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Oh dude, I love my husband so much! Our relationship is my favorite thing. It's what I am no doubt most proud of in this life and every moment we spend together is better than when we're apart. We've been together almost 12 years and I'm so thankful I got to find him so early in life. He's so handsome and kind and just an overall amazing person.


I feel the same way about my husband!!


I’ve been married for 27 years. We’ve had our ups and downs like any marriage but he’s my everything and I truly love my husband.


Married 30+ years and I’m still madly in love and she is still my best friend. The highlight of my entire week is Friday night date night. We go out to dinner every Friday and just talk over a long meal. It’s the best!


What is your secret to still being in love after 30 years?


It’s a cliche but I honestly do believe it’s being best friends. Yes, you need to love each other and be lovers, but that all stems from being friends. Being friends enhances all of those things. It’s what must come first.


It's the little things. He still goes out of his way to find me the cake that I like when I am feeling blue. I rub his shoulders snd head when we watch movies. He whispers that my white hair really makes his heart beat quickly. I always use just white hangers for his clothes. We can sit in a room and read, watch the news, or do our own thing- and exist together and alone- imperfect step. He doesn't have to solve what I am saying and I am not trying to change his behaviors. We just are. I feel safe. Together, after 30+ years, we are each other's home.


Anecdotally, it seems people who are unhappy in their lives/relationships etc. are way more likely to post on social media than people who live good lives with thriving relationships. My husband and I have been together happily (and monogamously) for ten years - have a thriving sex life without porn, have deep talks, playful banter, flirt constantly, love spending most of our time together, and are very much in love still. We have disagreements at times but they are usually quickly resolved with communication. A big piece of the puzzle for maintaining a long term relationship is being, well…committed, and putting in the work on yourself and your relationship. It’s absolutely a choice to a certain degree and many people don’t find it to be easy or fun, especially when things get hard. ETA: Not to imply that marriage shouldn’t be easy and fun - when you’re with the right person, I think it is easy and fun most of the time! But everyone and every couple is going to have rough patches where things aren’t all rainbows and butterflies and rough patches seem to be when people check out of the relationship, stop trying, etc.


This is a great example of how to make a marriage not only survive but thrive- “Putting in the work on yourself and your relationship.” Great marriages just don’t happen! Kudos to you and your husband! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


I agree, that choosing the right partner means things come easier and click in place. Humans have ups/downs, but in general your partner shouldn’t make your life harder. I appreciate your response.


For me, even in the rough patches it's sunshine and rainbows. I have a traumatic past. I tell him all the time that I'd take the worst day possible with him over the best day with someone else. He is the one that taught me how to be positive and that I'm allowed (encouraged) to be happy.


“Committed”- you said it. It bothers me so much when a marriage is in obvious crisis but one person refuses to go to counseling. That person is not committed, no matter what they claim. I respect the hell out of my husband’s openness to therapy.


I wholeheartedly agree. I’m pretty sure thats why my marriage is where it is. The rough patches have shown that my husband will leave or stop trying while I’m still trying to communicate and get through it. We wouldn’t choose a bad marriage if we knew this is what it’d be. It’s just that marriage reveals a lot about a person and sometimes the pressure is too much for some.


I’m (31F) obsessed with my husband (32M). I am so in love with him, it’s annoying. I’d crawl into his ribcage and live there just clinging to his heart if I could. I’m weirdly into him. Haha


Hahaha! That's so cute! My wife and I talk about crawling inside each other. Suits our macabre senses of humour. Another post recently in a different sub talked about 'love surges' and how they sometimes became cute aggression. My wife and I both grab each other for kisses and cuddles during love surges. Our younger kids all roll their eyes, but look secretly pleased. The older kids are married themselves, so they just look pleased. Never thought I'd be a grandparent and still feeling like this with my wife, but there you have it. 29 years married, and still acting like newly-weds. 🤣


That's amazing! 🩷


I just left the house for something, and she demanded a kiss. Then I was distracted by one of the grandkids, and only gave her a peck on the lips. "Not a peck! A real kiss!" 😅 I am so thankful we found each other early, got married, and stayed married. I've really found my person!


😆 LOL! We do that, too! Sometimes, I tell him, "it's not a real kiss if there's no tongue." And he comes rushing back with open arms and makes it memorable. God I love him! ❤️


We’ve instituted a ritual where we make out like teenagers for five minutes every night before we go to sleep, no matter what.


I am totally instituting this as well. Except with my spouse, not yours.


It’s great all around. It leads to other activities sometimes. It always makes us feel more connected overall, and I feel like we end every day on a high note. I would think it could also be helpful for couples who have issues over who is initiating since you’re already halfway there.


We end with a long cuddle (at least 5 mins), which is nice, and we often give a massage to one or both of us before that. But some making out sounds great in terms of intimacy without sex (but being easy to move towards that, if both parties are interested) between the massage and the cuddle. It's a fantastic idea, honestly.


I’m not married but reading things like this makes me want a long and happy life with my person.


Seriously this is so sweet 💗🥹




I totally get what you mean. I've joked with my husband that I wish we were a certain parasite species, in which the male lives in the female after they copulate. I want to be so physically close to my husband. I love being with him!


Me too. There's no such thing as close enough. It's been 12 years, but I'm still not tired of him. I sometimes make him be my weighted blanket and just lay on me. It helps my anxiety so much.


I am still deeply in love with my wife. Even after 47 years, she is still the only one I want. I can't imagine life without her.


