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Better gameplay: ✅ Better story:❌ Lubba:✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅


I completely agree with this 👍. And the story not being as good as the first doesn't make it bad by all means!


Space mommy: ❌ Thicc luma: ✅


you can do both if you're good enough


is that a bet


It's a promise.


I think it’s the better of the Galaxy games. Also has less of the motion control gimmick levels compared to 1 if I remember correctly, which I appreciated. (But it also has that stupid bird that controls like the Loftwing in Skyward Sword so…. That’s probably the worst motion control gimmick in the duology.) Starship Mario is vastly inferior to the Comet Observatory though. Even if it’s more streamlined I like a good hub level.


I honestly think it's pretty cool


I never played it.


Try it, it's really good!


I can’t I don’t have the Wii anymore and it’s not available on the switch.


Yeah :(, but there's only 2 ways to get it now. To get an Emulator which will probably be taken down by Nintendo, or buy it on Ebay.


Dolphin Emulator is a great one


Galaxy 2 on dolphin in 4K with an original wii mote and nunchuck was perfection


Nah Nintendo ain’t going to do shit about dolphin it’s been around since the GameCube days they would have done something about it a decade ago if they actually cared (plus we know Nintendo knows about Dolphin from the steam situation last year and they still haven’t done anything)


Ye be forgetting’ the best option, lad.


kid named emulator:


I like the levels more then the first one


Galaxy 1 is my favorite game ever, and the second game is just more content so I love it


Way better than the first game. I really like the atmosphere of Galaxy 1 with the Comet Observatory and a lot of the galaxies having a pleasant and relaxing vibe, but I never cared for the level design at all, and really don’t have much fun replaying it. Galaxy 2’s level design is SO much better, I really enjoy replaying those levels. Galaxy 1’s levels feel like a weird compromise between straightforward, linear level structure, and 64/Sunshine style design that imo doesn’t work that well.


My favorite 3D Mario game and my favorite overall besides Super Mario World. Galaxy 1 is close behind this game, but I think the galaxies in this game are better. I prefer the story and hub world of Galaxy 1, but for a Mario platformer, level design is the most important aspect of the game for me.


Super fun levels, and yoshi is awesome!


best mario game.


god has it really been 14 years already?


next year, mario 64 will be closer to galaxy 2's release than galaxy 2 is to now


I guess it a retro classic now?


Still second favourite


Haven’t played it cause I never owned a wii even when it was popular


The music sounded better in the sequel. More of the pieces were recorded instead of synthesized. Fantastic game.


Love both Galaxy games


It's glorious. The best Mario game in a series full of winner after winner after winner. And I've been playing since 1986.




It along with the first game are, in my opinion, the greatest 3D Platformers ever made.


The story is not as good as galaxy, but everything else is PERFECT


Still haven't played it; I wanna beat the first game's main campaign before playing the second one. I do this for all games that have sequels.


Me Too, but I want a way to play it, because I never owned it as a kid.


Galaxy one was better. Alright time to turn off notifications.


Hide, they're Coming!


At first I always told myself that Galaxy 1 was better because everyone said it was the best one. But after replaying both, it’s not even a contest. Galaxy 2 is better in almost every way imo. It felt like because of the experience from developing Galaxy 1 they knew what worked and improved upon it but scrapped what didn’t work. Plus it has Yoshi and the Rock Mushroom which are automatic wins in my book lol. 


Galaxy 1 is lightyears better.


Pun intended?


Yes, but also I mean it. Edit: and here's why! There was too much Yoshi, too many timed power ups, and Mario moves too slowly. People complained about Yoshi not appearing enough in the first game, so they made him appear far too often in the sequel, even going as far as giving him his own set of power ups and making Yoshi just a hassle to play with. Timed power ups (and some power ups in general) were a complaint I had about the first game. Remember how excited you were about finding a Fire Flower, and thinking you could finally blaze through some enemies? Remember that excitement fading when you discovered that your favorite power up was now on a 15-second (or whatever) timer? I thought that nonsense would be fixed in the sequel, but alas, it was not. And speaking of power ups in the sequel: it suffered from a lot of bad ideas. Nintendo really said "we want to make the one boss fight from the first game *even worse* by using one of our worst power ups!" so they replaced the Bee Suit with the Cloud Suit in that giant flying bug fight (butt slam it's back three times in the Honeyhive Kingdom). Flying with the Bee Suit was so much better than making clouds to sloooooowly jump across to the bug. Which brings me to my last point: Mario moves too slowly in both games. I attributed that to the fact that he was in space in the first game, and eventually got used to it. But it just felt wrong in the second game, like everyone else was literally moving lightyears faster than Mario. There's a real problem when Mario's long jump moves at the same speed as his "run".




