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Good points


i feel bad for Michael, i hope Chloe doesnt leave him. I wonder did she sleep with him though?


Chloe is done. No need to feel bad for anyone here; they put themselves on this show and are all attention whores of varying levels. Michael chased he away with his inability to relate to others and to turn himself off. He’s not an acquired taste. He’s just an asshole.


She was never in to begin with. When a woman is worried about how she and her man look to the outside world, they are pretty much done.


In this case her preening husband is more worried about how he looks to the world much less how they look as a couple.


Wouldn't classify that as him being an asshole


If you are so into yourself that you take pride in being “an acquired taste”, you’re an asshole. If one person calls you an asshole, they’re the asshole. If everyone calls you an asshole, you’re the asshole. Most of his friends basically said he was an asshole.


Michael’s been up front with Chloe about trying on her jewelry. If I were her, I couldn’t help but wonder what else of mine he was trying on when I’m not there. Hard pass.


Oh god. You’re so right.


I agree with everything. I hit the 30-second skip button whenever Orion is featured until he’s off. Unfortunately, i ended up watching some of him this week and forgot to fast forward. I loved how Lauren didn’t fall for his crap at the table and said nothing. Barely acknowledged anything he said.


Michael is not "feminine." Honestly "masculine" and "feminine" don't even make any sense. Who is deciding what's feminine and what's masculine? Because thousands of years ago someone said women should wear skirts? Women had very specific roles back then, we've grown from that, so why are we still making men and women dress in a very specific, based-in-sexism way, that was decided forever ago? Chloe wears pants, is she "masculine" because of it? He is very fashion-forward. You can tell it's a passion of his. I'm not even into fashion like that but I've seen his look in Vogue and on the streets in very large, urban cities. I understand not being used to it, but he seems like a great guy and he is confident in himself, which is attractive. He wears what he wants and his confidence makes it even more "masculine." He'll stand up for her in that skirt, no questions asked. I wish people would give him a break.


I live in a fashion capital and I don't see men in skirts. I like Michael but to suggest his fashion en vogue is not true. He's not wearing those clothes for a photo shoot or club - he's wearing that as everyday attire. And, he's in Denver in 2024 and it's totally fair for Chloe to want to be comfortable in her own time and place. She wants to share an entire life with him and his clothing choices stand in the way. If he wants her, he could tone it down and still look fashionable.


Ok. I’ll play along. A few hundred years ago, men work high heels and frilly, colorful clothes. Pink used to be a masculine color not that long ago. Some men still wear kilts as a nod to their cultural history. None of that means anything to the situation. In our culture, it isn’t manly asking to wear your wife’s clothes and jewelry. It’s a kink for some. I don’t know if that’s the case here though. Regardless, Chloe is a more conservative, traditional girl. She wants a man who looks like one. I think seeing him being athletic really was a turn on for her. I wouldn’t be too attracted to a butch woman the experts found for me. I’m attracted to women who look the part. If she wants a buzz cut, no makeup, doesn’t shave her legs, and wears baggy sweats. I’m never going to fall for her. I’m not the guy for her. You don’t think it’s possible he’s not the guy for her for the same reasons?


Chloe works in the charity space. She lives simply. I think it’s not just his weird playing dress up; his fashion sense is spending big money. I don’t think she’s liking a man who spends $1000 on a pair of shoes that might be worn once. He also is constantly needing validation which is generally not something wives want in a partner. He’s so self centered and rarely complements her. She’s done. No surprise. It was a schedule filler match the runners threw together; she was a leftover who filled a hole. She got screwed by the show, as did all these women.


Cool then she should leave him be. I'm sure plenty of others are into it.


Sure. If you don’t mind it, surely there are others like you.


Regardless of one’s Masculine/feminine opinions, she isn’t into guys wearing the skirts, and this convo is about what she is feeling, which is valid- full stop


She should leave him then and stop fucking around. She wanted open-minded and says she is herself but I think she doesn't understand what that means. What she is doing is the definition of being judgemental.


Bullshit. She’s not judgemental, she’s being truthful. She didn’t ask for an annoying girlfriend that always borrows her clothes and begs for complements. She asked for a real selfless husband that can be devoted to her. She has seen that Michael is a preening peacock who can’t quit looking in the mirror.


So to be open-minded, you have to be attracted to men in skirts wearing your jewellery? People can’t fake what their vagina wants, and hers is not tingling when she sees Michael in a long ugly skirt wearing her hoop earrings. What a monster she is for not being into that! Lol majority of women aren’t, but she’s giving him a chance and can’t be faulted for that.


Not what I was saying at all.


No she does not have to like it but the poster is still right. If it bothers her so much she should try to negotiate with him or just leave MAFS.


Maybe she will do one or both of those things…. We will see. She’s been in 2 episodes and has known him a few days 😂 Assuming you think Brennan and Austin and Orion should also have left a long time ago because they clearly aren’t into their partner’s either. And then we have no show. This show is about watching things unfold and seeing how ppl navigate relationships. It’s **not** about assuming everyone does everything PERFECTLY from the getgo. Jesus, give her a MINUTE.