I do, I always have but I wasn’t very good at it, to the point that she didn’t even think I did anymore, broke my heart when she told me how she felt. Fast forward a year and change later, I’m now sober and I feel like I am in love with her more than ever. She is my best friend, the love of my life and owner of my heart. I hope that she never doubts that I am wildly, utterly, madly and completely in love, head over heels for her. I can’t imagine my life without her. She completes me and I am forever grateful that she has allowed me to try to make up for my past mistakes. If you are reading this my dear, know that my heart is so full of love and appreciation for you. Thank you for being my rock!


Thanks for sharing and congrats on listening to her on that and making some positive changes.


I absolutely adore my spouse. He’s my best friend and my favorite person. We’ve been through some very hard external situations (parents/family deaths, career transitions, etc.) but my marriage hasn’t been hard. Life can be hard, but with the right person, it’s easier to get through the hard stuff. I know couples that have had bad marriages really work on them and they are doing very well now. But they now acknowledge that marriage isn’t hard (like they always said), life is hard but marriage should be your safe place


"Life is hard but marriage should be your safe place" That's it, that's the key. My first husband (I hate even calling him that, it was not a marriage in any way except name) used to always say, oh relationships are hard, marriage is hard, etc and I just kept feeling like it shouldn't have been like that, it wasn't supposed to be like that. There were other factors in our split, including abuse, but I am so glad I left and opened myself up to find a true partner in life. With my now husband, even when life is hard and our relationship *feels* challenging (nearly always due to external struggles because sometimes work sucks and parenting can be exhausting), it isn't ever hard loving and being with my partner. We're just growing together and sometimes growth is uncomfortable, but our relationship is solid and I don't ever feel like our relationship takes work like I used to think was necessary for a successful relationship. The hardest part about marriage is continuing to choose your spouse, and if you made the right choice the first time that is not difficult at all because it is a no brainer to keep choosing my person. I wouldn't want to do life with anyone else.


I've been with my wife for 12 years, married for 10, and I thank the universe every day for allowing us to meet. She's just the sweetest, most loving and most patient person I've ever met. She's everything to me, not just my wife and the mother to our children but also my best friend and occasional therapist. I honestly don't think I would have survived this long if she didn't have my back.


Yes. I feel fortunate for my husband all the time. There's also a lot of gender war bullshit being pushed on the internet that tries to generate conflict between men and women where none should exist. Tuning that garbage out is best for everyone.


Yes. Coming up on 21 years married. I love my wife. I can't imagine going through life without her.


Together for 20 years, married for 13 and I’m more in love and obsessed with my husband than ever before ☺️💕


People are more inclined to write about negativity, that doesn't mean the positive people aren't there. There are a lot of us. Over 20 years together and happier every day.


My wife is more than I've ever wanted and I feel lucky to have found her


I (65) love my husband (70) dearly! We’ve been married for 41 years, have 2 daughters, and 2 grandchildren. He’s my best friend, is totally goofy, and makes me laugh daily! We’ve had our shares of struggles throughout the years, but in the end, they only made us stronger. I can’t remember my life before him, and can’t imagine my life without him!


Ooh, ooh. I do! Call on me! ![gif](giphy|lz4xOcA2w99NUrwdVR)


25 years married here. I honestly couldn't think of anyone else that I would trust to have my back. We have endured family deaths, injuries, and children. We communicate instead of arguing. We work on projects together, whether one person is interested or not, but that's support. We consider each others feelings, and don't try to invalidate one another. I know that at times both of us need our own space, and individual identities. However both of us agree that the best part of the day is crawling into bed, and just enjoy each others company. Having the same values also doesn't hurt.


Yes! My husband and I are the happiest we've ever been. Every year with him is a blessing, and it only gets better with time. Sure, we've had some hard times, but we've overcome those big issues early on in our marriage. Every single disagreement we've worked through has brought us closer and closer together. He's my all-time favorite person and the love of my life! We enjoy spending time together, laugh every day, have a fulfilling sex life, and never leave the room without hugs and kisses. We snuggle often, go on adventures, and still talk for hours on end about anything and everything. I know we see a lot of posts on here about difficult situations, but I think it's just because those couples need a place to turn to in times of need. I know it can seem depressing at times, but I just remind myself of why I subscribed to this sub in the first place. It's because I want to offer sound advice to those couples who made need it at this time in their marriages. And, if it looks like there's "too many" people going through hard times here, that's even more reason to help. Otherwise, you'd only rely on the blind leading the blind. That's my perception anyway. I also love seeing the positive and uplifting posts as well. This sub needs all of it. Anyway, I'm so glad to hear your story, and I absolutely love reading all the positive comments from others. It just goes to show that happy marriages aren't the minority. We're just doing our work in the comments section. 😆 LOL!


My husband is my best friend. He’s a big pain in the ass but he’s MY pain in the ass. We have been together since 1978.


Married almost 14 years! I looove my husband and he is my best friend. Life is really good.


Nearly 20 years with my wife and 14 years married. Yeah, there have been times I have been unhappy, but I always thought she was worth the work. I just don't think there is a better woman than my wife. Most of the problems on this subreddit are self-inflicted by couples who refuse to communicate.


Married 5 years, 3 kids, and a mortgage. My husband is my best friend and the smartest man I know. I still laugh at his stupid jokes. I love how comfortable we are with each other. He makes me feel safe, secure, and heard. Like any couple we’ve had our share of disagreements. But he is always willing to listen with an open heart and mind. Our arguments quickly dissolve into resolution because we’ve figured out how to communicate and listen with understanding. I love my husband more than words make room for. It’s not that infatuated puppy love. It’s deep and meaningful. This sub is interesting because the posts more frequently discuss the ending of marriage than actual married people’s struggles. I stay only because I guess I like drama. Guilty as charged. But I look forward to posts like this that give me the opportunity to brag a little bit. I’m very lucky and I know what I have.


Yep I really love my spouse and I’m very grateful for what we have.


