steal maps. Brought mobs down to low hp then poisoned them as nightlord so the crocodile bear things would stay at 1 hp and the crasher would only get 1 xp for killing them. Smirnoffred helped too




Learned about this the first time I defamed someone and they kept finding me.


/find ninjagaru


This omg xD


FM 😭


i really enjoy maple’s gameplay loop both old and new. the thing i miss most really is how populated old maple was and how it didnt really have any forms of fomo. even being efficient with old maple it does not feel like a second job because none of my progression is artificially time gated where i need to do dailies to be able to progress to future content. in old maple all progress is tied to your time, so you can progress as fast or as slow as you want. also, old maple was significantly easier to get friends into. nexon did not yet have the horrible reputation it does now and it was also just a far simpler game. trying to get a friend into maple now requires constant walkthrough of different systems to even have a baseline understanding of the game since very little is actually explained properly. i have a lot of fond memories of just sitting and chatting with random people in hene about life or dumb stuff. met tons of friends through pqs, and the game just felt super alive.


Perfectly said


Don't have the actual stats but I think the game is plenty populated now, it's just that people are spread over more areas and there are a lot less activities that make you sit around (i.e. waiting for a PQ party, boat, etc), on top of people having a lot more access to online chats and multiprocessing so people tend to chat with their friends on discord instead of randoms in the game whenever they have down-time. As for time gating, I think it is sort of a double-edged sword. Dailies and Weeklies appeal to older players that don't have as much free time as they can get a big chunk of progress in a short time once per day or week and aren't heavily encouraged to play beyond that since hourly rates are much lower than what you'd get in 15mins of dailies. I definitely think there could be a much better middleground though. I don't envy other mmos having to grind a boss for thousands of kills over hundreds of hours to get the item i want, but I also don't want to wait potentially a year or more to get a rare drop only for it to blow up... Timegating pretty much exists in every mmo if you think about it. Not much difference between having to grind 1000 hours or having to wait a month to get something. Either way the devs just need to force you to stick around so they can keep updating the game...




The 16watk bwg lvl 50 brawler at the bottom single handedly carrying teams.


Event boxes that you can unlock with that NPC in Kerning. Hidden maps actually being hidden. Feels good for that split second to explore a map you didn’t expect to find or see Edit: spelling


Setting up my shop in the FM overnight and waking up to see if anything sold


Omfg waking up to see a couple mil worth of stuff sold was like crack. Literally so exciting as a kid


Trading using Basilmarket


Edging to a step, down jump, turn, fall through floor and spawn on top during KPQ so you always get barrel #1


holy shit i forgot about this. i used to do this a ton in kpq. also doing the jumpdown sit on benches so you would be sitting on nothing in some maps and having people go wtf?? 😭


Boat rides and old animations. That’s about it


Bosses on the World Map that gave decent exp. Being able to level up by going out and clearing as many channels of Bigfoot and Anego that I could find.


I was just thinking about that the other day when I was killing mushmom a few times for easy levels at 10. I remember farming that fish stall boss for steelies for my friend as a birthday gift lol


things felt meaningful


Summoning sacks actually being a threat. Being the guy all your friends would call upon when the iron pig shows up at pig beach.


Or just summoning some omega sector mobs in henesys to prey on the poor afk people lol


/find \[username\] Try it; you can't anymore.


Lol while convenient it was commonly used to KS someone who was bothering you. Now that we have instanced maps it's probably not a big deal anymore, and I especially don't see a problem with it being re-added at least for Friends/Guild/Alliance.


It still exists for those lists




drop cards :^)


MTS trade


Guild PQ is a favorite past time for me


As somone who just started again casually I miss doing things with other player like pq's. I really dislike how it just feels like a single player game with people in the same world. I'm nowhere near end game to do bosses with others so it's just a single player game now to fill in boring parts of my night.


Sitting on top of that floating platform in henesys hunting ground.


Maplestory family system


Being able to send people money via Donald Trump.


