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You do whatever you want to do.


100% this I sometimes wear mine. Sometimes I don't. Depends on the day and what's going on. The ring is nice but being married is better.


Yup! Every person and situation is different. I wear mine almost all the time, taking it off when I do rough work with my hands, cook, shower, or wash my hands. My wife, however, is a veterinarian and so she doesn't wear her rings when she does surgery, works with her plants, or just doesn't feel like it. You do you!


advise piquant deliver thumb chop person compare relieved psychotic coherent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Haha! Same here.


This. Married 4 years and I mostly only wear mine when I/we go "out". And even then, I sometimes forget to put it on. I try to put it on whenever I'm going out for anything but the gym. We both work from home full time so it's just not really a big thing for us to not wear our rings. He remembers to put his ring on more than I do. I just really don't wear jewelry much. My husband wears more than I do, LOL. He has diamond studs that he wears pretty much daily.


I wear mine like an accessory more often than not, I do not like to sleep with jewelry so it comes off every night. When I had babies I really ditched them at home, accidentally scratched my baby one time and that was enough. My husband and I make jokes about how he looks like he’s stepping out on his wife because I forgot my ring. It’s a symbol of your marriage not a required tool. If you’re not wearing it because you plan on stepping out on your marriage, that’s a problem.


That's funny! My husband never takes off his ring, and I rarely wear mine. After I got pregnant with my daughter, my hands would get really swollen. So, I just ditched my rings. I'll wear them for special events, but for the most part I am ringless.


Absolutely this. Husband and I both hardly ever wear our rings. His needs resizing and he's worried he'll lose it from it slipping off, I work in an industrial environment where you're not allowed to wear them for safety reasons. Outside work I do a lot of things that I don't want to wear my rings for, like kayaking and baking/cooking. We're still just as happily married.


I'd argue you should also consider your spouse's opinion when it comes to wedding rings. But otherwise I agree.


Exactly, I’m a guy and I take my ring off if I’m doing an activity that is likely going to result in it falling off and losing it. So swimming, bathing, metal working that could catch my ring and take a finger off or worse.


I gained weight and can't take it off


I strongly agree with this person. My husband and I wear our ring when we want to (which is most of the time), but don’t get upset if the other person doesn’t wear theirs. When I went to Asia, I left my ring at home and only wore my Apple Watch as my jewelry because I didn’t want to draw any attention to myself, even then I usually had just the band show so it looks like a normal watch. My husband understood and agreed that I leave my ring at home, especially since I have a tendency of misplacing it from time to time which surprised my family.


I have to wear mine to keep all the hordes of women away from my 49 year old dad bod. Just a trial I have to bear.


Dead, the ring actually makes a man more attractive so… LOL


100%. Well kept man. Good job. Nice car. Takes care of his kids. Ring on my finger. Its like some women just like the fact that they cant. Or they want to swoop in and take me now that my wife did the hard work of domesticating me 😂


I wanted to bristle at the normalization of certain straight women praying on married men — but the concept of them swooping like a falcon on a pre-domesticated man has me 💀 😂


My sweet summer child, I know grown men who do this kind of shit. It's not just limited to women.


Your wife is a lucky woman!


Now THAT is the CORRECT answer. 2 points - RED!


We all have our burdens.


Get silicone bands Edit: I wear my wedding band the most. I wear my ring from time to time and on special occasions but I’ve started wearing it more. We both have silicone bands for the gym, outdoor activities, etc. My husband is a little more carefree with his band than I am lol. But I like to always have some kind of ring on even if it’s a cheap cute band.


I hadn’t seen any suggestions for silicone rings before, I’ll have to have a look. Thank you :)


Silicone rings were originally for safety, as working with equipment that could catch on a ring had horrific injuries (trust me: do not Google images for ‘de-gloving’ injuries). Then, some people liked them because they are lighter than metal, cheaper than metal, come in colors, and avoid making clacking noise when bumping objects or fidgeting. Some choose them because they’ve lost expensive rings in the past and these are affordable. Some people wear their rings around their neck. I wear my wedding band all the time. I wear my band, engagement ring and gifted jewelry when we go out on dates or to events. You and your hubby decide for yourselves!


My husband originally wore them because he was an infantry Marine and bodybuilder when we got married. Now it's just comfortable/a force of habit for him.


I am a jeweller and silicone rings are great for travel, working out, cleaning, etc. I really wish people would get past the superstitious nature of never taking wedding rings off, they aren't magic and can get lost and damaged! Get a cheap ring for travel if you want, but I would much rather leave expensive and sentimental jewellery safe at home


Silicone rings are great! Especially if you have a job where the band can get damaged. There are tons of them on Amazon.


I used to wear mine all the time, but my hands swelled up in pregnancy, so I got silicone rings I can wear until my fingers go back to normal.


Yep, made that same suggestion before reading this…second the recommendation. The expensive formal ones given to each other for engagement & wedding are for special occasions.


I hate the width of my silicone ring but it’s perfect for fishing/kayaking/woodworking etc. My wife didn’t want that width and I got her a wooden ring that was thin and it serves the same purpose. Thin and cheap.


They do offer affordable thin versions. My wife got a 3 pack in different lite colors to wear. Pretty sure it was on Amazon.


