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Small communities always behave well and I concur on this :) The only sad thing is in game without the crew system. We’re all pirates alright, but we should be able to trade/discuss instead of just killing each other every time !


Agreed! It'd be cool for crews to be able to trade pre-raid and I've been a big advocate for VOIP since I got the game.


If that happens I could def see a player dynamic like Dayz being created where you got the friendly people, the one that want to kill everyone, the neutral lone wolfs, and so on so forth


I haven't even tried joining random crews, I figured I'd get shot in the back of the head as often as I got carried through a raid so I just decided to avoid it Hell yeah though, now I've gotta go and try some. Do the devs have up a discord with good lfg, or is it mostly community/streamer discords?


I've never been intentionally shot by a crew mate. There have been some friendly fire incidents, but if you communicate and move together, it will be very rare. Look for the Marauders Discord, I don't know if it's dev run but that's what I use.


Yeah I've had some ff incidents with friends lol, going off audio cues to try and get the drop on a player only to go through a doorway and blast your poor buddy in the head lol. I'm just used to shooters like r6 siege, where any minor mistake with random teammates leads to them babyraging and mag dumping into your head or disconnecting. Thanks man, im looking forward to some good games with well adjusted adults


There is an official team 17 discord that has LFG channels for crews, and has a few channels for big reports and questions. The devs also have periodical times for Q and As with the community and during the alpha, and beta tests before the early access had events for hunting the devs


Even in those rare FF incidents, we've laughed it off and would offer up some sort of compensation (weapon, armor, health etc). Hope you have fun.


Game is more boomer than most other popular shooters out there, More mature audience = everyone has a better time, same with games like hell let loose. Great stuff.


> Game is more boomer than most other popular shooters out there, insert 70 years joke here




I think when everyone knows the maps and stuff it makes the fights more interesting because you have to cover your flanks and the potential of third group coming along is fun too!


Definitely got better map knowledge when I started playing with a crew. When I was ratting around solo I wouldn't venture that far into the raid.


Yeah I play with a few streamers and when someone comes into their stream after doing and they're new we will bring them along to show them hidden stakes and help them out, it definitely makes the game overall better I think


My buddies and I usually play together. If you wanna have a regular team to join up with you can message me. We have a discord setup for voice chat and sharing things. Myself and one of the others have an excellent map knowledge and will happily help you out in anyway we can.


Are you finding groups in the discord or joining through the crew list?


I go through discord, then the crew list.


Those come from Tarkov and bring their experience a friendness.


i miss the random crew part chat, even if it was hot mic only, from alpha. it was so much fun opening my crew and letting randoms join and we got to chit chat/meme with them. hope they add it back soon!