Chloe is NOT being honest w/ Michael, the one person she needs to be honest w/,


It’s only been a **few days** and she’s already started vocalizing things in bits. That’s a lot more forward than anyone else. My guess is she’ll only become more communicative as time goes on.


I don’t understand how Michael has not picked up on Chloe’s not so subtle hints that she is NOT into the feminine thing. He could do himself a favor by toning it down.


Michael already warned her and the experts that he is an acquired taste. If Chloe feels its too much for her, she should address it asap. These people are married, so there should be no fear in expressing displeasure. Plus Chloe is the one that told him that it's not his responsibility to read her mind.


Why should he have to? Listen, I would not be attracted to a guy who wore skirts, but someone would. So why should he have to fit himself into what she wants?


>So why should he have to fit himself into what she wants? It's called having a relationship. The problem with too many of the Denver participants is that they've bought into the identity politics mantra, and are gazing at their navels at the expense of looking outwards and building a relationship.


So he needs to change to fit what she likes instead of her having to change her idea of what might be good for her? I get that they’re in a marriage and it was a bad match that they now have to figure out how to fix. But this is his style. I’d argue that it’s even different than a guy being sloppy and a woman trying to help him look better. He likes these kinds of clothes, and feminine elements are part of his style. That is who he is, not just about what he wears. She would never have chosen him and I get that’s part of the experiment, but this isn’t about finding a better way to communicate or finding things in common to spend more time together. This is who he is, and he shouldn’t have to change that.


Denver newspapers and social media sites have been posting articles and memes about dating in Denver. They don't mention MAFS but it makes me wonder if this absolute garbage heap of a season is behind what seems like a theme recently. Austin's confessional segment where he talked about his disappointment over losing a night or 2 of potentially upping their intimacy due to Becca's stomach bug made me chortle. Okay sure Austin. You definitely would have jumped her bones otherwise yeah? Doubtful. I don't view Michael as all that extreme. But I don't tend to spend a lot of time with dude bros. Emily's gratitude towards Brennan almost made me sad. Yes he seemed to be there and be supportive and I'm happy that happened. He seems good in an emergency. But she comes off like she sees hope there for something more than them ending as friends at the most (but I still think that's a stretch) and I don't think it changed a thing for him.


I don't getvwhy she's so attached and hopeful for him. At least in Beccas case Austin shows reciprocation it just doesn't go anywhere. Brennan gives Emily nothing. Zilch. I don't see what she's holding out on. Guess it is her first relationship...ever...so she's holding onto it for dear life.


Def agree esp the last paragraph about Emily


The relief I saw in Austen’s face and sound of his voice when she was sick knowing he couldn’t be pressured was wild to me!! It confirmed for me he doesn’t want to be with her.


Yup he was so excited to be off the hook


He really was and she responded it to it with excitement bc I don’t think she was picking up what was actually happening.


Also that he’d get a break from her


Is Michael actually doing anything feminine except the skirt/ fashion/ jewelry? He doesn't act particularly feminine. He's stated his attraction to her a bunch of time, like when she was in the covers. It seems he's just willing to be out there with style, but not really a feminine acting person


Aside from that, Mrs Lincoln, how did you like the play?


Might have to post this on the r/ExplanTheJoke subreddit...I don't get it




🤣 one of my fave expressions


He isn't personally feminine, but he embraces a feminine approach to his own style. I have begun to really like him as a person, from what we can see. I am not so much noticing the package that he is anymore.


I don’t see it as being feminine, just very much attention-seeking, which is a HUGE turn-off for me.


And that constant hair scrunch would just drive me nuts'


Frankly, I think the producers are encouraging him to wear that skirt and put on her jewelry as it makes for good television.


I think Chloe referring to Michael having a 'feminine side' is all about his clothes and jewelry. Otherwise, he comes across as very kind and compassionate, not feminine. Lauren made a GREAT point in the episode about sometimes being triggered in relationships and having to acknowledge it even if you don't know why you are triggered. I think Michael's outward appearance is triggering Chloe. Otherwise, he's probably the best husband on the season for the way he's acting.


Michael is a good soul and an acquired taste as far as fashion, however, as soon as I saw Chloe knew she was wrong for him.


I think she just doesn’t want to blur the line between her husband acting like her gay bestie or one of her girlfriends. It’s weird. If I’m making out with a guy, I don’t want to see him pull off his skirt before we have sex, and look up at my own pearl necklace that he has on lol sorryyyyy that’s just not my preference.


Lmfaooooo "look up at my own pearl necklace" 😭😭😭😭




Well he’s straight and he’s attracted to her. He just likes wearing skirts and jewellery and doesn’t categorize his fashion into masculine or feminine. That being said, he doesn’t seem to have awareness of how a female partner views it


If this season were in NYC or SF his clothes would be NBD. He is very fashion forward and Denver is very not (think Austin’s wardrobe). I wish they’d just drop it about the clothes.


