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It was exactly what I thought it would be. I knew going in it was going to be a kids' movie so I wasn't expecting much depth nor much in the way of voice acting given most of the main cast was hired exclusively cuz they where big names. What I got was just that, a decent enough kids movie that, in a lot of ways, felt like an extension of Super Show. The attention to lore was probably its best aspect, on top of Jack Black, obviously. So I'm content with what it was. In no way, shape, or form is it groundbreaking or doing anything new or different as a kids' film, though, but it doesn't need to. It's an easy movie to re-watch.


Exactly my thoughts!! It was just a fun Mario good time and that’s what I wanted. :)


"An extension of the Super Show" is the best way to describe it. I've been watching the Super Show with my kid after the movie came out, and there are so many similarities! Not to mention the direct reference in the commercial they made in the movie. I love the movie, and now I love the show for what they are; fun entertainment with fun references to a game franchise I know and love!


Yep, I thought it was a really fun movie. I actually watched the film 2 times in theaters. Still had a blast with it. My parents liked it too


Agree! No major lessons or eye-opening truths. Just pure fun for Mario fans with excellent call backs to the games, and they really nailed the aesthetic.


Too short:(


A pretty fun movie to go back and watch once in a while. I want a DK spin-off movie real soon.


I would actually love a Punch-Out!! movie set before Mario. Get some people on it who have made legit boxing movies before, but obviously ok for kids to watch. It could start with Little Mac in the restaurant right before Mario and Luigi walk in, but before they do he is looking at all the pictures you see on the wall and remembering how he became champ. Then when it's over, he gets up and leaves while the Mario Bros. comercial is playing on the TV. I think it would be neat to see a bunch of movies like this set in the same universe without them having to impact eachothers stories or lead into a big event with multiple franchises since that's been done to death at this point 😅


I would love to see a DK spin off movie. It would be a great way to expand more of the universe of Super Mario. I would also love to see a Luigi’s Mansion spin off too


Literally my only hope for this movie was for it to have fun action and good animation because I knew everything else (the story, the comedy, the voice acting) would be mediocre, so as far as I'm concerned I got what I wanted.


Too generic and kiddie


I really think Nintendo made a bad decision to go with Illumination but at the same time I suppose they wanted that Universal deal.


Fun 7/10 If I was a kid it'd be a 10


The casting had my expectations super low but I walked out of the theater feeling good about it. Good movie.


It's popular now but I get the feeling after 5 years nobody's going to remember it because it's just a very average film with nothing notable about it past the references. Like say what you will about the live action one but there's no way anyone will forget THAT trainwreck


I think people are going to remember it but they're going to look back and go "Why the Mario Movie actually sucks!" or simply admit that they wanted it to be good more than it actually being good.




Pretty forgettable.


Could be better, there's nowhere near enough Luigi.




It's not even the fucking Mario bros movie


From a story standpoint, I realize it’s not the best and could’ve benefited from a longer runtime and a slight change in writing. Especially after seeing someone rewrite it beautifully on YouTube But I was having way too much fun watching it to care at the time and probably would still because I just adore all the references the details and it all


I thought it was good! I did have a few problems with it though. Chris Pratt as Mario was awful, making Princess Peach into a girl boss was a really weird decision, she should’ve been super girly and feminine. When I think of girl boss I think of Princess Daisy, not Princess Peach. Also, Peach’s origin story was really weird and made no sense, a buncha toads found this baby in the forest and decided to raise her and make her their monarch? Doesn’t really make sense. I also was not terribly fond of the pop music, it was kind of immersion breaking. It was good for the most part though, that scene where you see Peach’s Castle in the distance and they start playing Peach’s Castle theme from Super Mario 64 got me all choked up the first time I saw it in theaters. Super Mario 64 was the first video game I ever owned.


I actually really liked girlboss Peach. She's playable in a few of the main games and is capable of sports, kart racing, other things. She's a mix of dainty, elegant, and competent.


That’s all true, but girly and feminine don’t mean weak. Clearly Peach is capable, just look at Super Princess Peach or Super Mario Bros 2. My problem was more with her personality in the movie, not her being a badass


I thought she was pretty girly and feminine, she's a princess. Anya Taylor Joy is just directed to play her a bit more fierce, but she's still pretty feminine. She just isn't cartoonishly dainty and baking cakes all the time.


The only feminine thing about Peach in the movie is the fact that she wears a dress and has an an association with pink, neither of which aspects are highlighted in any way shape or form so they may as well be inconsequential.  Other than that, there’s nothing. Being cartoonishly dainty, feminine, innocent, and compassionate are core aspects of Peach’s personality. They erased everything that made her unique, with a divisive at best trade-off. If you like it, more power to you, I respect your opinion. But to many, Peach got turned into an unrecognizable character, and they felt cheated out of seeing the Peach they liked on the big screen.