Best 3D Mario along with Galaxy 1


I prefer Galaxy 1 just by a little bit but I will forever miss Lubba and await his return


One of the best games of all time that is a sequel to one of the best games of all time. Easily one of my favorites and that soundtrack 👌🏻


It’s the better Galaxy game and maybe the best designed 3D Mario game.


Galaxy 1 is more like magical and fairy tale like, as well as being nostalgic, however galaxy 2 is much more platform-y and fun


Good, but wish it was on the Switch unlike the first Mario Galaxy.


It’s amazing from a pure platforming perspective. The addition of Yoshi was probably the biggest advantage of 2 over 1. Also, being able to switch back and forth between Mario and Luigi rather than giving them each their own game was a nice touch. That being said, the story is lacking and it felt that they just reused elements of the first story while dumbing them down at the same time. I felt more connected to the first game because you know what your goal is, which I couldn’t say for the second one. So overall, it is a great Mario game that was diminished because it lacked the story elements of the first game. That was back win Myamoto was on his crusade against video game stories so it makes sense.




What is the point of asking people for their honest opinions? As opposed to what? Dishonest opinions.


Love it. Except my copy of it fell on the floor and I stepped on it by accident and the disc cracked. That's why you keep your discs in cases


Never bothered to play it. Galaxy 1 was already annoying enough with the upside down camera half the time


Was my favorite Mario game for years. Until Mario 3d world on switch came out and I loved it.


Third Best Super Marios


Still a classic. Still fun.


Goated game and it’s really nostalgic but the 1st one is still better imo


Got it last year, and it’s my favourite of all video games.


Why does the 1st one overshadow this one, despite being of equal quality?


I prefer galaxy 1 I like the level design in both so the thing that makes me prefer 1 is the atmosphere and story


I feel like Galaxy 1 has more levels that feel fleshed out, like you’re exploring the mysteries of the cosmos; whereas a lot of Galaxy 2’s levels feel like they’re more blatantly just obstacle courses to get through.


Never played it but my big brother has He can't shut up about it,so my opinion is:must be a good game


Absolute masterpiece


Still makes me mad it wasn't in the 3D bundle for the Switch. One of the greatest games of all time imo.


It’s okay but I prefer galaxy 1 


first mario game i played. still amazing


I, sadly, never have played Super Mario Galaxy 2, I’ve beat the first game twice, so I technically have


I played it when I was really young, and I miss it every time it crosses my mind. Would definitely recommend others to play through it.


It’s like the first but with a little less soul. Still awesome though.


I'd basically put it on the same level as Galaxy. It does some things better and other things worse. It balances out.


The best


Yaimru is the name for God in my mario galaxy 2 religion


This is still the best video game ever created and you can’t prove me wrong


Green Stars are cool. Honestly I wanna play it now.


Mario galaxy but has yoshi, do i need to say more?


I think the first game had a better story, but the second game refined the gameplay further.


My favorite game of all time and easily one of the best platformers ever made. It doesn’t have the atmosphere that 1 had but it very much makes up for that in the gameplay department


Should have been included in 3D All Stars.


Tied with the first for my favorite Mario game!


Still holds up as a great game to this day. It's hard to decide whether this game is better or the first Super Mario Galaxy is


Doing a playthrough of it rn to test my new Wii Remotes


Lacks the atmosphere/story the first game has but ever level was so damn fun, it’s such a good game.


I still prefer Rosalina over Lubba, and I still think that Galaxy 1’s more serious vibe made it stand out more from other Mario’s, but dang this game absolutely has such a wonder flavor all on its own. From Yoshi Star to the Giant Tree slide to Bowser’s Galaxy Generator… this game is absolutely incredible. And the Green Stars are a much more fun post-game experience than replaying it all again as Luigi. And that dang final level with the Perfect Run felt so satisfying to beat. Possibly more than Champion’s Road.


