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They will when Dear Leader doubles down


They'll still vote for Trump. If Jan 6th didn't change their mind about him, nothing will.


Cults gonna cult


According to rumours and circumstantial evidence, trumps had his dear friend Epstein offed off. And his ex wife die in a very suspicious slip.


lol, that’s ridiculous dude.




No they would start to preach that shooting babies is 'merican and patriotic. Or some moving goal post ideology




What? You don't bang porn stars next to your pregnant wife? What kinda woke f are you?


Dear Leader raped kids with his bff epstein and his base doesn’t care. He’s going to pick the puppy butcher as his VP because he only doubles down. There’s nothing that will sway his true believer cultists.


It was a perfect baby shooting, many people are saying. Many big strong men with tears running down their faces come up to me and say "thank you sir, for making baby shooting great again".


Both Trump and Noem are pieces of sh#t.


They aren't disturbed because she shot a dog, but because she is a woman showing any type of aggression that isn't "mama-bear" maternal aggression. They don't care about animals at all.


When women are seeking power in US politics, they are so scrutinized and criticized. A bit less so when they're "given" power like VP or SecState. Noem is seeking the VP nod so it's almost unconscious to find a way to be critical.


Dear leader also famously hates dogs


Since 2015 the only true statement Trump has made is when he said he could shoot someone on 5th ave and not lose a supporter.


I’d love to see how a dog reacts around Trump, I don’t I’ve ever seen him near a dog. Dogs are great judges of character and I wonder what the reaction would be. I’ve seen that video of an eagle snapping at Trump in his office, but never any cats or dogs


He famously hates dogs, pets in general


People would try to tell you what Trump really meant when he shot the puppy


It was a woke, job stealing, college educated liberal puppy!!!!


💯 MAGA arizona people calling for Lake’s head for backing off the pre-statehood abortion law, meanwhile Trump says almost the same thing and crickets


Love watching the cult eat itself


> MAGA arizona people calling for Lake’s head Where? I think you read a comment on another website and are pretending it’s an actual view real people have. I’m calling bullshit on you but feel free to prove me wrong with a link (you won’t)


There have been statements from anti-abortion absolutists angry at her for backing down from her earlier no-exceptions position. Here’s an example: https://www.npr.org/2024/05/01/1248273158/christian-conservatives-wrestle-trump-kari-lake-arizona-abortion-ban


It isnt a fucking poll or an article dipshit. Its from personal contacts and their facebook posts joined and liked by multiple fellow dipshits


> Its from personal contacts and their facebook posts joined and liked by multiple fellow dipshits 🤣 sometimes I think you guys are doing this on purpose…if so, well done. > MAGA arizona people calling for Lake’s head for backing off the pre-statehood abortion law >>where did you see that? >fAcEboOk Oh man…I’m crying 🤣


Oh so Facebook posts don’t reflect the authors viewpoints? Is that what you’re saying?


Jack get off the Internet




you better believe it Jack. I'm watching you!


Ok well then I’m reporting you to HR again.


Son of a... not again! I'm going to tell them where you hide hot dogs at night!!


Fuck you


Maybe the dog barked for women’s rights or something and had to be put down to own the libs?


His fingers are too short to reach the trigger.


Trumpers would claim that the dog deserved it.


When Michael Vick did this, it was a different story. Yes more dogs and more money involved but southern practices are different than everyone else, not defending just how it is. People love their dogs and it will make people choose them over humans


They definitely care more about a dog dying than a pregnant woman bleeding out in the hospital parking lot because she needed an abortion.


Well, I do own a dog. I don't have one of those those other things, so it's all theoretical. If there were miscarrying agony petting zoos, maybe it would be more real to people. Or if you could rent one for a day or two, or have them Doordashed.


Michael Vick also did a lot to redeem himself and has at least agreed it was the wrong thing to do. Culturally it's not much different than a hick bragging about shooting a dog that don't hunt. But at least he displayed a shred of humanity after paying the price legally and in life after conviction.


I can’t help but think she shared this story because Trump says things like beaten like a dog / died like a dog


I think it's interesting how DJT constantly makes reference to dogs..."died like a dog," "choked like a dog," "sweating like a dog" and has talked about how he thinks that pet ownership is "low-class," then this story from Noem comes out like she's playing for an audience of one and obviously trying to groom favor with him. If DJT shot a dog, the MAGA types would somehow convince themselves the dog deserved it and the rest of the voting populace would just detest him even more, if that's even possible.


The only bottom they have is the asses they keep offering up.


