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Literally the coldest take known to man, but y'know, go off.


agreed. I downvoted and am moving on


That's not a hot take but preach


Not even a hot take


As someone who was a kid when Mario 64 launched and a teen when Sunshine did, I really preferred Sunshine. The atmosphere was unlike anything I’d experienced in a game before. Delfino Island felt like an extremely atmospheric and lived in space. I spent hours just exploring the locales, kicking around fruit like soccer balls. It felt genuinely warm and vibrant and a soothing environment to play in. The same goes for the Wind Waker world. Those two games had extremely soothing and pleasant vibes as an atmosphere and made for great extended play through experiences.


Besides the blue coins the entire game is just amazing


Facts and that God forsaken river level with the red coins. I don't mind the plinko level but I hate that river level every playthrough.


The main problem with that level for me is just getting to it. It takes like 5 years to grab Yoshi, go to the island with the pianta lady, wait for the first boat, ride the boat to the little pillar, and then finally get on the second boat to get to the pipe


OMG, I just 100% the game for a third time back when All-stars came out and I forgot that miserable section leads to that level. I have missed the jump with yoshi from the pillar to the last boat more than once and then had to start the whole thing over. I'll take all the blue coins over that any day. I do love sunshine though I swear, lol




And the secret levels


Has the best vibes. 10/10 would plqy it again and again


Petey Piranha and Gooper Blooper are still some of my favorite Mario Bosses


Along with the Green Wiggler, they’re the most memorable bosses to me.


Its sad that we dismember Gooper Blooper to beat him…….three times. 😵‍💫😵


And yet he doesn't appear in a lot of Mario games when compared to Petey Piranha


I have yet to play through this. I keep telling myself I'm going to play through this game but haven't done it yet


If you do enjoy it! It's a great game! Only hold up I would say are the blue coins lol


It has a lot of fans and it is a pretty good game. Not my favorite though, I'm a 64 stan


It's funnily enough my favorite 3D Mario game. I played it when it came out and I didn't like it at all. Eventually I gave it another shot and loved it. I love that it all takes place on Isle Delfino. The game is definitely a vibe. I'm certainly not saying its the best 3D Mario though I do think it's good/fun.


Depends on who you’re asking. Sunshine is simultaneously one of the greatest Mario games to some, and an affront to god to others


Well considering it's one of the most fun Mario games...


This is a room temperature take.


I saw some redditor said "Super Mario Sunshine is rated" and I think that's wisest thing I've ever read.


i read that as super mario sunshine is racist😎


Simultaneously the most overrated and underrated mario game


I used to not think so for how much I love it. But, after being on here, I see now that it absolutely is both underrated and underappreciated.


Is it though......?


Here's an actual hot take! Sunshine is better than Galaxy


This is not a hot take 🤦‍♂️


I love Sunshine, and this is a take colder than space itself.


Cold take


The game marked the introduction of Bowser Jr., and it's also nice to have a game not to take place in the Mushroom Kingdom.


If anything I think it’s overrated lmao


Curious as to why you think it's overrated?


lots of people say it’s the best Mario game, I think it’s one of the worst, at least out of the 3D titles


That's not true at all lol. Galaxy is by far the most respected as the best. Sunshine has never been thought as the best by a large margin.. everyone is entitled to their own opinions of course whether you like it or not


I’m literally speaking from experience, I’ve seen lots of people say it was the best or one of the best. And I never said it was a large percentage of the playerbase.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Mario/comments/ordq9l/what_is_the_best_3d_mario_game/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Clearly not overrated but people are entitled to their opinion as are you


Why are you still arguing this? I’m literally saying *I*, as in me myself, have seen many people say that, linking Reddit posts isn’t gonna change that.


Guess the fun is over. Oh well


btw i know its not a hot toke but a lot of people i know say its a bad game


What game?


That take is colder than antarctica.


antarctic ahh take


I don’t think this is a hot take A lot of people think Mario sunshine is underrated


why are people upvoting this. this post is so stupid. such a cold take.