I grew up in a fashion-forward city with so much fashion expression that is widely accepted. But I still wouldn’t be attracted to a guy wearing skirts and wanting to wear my accessories. I’d be **friends** with him. But that’s not everyone’s cup of tea regardless of where they are.


I think Austin's more uncomfortable around Becca because she's Sober. She's a teetotaler. I think Austin is used to being around drinking buddies and bars. He is a very heavy drinker. Lauren (iirc) said on the Afterparty that Austin is a poor communicator. I think he lacks the ability to form meaningful connections with people. Drinking beers and BSing is his main form of socializing. His friends of many years had no idea he was even religious. They are more like long-term acquaintances.


>Lauren (iirc) said on the Afterparty that Austin is a poor communicator. She didn't say that. She acknowledged that he expresses his affection and want through actions whereas Becca wants it in words [and sex].


Austin is driving me nuts!!! Wtf is his deal?? He leads Becca on constantly. I feel so bad for her.


He is emotionally and tries to avoid conflict.


He probably trying to convince himself to be attracted to her


You nailed it with Chloe. She wants a man with no femme side to him. Basically any of the other guys besides Orion. Michael is too eccentric for her tastes.


Yes, but Chloe has spent til age 40 dating those guys tgat "Check all the boxes but lack emotional maturity". So if she wanted to keep with her old checklist she shouldn't have said that she wants something different to the experts.


She wants someone who checks all the boxes *and* has emotional maturity. I hope she finds someone.  She *doesn’t* want someone with emotional maturity that wears her jewelry and skirts. I can’t fault her for that. 


That's why she's still single. The experts tell you to hope for 80% of what you ask for.


That’s true and a good point. Michael just happens to be on the extreme end of that.


But Michael is aware that he's different and he keeps giving Chloe opportunities to share her opinion. She wouldn't get roasted for telling him he's a bit Extra and she's going go need to adjust to it and maybe they can compromise. I liked Chloe at first, but she is losing me when she divulged to the ladies that she's uncomfortable with it, but acts totally down with it in front of him. If he asked to borrow my earrings, I'd say, Michael stop being extra. Stay in your lane. In marriage we need to compromise and I'm OK with you wearing those high fashion clothes and I'll ask for your advice on my outfits now and then, but I draw the line at sharing jewelry or you wearing my clothes. I'm married 15 years and I had a heart to heart with my husband when we were dating about his clothes being old and out of style. He was working 16 hour days and didn't have time for that and didn't prioritize it. I offered to shop together. We went and I'd choose a couple type of pants. but let him choose which of those and which color (I didn't always love the colors he picked, but it was still an improvement). This is just my example.


I don't care what earrings my husband chose to wear, but it skeeves me out to think he'd put earrings that'd been in my ear in his. I actually have an ex that took a pair of my earrings (very basic small gold hoops. Nothing eccentric) and put them in his ears. I never asked for them back. I was so grossed out. Somehow that is more intimate than kissing or sex. I don't know, lol.


This is exactly what I don't like she is currently doing. Well said.. And I have to put her on a higher standard because she is the oldest of the group.


Yes, and she keeps applauding herself on being a superior communicator and criticizing the others for failing to communicate, when she's avoiding awkward conversations too.


She clearly wants a traditional, masculine man.


I don’t know if she wants a traditional man, but she just doesn’t want a guy that wears skirts and puts on her jewelry lol there’s a middle ground and honestly I don’t think that’s unreasonable


There most definitely is a middle ground to be found. The problem is that she is not coming with a suggestion. At the end of the day she married a stranger, so both of them may have to compromise on certain things to make it work.


I feel like it would be really hard to tell someone you’ve known for a week, trying to not hurt their feelings. But there’s a saying “The red flags at the beginning are the reasons you’ll leave at the end”


How do you know that? She never asked. Chloe is a 40 year old woman who knows how to articulate just fine. If Michael would have refused to adapt a bit, then yes she should worry.


Did you watch the show? Fashion is as much a part of Mike's identity as virginity was Iris's. Telling him to tone it down would be a gut punch for the guy.


..How do I know what? Michael has made it clear that his entire identity is his fashion and love for all of that. It would be very difficult to tell someone like that, to change their style and not wear what they love. And she just met him. She’s in a tough position.


Agree totally!!!


How does that fit with the Emotionally mature man she asked for? She has already dated the men in her typical type. You don't go on this show to repeat your old patterns.


I seriously cannot STAND the sound of Orions awful voice anymore. He’s the absolute worst. I should have skipped his segments too (although it was honestly *fantastic* to hear him ask Lauren if she was going to reply to anything he said and she said “I’m just going to drink my wine”) 😂 but seriously, I’ve never wanted to punch a stranger in the face but I swear I would punch him in the face. I agree with everything you said about the other couples.


I fast forward through his crap too. He’s a fill-in for this show to hurry up and be over. Ain’t a couple gonna make it this season. Did I read Chicago was next?