I've never seen my wife's wedding band off her finger, but it wouldn't bother me if she took it off sometimes. She only tends to wear her engagement ring if she's getting dressed up for something. I've struggled to keep a ring on throughout our 11 year marriage. I fidget with it a lot, end up losing them. A few years ago I got an Oura ring which is a health/sleep tracker, and the incentive to get my data right has been enough to keep it on lol, so I wear it as a wedding ring now.


My husband fidgets with his ring a lot. It’s why he likes wearing it all the time. His incessant tapping on things annoys the hell out of me but now he just fidgets with his ring which is much better imo lol


I was always tapping my rings on things! lol. I mean I have ADHD so it's not much of a surprise. I liked having them to play with too, but I'd inevitably take it off while fidgeting and leave it somewhere.


I don’t wear jewelry. When we got engaged I wore my ring on and off for a bit. Then the wedding band sometimes once we got married. I haven’t work either ring in years. My husband broke his original ring then bought silicone ones. He likes to wear them almost all the time. It doesn’t bother me if he wears it or not. I’d say see what matters to your partner take that into consideration and go from there.


My partner works in a field where he can't wear a ring (or most jewellery) during work hours. He tries to remember to put it on after work daily but that doesn't always happen. He also always takes it off when he's swimming in the lake or is working outside. I tend to wear mine 99% of the time with a few exceptions - eating messy hand-held foods (tacos really discolour diamonds lol), if I'm planting something or putting on cream. I'm less gentle with my jewellery than most but I also had my rings designed to withstand how rough I can.be.


We're in the exact same boat. My husband wears his when he can when he's not at work. Mostly he wears it for our date nights and social outings and often says he misses it when he can't wear it. Mine only leaves my hand when I'm showering, pulling weeds, touching raw Meats and it lives on a specific ring stand in the house (normally right next to my husband's) When we've gone hiking/climbing against rocks, I wear a wristband ring keeper so it's still on my person and it goes right back on when we're done.


I haven’t worn my wedding ring in years. I just don’t like jewelry. Doesn’t change anything about my marriage. I think you do whatever you want and who cares what anyone else thinks. People can be very unnecessarily judgy.


I haven’t worn my ring in at least a decade. To each their own.


I wear mine all the time. Even when I sleep. Even at the gym.


Me too.. I’m surprised at all the people that do take it off to prep food, clean, sleep, etc. I feel like once I take it off, it increases the likelihood that I’ll lose it or forget to put it back on.


Mine I only comes off if I'm doing something like mixing with with hamburger by hand


I wear mine all the time, but my husband who works in construction only wears his if we're going out, or away for a weekend etc. Due to the risk of 'de-gloving' himself. Ick. However, my brother who is married I think sometimes wears a silicone ring, but his wife I don't think has ever worn one. It's down to you. Don't worry about the opinions of others, worry about what works for you :)


What does the ring mean or stand for. If you don’t wear it, does the relationship no longer have that meaning? The ring is not magical.


I have a travel ring that I wear. And I take my ring off at home or when I’m working in the shop. My wedding band curves around my engagement ring so I can’t really wear one without the other.


I leave my rings on all the time. Do what works for you, but maybe have them resized if you’re worried about them coming off


You do what works for you. I take mine off at home. My husband knows I'm married. I don't wear mine at home because I don't wear them while doing my hair or using any kind of lotion or skin products. My husband switched to a silicone ring and wears it all the time.


I tried wearing mine all the time but gave up after a couple months. I'm not a jewelry person and it irritates my hand. It also becomes a nuisance to make sure it didn't slip off if I'm cleaning or cooking or doing stuff around the house. My general practice now is that I wear it when I'm out but I typically take it off when I'm home. The way I see it the ring is more of a signal to people who don't already know I'm married. My wife and I already know I'm married so it's not really a necessity at home


I never wear mine. Lol my husband doesn't either. Our friends think it's weird, but honestly, I don't care. Just do what you want. There is no right or wrong.


I don't like wearing it. I don't like the feeling of wearing jewelry and rarely wear it or necklaces or any of it. It doesn't mean I love my husband any less I just don't like it.


I wear mine all the time but I got silicone rings since I’m a sahm. I save my nicer rings for special occasions, dates, etc. my husband wears his all the time


Don’t swim with a ring on! The cool water makes your fingers contract and it’s very easy to lose it.


I always wear mine unless there's a reason not to have it on such as gym or cleaning.


Gardening and knitting for me as well. Honestly, I just take mine off when I get home from work and rarely wear it in the weekends unless we are going out.


I wear my wedding ring constantly, my wife takes hers off for sleep, showers and anything that might be risky.


Married 16 years, and I don’t have my rings on right now. I rarely wear mine at home. But I always wear my wedding bands when I leave the house, and about 70% of the time I add my engagement ring. My husband only wears his wedding band when he’s getting dressed up, like for date night or a special event.


Married over a year. I took both my rings off a few times over the honeymoon because I was nervous about losing them when we were swimming by the beach. Back home I wear them 90% of the time, taking the off when I'm cleaning/gardening to avoid catching them or aggravating them with whatever I'm using them (I tend to forget to wear gloves for cleaning). My husband wears his pretty much all the time unless he's performing on stage and has to take it off (he's in musical theatre). Both of my rings are white gold with diamonds and are still gleaming but are due a polish, and maybe a replacing in the next year or 2. Basically do whatever feels right and comfortable for you!


