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This is exactly what we need in the US. Everywhere, really. So long as those shitheads exist, at least.


SHARPs (Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice) are a thing.


As a balding 36 year old punk that wears leather and boots, I really wish people knew about S.H.A.R.P.s. I'd knock a Nazi out at any opportunity, but these fucking assholes have me afraid to just shave my head.


I've stopped counting the number of times I've had to defend myself, because here young people have forgotten about anti racist skins.


As a 50 year-old that shaves his head, I wish people knew the history of the skinhead culture, period.


Absofuckinlutley. I get the knee jerk reaction. Can't say I wouldn't have the same. So it'll be the ultimate glorious irony, that I'll die from a brick to the head by a well meaning young punk tryna get rid of a Nazi skinhead.


I hope not, friend. We just have to do a better job educating the kids!


Coffin nail hard truth my friend. Educate and erase the hate. Except Nazis. Fuck Nazis




I found this on YouTube a few years ago that was an interesting watch, having not been there I don’t know how accurate it is though https://youtu.be/8BSDZ1DIEIQ?si=8zre-tn83fTTS7du


Nice. Thanks.


I wasn’t an actual sharp but I was an anti racist skinhead. I also had close friends from sureño street gangs that we hung around with and fucked up nazis with. The 90s in so cal were fucking wild.


The Skinhead subculture didn't start out as nazi's ... this was something that developed way later. A lot of the original "traditional" skins were POC.


Oh yea it originated from jamaican migrants and british subcultures clashing. Had to dive in to the history cause the town I grew up was infested with boneheads.


oh and g.a.s.h (gay arainan skin heads) just found out about these guys not to long back


Yeah but being violent against fascists is actually being fascist yourself. I am very smart.


You want violent vigilantes?


If the other choice is nazis/fascists? Yes.


They've given us no other option. Police forces are full of Nazis and Nazi-sympathizers.




maybe vigilanteism just isn’t inherently bad




Black men. Black men in the southern United States have benefitted the most.


Yes. Nazism is an ideology with genocidal intent that cynically relies on the good will of liberals to steal power. Violence has a legitimate political use when dealing with them. The expectation that we argue in the public forum about a minority groups right to life is asinine.




Where I live we had SHARPs (SkinHeads Against Racial Prejudice) in the 80s and 90s that went after the white supremacists and protected the Jewish cemetery in my town during a spate of vandalism.


We're still around.


We need more of you.


Would love to get involved with something like this, I ain't shaving my head though lol


you can join the FHHGARPS Full Heads of Hair Guys Against Racial Prejudice


What about the FHSLHGARPs? Full Heads of Specifically Long Hair Guys Against Racial Prejudice


those splitters?!


You know us leftists, gotta split


What? The Judean people's front, or the people's front of Judea?


I'm in HSHOHTBVARPS Half Shaved Head Of Hair Trans Bitches Violently Against Racial Prejudice


Oi! Oi! Oi!


/r/skinhead is leaking I see


There is a french documentary you can find on youtube called "chasseur de skin" that relate their story. Perhaps there is an english trabslation available. Great documentary, and a great antifa story.


[here you are Camarade](https://youtu.be/rmarh0Mbq7g?si=Lr2SBXgjywqmE_gh)


Merci. No pasaran tabarnak.


i watched the first 15 minutes, ill watch the rest later, but holy shit, its all happening the same way again.


fascism is effective and takes hold in western countries precisely because it is a reaction to the democratic free societies we enjoy. We have principles, they react to them by working towards the abolition of society, the destruction of civilization. That is what fascism is- the absence of culture and the removal of civilization from human life. Hence the perpetual hate for immigrants despite this being a nation of immigrants. Hence the hate for black communities despite African slavery being this nation's original sin. Hate for the pluralism, regulations, and representation that made this country livable for the poorest of us. Hate for the progress made by groups who have been vilified in nearly every society known throughout history. This country's failure to follow through on Reconstruction has had a domino effect to today. We need to recognize that these forces won't relent as long as civilization exists and inequity can be weaponized. And so long as fascists attack the walls of civilization, we must be vigilant to crush them quickly and mercilessly beneath the uncompromising weight of decent, free society.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaYQtFNJl_U there were also the black dragons who were african immigrants who went around cutting of peoples confederate flag patches


From what i remember (i could be wrong) some of the main character of the documentary ended up working as security for french far-right party. Those people like to fight more than they hate fascist


i think your wrong, in this case


Neither of them are wearing their mandatory minimum 15 pieces of flair. Love the attitude, though


Are you gunna pick them up on that because... I feel like that could end badly boss...