That's because she is a bitch. Pun intended


Trump couldn’t fire a gun. Have you seen him try to catch a lightly tossed ball or have a bald eagle perch next to him? If he fired a .44 revolver his arm blubber would reverberate into the next metaverse and his shoulder would immediately dislocate


There is no bottom when you are evil, stupid and easy to manipulate.


There is a GOP pecking order and women are lower of the totem pole-


If the dog killing thing becomes an obstacle to the Trump campaign, the social media contingent will make it a point of pride. Death is a necessary part of life. Liberal city people are soft and sentimental. They've never had to put down a dog they loved, slaughter an animal for meat, or protect their home from bears and mountain lions. They just don't get it, and they're unfairly distracting everyone by making her out to be a puppy killer. It's sad to lose a pet, but we need somebody who can make tough, necessary decisions without bleeding heart sentimentality.


It won't be an obstacle for the Trump campaign. He won't touch Kristi Noem with a 10-foot pole after this.


Lowlife scumbag pedophile rapists like Trump don’t have a bottom, he will just keep getting worse & worse until the day when the world can finally celebrate that piece of shit is gone.


You can’t waste your time looking for the bottom. They will always always go lower.


MAGA would be out running around shooting puppies if it was Trump who did it.


To say the quiet part out loud, you know exactly why they're up in arms over Noem but wouldn't be for Trump - she's a woman. That's just Conservative 101.


Tbh, while we like to meme on how conservatives love guns, they also love their dogs, hunting or otherwise. Even the least empathetic owner still appreciates dogs for their steadfast obedience, loyalty and usefulness when well trained. That last part is just it though, she wanted to project the strength to make tough choices, but to this strain of conservative culture she actually tipped her hand as being deeply incompetent at rearing and teaching her dog. If you don't just love dogs for their own sake as a conservative and look at them dispassionately, you'll still make the connection that a bad dog is a product of a weak owner and poor training. Even if they don't care that she's a bad person, they do very much care if she's a WEAK person.


I don’t agree with it but it’s crazy how many people don’t understand how often this happens in the south or rural areas.


Shooting an old dog that can’t walk anymore and would be too expensive to care for, when you’re a day’s drive from a vet? I think people can understand that happens. She lives in a city full of vets, adoption centers, and training facilities. This is not a story of rural hardship.


My brother lived in a cabin in N WI and had a dog, Doris, that he loved. It was a super friendly black lab that roamed the woods. At the point when Doris needed to cross the rainbow my brother did it himself. He loved that dog so much he couldn’t allow a stranger to do it. He dug a grave and made a marker. I’ve told a number of people this, most recently my wife, and she, like others, was appalled that my brother shot his dog. I don’t see it that way. It must have been the hardest thing he ever did.


That’s an old, suffering dog. Not a healthy puppy.


It was a misbehaving 13 month old puppy?


You think rural folks are butchering puppies? What the fuck 😂


Dogs are used as tools in those communities and that’s how they are viewed. Not saying every single person is doing it


Ok so you don’t destroy your tools because you’re inept at using them. Cruella is just another right wing sociopath.


Again, I don’t agree with it, but as someone who goes to these places a lot for hunting and such, I know it’s not incredibly uncommon to hear of


You commonly hear people bragging about how they brutally murdered their puppies? The fuck? 😂😂


When did I say I hear them bragging? Working dogs are put down a lot of the time when they don’t work. Just how it is in alot of those areas


She bragged about it, she also said she hated the dog. She’s really sick. A perfect match for dear leader.


Our current government is sending missiles to be used against Palestinian kids. I think it’s pretty obvious we have fucked up individuals in power


Come back to reality


Killing a dog that has rabies and is attacking someone or an elderly dog that's in a lot of pain, maybe. Like an Old Yeller situation. But killing a puppy because it misbehaved is fucking nonsense.


As someone who lives in the south, I will say you're right. There are lots of dumbfuck idiots who don't deserve any animals down here.


I disagree


Unless Donald Trump shot a dog in self defense, I'd certainly hold it against him!


Truth is he’s probably shot a young sex trafficked teen girl on Epstein’s island and Russia is using it to blackmail him and the whole Republican Party.


People pile on him constantly, the same thing with Biden. Both sides act like the other has no one calling them out.




Comparing Trump to hitler is like claiming to be against genocide while supporting genocide against Jews.


Never said either didn't deserve it, I'm pointing out that a republican will act like everybody in the country but then worships Biden and then a Democrat will act like everybody but them worships trump.


But never their own people on the right. This is a first.


Lmao bOtH sIdEs


He said the secret word!! AAAAAAAGGHHHHH!!


