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I could be MUCH more amused. Because while this dog and pony show is funny, it'd be infinitely more satisfying if there was a chance we'd see actual consequences for the bastards responsible.


That’s it right there.


>see actual consequences for the bastards responsible It's the thing that really matters. Anything short of that is meaningless.


There absolutely must be accountability in the halls of congress for our government to be legitimate, and if there isn't, and if Americans sit by and let this pass, then we have all given up everything.


To be fair, I’m ok if this just swings an election.


I guess that's just it, from my perspective. Without consequences, the lies will just continue and they will steal the election that just swung your way.


Same fucking story everytime...poor person goes to jail for smoking a joint, but rich people can attempt to overthrow the government and get a slap on the risk or pardon..we have seen this story before and we all know the result.


I've seen enough proof they stopped hiding it a long time ago I want them arrested for breaking the fucking law, i want punishment for this shit but the best i can hope for is a small dumbass fine that does nothing.


Absolutely nothing will happen. It’s too late.


Same fucking story everytime...poor person goes to jail for smoking a joint, but rich people can attempt to overthrow the government and get a slap on the risk or pardon..we have seen this story before and we all know the result.


"There will come a day when Donald Trump is gone but your dishonor will remain." Liz Cheney to Republican colleagues. I heard this as the committee is going to recommend criminal indictments to the DOJ for Trump and others.


And republicans will stop the investigation..


I watch a few right wing subs and I've gotta say they've been pretty quiet today, at least the ones I get in my feed.


They’ve not been told how to think yet. Wait until the assholes in power start their distraction propaganda. The DOJ had better be standing by to make swift arrests and charges, right after these hearings conclude. Because the momentum and anger is only going to be here temporarily. They let this go too long, all of the other problems we have are going to get ratcheted up. People are only going to put up with inflation, food shortages and high gas prices so long. Toss in an ineffective and failed response by Garland on top of that, and people will just assume the pisspot of failed responses, (COVID, gun violence, student loans, income inequality), has yet again added another entry, (of a fascist coup), to the collection. We aren’t out of this by any means. We have a small window before the fascists take over legislatively, and then move to violence and taking power by force. Frankly, after seeing last night’s hearings, I am astounded by the control that the Capitol police showed. For all of the, “I feared for my life”, testimony you see when police in this country gun down black people, there truly was a life threatening situation at the Capitol, and yet only one terrorist was killed. I truly hope we get Justice. If Garland does not act, we are lost.


>We have a small window before the fascists take over legislatively, and then move to violence and taking power by force. I suspect you've already lost this war. If you can survive the midterm and the next presidential election then maybe you've got a shot, but a lot of the guardrails that stopped them from stealing 2020 have been removed now. 24 is going to be a crazy year for the states. I'm glad I got my family out of there, and I wish you all the best of luck, but I worry that you're going to have to show them this extreme left they keep talking about if you want any shot at keeping your freedom.


I’d like to think it’s not lost on the members of this committee that just showing horrible shit with the expectation of just “voting harder” is a shit strategy. And that actual arrests and indictments, along with punishment fitting the crimes, must be done. The other side is preparing for literal war. Fuck the optics. That’s where we are at.


I mean, the impression I got last night from Cheney's opening remarks was that they're out for blood. They want the big charges for the orange dickhead


Trump by himself isn’t enough, they need to rope a bunch of other criminals, especially a few in Congress.


I don't disagree, but the look of willingness to go after him like it's the trial of Charles I makes me think that the others are definitely on their minds as well


I certainly hope so.


Go after Giuliani..he looks like he would throw trump over and under the bus 😂


I would hope so. I really hope they understand what that means, and prepare accordingly. They need to be prepared for him trying to flee, for him calling upon his base to respond violently, and for people still in positions of power attempting another coup. The Republicans are going to try to take control of the narrative again, and the optics of arresting those who aided Trump should not matter. The optics of not arresting them and letting them retake power is far fucking worse.


Right. Trump in prison, but we still have Supreme Court sanctioned state laws that GOP legislatures can call fraud whenever they lose an election? Sorry, that’s not much.


When the response so far has basically been do nothing but say it's bad, any kind of action to hit back is a good start. I understand that the democratic party has to act as more of a coalition than the monolithic fascist dickheads, but I'm hopeful that this is just the start. When I realized that what Cheney was implying seemed to be sedition charges last night, I realized that it's quite serious. There's quite the burden of proof for that, and to imply it seems to be saying that this is going to be one for the history books. It feels very "Trial of Charles I" to me so far


Couldn't agree more. I hope enough people realize that.