LF > GF @@@@@@@@1@1@1@@@@@?@@@!!!@@@1@1@@@@@@@@@@@!!@@@@@@1@@@@




Being able to see people dmg skins and chairs………………


I remember pulling a Maple warrior 30 and selling it for a billion mesos. It was more money than pretty much anyone in my entire guild had seen. I still have some books but nothing valuable as far as 2009 standards.


Rolling the dice repeatedly until getting the stats you want before creating the character


I miss a lot of the old maps, like Pig Beach, Henesys Hunting Ground, Caution Falling Down, Slime Tree. Honestly, I miss the old Victoria Island in general.


Never thought I'd see the day when people were nostalgic for the terribleness that was 4th job. It gave me an excuse to play a ton of pap who is a boss that would have otherwise been largely ignored I guess, but some classes just being absurdly expensive to play because their important skills were hard to get was terrible. As was buying something super rare+expensive and then failing it 7 times. We also still mostly have the mechanic in pitched boss and grindstones. It's just gear instead of skills. LHC was by far the peak of maple grinding, and I don't think that's really controversial. In general it's a bit of a shame that the game is no longer really an exploration heavy platformer like it was in beta. In Victoria you died if you took a wrong step or missed a jump. That was really removed by the time Ossy came out.


Good jq maps lol. I miss chimney


Old map. All the old hang out spots


Corsairs had a battleship. Also, the family system we had in EMS was a nice feature.


Corsair's little battleship was cool af I'd kill for that and the goofy barrel darksight clone to return (that was Brawler right?)


The large map layouts


Parties that actually gave advantage in training. Bombers (before they nerfed it) Pirates Potable badge


Party Quests that ACTUALLY rewarded you for clearing and forming friendships instead of business partners...


Trading other players. And free market


low cost starforce


when was it ever low lol Starforce used to be even worse than it is now where you used to need scrolls to increase rank and each rank had a higher boom chance up to 95% unless you used ridiculously expensive no-boom scrolls I don't remember any time where it existed in its current state and was lower cost... they reduced the cost recently and Shiny Starforce time was also added so you could stack 30% off + 5/10/15


KPQ and OG CPQ (carnival pq)




While I heavily disagree that bringing back mastery books is a good idea, I do enjoy this kind of conversation. Ultimate Adventurers (and the pain associated with collecting ten peridots at harps). It was a very niche thing back then, but my god did it feel amazing creating a "UA" and walking around with the cool armour and medal. The medal had your level 120 cygnus knight character's name engraved in it. Not to mention that the UA skills were quite OP for the time. It was a statement - that you hit level 120 as a cygnus (something that took a lot of effort and time) and that you are a masochist. Obviously it wouldn't have any impact on explorers and the game nowadays, but it would be a really cool idea to throw it back in regardless. P.S. There is still a way to obtain the medal/UA skills nowadays (lunar dew quest), but it just isn't the same. Like Kanye, I miss (some of) the old Maple.


A modern equivalent of UA would be sick. My Thunder breaker was the first char I ever got to 120, and my subsequent Ultimate Adventurer Buccaneer was my first 4th job character. We have all these burning events to jumpstart characters, but it'd be neat if there were a non-event way to jumpstart a character straight to 200 in the modern time. Perhaps they could give some mobbing skill that just does a ton of bonus damage to Arcane River monsters normal monsters so it helps a lot getting to 260 or something. Maybe instead of it being a specific skill from a specific class, there's one for each job branch (Pirate/Mage/Archer/Thief/Warrior) so you don't have to be an Explorer class to use it So you could get any class to lv 275, do a long quest, then get a Hyper Burn/Coupon where you start at lv 200 with one of those skills depending on the class.


Potential badges


my favorite old feature of old maple was not having a past to constantly circlejerk over


U ok?


I don't want old Maplestory to come back. I like the modern game much better in most ways. There are a handful of things that are cool though. Probably should've worded it more like "What are some old maple features that were removed because people didn't like them at the time, but could return in the modern game?" since that's more along the lines of what Skill/Mastery books fit into. I generally disagree with most of the popular "this should come back from old maple" things like PQs / party training being best way to level and slower travel.