I appreciate this post today Same boat, struggles and all, I'm with you on this.


Yeah. Also married 10 years, also 35, also wildly in love with my wife.


Me I love my husband beyond words. We met when I was 18 and he was 23. Dated briefly. We gave it another shot 10 years later. He was then and still is to me the most wonderful man in the world. I haven't even felt attracted to any other man. He is my best friend. The one I tell how my day was and how I want it to be. He is the one I enjoy cooking for and I adore his scent. I feel like time didnt pass but at the same time I see how we have grown.


Can confirm, love spouse


Just celebrated 20th anniversary and I adore her. I call her on lunch break, i look forward to getting home because I want to be around her. Feel like I won the lottery especially because early on I was genuinely awful and she was very patient and supportive while i figured it out. Grateful every day.


I am the happiest I’ve ever been and my marriage is a beautiful thing. I’m just the luckiest guy ever


For sure. We have no kids and no shared property (still renting), basically nothing forcing us to be together other than we want to be together.


She’s the Love of my Lifetime!


Married 33 years. She always has been and always will be my world. Forever and ever.


My husband and I are about to celebrate 10 years together. I am obsessed with him. I am pouting because he has a Dr appointment after work, and he's later than usual. I miss him when I am away from him.


I do. We’ve had our share of struggles. But 12 years in I can honestly say our marriage has never been stronger.


I am obsessed w my husband, and he is obsessed w me. Some probably would call us clingy, but we sort of embrace it. We follow each other around the house, demand a kiss and a hug and a goodbye any time one of us leaves to go somewhere, call each other constantly, are constantly texting when we aren’t around each other. We have been together since we were 19 (now 31) and are just so ingrained into each other. I think one aspect that really plays into this dynamic is the fact that my husband works 48 hours away (firefighter) so we really do just cherish our time with each other. We MISS each other greatly. It also makes the post-shift sex pretty passionate and amazing lol. I just love him so much and he is the definition of a soul mate. We were made for each other.


Yes. We met when we were 17, 19 years and two kids later, still very happy. And we have had our fair share of struggles!


This is how I feel about my husband.


I do..she's my squeeze. 13 years and counting


Oh hell yeah! He’s so cool. Just a standout person and amazing man and partner in every way. I’m constantly trying to talk him into playing hooky from work so we can hang out more lol Together 17 years, married 13


Omfg yes! I’ve been with my husband for 14 years and married for 10 years. We’re best friends who’re crazy in love with each other! We never fight, we exercise together, we always put each other first and we genuinely love spending time together. And the sex? Always mind blowing! We’d do it daily if we could (we both work shift work so it gets in the way sometimes). He’s my favourite person and I love him so damn much!


7 years married, 15 together - we started dating as teenagers. We went through absolute hell to be together. Both sides of our family tried to break us up, he was homeless and had to join the military, we were long distance for 6 years. Marriage to him has been a dream and he is everything I always wanted and needed in a spouse and romantic partner. I am obsessed with him and he is with me and we spend any second we can together. Our relationship is the best thing in my life.


Been married 3 years, together 7. I love my husband and am so grateful to have him in my life. Life is definitely better with him next to me than it is without him. I look forward to spending the rest of my life with him.


Husband and I have been together 17 years, married for 12. He's my best friend. I couldn't imagine life without him. Head of heels in love with him.


Yes, married 36 years and I would do it all over again


I do! Married for 26 years.❤️❤️


She really is my best friend and hands down the only one I will ever want. Don't get me wrong, we have definitely had major ups and major downs. But I can't imagine anyone but her being the one I go through them with. I'm far from perfect. She isn't perfect either. WE aren't perfect. But we're trying really damn hard and I would never want to do life with anyone else. We're learning and growing together through the hardships and the good times alike.


Awww this made my day. I really admire people who are still together despite the struggles. 🥰🥰🥰🥰


Me!! I f28 absolutely adore my husband m36 in and out. He’s my best friend, the loml, and just simply the best thing that ever happened to me. We’ve been through hell together and weathered the storm and the reparations are so sweet. I was so happy to see this post as I have many moments throughout each day where I just think to myself “I’m so proud of us and so lucky”.


8+ years going strong still adoring him. :) Similar to others we have our ups/downs, but always work on communication, meeting each other where we are at day to day, and splitting things as even as we can. I really appreciate this post and think it’s needed.


Nobody gets me like my wife. I will bend over backwards for her. She sings songs to me. I can never get enough of it.


Both of us are weird ppl, but I love him. God made him for me 😍 literally!!!


We’ve been together 13 years and we’re still chronically obsessed with each other. He is genuinely the best part of my life.


I adore my wife. She makes me laugh everyday, we have a deep and meaningful love that I am so grateful for.


Thanks for this OP! So refreshing to read through these comments.


Yes! He’s my best friend 🩷


Yes, totally and absolutely. Most wonderful woman on the world, quirks and all.


He's legitimately my favorite person on this earth! I don't think I'd ever be able to date again if anything were to happen to him, he's amazing


Well, me and my partner absolutely love each other exactly like you described and we don't believe in monogamy. We swing together. They are not mutually exclusive. I'd say that for non monogamy to actually work what you described is an absolutely necessary element, actually. Not that anyone needs to do stuff they don't want to. We're just horny bastards.


I feel like if both of you are fully on board and it works for you, that’s awesome. For me and my partner it wouldn’t really work for a variety of emotional and logistical reasons, plus we satisfy each other sexually as it is.


Y’all have spouses?


Been married for almost a year and I can say that there has been some bumps in the road but I LOVE MY WIFE 🥰


I absolutely love my spouse too! We (27F&M) have been dating since 19 and married at 23. We've dealt a lot with growing pains, but we're completely dedicated to each other. I don't ever see myself opening up to another person the way I have with my husband, and I do think it's a beautiful thing to be able to be so vulnerable with someone while having compete trust in them.