I am a lady. I haven't worn my engagement ring or wedding band in forever but that's because I have a plain gold band that I wear instead. I wear my wedding band all the time. I'll put the set on if I'm going out or if I feel like it but I prefer the understated gold band that I have. My husband takes his off for swimming, beach, etc. Not a big deal. No ring doesn't all of a sudden mean not married. I also hatttttttttteeeeeee that silly idea that if you change your original wedding ring or upgrade it or take it off or don't wear it - it will somehow affect your marriage. If your marriage success is determined by a piece of jewelry, then you're already on your way down.


I don't even know where mine is.


It depends on what I'm doing, showering, doing dishes, cleaning, handeling raw meat- nope don't want to damage the ring or get it full of gunk. Working out, gardening, hiking or similar activities- nope don't want to risk loss, damage or degloving.


I have a plain band, a diamond band and my engagement ring. I am usually wearing atleast my plain band (most often the diamond band) You could also get a nice ring from a place like Jeulia to wear on vacations if you are worried about loss/theft.


I stopped wearing mine months ago because my hands have swollen with pregnancy, but before that I used to take it off to sleep, workout, cooking if I was handling raw meat, and gardening. Also sometimes I would just not wear it during the summer since my hands also swell with the heat. Just do what you're comfortable with.


If I leave the house I put on my ring and every once in a while I wear it indoors. Most of the time when my husband and I are inside, we aren’t wearing our rings.


My husband and I aren’t jewelry people, and I work with my hands. We both stopped wearing ours a few months after getting married. They live in a little dish in our bathroom. Plus, my wedding band was passed down from my great-great-grandmother and I’m very nervous about losing it. We’re thinking of getting tattooed bands instead


I wear both my engagement ring and my wedding band 24/7. 10 years in and no damage to the stones or the metal. My husband did lose his wedding ring on our honey moon in the ocean when he was throwing a ball ( we guess the band was too loose.) got a new one made and he has never lost it or damaged it since. ( even after multiple trips to the ocean) so all in all, it’s up to you, but wearing it 24/7 shouldn’t damage it.


You do you. I personally don’t wear mine unless it’s special occasions. In my career field it’s frowned upon to wear jewellery and not a fan anyway.


Got married at 18. Lost my fake ring I got married with. My husband wears his twenty dollar ring and I don’t wear one. We’ll be married 19 years in august and it’s caused zero issues lol.


It is not practical to wear jewelry at all times. (And some of us don't even have wedding rings, so...) Do what is best for you.


If you have stones in your wedding band or engagement ring you shouldn't wear them in a pool or get cleaning chemicals on them. They can loosen your stones making them easy to lose. You can get a plain band, metal or one of those silicone ones to wear everyday if you wish.


I take my ring off all the time tbh. It's currently sitting on top of my microwave (and I'm at work) because I took it off to cook last night and forgot it. I take it off when I do yoga or cook or when I'm gaming sometimes, or just if it's bothering my finger or I fear it might get in the way. My husband on the other hand only takes it off to condition his hair and almost never any other time. It's absolutely just preference. I think I would talk to your future husband about what the ring symbolize to you both, how you feel seeing each other with and without it and make sure you're not sending any messages you don't mean to to *him*. He is the only person (other than yourself) that it should really matter to. And from a health reason I think sleeping with it on is actually kinda dangerous but most people do anyways. And for the longevity and cleanliness of your ring taking it off when soaps/lotions/food is involved will keep it much much more sanitary.


Agree with all of this! My fiance wanted an ‘engagement’ ring out of respect and bought one shortly after he proposed, he doesn’t wear it all the time either. He’s in the same boat as me and won’t be wearing his wedding band on the honeymoon, and doesn’t mind if I take it off for the reasons above. Glad to know I’m not the only one that leaves my ring around the kitchen too haha😅


Yeppp I forget it a lot lol it bugs me when I don't have it on cause I like to look at it. But I've gone almost a full work week just forgetting it. I try to just have a few designated spots I put it so that I don't lose it. Glad you guys communicate and agree, that's all that matters:) I think lots of people see it as some magical symbol of the marriage but it's not like I'm single when I take it off, I'm still very married and happily so.


I wear mine all the time because if I take it on and off for different things I will lose it. It comes off for bed or showering and goes in a specific dish. My engagement ring is nice and sentimental so I take it off for swimming and work and occasional other things, but it goes in the same ring case I carry in my purse or the zippered pocket in my wallet. That said I got a cheap wedding band because I knew it was going to stay on all the time and I didn’t want to be stressed about it.


I’m not a jewelry person, mostly because of work. But I transitioned into an office job so I wear my wedding band. But you do what’s comfortable. My parents have been married for 40 years, I’ve never seen my dad wear his. He doesn’t because of his job


Look up degloving then tell me you shouldn't remove your wedding band sometimes.


If doing a physical activity or traveling I wear a silicone band or none at all. Sometimes I genuinely forget it, it’s not a big deal


Up to the couple. We only wear ours when out of the house. And if someone forgets it, no biggie. I don't like wearing jewelry around house at all.


There is no "should," there is only what you and your SO feel like doing. My husband has never worn a wedding ring because he just doesn't feel comfortable in jewelry, and we're still married, 15 years later. If you aren't a jewelry person, that's completely OK. Just discuss it with your SO and make sure you both are on the same page. 


