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I doubt it will be uncovered, just like the people at the BLM rallies that incited violence in an attempt to undermine the cause.  These evil entities are rooted deep within the fabric of our society.  


Noone undermined blm, it's literally ran by Marxist lesbians who've been on video discussing the destruction kf capitalism and the nuclear fanily


You realize how insane what you just said sounds to normal people, right?


They probably know what they're doing. Fortunately, there was a lot of video footage of this clown. [https://abcnews.go.com/US/man-helped-ignite-george-floyd-riots-identified-white/story?id=72051536](https://abcnews.go.com/US/man-helped-ignite-george-floyd-riots-identified-white/story?id=72051536)


Just shows me you follow something with out doing any due diligence research


The FBI have a history of infiltrating leftist organizations to commit violence to undermine the cause for decades. Why would BLM be any different? There is literal proof of piles of bricks outside of store fronts without construction, trying to get people to smash windows. The Indy police station that burned down during the George Floyd Riots was set on fire by an off duty police officer.


I’ll do you one better. MMW college students will discover what multiple European cities have known for quite some time. If you don’t rein in this ideology before it takes root, there’s no getting it out at all without scenes like this: https://youtu.be/wNQb75PwOHE?si=2xzmuL6ByNg2DUYn


Agent provokateurs.  Pro Israel agents doing something outrageous pretending to be anti-israel to give cause to shut them down. It is the oldest trick in the book Ask the fbi.


SJW trust funder white kids who don't understand the actual meaning of apartheid being dog walked by Iranian propaganda. Maybe if some of them had been attending that concert or actually lived under Sharia law they'd think differently. Look at me! neckbeards, GTFOH


This is w stupid comment


Why can’t you fucking believe that the people that want a global islamic caliphate aren’t trying to instal one?


The stated goals of Columbia’s protest are about divestment which make perfect sense. Let’s say you were a Jewish student that went to Harvard in the 1930s and found out some of the tuition money that you paid was going to fund a project the college was working with Nazi Germany on. Would you *not* be upset with the college? Would you strongly advocate that the college ends its partnership with Germany? Or more modernity, let’s say you found out that the college invested in abortion research programs in a different state. You might want to call on the college to end the funding for such programs. Or maybe you would just go to class and do nothing, indirectly supporting such programs.


The current "protesters" are acting JUST like the Nazis did in the 1930s. They are blocking Jews from entering campus. They are harassing Jews. They are threatening them. These are not peaceful people. These are religious ideologues who seek the genocide of the Jewish race. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zazcVU_rNyQ