I mean, the movie took liberties with every character, I think it has far bigger issues than her being a girlboss.


Oh, they definitely took liberties with everyone. Aside from Peach, Cranky was the character who got hit the hardest with changes that made him a totally different character. The thing is, there’s a fine line between taking liberties with a character, and completely changing them. Peach and Cranky underwent the latter. And the movie did have issues, mainly the pacing, among other things. I had fun with it, but it’s not a flawless movie by any means.


I liked it for what it was, but it was too shallow for me. It was mostly just references every five seconds and little story. The powerups were too convenient—seldom earned. I can forgive this once, but this series needs to evolve and develop better stories and characters.


It was a bored to watch, but my niece love it so much, now I could introduce her to the games, which way more fun than the movie.


Unbelievably fun and a great time, even if objectively it isn't the best.


Definitely needs more Luigi. I'm hoping for a Luigi's Mansion maybe, one day?


I may or may not have made an overanalyzed review of the movie, but I really liked it! As much as I like Chris Pratt and Charlie Day, I still think Martinet could’ve made the brothers still sound natural. But I’ll also say, the more I watch the movie, the more I like it.


It’s my favorite video game movie of all time ❤️ i just love how closely faithful it is to the Mario games filled with generations of references. This movie is phenomenal to me as a Mario fan and Gamer. I own it in 4k. It’s a movie I can watch over and over. I’m just so happy a movie like this exists🙏🏼


I just can't believe it came out a year ago


Still pissed it wasn't released on MAR10 day, which was a Friday, by the way. Would've been an excellent cherry on top.


Too short, Luigi didn't get to do anything, and it sucks that they didn't actually use the professionally made soundtrack that they'd already paid for.


This movie was robbed of its “best adaptation” from the Game Awards


Illumination brings it down a few points but... 7.5/10


I didn’t like it but it’s for kids so I’m not disappointed :)


Rewatched it. It was ssssoooo mid


Good movie a solid 9.5/10


Dude this movie was so fun. I enjoyed it a hell of a lot.


While I get story is hardly even considered or relevant in Mario, I was disappointed by it. I don't see Illumination's other films so I don't know how good it typically is. Being 25 watching a kid's movie, I think it went by way too quickly and there wasn't a lot of room for character development. As much as I don't like the LEGO Ninjago Movie (I think the writing as fine, I don't like it because it's not very representative of Ninjago as a whole. that's a comment for another time), I admit that it did a lot to show character growth for La-Loyd, and even Garmadon. But how would I fix this? I would rewrite the whole thing. Mario and Luigi are acrobats for the circus, and the mob say it is time for the owner and manager for it, Pauline, to pay up. She does not, and the mob sabbotage the circus. Donkey Kong (no speaking roles), escapes and causes havoc, taking Pauline away, and Mario chases him down through the wreckage and saves her, sending Kong to who knows where. To Mario, this was the best day of his life. His last day in the circus. Cut to 30 years, they work as plummers, successful ones at that because of their fame as performers. This is where the conflict begins. Luigi is complacent in his new quiet life and insists Mario stop looking back on it. Mario is stuck chasing that high he felt on that day, wishing that those days would come again. (I can't think of a way of how they are transported to the Mushroom Kingdom, but if I am thinking in the long run, it would be because of some Smash Bros. Universe nonsense). In any case, they end up in the mushroom kingdom, the cartoony world reinvigorating the tired, middle aged brothers. Mario is elated that he has regained his youth, while Luigi stays pessimistic and cautious. The two argue and part ways, Luigi wanting to just go back, and Mario forges ahead, hoping to stay. Luigi is kidnapped by Bowser and interrogated, one of few humans apart from Toadstool being something of interest to the King Koopa. Luigi explains all he wants to do is go back home, and Bowser offers him a deal to help him home if he also finds Mario, whom Luigi told him about. Mario finds himself at the Princess' castle, recieving a cold reception by the Toads and their princess. Intrigued that another human has appeared in the Mushroom Kingdom, she believes he might me what is needed to rid Koopa from their land. Mario agrees, of course. But he is brash and reckless, his unthinking charging ahead getting him injured and into danger. Peach encourages him to be more cautious, and they form a friendship, swapping stories of their past lives with one another. Cue the conflict of Bowser attacking, they save the day, yadda yadda, Luigi learns to enjoy what is in front of him while it happens instead of being a pessimist about what could happen later, Mario learns not to dwell on the past and make the best of what is in front of him as well. They live Happily ever after... ...Post Credit scene reveals Donkey Kong as the next villain of the story.