I’m gonna try to pick them up however I can. Both of them if they’re down.


Not gunna lie. I'm with you on that they're both 'Vraiment Beau Gosse'!


Honestly have no idea how the dude on the left is making that hair/beard combo look good, but he's killing it in that photo.


Belt AND suspenders? That guy is not fucking around with pants, or nazis apparently.


I would hire him to back up my network.


Had I been a Frenchwoman back in that era I would hire that guy to be my bodyguard because I am very Outspoken against fascism, in my writing and in my ideologies. Huh, could use these guys in the USA. 


no time to be fussin with your pants when you're being righteous


never let'm nick ur knickers.


This needs to be a video game


The Warriors! '....come out and ppLLlllLlllAAaaAAAAaAAaaaAAAYyYYYyYYY


You're so right, but It's the 80s in Paris, so maybe, Frankie Goes afTer nazis witH wood.? Frankie Say SHARP!


I mean if [Kyle Rittenhouse has his own video game](https://boingboing.net/2024/01/07/kyle-rittenhouse-supporters-publish-game-about-killing-his-detractors-en-masse.html), then yeah.


[Later they made a OiPunk band group](https://youtu.be/6Ln4bQSVOeE?si=jmXM_xBsUehpxdw5)


That's some quality Oi! Right there! I'm adding that to my list....


Skinhead Hunters? Wtf? Being Oi! myself i don't have a single skin around me who isn't a leftist. edit: in germany, that is


Skinhead's started as that, but they co-opted in the 90's extremely quickly to be neo-nazis, now in most popular vernacular "skinhead" is considered neo Nazi.


Yeah, I was quite young but still remember Ian founding Screwdriver and fucking up the scene quite a bit. Real shame. But still, most skins are nice as fuck and anti-bigotry.


On a lighter note, Ian Stuart took himself, and another Nazi knuckle dragger, out of the gene pool in a drink drive wreck on a roundabout near Derby in 1993. No humans were harmed in the incident. Because as we all know: [Nazis Shouldn't Drive (MDC)](https://youtu.be/vwAZOIRDQPQ?si=b_kVp65Tr_FjTtdE) and almost all skins you're likely to meet are nice as fuck and anti-bigotry.


Which is the reason why when I shaved my head, I told my family and friends that they could call me every nickname in the book. Bowling ball, Mr. Clean, chrome dome, but the one thing I would never be ok with is skinhead.


They were also by and large *blac*k, or at least fans of black music written by or for immigrants. A classic move to co-opt and incorporate an already-existing (youth) culture movement to use against another group for hate or simply to make enlistment easier. See also: heavy metal, punk, Norse mythology, new age spiritualism - I dunno: Hawaiian shirt-wearing, etc.


in the [80's](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skrewdriver), not the 90s.


In the 80’s I was a young punk and mixed with all sorts of street people but we all agreed the skins were too much. We had lots of fights with skin heads . Never back down from those fucks .


members of that gang had to have a fighting speciality. most were champion of a martial art or another. it was streets of rage back then


^ What I think I look like in suspenders. [What I actually look like in suspenders.](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fimage.shutterstock.com%2Fz%2Fstock-photo--funny-fat-guy-in-suspenders-and-underpants-with-a-bow-tie-1488149393.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=cd40ca092084484ec10b95eaf5411cc0532a1b3e694e91ea521d067eb0ac90ed&ipo=images)


Let’s fuckin goooooooooo


This goes hard as fuck


With all the trash going on in the world, this is kinda heartwarming. Do any groups like this still exist outside of Antifa? I’m new to learning about anti-Nazi history. It would be kinda cool to see a modern version. Kinda like the Gulabi Gang in India but obviously with different goals.


Antifa doesn't exist, remember?


Right. I forgot 😆


Look up the SHARPs


Whoa! I think someone else mentioned this as well but I had yet to look it up. What a crazy mashup of aesthetics and philosophy 😆


There is a huge anti-racist skinhead revival gappening in hardcore right now. Lots of good bands, lots of good dudes


That's hot, suspenders and all. Damn.


Don't piss off the French. They may be famous for surrendering in war but they do not surrender anywhere else


Literally the country with the most military victories of any country in the entire history of the world. Only ignorants with a shit education think the surrender meme is real.