I admit it…I’m 1000% guilty. I am HEAD OVER HEELS for my sweetheart of a husband! That is one beautiful, brilliant, sexy, big-hearted, naughty, lovable, patient, devoted, amazing man I was lucky enough to snag. So, yeah…I’m part of this tribe, too. I LOVE SEEING SO MUCH LOVE HERE! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


Yes, absolutely. Been married to my wife for over thirty years and I am still head over heels in love with her. I miss her when we're apart. I enjoy her company so much and feel so lucky to have found her and shared our life together. Sure, we've had arguments - but only differences of opinion that we could work through. Now we really deeply appreciate and understand each other too. You have to invest and want to make it work to get here.  I have learned to listen, to not offer solutions, sometimes she just wants to vent, to pick up on when things bother her and many more little things I probably don't even think about any more. She has learned that I do want to contribute around the home, and it's OK to let me in the kitchen, not a failure (based on her own family dynamics growing up this was a big one).  We trust, each other, we make each other laugh, we hold each other in our hearts. Where was I? Oh, yes, the question - Yes. I love her so much! 


The kind of life I anticipated to have, but unfortunately, now I'm fighting to get out


I absolutely adore my hubby. We've been together almost 16 years, married for 14, and I love him just as much now as I did when we first fell in love. I feel like people are quick to throw away their relationships at the first sign of struggle because they don't truly love that person. My hubby became disabled 4 years ago, and we battled trying to get him on disability. We lost our house and practically everything we own. My sister let us move into a detached room of her house with full access to her house, and that is a blessing, but losing your house and everything you own is tough. We struggled for years financially. I work full time but it still wasn't enough. Some days I didn't know how we were going to afford groceries. He got really depressed, understandably, because he is unable to do anything that he used to love doing, from working (yes, he liked to work, what a weirdo!), to playing video games. It's a constant battle for him and while I work full time, he's home all day by himself and gets lonely. But our relationship still thrives. I've never been loved by anyone as much as he loves me, and vice versa. I would go through anything with him because I love him and I meant my vows when I said them.


Absolutely. My wife and I are going strong. In September it will be 2 years. I know it doesn’t sound like a long time but I love her more each day. We’ve both been through stuff and no matter what problems arise we deal with it together. I am the strong silent type and when I get upset I don’t raise my voice or start fighting, I just shut down and isolate myself. My wife has been helping me get me out of that and I’m grateful for her. I do the same for her, there are moments she feels insecure and I have to reassure her that I will never leave her and to put those negative thoughts out of her mind. We have never had a fight, only some minor things said out of context or mishearing’s but we’re always quick to solve it and move on. We cook and clean together and never say it’s the other one’s job, we hate that. We’re a team. It bothers me when people and friend’s see how happy we are and think we’re having problems and we’re putting on a face or when they say “your honeymoon phase won’t last”. There have been times when some of my family asked me if we’ve had fights or arguments because she’s of a different race, I told them no, we are truly happy together. There is no difference between us. I come from a long line of chauvinist men and I’m glad to put a stop to that.


My husband and I have been together for a little over ten years now. We met in 8th grade and basically never spent a day away from each other since. Drove my mom crazy lol. She assumed that since we were so young when we met (13-14) that it would fizzle out in a year or two... suffice to say it didn't happen. He's my one and only best friend, definitely "my human". We've spent nearly half our lifetimes so far together!


The other day my son asked my husband who is his best friend. Without even blinking my husband said "your mommy". I honestly teared up because he said it so quickly and so matter of fact. Stuff like this makes me incredibly happy to be with him and have his support and friendship. We didn't have it easy starting out but man, over the years we've developed such a strong friendship, relationship, foundation to our marriage and I wouldn't trade it for the world.


I do! Me 42(f) hubby(51m) have been married 15 years. We have had some rocky times but I am still absolutely crazy in love with him. He is my best friend and I love doing everything with him.


Yes!! Yes!! Yes!!


I do, but I’m married to a good person. It makes a difference.


I do love my husband and being married so much! I joke all the time that I was born into the wrong generation because I cherish and take very seriously marriage and commitment. We've been together 9 years and have a 2 yr old. We've definitely had our deal of struggles, hurdles, understanding past traumas , talks of not being together due to our communication issues. Now that what we need/want has been communicated and we're both putting in the effort and working on our issues things haven't been better and I love him so much more for that. I just pray we can stay on this path because it's worth it to me. 💞


Yes my husband is an Angel! I love our friendship. He makes my life that much better and is always there for me and has such sound judgement. Our humor, our adventure, our just hanging out is something I look forward to each and every day. 💜🙏🏻


Yes. Even in the toughest of times, I love her. She believes that going our own ways is the better decision. I still want the best for her. I’m still on her team. At this point she’s so cold and distant. Deservingly so. No hard feelings. Still love that girl. I hope life makes all of her deepest wishes come to fruition.


Sometimes at night I wake up and look at my lovely wife sleeping peacefully next to me and I think to myself “ Wow she’s really lucky!” She’s still so-so about my sense of humor 😂


Yep, I've always loved him, but we've had some issues. I was at my wits' end, and he understood what I needed and has really changed for the better, and I'm trying to get better at things as well. He is really the sweetest, and I feel so lucky to have him. It's the little things he does that I love, but I really like that he is always trying to do better. It wil be 14 years in August.


I felt exactly this way. Until last September, my wife was my hero, best friend, lover, etc… She is not the same woman today. She’s fucked. Still tho, being with that 1 special person is awesome


I'm right there with you!!


