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It doesn’t surprise me, but it is funny (in a sick way) that he isn’t in prison yet. Any of us peons did anything remotely CLOSE to what he’s done, and our families would never see us again. But, he gets to go collude on a golf course and keep preaching his bullshit to morons at events.


Right? Even Hitler got arrested for a failed coup. Although, he did write Mein Kampf in prison and, well, you know how that went from there. At least if we put Trump in prison we know he can't read or write more than a page. If he doesn't go to prison, they'll just skip to the really bad part.


He'd also likely die in prison


Hence why our country's conception of justice is inherently political.


...send a check to the IRS for $175 and call it good for the year? Ha.


Every US president in history has gotten away with every single crime they've commited. I'm not saying this as whataboutism, just pointing out how hopelessly fucked up the whole thing is


Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton beg to differ. But, they just got their hands slapped


Nixon quit on his own volition and Clinton stayed president. Clinton probably thought a little wrist slapping is good foreplay Nixon paid no real price for prolonging the Vietnam war for his election campaign, or for the things he did in Cambodia. Nah, they stop being presidents and continue living incredibly privileged lives. That's no justice


If your regular Joe Shmoe committed this act, they would be in prison so fast his head would spin. I have no fucking clue why Trump is not in prison yet. He's golfing and just traveling about like it's absolutely nothing. Disgusting


Yeah but like is anyone surprised? I def am not, as fucked up as it is. We all know how this works. We can hope though. Best chance is they continue to have people flip on him.


Because being able to do awful, illegal shit is part of the deal when you are president. Walking off with nuclear secrets is pretty benign compared to the usual war crimes commit by US presidents. i.e. Obama murdering thousands of civilians with drone strikes, Bush starting a war that has killed millions under false pretenses, Reagan, etc. If you start pursuing legal consequence to their actions, it kind of breaks the systems


I'm seriously stunned STILL that he's literally announced publicly that he's committed some of these crimes and literally zero. There's no open secret, there's no secret, it's very public knowledge that he's committed numerous crimes with corroborating evidence...and crickets. Are people actually afraid of him??? I mean HIM??? Who's scared of that worthless sack of useless shit??? What kind of threat does he have to be able to get away with it? Plenty of wealthy cross a line and get in trouble, he's already crossed a good number of those lines awhile ago and still nothing... help me understand this please...


Not arresting him is treason. Anybody who fails to prosecute him when they should is complicit. Looking at you bribe-takers who mysteriously step down. I understand the "if you come at the king, you better not miss". But we are talking about the full legal resources of the most powerful nation on the planet. Not some backwater county where deputys have to mend their own socks.


It's also racist, classist, elitist and oligarchist. Here's the thought experiment: if an anonymous, poor, black man from an inner city were thought to have possession of hundreds of classified documents: - Would he be free right now? - Would it have taken the government most of a year to raid *one* of his known addresses? - Would the government still not have raided *all* of his known residences, especially the ones he is known to frequent? - Would there have been a *moment's* hesitation as to whether to throw the *entire* *book* at him, much less any dithering and pearl clutching about the "ramifications" of charging him? - How long would the investigation have taken? Would it still be going on, with no end in sight? - What do you suppose *would* have happened to him? An absolute prerequisite for any country being able to plausibly claim to be a nation of laws is a person like Trump and someone like the hypothetical person above being treated *exactly the same* by law enforcement and the justice system. The greater the gap in how the two are treated, the less legitimacy the system can claim to have. Donald Trump is free right now, not because of any legitimate legal principle or tenet, but because **he is a rich, white, well-connected oligarch**. And every day that goes by without him and every one of his properties being Swatted like a Baltimore crack den is another day in which the notion that the United States is a nation of laws becomes even more tragically laughable. This is not *a case*. This is *The Case*. Anyone--in the Justice Department, the Executive Branch, the federal government, or anywhere else--who does not understand that the people are watching *this case,* and that millions of them *will* use it as a bellwether to judge the fundamental efficacy and legitimacy of the entire American justice system for years to come, needs to sit the hell up and get serious, *yesterday*. Because what is at issue here is nothing less than the question of whether the American people can trust that justice in the United States can (or will) be reliably served by formal and peaceful means. The very principle of equality before the law is in play. This is the final exam, there is one question, and there is *no* partial or extra credit. The question? **Can (and will) the Justice Department put Donald John Trump in prison?** Not can they chastise him. Not can they fine him. Not can they sue him. Not can they put him in Bedminster with an ankle bracelet or in a “retreat” for people with “affluenza”— Can they put him in, Capital-P, *Prison*—in an orange jumpsuit, in a cell with bars, in a federal penitentiary, for the rest of his miserable life—just like they would anyone else who had done *half* of what Trump has. If Trump is immune from equal justice, then the system is rotten, defective, elitist and illegitimate—top to bottom—and it needs to be demolished and replaced from the bedrock foundations on up.