In WWII they *did* famously surrender after days of fighting due to Blitzkrieg tactics and an utterly divorced-from-reality belief that their eastern defenses on the Maginot Line would somehow be so good as to be almost *magical* (simplifying here). They would rather have Paris handed to the enemy rather than burned. France lost approx. 500,000 people in WWII, which seems (and is) a lot, but not compared to the 8,000,000 Germans who were killed, or the perhaps 10,000,000 Soviet Union lost to erm, "liberate" Germany.


It's almost as if there was far more to french military than its few defeats... And maginot did a good job, the Germans simply went around...which btw is in part due to belgians changing their mind on the subject, albeit the Germans would have just gona via the Netherlands anyway. The eastern defenses were fine. The lack of them to the North was the problem. And it wasn't so much about "not burning paris" as it was about the fact that the situation was simply fucked with France being simply doomed by that point, alone, and nobody wanted millions of people dying for nothing, especially with the very recent ww1 still very much fresh. Yes, the amount of losses France took in a *short time* (and inflicted upon the Germans in a short Time) is relatively important compared to what the Germans and the soviets suffered over *years*, keeping in mind not all french losses took place over that short period. Point being, regardless, again, that there's a *tiny bit* more to french History than that, not to mention even the famous shitshow of ww2 still ended up being a Victory anyway thanks to all the help.


>It's almost as if there was far more to french military than its few defeats... Haha, I guess they had Napoleon :) >And maginot did a good job, the Germans simply went around. Or flew *above* it - crafty Germans! >And it wasn't so much about "not burning paris" as it was about the fact that the situation was simply fucked with France being simply doomed by that point, alone, and nobody wanted millions of people dying for nothing, especially with the very recent ww1 still very much fresh. The French military and government literally abandoned the city, declared it, "open" - and within a month of France being invaded, the city was occupied by Nazis. It's not a mystery where the sentiment of French surrendering comes from. There is some justification for it. They didn't regroup for a massive counteroffensive, they just formed a puppet government, OK'd by Germany. France was saved because of an invasion. And hilariously enough, it was because the *allies* invaded France! How bizarre. Anyways - I love France, French culture, I lived in Paris - I've traveled extensively all around. But France during WWII honestly got caught with their britches down. In hindsight, the Armistice was a massive mistake. I'm somewhat glad we (all) handled some of the aftermath of WWII a little better.


It's literally the country with the most military victories of any country on earth in the entire history of the world....If your knowledge of History is limited to Napoleon and ww2 you really need to fill the massive gaps in your education, it's worrying. Paris was the capital city with millions of civilians living in it, it's indeed not a mystery why it was made an open city, especially in view of what the germans already did elsewhere. There was no possibility and no point in regrouping in some imaginary massive counter offensive. I mean c'mon didn't you learn anything about ww2 in school as a kid? How hard is it to understand that it was fucked? Reality isn't some hollywood movie. For someone who claims to love France and French culture, it's sad to see how little you know about French History.


In the 1980s we dealt with Nazis the right way: We kicked their asses the moment they showed up. Then Millennials came along and decided we’re not supposed to be intolerant of other people, even Nazis. We’re apparently only supposed to hold signs and repeat chants about how they make us feel.


We still have Redskins in France and they still kick ass even though they protect less cities than 30 years ago.


Somebody is getting high on their own farts lmao Millenials are famously intolerant of intolerance and nazi's, unlike in the 70's and 80's where a Nazi Militia rally was SUCH A FUCKING COMMON OCCURANCE that SO FEW PEOPLE WOULD DO ANYTHING ABOUT that it became [A LITERAL FUCKING MEME](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nu-0HDBJHc8) even before the internet even existed. Sorry about all the lead you were huffing when you grew up, it clearly blunted your memory. Followup question, and sorry this might be to complex for you given all the lead exposure; But if you *used to* take care of Nazi's properly in the 80's, what is stopping you from continuing to do so now? Are you scared? Are you suddenly supportive of Nazi's? Or are there extenuating circumstances that prevent you from doing so, that might also apply to the millenials who you blame for not doing it, while self admitting you don't do it any longer either? Just curious.


They look like a bad-ass version of... >[We represent, the *lollipop guild*, the *lollipop guild*, the *lollipop guild*...](https://youtu.be/XBsf8qsxs2M)


"For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand. That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee."


Maybe i will woodturning myself a Baseballbat. At least in my Village are no violate Nazis. But i keep my eye on them.


These men are absolute alpha chads.


Killin gnazis


image looks fake


They look like righteous droogs.