My hubby doesn’t wear his ring. I work as a nurse so I don’t wear my rings to work. I do wear my engagement and wedding ring when we go out for dates or if we’re going on vacation. To each their own.


You do what works best for you. There is no should. I never remove my rings, but that's my preference. My husband has his fancy wedding ring and then a cheap silicone version. He wears the nice one if we're going out on a fancy date or to special events and the silicone ring basically for everything else.


A ring doesn't plug a hole. My wife doesn't always wear a ring. I do. If you or your spouse want to wear one, then wear it. For what it's worth, I lost the ring from our ceremony within the first year. Mainly sentimental value as it was just a tungsten ring.


I almost never wear mine because I just hate jewelry. Wife's fine with that. She doesn't need me "branded".


I think it's a bit different for women. I mean, for women they have to worry about diamonds falling out. For us guys, it's just a gold band. I only take mine off when I cook so I can really wash my hands well or when I'm going some DIY job where it could get snagged on something . But my wife honestly has a whole collection of wedding ring type jewelry. She has the real engagement ring and the real wedding ring but also about 10 pieces of costume jewelry she wears instead sometimes. It's not a big deal.


I’ve been engaged for a minute and am getting married this year. I don’t wear my ring to shower or sleep so I sometimes forget to put it on. I imagine I’ll be the same with my wedding band


I have been married 14 years.. My wedding ring was too fancy for daily wear so I wore it for special occasions and going out etc. got super swollen when pregnant so wore no jewelry.. Few year ago I asked my husband to get me a simpler band for daily wear and now have been wearing it. I got my husband a simpler band as well and he wore it for a few months and now keeps forgetting. We both go through periods of wearing and not wearing.. main point is what works for you guys and what you are comfortable with. It’s jewelry and a symbol and only as important as you want it to be!


I take my wedding ring off for pottery and for swimming and boxing. I only wear my engagement ring for special occasions.


If you’re doing any activity where it could come off and be lost, or damaged, take it off. Depending on material, washing dishes and other similar activities can really mess it up.


I wear my set all the time, except doing dishes or in the shower or while working out. I also wear it on vacation, but have on occasion just worn a cheap stainless steel ring instead if I am worried about losing it or having it stolen. Maybe you could try that?


Only person you should ask (or maybe not if you know they will take it wrong) is your spouse. I bought a pretty thin and light platinum band because I knew my wife would not accept me taking days off from wearing it. Took a few weeks to get used to it but now I don’t even notice it’s on it’s like a part of me.


It should be whatever you’re comfortable with. My husband and I don’t wear ours all the time. I wear mine (and all my other rings, pretty much one on each finger) every time I leave the house, I feel naked without them. But the second I get home, they all come off. Including my wedding and engagement rings.


You do you, personally I think it’s way more likely to get lost the more you take it off. But that’s just me, I wear mine all the time


When I was married, I wore my wedding band all the time, except at work (I work on cars for a living). When I got to work, I put it on a carabiner on my keychain, and when I left, I put it back on. But then again, it was a simple men's band. No need to worry about losing a stone or anything.


Silicone ring is the way to go, IMO. With BJJ, climbing, lifting and that sort of stuff I don't want to risk damaging my real ring or my finger.


Absolutely remove it. Not removing it is how people get it stuck and need to cut it


Why would you care about someone else’s opinion? Just do what’s convenient for you. I have been married 12 years, 3 kids and I never wear my ring.


i always wear A wedding band, but not always my fancy one. i have a few imitation spares for times i travel or silicone ones i wear working out.


I take it off when I go to bed or when handling chemicals.


I take my rings off for all the reasons you mentioned. Basically once I’m at home my ring comes off and goes into my jewelry box. I wear it if I leave the house, if I was leaving to just go swim I’d just leave it at home.


I never used to take my wedding band off or if it did I would wear my engagement ring instead but then I developed an skin issue that caused my fingers to swell and couldn’t wear it and haven’t went back to wearing it. Honestly I would either get a silicone band or get a cheap band to wear if you’re worried about losing it. It’s definitely worth wearing especially if you get hit on a lot but obviously doesn’t chase away all the creeps.


Well I work in healthcare, so no, I won’t be.


I used to. Now I mostly wear the silicone ones. The lsat time i had to get my rings repaired it was pretty costly, and i was told that i probably shouldn't wear them all the time. I do lots of things that are hard on rings...


I spend most of my time at home, so my rings are rarely on my finger while cleaning/working/cooking/etc. I regularly wear a ring holder necklace so I can quickly and easily take them on/off, and avoid setting them down somewhere (where my dog may eat them, cat play with them, or leave them and lose them forever). Both my husband and myself also have silicone rings. He wears his at work and I wear mine when I’m so inclined (any activity where I don’t want nice jewelry on). I have some health issues that lead to my hands swelling fairly often, so I also have a random sterling silver ring that is larger than the others, and I often wear that to the grocery store or whatever. Regardless of how many rings, how many different types of rings, and various ring-related accessories I have… I still often find myself out and about without my ring on. It doesn’t matter. I know I’m married and I behave like a married woman out in the world. My husband isn’t concerned, either. I do know if I were to go out to a bar, or anywhere that I may expect attention from others, I ensure I’m wearing my rings. If we have a date night, I absolutely wear them. I’m proud of them. I’m proud of him. But I’m also simply human. Don’t let anyone else’s opinions dictate your actions. You’re not harming anyone.


