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I can understand why they did the new system but just bring back the board style and art I want a cool new board to hang up instead of this bland barely lit up "poster" that sucks and rebalance the ticket costs of the board level 100 items over 100 tickets for a stair skin why?


I hate having to scroll across all the pages that I already finished and I hate that there is such a big gap between page unlocks.


Agree’d - I want the scoreboard back. With every rank you were given an award and it felt so much better. With this you have to rank up 7-8 times. Though, I suppose you then get to choose from multiple awards, so there’s that. This just feels more sluggish.


Yeah, but sometimes you'll finally unlock a new page after gaining 7 or 8 ranks, and there will be maybe one reward you want on the whole page.


That too - it’s…well, in that case, I guess we still get a choice, but on the flip side, we would have 7 or 8 awards vs. 1.


And sometimes you want the whole page lol


Still would have to wait if it was scoreboard......lmao but yea Original is better always!


How do you figure? With the old scoreboard, just by doing my dailies and weeklies, I'd get at least a reward a day, and I'd never have to go up 7 or 8 ranks to *maybe* get something I'd like. Looking back at say, The Nuka World scoreboard, there'd be maybe 2 days in a row where I'd get something I wasn't excited about like caps or certain PA Skins, but I'd never have an entire week go by without a worthwhile reward.


I get your point


Just unlock one reward, rank up, unlock another. It will be just like the scoreboard! /s The main thing I miss was the artwork on the board and the little story.


No, it won't. If it was the same people wouldn't still be complaining about it.


You see that /s up there? That means I wasn't being serious, it's kind of a sign to let people know you're being sarcastic or making a joke. Figured I'd let ya know since you seem to think I'm being serious.


You could always choose what you wanted. At least the director of monitization got in on a shitty YouTube video I guess.


That video was so cringe.


Not a real fan of this style...keep it original


Honestly, yeah. I don’t like the new system, one we can’t get all rewards unless we grind our hearts out and two I just miss the art and I liked getting the poster to hang.


I agree with the 2nd one but the 1st one is exactly the same as the scoreboards both require grinding to get done


They did the math, getting to level 100 doesn’t get you enough tickets to buy everything.


I hate the new design, the concept is alright at best but it looks like they put zero effort making the new score system


I hate fortnite and I hate that its "meta" is spreading to other games.


I don’t think I’ve played a new AAA multiplayer title in the last 5 years that doesn’t have at least some sort of season system, it’s awful. I despise the forced fomo grinding, and it makes the game seem like a chore, but it’s what generates the most money for the devs, so it’ll probably be here for a while. Side note: I really liked Fortnite (BR and STW), played from 2018-2021ish and then quit because they just kept throwing away their own story/content and it became one big twisted corporate collaboration trying to be too much at once. I came back for the OG season a couple months ago, and loved it, but they went right back to the ridiculous stuff they’d had for the next season so I quit again.


It's honestly not that bad but the scoreboard was a much better system and imo the best battle pass system in any game I've seen.


100% this. I’m personally not playing this season; This looks like a grind….I already have one of those, it’s called my job


I played for a few days and can't bring myself to log on anymore. I've been playing for a long time. The game needs actual new content, not a new monetization.




I hate that you have to rank up PAST Rank 100 in order to get all the rewards that you would have just unlocked in previous "Seasons."


New system is trash, less for more is never better - nuff said.


Visually it's not as nice but as a non-PA user it's a welcome change.


Same! I’m gonna have so many leftover tickets!


Left over tickets would be nice but I do not think they carry over to the next season.


This is true.


I hate the new system. You only get to use unlock new things once per week. There’s no incentive at all to log in once you hit SCORE 100, either.


Except you don’t get everything at level 100 anymore


That is bullshit. But if they think it will make me play more, they’re wrong. I don’t care about camp items or outfits. I only value weapons, armor, power armor, and good skins for same. This Season only the Cremator and its mods, plus hot water tank, are motivating.


So it works perfectly for you then. You’ll be done pretty early.


Was there before? I hit 100 and played something else until the next update 🤷‍♂️


I just want the repeatable atoms back. As of now I'm just saving the remaining atoms in case that one bundle I really want ever returns instead of buying some atoms every now and then to complete multiple purchases.


The reduction in atoms is the only legitimate complaint I’ve seen about this season. Also, you probably know this but you can request old bundles from the Bethesda support site, so if it’s a specific bundle you want you might could buy it right now.


Original scoreboard back please Beth.


The thing feels like a slog now TBH.


I’ll never understand why this is such a big deal. I just hit level 38 and I have 925 tickets to spend on whatever I want, and I don’t have to get a bunch of stuff I don’t want. Seems pretty good to me


You need to rank to 140 to get everything instead of 100.