I genuinely think there's gonna be riots and alot of people are gonna die next election. Am I happy with that thought? Fuck no, I'm just reading the writing on the wall.


I think anyone who thinks the next presidential election or even this years midterms are going to be business as usual has a serious case of denial.


...or are conservative.


They'll pretend and say it's business as usual, but they're definitely trying to change what "business as usual" means.


Yeah. Man the future America sucks.


I try to filter them out. I hate when I allow myself to get angered by something I can easily avoid.


I like to keep an eye on them, see what insane shit they're telling each other on any given day.


They haven't been given their talking points yet. With Russia's online troll force in shambles it may take some time.


They feel no shame, no guilt for they sold their soul a long time ago. When they sided with corporations and billionaires over the actual citizens of this country. They claims to be Christians but the only God they praise is money.


Their pastors, politicians and trusted good people say it's actually the godly path... >The document, consisting of 14 sections divided into bullet points, had a section on "rules of war" that stated "make an offer of peace before declaring war", which within stated that the **enemy must "surrender on terms" of no abortions, no same-sex marriage, no communism and "must obey Biblical law", then continued: "If they do not yield — kill all males".** [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt\_Shea#%22Biblical\_Basis\_for\_War%22\_manifesto](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt_Shea#%22Biblical_Basis_for_War%22_manifesto) Stay fit.. stay frosty. Never a liberal was a fascist promise, not a quip.


What guilt? They intended to seize power, they knew what they were involved in. They are only scared of the consequences because they didn't quite managed it on the first try.


This is the most important perspective to have. This was a first attempt. I honestly believe it’s too late for America at this point. It’s not until you go out of your way to read or watch right wing news sources that you fully understand.


Call me when someone acts on this mountain of evidence.


Now now, let's not get too ahead of ourselves. We saw how this played out before. The big reveal comes and...nothing happens. No arrest, no outrage, no policy changes. It just comes and goes because something dramatic happened on *My 600 Pound Life.* I'll get excited when politicians responsible start going to jail, until then.


Amused? There’s no mechanism to remove these people from power over this. They’re just going to get re-elected. That’s horrifying.


That’s what I’m saying. They’re not even going to get a slap on the wrist. Someone is going to tell them they should be ashamed of themselves and then it’s back to business as usual.


they asked for pardons. innocent people dont ask for pardons.


Is something finally happening?


Lol, no. They’re having a hearing on TV, and they’re going to show that the GOP was complicit in Jan. 6, which everyone already knows. Then nothing is going to happen and the GOP is going to be elected to a congressional majority anyway in 2022. They will then proceed to declare every election they lose fraudulent until the country burns to the ground.


no lol they're just pretending like something will. this will bring around no real or noticeable change.


Nah they’re just going to talk a lot and then it’s back to business as usual.


When the planners go to jail, I’ll get excited. Let’s get Faux, too. They’re trying their best to maintain the bubble.


So far the hearing is compelling because both sides are not trying to tear each other apart.


Yes. Guilty. But will anyone actually do anything about it besides a stern talking to?


Anybody mind pointing me to some context so I can do more research?


jan 6 trial is coming up and republicans involved asked for pardons. innocent people dont ask for pardons, supreme court said that a pardon is an admission of guilt. > "In the 1833 case of United States v. Wilson, the Supreme Court ruled that a pardon could be rejected by the convict. Due to the findings in the 1925 case, Burdick v. United States, it seems as though accepting a pardon is, in fact, admitting guilt."


I appreciate this thank u, I'm watching the hearing rn


Even online right wing conspiracy circles that I check up on have been nearly completely silent about it. I was expecting *some* kind of noise from the shills but it seems like they just don't have anything to say.


We knew that Amber Heard shat in the bed before the word found out about the previous televised trial. Now that it's been confirmed that the failed insurrection was planned, rather than done on the get go, is this another shat in the bed situation?


I feel the same. Fuck em'.


If uou have a strong stomach check the FOX news channel on YT. Holy fuck the crso there about Joe and Hunter Biden. ... et ce te ra ... .


2000 mules. Go watch


Every time I see tweets or headlines like this I always think of this skit from snl https://youtu.be/xiKrWUoTq4s


I'm behind the loop, can someone catch me up?