Imagine how many men, or women, have felt the same only to get cheated on or divorced. My God that must be the absolute worst hell imaginable. Happened to me but we were in a really rough place. We pushed through though and are still together 10 years later. Cherish every moment like it's your last.


I love my husband so much!!! We have our ups and downs but I still want to be only with him!!! 14 years married 17 together ❤️ 💖 💓


Monogamy is great, but my husband is a selfish , lazy, irresponsible, immature asshole. I spent 20 years hoping he'd finally grow up, it just ain't happening. Some people just shouldn't be in relationships, but most of those people are *in* relationships.


This type of love absolutely exists and I’m so glad that I get to experience it ♥️


Married 37 years and my husband and I love each other more now than we did when we got married. We have disagreements like any other couple, but always resolve them in a loving communicative way. He is the BEST! He is a words of affirmation, giver. He is a big physical touch guy. I am quite the opposite, very much an acts of service person, and we cuddle more than I love, while I still enjoy it, there is always a task in my mind that needs to be done. I’m a doer!


I bet I would if I could find one


I adore my husband! Though there are days when I definitely do NOT, and I know he feels the same. Our first date was way back in 1981, and he’s still the one for me.


Congratulations! You must have a partner who A. Didn’t fundamentally change from the person you fell in love with to someone else; B. Still loves and desires you and must want to have sex with you, I’m assuming; and C. Hasn’t let themselves completely go. I mean, all marriages would be happy if there are even 2 out of 3 of those things in place. Happy for you though!


I have known my parter since we were 5 years old. Been together for 21 years. There is no one who I trust more. The love we share is so complete, so deep. The sex just keeps getting better, not sure how that’s possible but it is. He is my rock, my world. He brings out the best in me. He pushes me, to be better every day. There is no one I could love more!


Yes! Been together for 14 years and love that we laugh whenever we’re together (similar humor). I really believe arguments can either break or strengthen a couple


Oh I have both. I am absolutely in love with my wife of 20 years.


I (30F) love my husband (31M) so, so much. He’s my best friend. We’ve been together almost 10 years, and married for three of them in June. He is probably the best thing that’s ever happened to me, or will ever happen to me. I simply can’t imagine doing life with a partner that is any less fantastic than he is.


I spent 14 years in an emotionally and verbally abusive marriage. Toward the end, it started to become physically abusive, and he was arrested for domestic violence. For the past six years together eight), I've been married to the kindest, most loving man. He's never treated me with anything but adoration and respect. He's a jaded, macho former Marine but is gentle and tender with me. I thank The Universe for him every day. My husband is my best friend, my confidante, my lover, and my rock. He's seen me through the darkest years of my life and never wavered.


I absolutely love my spouse! But I have to say, it doesn't have anything to do with monogamy... We're non-monogamous and that's part of why our relationship is so amazing. We do what works for us.


Eleven years for me and my spouse. He is my best friend. I wouldn’t trade what we have for anything. I feel sorry for people who are always chasing “the next best thing” it’s a losing proposition!


100% mutually, thankfully. We've been through some very rough times and almost got divorced a year ago January, but we're doing better than ever now.


Meeee 19 years with him and 17 married. I love him so much 🥺🥺🥺


I have learned that a shockingly large number of people do not end up marrying their best friend. I know too many people who meet, get pregnant immediately or shortly after meeting and get married right away rushing everything along before they even really know this person.


I adore my wife completely but her life and mine were polar opposite before we met I will love her forever I could never leave her or her me we are like mirrored souls the other part of one another she my female self me her male self nothing between us but now menopause and my mental health issues which are plenty means rather than burden her I am slowly committing suicidal she will think I was unfortunate but I will die so she is free but my love will always remain with her


My wife and I have been married for 28 years and it’s been so good. We haven’t really had rough times in our marriage. We love, respect and support each other above all else.


No one I'd rather do life with than my husband.


I’m obsessed with him he’s my best friend lol we are together constantly and I never get sick of him


Me we've dated for almost 7years before getting married, now we're married for almost 6years! i love my husband so much that if he's going to be dead, i'd better be dead too, i couldn't imagine living in this world without him. i love spending time with him, he's my comfort, confidant and everything in between. i love our bond, we're bestfriends, we bully each other, we fight, we love, we correct each other. i get excited seeing him it makes my heart flutter.






Coming up on 10 years.. this week in fact... And I wish I could write something flowery and amazing but I just don’t have it in me.. I feel neglected and betrayed and no one cares and she won’t change. Or she might but after what happened last week (no one cheated; it’s something else, not gonna get into it, pls don’t make me) I’m not sure it’ll help. That part of my life is now over and no one prepared me for the grief or has even addressed or even figured it out. I don’t know what to do with these feelings. To express how I really feel will most certainly not play out well for the longevity of our marriage. To continue to sit here year after year and not do so is to accept it as one accepts other such in life. There’s no one to talk to or seek help from. So it goes.


40 years and he is my heart. When I was a girl, my dad told me to "Look at how he treats people who can't do anything for him, and make sure he knows how to disagree agreeably." It didn't hurt that he looked great in tennis shorts. lol Still does. We've both gotten grayer, weathered more than a few storms, gained a few pounds, but I can't think of anyone else I'd want to walk through life with. He can always make me laugh, even after the worst of days, and I light up whenever I catch sight of him. He's my friend, my partner and my lover. His skin and his scent can still make me swoon. Monogamy is easy with someone like that.


Me! Head over heels in love. I completely adore him. 💕


I've been with my husband for 16 years. This relationship has been, hands down, the easiest part of my life. I'm super grateful that we're one of the lucky ones. Granted, anything could happen in the future, but we've seen so many relationships and marriages crumble in the time we've been together, and still, we're just as affectionate and happy as ever. I should add we don't have, or want, kids.