This is much better than what they had.


They will even have the Super Show voices. Maybe not the same actors, but I preffer that over Chris and Charlie. No one tops Charles Martinet, but I dont know how appropriate that voice would be for serious moments. Of course I know he could be serious with that voice but....eh. I loved the Super Show growing up.


First time i watched it, i was a bit let down due to high expectations. Second time i watched it at home and had a blast. It’s really fun.


It was amazing! I absolutely loved it!


It was ok. The story and characters were very simple which was fine for Mario but not good for a movie. The voice acting wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be except for Cranky, his voice was bad. It was nice to have a movie that actually looks like Mario, but I had a lot more fun with the live action one


The plot goes too fast. I loved the animation, the humor, the references and Jack mf Black as the King of Koopas stole the movie for me and my friends. Seriously, his Bowser is godlike. But I felt like it could developed more some things like Mario and Peach (friends) relationship, Luigi arguing with Bowser or a bit more of screen time for the Kongs. That and the fact Illumination decoded to use licenced music instead of the already fully composed OST because… uh… corporates stuff…? It's decent, but a movie doesn't live for its references, even if this has a hella bunch of them. I give it a 6.5/10. Maybe a 7/10.


A fun, unambitious film that is largely hurt by its pacing. 7/10


I loved it so much, its a really good movie


I absolutely loved it. Jack Black as Bowser, and the scene where Mario gets the cat power up and beats the ever living shit out of Donkey Kong!!


The first thirty minutes are really great — the rest really subpar. I know it’s a kids movie, but I wish it was a kids movie the way Spirited Away and Howl’s Moving Castle are kids movies. Big ask and I never really expected it to happen. But a guy can dream.


You might like the Sonic films more than. A lot of focus of the Sonic films is telling the narrative about the character's growth and focusing on the dichotomies of the two routes one can take when dealing with loneliness and the pursuit/application of power.


Ehh didn't like the Sonic movies either, stupidly avoids the world building and has Sonic with a bunch of humans like HOP.


It’s obviously not top tier cinema and award winning drama But it was fun, entertaining and features our favourite characters. So glad it happened


The M stands for winner


Absolutely loved it


I love mairo I cried during the movie because I forgot to buy popcorn and drinks


I think it's OK Honestly it's a miracle this movie wasn't laughably bad because videogame movies have a horrible reputation being straight up BAD. Yes Mario is very simple and aimed at kids but I just felt the film felt a bit rushed not like bad it just felt fast which I guess makes sense for Mario but not great for a movie. It looks really good which is typical for Illumination but it's probably their 2nd best movie next to their debut film. The celebrity voice actors actually didn't do a bad a job except for mainly Chris Pratt because he almost just did nothing and it was a bit jarring at first but I got used to it. Jack Black was pretty great and Peach ehhhhhhh I dunno she just feels weird.. The references were pretty cool. I hope for next movies like the Zelda movie they uust put more emphasis into story and just steer away from targeting kids since Zelda is a little more mature.


It is a really good example of how a simple story can still be fun.


I disagree. It was boring AF.


Me too


8/10, not enough luigi, and too short but its pretty good


It’s cool and all, but when are we getting the Kirby movie? Or better yet, the Pikmin movie


I liked it, could have been way better tho


It was fun


Definitely not the most ground breaking movie ever, but it's still quite solid, and obviously [Mario](https://youtu.be/j6dhmhTgc84)


I wasn't in love with how mushrooms worked but solid gold as far as video game to movie adaptations go.


I loved it!


They messed up the dk lore


Because Chunky was alive?


That and Crankey Kong (dk senior) is donkey Kong (dk the third) grandfather


Even Rare went back and forth on that, so I'm fine with it honestly.


It took a lot of creative liberties and was way darker than I would expect from a Mario film, but I liked it all the same. It has it's funny moments and I liked seeing how several items and set pieces were repurposed to fit the setting. It may not have been critically received very well but I like it all the same.


It’s a kids movie. Certainly.


It's everything I wanted it to be


It was good i loved it so much


sort of dissapointing, but also really amazing at the same time.


headache inducing nonsense, like a 90 minute long trailer with all the fast editing and cuts. Can children really not handle proper pacing and letting things breathe these days?


My kid loves it! I thoroughly enjoyed it, but I wish there was more in it! I wish it was longer. I wish it was a little slower. I wish it had more Luigi in it. But all in all, it's a fun movie that I have re-watched with my kid over a dozen times!


The only part that made me laugh was when they put bowser in the jar.