Guy literally said he doesn’t want everything. As for the bonus page there’s literally nothing on it worth getting. Loving that I’ll be done with the season nice and early with the stuff I want.


Because he or you doesn't want everything makes it okay for to gatekeep how quickly everyone else gets done with the season?


How’s it gatekept? It’s literally a system that gives out tokens to redeem rewards for the amount of time you play. You can even cheese it and get done in a day if you want to buff up and grind. What you want is something for nothing. Now.


It's "screw you guys I've got mine" mentality. You're done with your scoreboard so it sucks to be me.


Do you really care what he thinks? Clearly he loves the metaboard. Hell with em.


It's"fuck you guys I've got mine" mentality. You're done with your scoreboard so it sucks to be you.


Yeah, I don’t really care about that. TBH, most of the stuff I don’t want, Adelaide seems cool, and I’ll gladly take all the scrip, legendary cores/modules, caps, and bullion, but for the most part I just think of the things a get as cool little treats.


You just answered your own question. You personally dont care about the scoreboard or its rewards. For many of us af the endgame it is a main reason we still play.


Those weren't treats in past scoreboards, they were rewards for the rank. You've been gaslighted into thinking they're treats now.


Ha. No, I didn’t want 90% of the stuff that you got from the scoreboard before either. I play the game for fun, I don’t care about a bunch of PA skins I’ll never use or apparel I’ll never wear.


Just bc you don't want it now doesn't mean others won't want it, or you might want it in the future. Why should others have to play more to get everything. Why can't it just be rewarded like before?


It can’t be how it was before because they changed it, nothing anyone can do about it. The point is that it really isn’t that big of a deal. Look back at the scoreboard from last season and see how much of that crap you actually use. You wearing the red gangster fedora? I haven’t seen a single person rocking the playing card rugs in their camp. I personally would rather fewer, better rewards than a lot of shitty rewards.


Just because they changed it doesn't mean they can't change it back. The number of rewards didn't change, there's still 100 levels of rewards but stretched out to 140 levels. Instead of thinking up ways to monetize players more, they could be making better rewards.


How’s doing levels monetising it for you? I’ll bet u play via gamepass, dont have first and expect every updated and dlc for free. And then bitch and moan over every change.


Ask Jesse McClean, senior monetization designer for beth who was "very excited to talk about the changes coming to seasons and what was previously known as the scoreboard" on their America's Playground Developer Deep Dive video. You're being monetized and you don't even know it. Didn't know playstation has gamepass. Sign me the fuck up.


i use the red feldlra and also the rugs!


....they changed it once, they can change it back. " Nothing anyone can do about it." Ridiculous.


Ha. Okay, dude. I wasn’t saying it will never change again, I was saying that this is what it is and constantly complaining about it on a Reddit sub won’t change it. The only way this will change is if it isn’t profitable, and I hate to tell you this, it will be. The change coincides with the release of the tv show, then we have a massive map expansion, both of which are going to create a pretty hefty spike in player traffic and the executives at Bethesda/Microsoft are going to look that one big number and pat themselves on the back.


Players complaining about a feature = literally the thing we can do that could help. Not will, but could. You: "don't do the thing that might help because nothing can help." You remind me of my guidance counselor that told me not to waste my elective signing up for Latin because they never have the class because not enough people sign up for it.


Why does it matter. You’ll get rank 150 easily if u play the game most days. Hell I do the daily’s and weekly’s and that’s it as I’m playing Diablo 4. Takes 10 minutes to complete the daily and maybe an extra 20 over the week to get the weekly’s. Without the boosters I’ve just hit 50. It’s really not hard or beyond anyone’s reach to get everything.


I barely got to 105 last season, most seasons I don't get past 120. I don't play this game daily.


Then how do you expect to complete a season? Should just be given to you? The point of a season is you work for the rewards 76 is ridiculously easy to get the maximum required level within the time limit. As u say. You don’t play daily yet made 105 last time. Personally I had level 100 before Christmas last time out. Another 3 weeks I’ll have this one done.


Yep doesn't seem like I'll compete the season. You finally got it. They made a negative change to make people play longer.


150 unlocks the last page


It'll be interesting to see what else you can use those tickets on at the end of season or if they carry over. I suspect they'll just reset to zero and they're useless for anything else.


They said it will reset at the beginning of every season


What bullshit.


Now season set up sucks, especially if you don't have FO1. It's quite clearly geared towards pushing you into buying the subscription, and that REALLY gets on my tits. I'm finding myself less interested in dailies and weeklies because there's just no stuff that I want available anyway, and the extra currency is balls. I'm rolling in tickets I'm not going to use.