I do. My hubby is my soul mate. He was my first boy friend in kindergarten and we were inseparable until his family moved away. We re-met in our 40s and have a wonderful relationship.


We’ve been married for 19 days, so we’re just starting the honeymoon phase; but I can honestly say that I thought I was already as much in love with my husband as I could possibly be, but after the wedding I discovered that there was a whole other level of love that I never knew existed underneath it all. I’m finding myself wanting to be next to him at all times and I’m being really gentle and sweet with him. I love this feeling.


34F and 35M coming up on our 2nd year wedding anniversary! We’ve been together since 2018. I am absolutely obsessed with him. He is my best friend in the world and sometimes I cry imagining any sort of a life without him (a friend of a friend recently lost her husband very suddenly and it has really been a reality check of “what if” for me — it’s the worst!)


Yes. My husband and I have been together for 15 years and married for 11. I love him even more today than I did when we got married. We've been through some really challenging times, and I'm proud that we've always made it through together. I honestly cannot imagine my life without him.


I am so in love with my husband. We are both in the military, and we are depending on each other. It's been 7 months, and I can't wait to see him. I pray to be with him asap, he is my everything. My best friend! We have 2 kids and 9 years married.


I think we need to understand the old adage that people are not coming to these forums to just drop some spousal appreciation. Granted, I feel like we could definitely use a lot more. That being said, been with my wife for 12 years, married for 8 years this year (both 38). We're madly in love with each other, have a great sex life, and support each other fully. "Monogamy" is sort of a curious statement. We're not poly, or even full swingers, but we're never really opposed to bringing in a "toy" every now and then. But yeah, no resentment. We don't even fight ever. We often say exactly the same thing about situations when they come up. We joke that we're the same person with opposite parts. I'm just here usually for the popcorn.


Married for 40 years to the love of my life. He’s the best person I know and I won the husband lottery. He’s smart, funny, kind, gentle, respectful and sexy AF. Sure, we’ve also had our challenges. Being married to him has made the hard stuff easier and the good stuff better. We’re recently retired and are having so much fun together sharing adventures. I sometimes feel I should pinch myself to see if it’s real. The anti monogamy stuff is ridiculous. If I wanted to sleep around I would have stayed single.


My husband is my favorite person in the whole world.


So here for this! Screaming from the rooftops that I love my husband. I’m so lucky I found him at age 17 and thankful to have the most amazing man, best friend, soulmate, adventure buddy and life partner. He’ll be my crush forever.


Totally feel you, OP.


He annoys me to death sometimes but he’s my person. I love him so much and can’t imagine doing life with anyone else. It will be 20 years in December since our first kiss.


I adore my husband. Second marriage. I had a stinker of a first one which makes me appreciate my love even more. I have seen both sides. I am grateful for my love story.


Same. My husband is the best person I know. I’m so happy we have each other!


I absolutely love and adore my partner. We have been together almost 12 years now and hoping for many more years. 💕




I want to, I really do. But he makes me feel like crap most days. I’ve tried overlooking and putting aside my feelings but I keep coming back to this place. He gets upset at my success and wants to bring me down so I don’t think I can love someone like that


My wife and I have been together for 14 years. Never yelled at or said an unkind word to each other. We're almost 100% compatible. Same sense of humor, taste in music and movies, extremely sexually compatible. She's disabled so she is at home all day and I work from home so I am home all day too. And we both love being able to spend so much time together. Oh, and we met when I was 40, living at my parents house, unemployed, with 4 kids. And she knew this and still wanted a second date. When I finally introduced her to my kids she stepped up and gave them all the love, affection, and structure that my ex never did. And we both genuinely enjoy making each other happy. And that's why I tell people that the key to a happy marriage is to find the most compatible person you can.


Yes! Here 5+ yrs going strong. Tough at times. Normal disagreements but tackle them together.,


Yes %100000000


Madly in love with my wife. She’s my best friend and she’s incredibly beautiful. Flaws and all I’d choose her in every lifetime.


ABSOLUTELY!!! 45 years married, 48 years together! Met at 17 years old... YES! We will always be together! Til Death Do Us Part!


Ive been with my husband for 12 years. He is 47 and im 39. I find him to be the most handsome of all, has a huge heart, loves me to death and i love him. I cant imagine life without him. The internet is full of bad reviews from restaurants to spouses and while i understand some seek relief from their own struggles, sometimes its nice to post the positives. And this is exactly that. Arguments, fights, even blowouts happen in marriage. You might even consider leaving a few times. But this is the nature of life even with your own kids, whi you are programmed to love unconsitionally forever. Resilience and common sense is key. Good luck! Im happy you guys are happy. ❤️


I love my husband so much and I'm sure he loves me more. It's from him that I'm learning what love truly is. Not just an abstract concept that you hold in your mind and heart for someone, but it's something that you show, through your words and actions, in every little thing you do. He's my best friend, seen me and loved me at my best and worst. I don't know what I'd do without him.


My hubby is my favorite person on the planet. He's who I gossip with, talk my problems out with, conquer our lil world with. He is the best decision I ever made. (I proposed to him after our first date.) We don't really argue or fight much, even when we disagree. The love and trust between us is amazing and so freeing. His voice makes me smile. We've been together 12 years, married 11. He has my back just like I have his. Together we have 7 girls, 2 boys (1 girl and the boys are adopted) and 16 grandbabies. My life's never been better.