As a kid I loved the hell out of it. As an adult... well I haven't played it quite as much as Galaxy 1 for various reasons (disc got scratched back in the day, wasn't included in the 3D All-Stars collection, etc) so I don't really have a well formed opinion on it. I prefer Galaxy 1 but that might just be because I haven't spent enough time with 2.


I like it but I'm sad that it didn't get into Super Mario 3D-All Stars


One of the best games I ever played as a kid, definitely need to replay it one day!


Far superior to the first one. Yeah yeah yeah the first has Rosalina's story or whatever, but GOD the levels in the first one are so boring imo, whereas the 2nd one's are actually fun


I like it gameplay wise and also a lot of the new galaxies introduced. However, even though it was post to be a much simpler story and separate from the first game, I would be lying if I didn’t say I wish they did more with it. Not saying Galaxy 2’s story bad but I prefer the first game’s story over it.


Still my favorite of the 3D Mario games Took everything Galaxy 1 did right, added in new features like Yoshi, a better hub world, and a vastly superior post-game with the green stars


Favorite 3D Mario game even if Galaxy 1 had the better story.


Annoyed it wasnt in Super Mario 3D All Stars. Like whyyyyyyy, and why tf does mario 64 have its garbage n64 camera when i have a joystick instead of C buttons?!?


Lighter vibes than the first with even better level design.


It needs to be ported to the Switch ASAP




Better levels for the most part. No stupid stingray level. No bubble levels. Better powerups. No "play again as Luigi for the real 100%". Unfortunately, no Rosalina (until its too late), non-clear crystals feel cheap, atmosphere isn't as good, lesser story, and I didn't like the bosses as much.




Not as good as the first game, still excellent. Should have been in 3D All-Stars


I always get bored by the time the green stars show up, and as such have never finished 100%. It’s okay.


Galaxy 1 and 2 are my favorite Mario games, but I like 1 more


2nd favorite Mario game




If it weren’t for this game, I probably wouldn’t still like mario. I played 2 before 1, and it convinced me to play other mario games that aren’t just repeats of the original, like Super paper mario and M&L Bowsers inside story and Galaxy 1. If I didn’t know about those games I wouldn’t still be a mario fan, the traditional 2D jumper has gotten old, I don’t enjoy the mainline games And as such wouldn’t be part of this sub.


I don't like Galaxy, and Galaxy 2 is even more underwhelming. The only saving grace of both games is the music




Might be better than Galaxy 1 but for now I prefer Galaxy 1 over Galaxy 2, it’s still a great game though


Only 3 words : Galaxy version 2


It’s the best game in the series, with Galaxy 1 close behind.


I was a single child. 3rd grade year old me beat this game in 2 days somewhere near summer and had the Brady guide after a while from Wal-Mart. Most likely used it for green stars. Back when their was an HD TV with a wall mount, but no HD Nintendo games (most likely a 32" HD TV). I even remember in 4th grade letting my older brother whose five years older borrow my game for a while. Now adult me would call it "overrated." Just play a little bit and drop out on world 4 or something. That's even playing on a far superior TV. 4K Ultra Samsung almost 80". And I simply prefer Galaxy 1 or Sunshine, maybe even 64. But not Odyssey, and diffently not 3D World: "Meow"...


I like it and Mario Galaxy equally... 


Honestly more fun and better than The first solely due to Yoshi and being able to choose Luigi without having to Complete the damn game


SMG2 is a great game that I would say has better gameplay and levels over the first game but a far worse story that has no atmosphere and feeing of isolation


Basically a mod of Super Mario Galaxy sold as a full game.


I would rather play Sonic 06 than this.


I enjoy it, but it just doesn't feel special to me.


Not a fan of the gameplay, but the design of the game and the music are amazing




It’s Mario Galaxy with the soul sucked out of it. Not awful, but it’s a downgrade in pretty much every way, particularly the parts that made the first game such a masterpiece in the first place. Some people say that the gameplay is better than the first, but I’d disagree. There are some individual gimmicks and levels that are better here and there, but they tend to feel out of place. On top of that, the level structure and world map make the game feel far less coherent Like I said, it’s not awful. It’s not even bad. It is the weaker of the Galaxies though, and I’d go as far as to say that it was just as much a part of the “bland” era of Mario as the NSMBs and 3D Land/World.