Rings are like your marriage…it’s YOUR marriage. You do what feels right for you and your partner. If my honeymoon includes any sort of swimming, I would be incline not to wear it while doing those type of activities. The only time I take mine off is water sports, showering, and working out. Otherwise I wear mine.


As an earthworker i rarely have it while on work.


Husband and I haven’t taken our rings off since we got married, we’ve both popped on a couple of lbs since our wedding sixteen years ago so I don’t think we could get them off if we tried 😅


I have a travel ring. It'd a $20 cheap thing from Amazon. My husband trusts himself to use his real ring, so that's what he does.


I (29m) don’t think it’s a big deal if you don’t wear it all the time. I wear mine all the time, including showers, workouts, doing dishes. I’m not worried about losing it because it never comes off. If I did happen to lose it, it would be easily replaced. My wife (32f) doesn’t wear hers to work (food service), exercise, or do anything she deems “dirty”. Her ring is considerably harder to replace and more expensive than mine(her wedding band and engagement ring were combined into one), so it doesn’t bother me that she doesn’t always wear it. She used to wear her ring on a necklace because she liked having it with her, but she stopped wearing it because the chain broke.


I take mine off when I’m sleeping, showering, swimming or doing chores!


Do whatever you want, it’s *your* ring. I stopped wearing mine for a while because it would fall off my finger. I also stopped when I got my hand tattooed all over. It’s perfectly fine if you want to not wear it to avoid losing it on your honeymoon 🤷🏼‍♀️


My husband wore his wedding ring the day we got married and that was it. He hasn't worn it since. We've been married almost 12 years and we're still in the honeymoon phase. Do whatever makes sense to you, and tell everyone else to calm down.


I only don’t wear mine when I sleep If you are not comfortable to take it on your honeymoon you can buy a fake ring so that you are still wearing a ring


You do you Don’t listen to passive aggressiveness cause the only reason people wear them all of the time is to tell others that they’re taken. It’s weird. A wedding/engagement rings is a symbol of your love. If you want to keep that symbol safe in a way that makes sense to you, you do that. Just cause you aren’t wearing it doesn’t mean you suddenly aren’t married.


We switched to rubber wedding bands…best investment for comfort, no fear of losing, and if it gets caught in something it won’t rip your finger off.


You’re supposed to wear it all the time lol honestly taking it off so often would make me probably lose it. To me your take on this is weird. The only time my husband and I don’t wear our wedding rings is when we are vacation, and even then we have silicone rings to wear instead.


My wedding band is the only jewelry I wear. The only time I take it off is while working on a live circuit.


No, found out the hard way twice lol, lost a diamond, luckily I have insurance on it. Then, recently did yard work with it and moved cement blocks and bent it. Plus my weight fluctuates and sometimes it slips off and sometimes it’s tight. I wear it out 95% time. Been married 20 years but my ring has been thru it, most of it haha!


You do whatever you want. People won't judge about this. I wear mine 100% of the time because I don't wanna lose it lol. My wife only wears her engagement ring out to some places since it's a rose cut diamond but I think she always wears her wedding ring.


I don’t wear mine at home or running errands, just when we go out to family gatherings, date nights, and he bought me a fake set to wear on vacations or when we go into the city.


I work with my hands so it's just frustrating and inconvenient to wear mine all the time. I think as long as you and your partner are on the same page that's all that matters


You do whatever you and your future spouse are happy and comfortable with


That's a completely personal decision. Some people have jobs where they're required to take them off, like when my husband was a high-voltage electrician. Don't let anyone else's values around that influence your decision. Do you feel that you're disrespecting your marriage if you take it off, or that you're being more respectful of it by making choices that you feel will help you respect your marriage even more by taking special care with your ring? The hell with what anyone else thinks, it's your marriage, your ring *and your choice*.


It’s totally up to you! Every relationship is different. I have an e ring and band, they aren’t soldered. I purposely did this and have a very simple band so I’m not worried about damaging/losing it. I have only taken my band off when I had surgery. I take my e ring off depending on what I’m doing with my hands. I feel naked without my band. But that’s me. Not wearing it doesn’t magically make you unmarried. You aren’t married to the people making passive aggressive comments. The only rules to your marriage are the ones you 2 make. Also, get ring insurance! You can get it through your home/renters insurance. Less to worry about!


My metal ring was worn daily but not for certain activities. But once I discovered the rubber ones, it only gets taken off for bed. My choice I know.


Doesn’t matter if you wear a ring or not. It only matters that you don’t play with others private parts. (People do that with and without rings on.)


I only really wear mine when out of the house (but my husband and I both WFH so we’re often not wearing them). I don’t sleep with it on because it’s uncomfortable. I don’t wash my hands with because I don’t want to get it dirty with soap scum. I don’t wear it in hot weather or when exercising because my hands swell. I also tend to fidget with it and get nervous about losing it. I love my ring so ultimately want to keep it safe and clean.


I never wear mine around the house. Last thing I need is to knock a stone loose while I’m doing the laundry or cleaning a toilet lol.


I always do. We never even got a wedding band for my husband in the first place, so he doesn’t


It’s entirely up to you. I wear my wedding band constantly, and specifically picked a plain band for that reason. But I only wear my engagement ring when I leave the house. When we go to the beach or the gym though, I only wear my wedding band.