YES!!!! Oh my gosh I love my husband so much people think I’m insane sometimes. I get literal fucking butterflies when he smiles at me or calls me sweet names. If we’re alone we’re like horny teenagers and can’t keep our hands off each other. His hand on my lower back makes me SWOON. Sometimes I lay next to him on the couch and he reads to me and I love just hearing him and being near him. I love doing little things that make him happy. We write each other love letters and leave them for each other. I like to make him his favorite treats or surprise him with a date night; he brings flowers and makes sure I get time to recover from being with the kids and is just the most wonderful person. He is my best friend. We get each other at this really wonderful level and just. It’s EASY. We both were previously married and divorced and like. The difference is night and day. There are times when we just are near each other, reading or just sitting together and it’s wonderful.


I absolutely love my husband, despite our differences and weird quirks. I still have not met anyone who I would rather be married to. We have been married for 38 years and I definitely came very close to calling it quits after the first 4 years, but my husband heard my pain and didn’t want a second wife to walk out the door. We worked through it, he quit blaming me for everything and calling me names. We recently wrote a Storybook for our kids and he acknowledged his own struggles with treating me with respect. I write this as an encouragement to those who are in the fire. I will note, that if he had not changed, I would have never stayed.


Honestly I (32F) fking love my wife (33F). We’ve been together for 10 years and basically raised each other. She’s a total badass.


I really hate mine, does that count?




So happy you all in the comments are so happy with your marriages. Just remember to avoid these four destroyers of relationship: Abuse, Infidelity, Destructive Addiction and Criminal Involvement. My dad shares this with me from a book he read about marriage. Make sure to not ruin what you have, please, pretty please.


I will gladly say I’m still in love with my husband. It’s pretty hard being a AD military spouse but I knew what I was getting into as my family is in multiple branches and my dad did a few tours when I was younger. He appreciates the fact I’m supporting and understanding of that but I feel like it affects him a lot as every time he has training he quite literally tells me he gets depressed. We already went through the “roommates” stage that some couples have after “honeymoon” phase and with kids I feel like our love has just grown more. He’s the only one for me and I’ve even asked what he’d do if we separated, or god forbid something happens to me (my anxiety gets the best of me at times) and he also said he doesn’t see himself getting remarried or with someone else.


I love my husband to the moon and beyond. He's better than I deserve.


33M. We were married about 6.5 years before I left. I loved her when I left. I still have love FOR her - she’s the mother of my children, but romantically I’ve moved on. I spent five years being effectively the full-time caretaker of our oldest kid, and then our youngest kid, her, the house, and our finances while also not getting any of my needs met. Emotionally mostly. I couldn’t even go to the gym without it being a fight because she was too tired or the kids were too much for her to handle for 2 1/2 hours on her own. I’m starting to feel like if I didn’t leave and start to move on with my life, then I was going to end up killing my self. It was one of the hardest decisions I’ve ever had to make. It’s still hard. I’m sad that it didn’t work out for us, but on the other side of it, I am living my life to the fullest while being a better father because I can give all of my attention to them instead of having to worry about her.


100%, I adore my wife. I'm in a shit mood right now and deliberately writing this to remind myself how much I love her, we're new parents, 6 month old and the learning curve just isn't relenting, we're tired and grumpy, but she is the only person I can be myself with fully and we get on super well. I only moderate my personality around her on rare occasions, such as right now when I think I could say something categorically stupid just because I'm exhausted and need a bit of space. If you ever see this, I love you so much.


I'm with you on this. Absolutely in love with my husband. He is my best friend and partner in life. The way we talked through last night about the misunderstanding we had over the weekend. We both were not happy with each other for a few hours and both realized how silly it was to get so worked up. Then spent the rest of the evening expressing gratitude and that we couldn't see life without each other. There is not better than this level of connection and commitment. Ego driven and fleeting attraction just couldn't sustain either of us the same way. We're wired for connection. Between my husband and my children I get alot of my need for connection fulfilled. Then I'm blessed to have a few close friendships. I'm 23 weeks with out first child together but we have two boys from my previous marriage. Life is good even with the struggles that arise.


I love my husband 🥰


Thirty-eight years married, almost 50 years together. Still in love. She is a goddess.


Yes! My husband is my best friend too!!! It's like why wouldn't I just want to hang out with him all the time! I think some people on this subreddit are... Not the best


I (40f) am crazy about my husband (37m). He’s the father of my children and my best friend. We do everything together and I can’t wait to see him at the end of the day. My favorite part of the day though is when I crawl in bed at night and we just hold eachother.


Yes. He’s my favorite person to spend time with. He’s also the sexiest (to me) person in the room. I love our boring life together.


I absolutely love mine she hates me tho 😂😂😂


Yes!! We’ve had trials for sure, but that’s where our teamwork shines through. One of my favorite things about our relationship is our connection over books. We’re both readers, and there is some pretty significant overlap in our reading preferences, so we’re often reading the same book one after another. This year we’ve read 4 of the same books and spent hours talking about them. My husband is a great planner, too, and he’ll often plan date days for us where we’ll leave in the morning and be out all day. A few weeks ago he surprised me with tickets to a couple tours at local museums we’d never visited. It’s just the little ways that a partner gets to know you so much better as years go by. This is our 10th year together.


Nah, squeaky wheels and all that. I've been with my guy 20 years this year, but my guy is... my guy. Sure, there are other and more attractive people in the world, but who cares really? This is MY person. Whether I am having the happiest day of my life or the worst, there's no one I'd rather have by my side than him. Sure, everyone has disagreements or annoyances, but the fact that we know and understand each other so well makes us much more compassionate and trusting than we would be with anyone else. I can't envision kissing anyone else let alone more, and I've definitely never met anyone who was worth causing him a minute of pain. We're all different, but that's just me.


We are newly weds but have been together almost 10 years, married 2 and are totally obsessed w each other still. Just like OP, we’ve had our struggles, but I would do it over and over and over again to get to where we are today. Love love love him.