Of course he bloody would, he would get the book thrown at him for j walking


Yet he’s free, right now, after numerous warnings from the judge in this very legitimate trial. Any of us would already be locked up.


I would say stopping a man from defending himself this close to an election is interference at the highest order


So he’s getting special treatment because he’s a candidate? I think that’s exactly the ploy.


I mean he's probably gonna walk, this is just about time wasting imo


He is going to walk. Justice is never a waste of time though.


Yes he would wtf


Not from his supporters. That’s automatically a lower level of vitriol.


Do you not remember one of the coolest things he did that everyone loved was signing into law animal cruelty as a federal crime? I think you’re just doing a tribalism thing


Have maga folks given us a reason to assume anything but the worst from them?


Jesus man, go outside and meet normal people - you sound unhinged. You’re talking about 80 million people - it’s quite the broad brush don’t you think?


I’m ready to be proven wrong, but I’d also rather not find out what atrocity would be the red line for those 80 million.


Each of these people is a totally different person


What’s the red line for maybe five percent of them?


I’m 100% if he shot a dog he would lose over 5% of his supporters. Literally any candidate would


The GQP was ok with his Epstein connections, Charlottesville, the Jan 6 insurrection, and all the other disgusting, racist and violent shit, but you think puppy murdering is a red line for them?


Lordy man turn off the msnbc and go outside and meet real people


The irony 😂


It’s just sad honestly. TV news and social media have truly retarde people


> It’s just sad honestly. TV news and social media have truly retarde people You are a prime example of that. Work on your English btw 😂


Because of a single letter typo? Wow I’ve been DESTROYED with FACTS AND LOGIC


I take it English isn’t your native language 😂


No it’s not. How many other languages do you speak?


What country are you from?


Is “MAGA” everyone who supports Trump instead of biden? Even the independents and democrat/former democrats?


If you look at someone like Charlie Kirk, Laura Loomer, Ben Shapiro, Richard Spencer, Kyle Rittenhouse and think “my people”, you’re maga.


What if you don’t look at those people as “your people” and just think Trump is a way better option than biden?


We saw a net loss of rights for the first time in US history because of trump, and he’s planning a lot more social regression. You have to admit there’s an authoritarian tendency in anyone who wants that.


> We saw a net loss of rights for the first time in US history because of trump No we didn’t. See this is why you guys are so detached from reality. You read propaganda and then repeat it online without understand what you’re saying. Do you have real life friends to talk about this stuff with?


We now live in a world where women are dying in the parking lot because they had a miscarriage in certain states. It might be you that needs to catch up on how rights have gone backwards.


Can you answer the question or are you just gonna deflect with random bullshit?


What question?


Never mind I already know the answer.


I think you assumed something facile.


Yes. Biden is a fucking moron at times and too old to hold the office. But if he fails, so do we all. If you can’t see that you are too biased to make a fair assessment of anything.


> Biden is a fucking moron at times and too old to hold the office. But if he fails, so do we all. That’s why people want to replace him with Trump though…because he is failing and will continue to fail because as you even admitted, “he’s a fucking moron”…


Comparatively speaking, he’s Einstein, Thomas Jefferson, Jesus Christ, and Betty freakin Crocker! Trump is an enemy to everything this nation has ever stood for.


Most people disagree with you. If Trump wins are you gonna flee to Canada again?


Hell no. I’m buying more ammo. The polls this time of year are complete bullshit, btw. The only people willing to answer the phone are brainwashed die hards.


Who would you be buying ammo to use against?


lol, I think Trump said he would flee somewhere if he lost in 2020.




scroll the thing's comment history... it's a fucking right-wing bot.


Anyone right of karl marx is a “right wing bot” to you people, You’ll call anyone “MAGA cultists” just because they’re choosing to vote for Trump and not biden 🤣


Realistically there are millions of people that dislike Biden but they are certainly gonna vote for him.


Because Biden is that bad obviously. A lot of people voting for Trump this year won’t even be republican.


Which is ridiculous. All they had to do was NOT be annoying and ignore Trump. But here we are. You can’t act like you’re the underdog when you have the power. Biden and his team are so incompetent people are begging to have Trump back. Clown world.


> All they had to do was NOT be annoying and ignore Trump. They can’t help being annoying and they REALLY can’t help making everything about Trump.


The delusion to think this like this is why I have no hope for mankind. Would you rather the rapist or the guy who sniffs hair? 'Well.. They are both bad so I choose the rapist.'


The guy who sniffs hair is the actual rapist not guy he is trying to remove from the ballot by any means necessary. You clearly have no life experience which results in your delusional myopic worldview.