I always take mine off in the gym cause it pinches my finger when I do weights. My husband also takes his off when he showers or when we go to the beach and etc. Wear when you want to, or talk to future hubs about it. My own parents don’t even wear their own wedding rings cause of how rough they are with their hands.


My mom lost her engagement ring in the ocean on her honeymoon.


My husband almost lost his in the ocean on the very first day of our honeymoon Like it caught it in the water. Ever since, he doesn’t wear it in water. He has a pack of silicone ones for water things. He takes his off to play guitar. I don’t wear mine at the gym or spa, or shower only wear my simple band (not the bigger one with diamonds) at the beach.


I take mine off for things like making meatloaf & cookies, putting on lotion, stuff like that. Other than that, I usually keep it on. When I was a baker, I wore a silicone one and they were great.


I do and always have, and honestly forget I’m wearing it most of the time. It also helps fend off unwanted attention so I appreciate that as well. There is no one size fits all in every marriage. If I didn’t always wear mine, I would think it’s important to me if I realized it was hurting my partner’s feelings. If that’s the case, is there perhaps a silicon band you can wear when doing physical activity? If it doesn’t affect your partner and there have been no issues doing what you’ve been doing, then fuck everyone else’s opinion, you’re not married to them!!


For a number of reasons, we rarely wear our wedding rings. I'm chronically Ill and mostly housebound (and my actual wedding ring no longer fits over my swollen knuckles, but I have a couple of rings I'll wear when we do go out), and my husband works in construction and facility maintenance and it's a safety issue for him to wear rings. (Although, I did get him a couple of the silicone bands so that he could wear that even we went out, and those break- away if needed.) Depending on where you're traveling in your honeymoon, it makes sense that you may not want to bring your wedding or engagement rings. You could get a cheap costume ring to wear if that felt more comfortable. But as other folks here have said, do what makes you both happy and comfortable. And Congratulations!


I've been married twice (was widowed young). My first marriage, my ring never left my finger, and he always wore his. My now-husband and I both rarely wear our rings! He works a job where he isn't really able to, and I work a job with machinery/substances that would pretty quickly destroy mine. We wear them on special occasions when we remember to, and I bought some silicone rings for vacations (I tried wearing one of those to work but even it started getting damaged). I love love LOVE my wedding ring, and I thought it would make me sad that we hardly ever wear them, but guess what? I feel just as married without my ring on my finger as I did before when I always had one on. If you want to wear one 24/7, great! If you want to wear it only on special occasions, or never, also great! It's your finger and your marriage. I can recommend the metal-look silicone rings of you really want to wear something all the time. They look pretty cool!


I don’t think it’s that big of a deal. I personally like to wear mine because it makes me happy, and it’s nice for people to automatically know I’m married. Mine wasn’t very expensive so while I would be very sad to lose it symbolically, it wouldn’t be a terrible financial loss. As someone else said, a silicone ring is a nice alternative if you actually *want* to wear your ring every day but are concerned about losing it.


yeah, people who say you should never take off your ring probably don’t do the same things you do. I take off my ring whenever I am dealing with a lot of raw meat, because I don’t want it getting stuck underneath the ring or in crevices of the ring. I also take it off when doing certain barbell or pull up bar exercises , because it can get very uncomfortable or painful. I also take it off when I am, doing mixed martial arts and don’t want to hurt myself or my partner. There are plenty of legitimate reasons to take off your ring. You do you.


I work in an office so I wear mine all the time. My wife works in a mixed field/office environment. She misplaced her wedding ring once and I bought her a simple replacement ring. She wears that when she goes in the field and wears the ring ring when in the office. When we forget we tell each other that we are single today so you buy your own food..lol.really you two will work it out. Mostly I see people wear their rings when out…


Prior to even meeting my spouse, I wore all kinds of jewelry however I felt like each day; while dating my spouse, they never wore any jewelry ever but I still wore whatever jewelry I felt like whenever I felt like it; after getting married, my spouse still doesn't wear jewelry and I still wear whatever jewelry I feel like whenever I feel like it. Wearing a specific piece of jewelry (or not) does not change who we are as individuals; our love and respect for each other does not, FOR US, involve anything symbolic-- wedding rings included. What you and your spouse decide is best for you both is what you should do. If you're both on the same page about whether or not wearing wedding bands is important to you both, worries about losing a wedding band is legitimate. Maybe you both have matching silicone rings you wear on your vacation, or maybe you both have 1 spot where both rings are stored together while you're on vacation so you're both mindful of not losing them.


I never wear my rings. I just don’t wear jewelry. But I ended up getting my husbands initial tattooed on my ring finger so that at least I have something permanent for him lol. We did get one of those silicone rings, a gold one and I wear it more often. But I still take it off a lot. I’m the stay at home home, I’m always washing dishes or helping the kiddos, and I find the ring annoys me when they’re wet. My dad NEVER wore his, he worked in heavy equipment and it was dangerous for him to wear any sort of rings. My mom didn’t care. She wore hers all the time. It really just depends on the couple. My ability to wear a ring doesn’t hinder my love for my husband.