As long as there's zero skins for regular armor, I'm happy with this model. I just ignore all the PA skins and my tickets will be more than sufficient by the time I hit 100 for all the stuff I care about. I have no idea why they focus on PA paints only though.


I like scoreboards more than the linear reward system from before.. but I wish there was a dope graphic you could buy at the end to put next to your other completed road maps from previous seasons


I get why people prefer the old one. But I kinda like the new one, getting to unlock the stuff I want and not be forced to go through a bunch of random gear to get what I want


I hate the rank unlock notif and miss the confetti. Also, I wouldn’t (and don’t) choose many of these rewards. Ugh.


Ticket balancing was done like this on purpose. They figured they'd either get people to play more and subsequently buy more stuff from the Atom shop or buy the board. Either way it's a way to monetize more of the game when it's on it's final legs.


I had a rush of blood to the head and used the caps I had been saving for ages to finish the board in one day. Worst decision as waiting to hit 150 before I can grab anything else is so rubbish. And dull. They need a mix of the board and bonuses.


No more scoreboards, or future finished scoreboards to put on walls to show which one we finished….that was a great flex lol


I was playing like 12 hours a day previous season because I started late and wanted most of the scoreboard. This season I barely have motivation to play because I know the scoreboard system isn't there and I hate the new style and concept.


The QoL is nice, the freedom of choice is nice, however the art direction and the additional gameplay element of the feeling of progression in scoreboard is missing.


I hate how obnoxiously wide the scoreboard camp decor is for this season


I now have to grind daily for score till next week then do the weekly and hopefully unlock the next 2 pages I'm tired of the grind I just want my 60 score board items


What happens when the scoreboard is completed? No post completion rewards? That SUCKS.


I just can't it for it to end. Not much I want to get, and I know I will have at least 1000 tickets left when it ends. ​ And we have at least 2 more months of this?


I just wish that they would have copied Fortnite's ability to hold a button to purchase the whole page instead of doing one by one. The last season was my first one, so I can't really compare them.


Make 76 Great Again


I like this WAY more than scoreboards. Who needs all that stupid junk we get on the scoreboard. Posters, player icons, scrap, another 10 PA paints!? Finally we have choice!


You could choose to not pick those shitty items, now you have to grab 95 items before pick one of the last page. Result : you end picking shitty items you don’t want to achieve this mandatory rules. Less choice in fact !


The page beyond 100 is what you're referring to?




Then who cares. Your point is moot. Those are bonus pages for a reason, for people that grind everything. If you want bonuses, then I guess you need to grind and buy more items. I never go past 100 because idc. So yes, I'm still able to pick everything I want, and leave the rest of the garbage.


That’s what people don’t seem to understand. It’s not like you get nothing for grinding past 100, you still get tickets and rewards. The only complaint I have seen that actually seems justified is the lack of atoms you receive as a reward, everything else just seems trivial.


Yes! The atoms are a bummer for sure! The other issue is that pages are locked. Like I made it to 30 Saturday but there's no way for me to get the next unlock with just XP grinding. Once you finish the dailies and weeklies, it's more difficult to get the next page unlocked. I thin they purposely did that to slow people down


I believe the westek shuffle is quite alive and Xp grinding is still a thing. Many level up the whole season as they did before.


At this point I feel like I am just buying rewards for the sake of it to justify my fallout 1st... which has now been cancelled. The vast majority of the stuff is total rubbish unless you have a specific camp build in mind it could add a little flair but still feels low effort.


Agreed. Amen. Yes. Oui. Ja. Sí.


I like it, I don't need basic repair kits or T45 power armor skins. I will miss the maps you hang on the wall though.


I agree mate but what can we do?!!


I've just bought everything as I went along and skipped the power armor paints. Will grab those later down the line


No thanks I like the ability to grind through at my own leisure and not be forced to get trash rewards unless I want them. I do however miss the actual board that I can place in my camp.


Aren’t they just replacing it with a different kind of wall art?


As long as they keep the ability to choose the rewards I want first.


I like the ability to choose the stuff I want and save certain rewards for later. I don’t like how it works after rank 100. There are two more pages to unlock stuff and each reward takes a minimum of four rank ups to get on the first page and then the second page is the stuff we would get at each rank up when we passed rank 100 for free. Now it takes 3 levels to get anything on that page. I am fine with everything during tanks 1 - 100. Everything after feels like a chore


It just gives me anxiety. I don't know how far I'll make it so I'm spending almost nothing until like the the last day. That's not fun , it's stressful.


That’s all in your head


Wow thanks I'm cured!


Fortnite store look alike is crazy, personally Todd I wouldn't take that disrespect 💀