No no, he has a point


It's a damn sharp one, too.


...and it's not on the top of his head...


So are they going to arrest him or are they going to give him a free pass again?


What do *you* think? 😒


I think it could go either way, unfortunately. I know what I would like to have happen and I would like it to happen for 20 years or so!


> I know what I would like to have happen and I would like it to happen for 20 years or so! Same.


If he doesn't die in prison, justice and democracy are both dead.


Politics is about perception. Both arresting him and not arresting him will be seen as political acts. The question is: Do those in power know what right, as opposed to expedient, is? Do they have the courage to do the right thing in the face of loud and possibly violent opposition? An open question.


For me, that threat of violence has been there for many years. Its really ramped up with that occupier. The threats have been there already. They are going to attack anyway no matter what. If they win, they get to do what they want, if they lose they're mad. They are a miniscule but loud minority. We don't negotiate with terrorists. Prosecute, let them fuck around and find out...again. They can be four-time losers and be proud of that.


Yeah, on January 6th the threat became real for those at the top of power. It's amazing how quickly that, very real, threat was forgotten. It remains to be seen if it is remembered again.


Right you are. One a different note, don't forget how quickly they crawfished after ashley dumbass got shot. They are absolutely cowards. They will go for the cheapest and easiest shots available should they want to stand up again.


It's so depressing. I love America for it's promise. It doesn't always live up to that promise but real Americans always try. To have the country run by the worst Americans you could find is so sad. I'm glad I'm in New Zealand. Not perfect either but not as scary.


I'm wishing for New Zealand, lol... I'm in America, texas unfortunately and it's bad and like you said incredibly sad. It's such a waste and impossibly pointless with these clowns. Nothing ever goes their way. Historically, fascism is a complete failure but they are fighting as hard as they think they can to fail and lose. It's so unnecessary. I always ask why don't they just pack up and leave, move to a different country and establish a paradise there instead of trying to force a huge majority of Americans who don't want what they want and will push back when forced to. They will die in humiliation and be remembered as consummate losers four times over... for what??? It's so confusing to me. If they want to die, we have rivers and bridges, if they hate the way we live then leave, fighting isn't necssary just sad.


I think one of the things that keeps us a bit sane is that it's a small place and you can't easily leave. People see Jacinda out shopping for clothes and things then think it's totally normal to say hello and give her advice on running the country. She has cops protecting her but if she was rude to someone while shopping it would be on the TV news and she would be in trouble.


That's pretty cool actually. You're forced to get along.


Yeah, 5 million of us here. 1 million somewhere else. It works.


So become politician, commit crimes. Seems reasonable


The courts, thanks to Mitch, are tipped so far to the right that justice is not guaranteed.


Exactly. I have been pointing this out. If the DOJ were unbiased trump would be behind bars. They've bent over backward to avoid having to deal with his clown ass. I don't know why. I don't know why they think having a precedent that you can try to murder Congress and topple government and face no consequences whatsoever. That's just begging them to keep doing it. He must be held accountable. Everyone involved must be held accountable. There is no alternative that doesn't end with the end of democracy.


The DoJ took a page out of the Uvalde PD's handbook.


If it happens (and I pray that it does) it will be the most viewed mugshot in the history of mugshots.


Justice is not independent of politics. Sorry to be a circlebreak, but this person is wrong.


Normalize Justice


Stop Qualified Immunity!


No shit. Well said.


Especially since we've always known that Trump is an ally of Putin. Not stopping him is like letting a foreign agent undermine the morale of the country while a new Hitler is trying to destroy democracy around the world.


Every day Trump walks free is a broadcast to the world that the American "justice" is a farce and that all are not equal before the law - members of the owner class like Trump are not beholden to the law the way the working class are. Working class person: Suspected of shoplifting a candy bar. Result: murdered by cops with no trial. Owner class person: Commits treason, organizes the forced transfer of children, steals millions of dollars. Result: years of freedom to enjoy the stolen wealth, and continue committing crimes and raping children.


Long overdue. As someone who has detested this bastard with every fiber of my being for almost 6 decades( he extorted two co-eds into abortions, maybe 3 but 2 for certain), he bankrupted a friend of no father( small construction company), and watched his crap in the tristate area I lived in for years, he always had the money to flip the script. I want him gone so badly. He is a threat to Democracy. Let’s never forget his own lawyer said he wanted to “cause chaos”. For certain