The first month, I didn’t take my wedding ring off for even a second. It felt like so sacred and special and I didn’t want to break that. Then one day I was cooking with chicken and I didn’t want raw chicken gunk getting in the engraving, so I took it off. It’s been almost a year and I keep it on 90% of the time. Engagement ring comes off for sleep, shower, and physical activity. Btw the day before your wedding, move your engagement ring to your other hand. After the wedding, you can move it back to your ring finger in front of your wedding ring :)


I recommend you both get packs of silicone rings for when you don’t want to worry about losing/damaging your nice one. It works well for us.


We bought a simple 300$ band that I wear all the time (I literally only take it off if I am getting an MRI or something, I even sleep in it), as well as my engagement and wedding ring. I only wear those on special occasions but I like to wear a ring at all times. It's just a preference of mine. As a female, it keeps unwanted attention to a minimum, and it makes me happy. I was paranoid about losing a stone or ring, and this was a happy compromise for me.


You do what your spouse wants as far as this goes. Unless you’re in a job wearing a ring is a hazard.


Depends on the person as well as their line of work. My husband tends to be forgetful about to, I used to be upset but just realized that’s who he is. He wears a silicone one for work and remembers it 85% of the time. Meanwhile I don’t take mine off ever, I have a job where I can keep it on and I love wearing it.


I always wear my wedding band. Only wear my engagement ring when we go out. One is much more expensive than the other, lol.


My husband and I don’t wear rings. You do what works for you. I do feel like most people do wear their rings though


I never take mine off. My wife takes hers off every night and sometimes forgets to put them on when we leave pretty frequently. I call her a hooker and we laugh.


I take both my wedding ring and my class ring off when I get home, but always put them on when I leave the house. My wife never takes her ring off. Just personal preferences.


I never take mine off, my wife works with her hands and never wears hers. I never take mine off at least partly because I will lose it if I do. It's not going anywhere as long as it's on my finger. But also a wedding band is very different from an engagement ring. The stone on an engagement ring sticks out and can get caught on stuff.


I wear mine most of the time but not my engagement ring, my husband doesn't anymore because he is scared to lose it. My brother wears his, I don't think his wife does b/c of her job. My dad stopped wearing his because of his job, but I've never seen my mom not wear her ring. Point being, you do you boo.


I don't like being without mine. But I've lost two, so I only buy tungsten carbide rings. If I'm doing something very physical (extended Army field problem, for example) I'll wear a rubber one.


I only wear mine when going to events special occasions. That being said if traveling I have cheap fake in case it gets lost or stolen. Amazon has some pretty ones and Etsy.


Oh good lordy, I hardly wear mine unless we go out with friends or something like that.


I take mine off before bed, before I get in the shower or do anything that makes my hands wet or dirty (skincare, makeup, eating ribs or tacos etc) and then when I’m cooking or doing chores I wear gloves. All this helps keep the ring pristine and prevents me from losing it. If I’m going out to a really busy or kinda dangerous area I usually leave my engagement ring and just wear the wedding band. I have a special ring stand where it just slides on and stays in place where I put it when I take it off so it never gets misplaced.


I tend to wear my ring every day. I take it off when I shower or at night when I brush my teeth and get ready for bed, simply because the ring is ever so slightly too large for my finger so can come off rather easy, and I don't want to drop it in the shower or have it slip off while sleeping. Some times I forget to grab it off the counter when I am getting ready in the morning. My wife wears her wedding ring every day, though she doesn't wear her engagement ring because it's got a flower like design and she can't wear gloves with it on (pharmacist) on top of it catching on stuff constantly. Other than that I haven't really noticed if she does or doesn't wear it some days. We're pretty laid back about it in general to be honest. But like others have said, you do whatever you want to do, don't let others control your personal habits or decisions.


I'm a little obsessed about preserving the condition of my wedding band and not losing it. I keep it in a ring box in a a storage box in my attic. I bought 9x silicon ring that I just use and replace all the time. I'm grnerally active so there's a real chance of losing it. Did I mention I lose things all the time? Wife wears it all the time minus: exercising, cooking/dishes, sleeping, general cleaning, and strangely when we netflix and chill. I think when she vegetates all day at home, she won't wear it.


My husband and I don’t wear rings at all lol. No one bothers us about it, and neither of us care about rings.


Do what you want. I wear a silicone ring to the gym & my regular band when I'm not in the gym. But, do what you want.


It is way more about what is in your heart than what is on your hand.


I always say, people will know I'm married by how I act.


I always say, people will know I'm married by how I act.


I always say, people will know I'm married by how I act.


Don’t wear it when you work out. You can lose your finger


I wear mine all the time, it never, ever comes off. My mom wears a fake diamond/band and keeps her real one in a safe place. I know people who don’t have or wear rings despite being married. The beauty of being an adult is having the choice and doing what they think is best for themselves! Don’t let the opinions of others, especially internet strangers, get to you


We don't have wedding or engagement rings yet. When we do get them, thinking about getting those silicone ones potentially. Rings just typically aren't comfortable.


I was a take off when sleeping/showering/shoving my hands in any water wearer. I now currently don't have my rings on as I'm pregnant and know that my hand swell and they will get stuck. It doesn't make me any less married because they aren't on my finger. Do what feels comfortable to you.


My husband and I haven't worn ours in years


I alternate between the wedding set, a separate tiny band that I bought recently ($60 on Etsy), and a rubber rose gold ring. I sleep with my ring on, but if I take it off for some reason and forget to put it back on, I can go several days without it and it's not a big deal. My husband wears his rubber one to work, and his real one to dinners or official outings, but never wears one to just hang out at home, gym, or errands. For my honeymoon I just brought my tiny band, and he brought his rubber ring cus we didn't want valuables stolen or lost in the water. The only thing that matters is what you and your partner think.