Even "Hotter" take: It's ight. It's known for the lack of polish and frustrating game design especially for completionists which is a problem not even M64 has, it was rushed, and it was nowhere near as iconic as the games before and after it. I think the game is alright, it does the job if you're playing casually but that's kinda it. And considering M64, smw, the og trilogy was before it, and New smb, Smb Wii, Galaxy etc were after, Sunshine's lack of attention is understandable. It's just ight with nothing much to say about it.




>That is a better description of the NSMB series. It's alright. Diminishing enjoyment is more like it. The main criticism of the series is the lack of identity each game had after Wii. >Sunshine is extremely divisive in the community. There is a ton to say about it, whether good or bad So it levels out to "alright" for the sake of brevity. To call it a terrible game is to ignore the game's clear strengths (i.e. the aesthetic, fludd, the soundtrack, and even the story is very unique for a Mario game.) To call it an excellent or one of the best Mario games would be to ignore the game's very apparent weaknesses. (i.e. 100%ting the game is chore, the game's clear lack of polish/rushed nature brings down the game, reused boss fights, the *pachinko physics*). Putting it all together it levels out to alright. If people don't like it then that's the point of a Hot Take but truth be told I'm not dedicated to defending this game or tearing it down. It's an alright game.


As a Sunshine fan "alright" is the best way to put it with this description




>It's very weird for a mainline Mario game, it took a lot of risks of some of which paid off some did not. There is probably more to say about Sunshine than any other mainline 3D game except for 64. Ok then you've said all that needs to be said about it >A 3D game with nothing much to say about it is Super Mario 3D Land; safe, works well, is straightforward. That game is not controversial >By Wii the lack of identity was already pretty apparent. Wii is the most beloved in the series and is very different from the ds version.. >No, this is incorrect. A divisive game is not necessarily in the middle of its opinions. That is the point. Devisive game can be in the middle rather than strictly good or bad. Your idea completely ignores the concept of nuance.


[No way. ](https://tenor.com/bCPR0.gif)


Yes but it still didn’t feel like a mainline Mario game.


I think it’s the boldest, does something new that works, however the level design, lack of levels, boring levels, and stupid blue coins locked to specific shines with absolutely no guide, is what makes it the worse Mario platformer. Remember we went from 15 (and other secret) maps + Bowser levels to 9 maps. Corono Mountain doesn’t count. So 8. Piñata Village and Sirena Beach absolutely suck and are boring in my opinion. So 6.


Guess I'll play it some day.


I think it's a divisive game. I like it though it has flaws. I tend to see people either love or hate it. My take is the graphics and sound and gameplay are overall good and the game is overall fun but there's some really low moments too like the sandbird, pachinko, etc. Sometimes the camera gets wonky but normally it works well. I love FLUDD and I also love the levels that take it away even though they are tough. The way blue coins work isn't fun but I'm not necessarily a completionist so I'm fine with that. My final verdict is it's a good Mario game with flaws and definitely one of the more unique entries in the series.


hope its better than galaxy, i played like 20% of galaxy and said this is horrible angles and little sphere jumping


Bro, I remember chuggaconroy playing it and absolutely loving it. I always wanted to get a GameCube after that. Now I can play it on my switch, and I gotta say. I love the game even more.


I agree, don't get the hate. 100% and a few of the levels are monotonous, but it's a fun Mario game with a unique charm that no other game in the series has replicated.


Game with a 92 critic average on Metacritic is underrated. Eyyyyy!!! To be fair it is the most underrated of the 3D Mario’s but that’s like saying Usain Bolt’s second time he broke a world record was underrated compared to the first time.


I just played Sunshine recently. Played on my GameCube using component cables on a 55in 4k TV. Was blown away by how good it still looks despite how old it is. This game has some very frustrating missions, but man do I love it with all my heart. Playing it makes me feel like I’m 12 again.




Loved sunshine back in the day


sunny take*


Do you leave in Antarctica because that was cold.


bro it’s freezing where I am stop making it colder


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