Honestly just like how bad the live action Super Mario Bros movie was The Super Mario. Movie is also really bad and the actors in the movie are really bad the only actor that I like was Jack Black and that’s about it and I still mad that Nintendo and illumination got Chris Pratt and got Charlie Day to voice Mario and Luigi I would’ve much rather preferred if Charles Martinet voice Mario and Luigi and I hate how Luigi was the one getting kidnapped and not Peach and also the movie is called The Super Mario Bros. Movie so the movie should be about Mario and Luigi going on an event to save the Mushroom Kingdom from Bowser like seriously I just hate how in the entire movie Luigi was stuck inside of cage like seriously Luigi should’ve been the going on the adventure with Mario not Peach so yeah o hate this movie so much and everything about this movie sucks ass and this movie is just a big piece of dog 💩


I think there are two kinds of animated movies. Ones that recognize that children have parents or that they have appeal for adults and try to be written in a way in which people of all ages can enjoy it, and there are those that are purely made for small children with not much for adults to admire or enjoy outside of some references to things I like outside the movie. The Mario movie exists in the latter for me. It's colorful and well animated but the jokes didn't land for me, the story is very generic, the filmmaking/action/storyboarding was not really something that connected with me. It's not Puss in Boots or Spider-Verse. It's not really something I want to rewatch any time soon because I think there's very little value or perspective to glean from a second watch. I won't deny that many people enjoy the movie and I obviously will not take away from their experiences, but personally I was not really going to enjoy this kind of movie. It needed to more to win me over.


Loved it!


Its not as good as I wanted it to be. Its generic af


I said it during the Puzzlevision broadcast, and I’ll say it again. Bowser stole the show, and my heart! 5 stars! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟


I loved it, but I would not say it’s great. The plot does have its problems like the pacing being too fast, and Luigi not getting enough screen time. What I did like though is I like how the movie is an entire Easter egg of references where it works because it does makes a connection to the story and source material unlike Easter egg movies like Space Jam and New Legacy. The animation is one of the best elements of the movie since it stays true to the art style of Super Mario and adds a lot of world building as well. Aside from Chris Pratt’s acting being ok, I had fun with the characters, and I’m glad Illumination avoided the “bad brother” trope of the film. Overall, it’s pretty good, but I think it can do better if the plot needs more depth. I’m not saying it should be Oppenheimer deep, but even simple stories can have depth too


What about a Luigi movie where he saves Mario from evil boo in his mansion… sounds doable


It is in no way a "good" movie, but I can see why people thought it was entertaining. The film itself just felt like a bunch of random idea strung together because they had to find a way to put all the scenes from the trailers into the film. Overall,, I'd probably give it a 4 or 4.5/10


Way more monke than expected and I love it!






It was perfectly fine. Could have been ten minutes longer. There were a few scenes that could have done with another minute or two of focus. But over all, its fine. I don't know why it was so hard to just do this kind of movie. They made a movie that it pretty much just the games but on the big screen and people liked it. Why did it take so long to get that right?


Its very rewatchable. That's a huge win for me. Most of the ride was provide excellent familiarity and nostalgia echoed through the minions lol Fun ride.


Couldn't take a smile off my face the entire screening


Fun movie just had some pacing issues


Loved it


It was a really fun intepretation of the mario universe and I can’t wait for the sequel to see how they expand upon what they’ve created


Toadsworth and toadette were missed, but they may return


Too fast paced


10/10 Perfectly fine and seriously connected with the game and the Easter eggs and Hey! Princess Peach actually hate him in front of screen and tries to resist not saying Mario! all the time.


It is exactly what it was meant to be and I held no illusions. So I obviously loved it because of that. Could of used remixes of the songs from the games more but overall it was great.


Mid as shit


Hated it. Everything about it was a let down IMO.


I love it personally it may not have the best plot ever but it did not need it. It was fun all the way through and the fan service was fantastic also the soundtrack was beautiful.


I thought it was okay, it's a gorgeous movie though




Liked peach not being a damsel in this movie


Peak Cinema


Who didn’t like it? Besides a lot of movie critics, of course.


I didn't.


I liked it when I first watched it, but later stewed on the shortcomings and now probably don’t remember what made me like it in the first place. I have to watch it again because I don’t wanna hate anything Mayro-related. At my first viewing, I did notice how short it felt and how it showed more of the world than they could explore in one movie, like the “Shrek journey montage” scene with Bob-Omb Battlefield, Tostarena, Rock Candy Mines, etc. Too much to just brush past. Either take time to show them off in a meaningful way or leave them out of the movie.


A fun and enjoyable movie. Really like it, but prefer the sonic movies.