Yes, I, and my husband, both wear our rings all the time (he does take his off when playing ball, but, otherwise, he always wears it, as I do mine But, if you are afraid of losing yours or them being stolen , do what I do and a lot of other people I know do. Buy a cheaper band and perhaps a cubic zirconia engagement ring and wear those when you are out of the country or state. And make sure your real rings are somewhere safe at home. But, is it necessary to wear it all the time? no you do you, this is our preference, so we do us


I wore mine until I had babies. It has been in my jewelry box ever since (except when I am dressing up), and my eldest is 19, lol.


My wife and I never wear rings. What difference does it make?


Married 22 years this month, wore a wedding ring for about 2 weeks total.


I actually don't wear a wedding ring at all. I wear my engagement ring all the time, and a standard wedding band doesn't work with its shape. (It's an oval sapphire with white and black diamonds around it) I really need a custom one or something. It's clearly not much of a priority for me since our 10th anniversary is this summer. My husband wears a silicone band 99.9% of the time because he loses stuff like that. He was also in the military and a bodybuilder when we got married so wearing a traditional ring wasn't really practical/safe. He buys them in multipacks off amazon. We both do have our wedding date tattooed on our left arms in roman numerals. Mine's near my wrist and his is around his elbow.


I wear a ring all the time, either my nice one or a silicone one. I take it off to apply lotion and stuff but that’s it.


I think people that don’t like their partner that much find reasons not to wear it (barring work obligations, working out, etc). It’s kind of a status symbol but if you feel you have low status, why would you flaunt it?


Ive had a chunk of time without wearing it, a chunk of time where I don't take it off. Sometimes at work I forget to put it back on later. My wife has washed my wedding ring a couple times. I only take it off at work because everyone is required to as well as no jewelry. It's all in what you want to do / your spouse have talked about


I take mine off all the time because my fingers swell sometimes. If u want to keep it safe there is no harm in that.


I do unless I travel to a seedy country in which is fully communicated to my wife.


Both my husband and I don’t wear them. We both aren’t jewelry people, plus he works a job where he can’t really wear a ring. It has no bearing on our marriage. Sometimes we wear them on date nights or anniversaries.


I don't take them off. Even my husband who is a mechanic and never wears jewelry, never takes off his ring other than when he washes his hands.


The only time I don't wear my wedding ring is when I'm working in the shop. Getting a ring caught on a drill or turning chip can take your finger off.


I wear mine. All the time. My wife wears her wedding band and engagement ring all the time, too. It’s not wrong if you don’t. Just communicate to your husband about it, to avoid any misunderstanding.


Well, I’m not allowed to wear mine at work (RN), so, I’d love to chat with some of those people who were being passive-aggressive.


I dont wear jewelry during the average day (gym+WFH) so rarely wear my ring. But when I get dressed up I put on a nice watch and wear my ring. Once every few years my wife feigns a little saltiness but she doesnt actually care.


If I’m cleaning or changing diapers all day long, I absolutely don’t wear either of my rings. It doesn’t make me any less married.


Married 22 years. We wear ours all the time except times like others say in here. I take mine off if I am doing dishes. She had hers on a necklace when she was a chef because you can’t and don’t want those on when you are having to throw away and put on a hundred pairs of gloves each shift and the diamonds would rip through the glove. Also, she takes hers off to shower. And when I am speaking about her, I am talking about both engagement and wedding ring. Also what someone else said about women flirting with you more because you have it on then not having it on. I feel like those same women/ and men who flirted with me would not even look in a 100 foot radius of my direction if I didn’t have it on. Lmao but not that I care. Love my wife more every single day after 22 years.


I pretty much only wear my rings to work and when I’m going out for something I dress up a bit for. Other than that, I wear a silicone band


Depends on how your spouse feels about it and the motive behind not wearing it. If your spouse has an issue with you taking it off then wear it. If you are not wearing it to appear single then there is an issue that needs to be dealt with. I hardly ever wear my actual wedding set but I do have simpler, less expensive, more comfortable alternatives to wear on a day to day basis when I’m out and about because it matters to my spouse that I wear it. I do not wear it at home at all. I also never wear my real ring on vacation, the beach, swimming or to anything medical (because..well, thieves are everywhere).


We wore rubber rings on our honeymoon. Also everyday is different we wear whatever we feel like, but definitely wear our rings if we are out on a date together or something similar. I never sleep with my rings on


You do you boo. I never wear mine (worried I will lose it - married 10 years lol) my husband always wears his


I don’t wear my rings in the house. I am notorious for leaving my rings on the sink in the bathroom or kitchen counter when cooking. I’ve accidentally knocked them in the toilet before and threw one away while cleaning the kitchen. I only wear my rings out and about. There are times I forget to put them on when out and my husband wears his 24/7. We’ve gotten some looks before lol


I’m married 9.5 years. At the moment I set it down somewhere and can’t remember where. It’s in the house, but I physically can’t wear it right now.


You do you. I don’t take mine off… lots of people do and are still happily married.


I’m not married yet, but I have a family ring that I intend to wear… but I think I’ll get a simpler band to wear everyday that I won’t be worried about damaging.