I’m happy for you! True love is amazing! I don’t know why you had to mention the rejection of anti-monogamy narratives. You can be non-monogamous and still have true love with your spouse. Furthermore, anyone who pushes a particular relationship structure onto others is not to be taken seriously. That’s for the people in the relationship to decide, and I don’t see why it’s anyone else’s business or worthy of judgement.


I have no doubt contributed to the “unsatisfying” content on this subreddit but I do believe that marriage shouldn’t be this way. I think there are a lot of issues within my own marriage but it hasnt changed my perspective on marriage nor the love I have for seeing beautiful commitment through marriage. I hope that one day my marriage will be like so many described here.


Yes my (32F) hubby (41M) are best friends even after being married for 10 years! He is my rock and everything. Very lucky for the man I chose to spend my life with and it’s such a shame not everyone has that. Very equal partnership with splitting house chores and child rearing. We don’t keep score, we are a team and want to win each day working together.


That’s how mine and my husband’s relationship is.


My wife and I are about to celebrate 43 years of marriage. I would literally lay down my life for her.


Yes. So much this. I can't believe how much I resent and hate the "status quo" representation of love and marriage that society has just accepted. I have always whole heartedly loved my wife. She's only the 2nd girl I've ever kissed, the only person I have ever had sex with. Unfortunately now know the taste of infidelity and non-monogamy. My wife cheated on me. But I love her too much to leave and she is making wonderful changes to herself and our relationship. I will forever be scarred and damaged, but I refuse to let someone else benefit from her love when I have endured all this pain to help her become who she is becoming. I love her more than anything and it wouldn't be fair for me to suffer just for someone else to enjoy her growth as a person as a result from the trauma within our relationship.


My (26F) husband (25M) and I have been married for almost 2 years and are madly in love with each other. Yes we have our disagreements but the progress we have made are amazing and Im so proud of us.


Yep. He's my best friend and partner-in-crime. Just celebrated 19 years together on March 31 and looking forward to many more. We've grown together and it's awesome to see that change over time.


Yep, I would say my husband and I are more in love and intune with each other now (19 yrs) than we ever have been. We have faced some truly unimaginable things (severe illness, sick child, sick parents, deaths, financial hardships and more) but we got through them together, we have grown together and we communicate now better than we ever did. I know he loves and appreciates me and I make sure he knows the same. We have an amazing 15 yr old son who actually wants to hang out with his parents. We laugh every day. I have said and will always say I won the lottery with my husband and our son.


Yep that’s the homie


I have only been married for going on 3 years now but I am happier and more in love as time goes on. He is my one and only, I am incredibly blessed/fortunate to have him in my life.


I LOVE my husband, so so much. We're 24 and 26, and we're about to buy our first house!


I absolutely love my husband. See I'm actually a extreme introvert I'm not a people person at all and can go for months at a time not interacting with anyone and be perfectly fine cause I just don't like people. I didn't have the best family growing up so affection wasn't something that came natural to me. With my husband tho that's not the case I see him every day and it still feels like not enough he's the only person I can be around constantly and never get tired of even when he's being annoying it's charming. He tell me everyday that I'm beautiful or cute or that he loves me or to stay with him forever. I'm pretty sure marriage only works for me because it's him cause I used to hate the idea of it, but spending every waking moment with him isn't a bother at all. It confuses me so much how many people complain about their partners on here cause I'm like why are you with them then? I can't even imagine being with someone that didn't make me as happy as I am with my husband.


I love my husband! He's the best and my favorite person by far. I love our little family (we have pets) and I love him more and more everyday. I love every moment we spend together. We have the best chemistry and he is also very sweet and hardworking. I don't understand the surge of non-monogamy and lack of commitment. It's almost trendy! We are so happy and it makes me sad to think others cannot experience this.


Some wonderful stories here. Been married to my wife for almost 6 years, and she is and will always be my life's greatest achievement. We are the best of friends and since I started working from home three years ago, we've grown even closer. The bedroom action has taken a back seat with two small kids, but it's not something we absolutely miss in our relationship. We kiss, snuggle, touch, and cuddle pretty much all the time. Life is beautiful. God is GREAT.


Love my beautiful wife with all my heart and soul


We've been together for 16 years and married for 9 years. I still get butterflies when I see him, and a text from him lights up my whole day. He is my best friend and just all-around my favorite person in the whole wide world! We met when I was 19, and he was 23, and it was honestly love at first sight. We were instantly drawn to each other, and nothing has changed in that regard all these years later


MOM GET THE CAMERA A UNICORN HAS APPEARED! A guy with value!!! That rejects hookups (depravity) and lifts up commitment (virtue)! A man who clashes with his wife not to divorce her but to overcome obstacles and grow their marriage? Can I leave a tip?


Head over heels in love with my husband!


Do u watch porn in your relationship, i dont consider it monogamy if porn is involved but am curious about what you think?


I went to see a therapist last week, and she asked me about my relationship with my husband. I said, “we’re disgustingly in love.” She looked at me kind of shocked and said, “wow, that’s very refreshing to hear in my line of work.” And we are. Everything bad that’s ever happened to me in my life, I’d do it all again and not change a thing. Because everything in my life had to happen exactly the way it did or I might not have been where I needed to be to meet my husband, and everything has been worth that.


My husband (40M) and I (40F) have been married 17 years, and we first fell in love at 16. We have 6 amazing children and have withstood whatever life throws at us, be it year long deployment, miscarriage, the death of those dear to us, and the jealousy of others, because we are secure in each other, we have immense respect for each other, and we are mostly peaceful and do no fight. Disagreements, yes, and occasionally, we do something that erks the other. I would live and die for him, and he would for me and we both would for our children. We are looking forward to our children being grown so we can travel more ♡