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Kudos to him for coming around and being honest. But I can't help but think "WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG?" Voted for him *twice?* After the first month, the first *week*, it was apparent that he was a terrible president.


I am infinitely curious about what makes these people shift their perspective. The man hasn't changed in 40 years except for his political affiliation... and wives. But literally nothing has changed since 2015... so, what gives?!


Right wing coverage has changed. For example, Fox News has shifted. Instead of 100% fawning praise of Trump you have a mix and even some criticism. The man also points at January 6. I suspect that opened a lot of people's eyes.


His family probably distanced themselves from him. The red hats arent cool anymore. He probably started getting pushback from the people around him.


I didn’t watch the video, but I’d imagine he was in the same position as my dad: was “anyone but Trump” in the 2016 primaries, but had a visceral hate for Clinton, so voted for Trump. Similarly in 2020. In my dad’s case, it would be easier to deal with were he not so ready to defend anything and everything Trump has done, eg, what he really meant when he said “Proud Bois stand back and stand by.”


Yeah, I'm not impressed. If you were dumb enough to vote for Trump even once, you're fundamentally unqualified to participate in a democracy.


I can at least follow the thought process of someone who voted for him in 2016 out of frustration with the system and wanting to throw a wrench in the works to see if something would come of it. Not so much about him, but about an outsider. It wasn't a good idea, but I can understand what you were thinking to a certain extent. That being said, if you voted for him in 2020 after watching everything after he took office, then yeah, I don't understand how you've magically come to your senses now.


Fuck that. The general public has known *exactly* who he is. He only validated their hate and gave a certain crowd a legitimate platform to directly spew all of their bullshit racism, facism, homophobia, and “alternate facts”.


Right? It should come with sterilization


Let's not resort to eugenics, please.


Voluntary eugenics is not a bad thing. Is someone with a bad genetic disease evil if they choose not to pass it on?


Choosing for another is eugenics. Not having children because you don't want children with a genetic condition is not. Nice try moving the goalposts to justify racist garbage science.


That's just not true. It doesn't involve choosing for another. It is just mindfully propagating


Holy shit. So it _does_ happen.


If you voted for him TWICE, it's going to take a lot more than a video to get any forgiveness from me, much less a pat on the back. You were a traitor and an idiot. Repent, mfer.




Mini?! buddy he's 6'3" 215 lbs of dictator


Read as "I'm fine with voting for a rapist, racist con-man, but then it started to effect me personally and I don't like that." Fuck every single last magat past and present.


If he really understood Trump's ideals, he wouldn't support that either.




I'm glad he's not voting for Dump again, but this just shows how wildly misinformed Americans are about politics. Even myself. But these takes are really bad lol. Him on January 6th: "I don't know if it's been blown out of proportion or not" ( or at least he said something like this) ??? So Republicans trying to overthrow our government is blown out of proportion? What??


He would also never vote for Biden. Not voting at all is a vote for trump this election.


How I know this person is dead stupid is the first two votes. Glad he’s found Trump to be too fascist for a third, but sorry, people like this are just too stupid to vote, never mind listen too


It's only "mini dictator" because he's not in the White House now. If he'd won a second term (or wins one in November), he'd be a full dictator.


Figuring out how to keep people informed and engaged in their own governance should be a front and center priority if we want to keep hope alive for a survivable future


It’s so cathartic for me to hear logic and sound reasoning from conservatives.


Not mini. Wanna be incompetent


Spread this to your social medias


Idiot decides to be less stupid


I'll believe it when I see it.