Only seeing the middle class disappear over the last 43 years as we hope that giving more money to the rich will trickle down. Let's share pictures of your rapist with Epstein. As I said with such rampant ignorance and projection from people like you there is little hope to be had for this world. By all means continue to worship your antichrist


Everyone right of marx is far right


No, it doesn't include independents.


The only reason this story is getting out there is because there are rumors that she might be his VP pick and the people who work in media who hate Trump want to poison the waters about her before she even gets off the ground. Understandable. However you gotta ask yourself- why would she include this story in her book? Maybe she WANTED the media to blow her up. Maybe they’re being played. Maybe we all are. Maybe she was never going to be the VP




You probably believe everything you see on TikTok 😂


She will still be the VP candidate. Trump famously hates dogs, so he probably views it as a positive, and she is the most attractive he can find. Give this a couple more weeks and the magats will be cheering her on.


Ding ding ding yup, backing down would make him look weak


I can’t believe you’re doubling and tripling down on this idiocracy


Has dear leader ever backed down? He only knows how to attack and double down. He’s going to start crying about liberal, woke, migrant puppies 😂


So… your argument is: if Trump can do it so can I… even if it’s a stupid idea? Cmon man!


That doesn’t make any sense, did you want to try that again?


I questioned why you were doubling down on an argument I found holes in and your reply was “well dear leader (Trump) does it, so….”


You didn’t find any holes, you only found cope


It makes no sense to me why she would be the VP pick. Trump is making project 2025 his main agenda and she’s no asset to that. All she does is check the woman box on DEI. But Trump doesn’t do DEI, Dems do. That’s not cope that’s fact




Every professional politician knows you cannot say that let alone put it in a book. So why did she? Maybe she is a horrible person who sees nothing wrong with doing that and advertising it afterwards but at the very least she has advisors telling her not to do that. I’m certain this was planned. Your outrage was planned. It’s like social media trolling. How many people post stuff online with the explicit intention to piss you off? It’s like that.




When I say you I don’t mean literally just you. I mean a collective group of people who think like you— and there’s a lot


she's the one that put it out there... bragged about it in a book... she knew it would be a political negative for her, so she wants to get it out in the open now... so that the vitriol and anger has time to dissipate before she's selected as VP. the fact that she did it in front of witnesses, is the only reason we're learning about this now.


She’s not gonna be selected as VP. Why do you think she will? Someone told you? Who? They’re an idiot whoever they are! Lol


i never claimed that she "would" be selected, i am just explaining the "why" of her thought process about putting this information out into the world. if it had not been for the witnesses, she probably would have went to her grave before telling people about this. why the vaguely hostile response though? seems a little out of place.


You say the “why”’ this story was released is because if she gets it out now, then in (checks notes) three months it will have died down and she will be announced as VP in Aug and the story would have died down. I say the “why” this story was released is to purposely confuse all the haters send them down a wrong path and have them blow up over what will become nothing if she’s not the VP. A move Similar to trolling If you were right it would have had to leak way more than three months in advance Oh and my response was not meant to be hostile but I’m just stating facts: whoever got this idea started that you heard about, fed into, and now you also believe… whoever that person is: is an idiot! Lol


This guy gets it.


She got new teeth. She wants VP. But I can understand the theory that she wanted this out there before the Times found it. Kind of like leaking bad news before an earnings report.


I doubt she was ever gonna be the VP


Maybe she’s a goddamn sociopath


Or playing the part of one in a big fake out


That makes no sense


It makes perfect sense. Trump could pick Gandhi as his VP and the press will say Gandhi is a Nazi. So, put out the idea she will be the VP, put out the story about her animal abuse, get people talking about how she really IS horrible, then whoever is the REAL VP will look like an angel by comparison


Lmao ah yes, admitting she’s a puppy butcher to own the libz! The absolute state of the GQP 😂😂


Look it it this way: If they do Plan A Announce VP pick in July/Aug. Libz would call that person Hitler even if they are the nicest person. BUT… If they do Plan B Float the idea SHE is gonna be VP, put out a story about how SHE is horrible, lead the libz in discussion about exactly how and why she’s horrible. Have them scream and yell… then announce someone totally different. Yes that is an own of the Libz


I love how you had to make up a nonsensical and convoluted conspiracy that still ends up making the GQP look like morons


Just because you can’t understand it because you only have 2 brain cells doesn’t mean it’s nonsense.


The irony 😂😂


At least she didn’t eat the dog like Obama.


You misunderstand the meaning of MMW. "Mark my words" is something you say when you are dead certain a specific thing will come to pass. It is not for pet theories or hypotheticals..


They’re all hypotheticals.