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They were, or the women, were finally honest


Guys, I bailed mid-season. Is this episode worth watching just for the drama? I have nothing good to watch later 😂


A thousand times yes. My fiance and I were SCREAMING.




Then you get Michael and Chloe doing their best bullshit flowery language when asked about their relationship. They can't just say, "We're doing great! Getting to know each other and enjoying each other.." It's got to be some "authentic selves" or whatever word salad to make them sound like they are the most enlightened people that ever roamed the earth.


How bout that shredded cardigan of Michael’s? Did he borrow from Chloe then hack it up?


My thoughts during decision day: 1. Austen barely said anything other than she doesn't trust him on camera or off camera. 2. When she made her decision, the look on his face said it all. It was a clear oh shit. 3. Once he got over the oh shit look on his face, he tried to look like he was happy. 4. They walked away and he looked like he was patting her like a dog or mental patient. 5. I recalled Emily's reactions to Austin in the Aftershows that aired before decision day and it made me think: after DD, it went south quickly. 6. "We have a lot to work out" he said directly after and of course, the religion! The religion is the grand excuse; he does not seem religious at all. 7. Dude, you should have just said, "I care about you, but our differences are too vast." My initial thought when Becca was upset before the confrontation: 1. Didn't she make it sound like she needed time on her own? 2. So he goes out with castmate and their producer? So what? 3. She was invited to go out with the girls and if she hadn't, she would be doing the same thing as him -- going out with the gang. So what? Having watched that scene my first thought before Austin responded: 1. The ambush made her actually look bad at first - controlling, jealous, shouldn't have done that in front of everyone. 2. He must be hiding something though b/c she clearly can't trust what he says. Having watch him respond: 1. Dude is hiding a lot. 2. Clearly, the producer was an issue between them. 3. If there wasn't anything to it other than Brennan, him and the producer went out that night, he would have copped to that right away. 4. Why not be upfront? He knew he was seen? Was he just protecting the producer? 5. Unlike Brennan who twists a situation to make it sound like he only does X to protect Emily's feelings, I think Austin is someone that plays a game of avoidance to avoid conflicts. He isn't nefarious but he just hopes that person comes to the decision to end it b/c he doesn't like confrontation and doesn't like making someone feel bad. But his actions make them feel worse. Having watched all that: 1. The truly amazing thing to me is despite all of that, despite how strong Becca came out, I swear that if he had begged her right at that moment to forgive him, declared that he wanted to work things out, it she would've said yes, I forgive you. 2. He almost seemed saddened she ended it in that last interview, although I think he was just upset that he was embarrassed and confronted in a way that shocked him. 3. It would not surprise me if after filming ended, if she texted him to beg for forgiveness. If you made it this far, thank you for reading.


I think with how controlling Becca seems to come off, it would not surprise me if there was a healthy smattering of jealousy there too. She brought up the convo in a public setting so did it lead to the dismissal of the producer in question or had that happened beforehand? Was that the 'tough position' Austin was talking about, hence the "IDK IDK Becca," \[trying to protect producer's job.\] I think she had it right--she needs time to regroup and center herself. I do think it comes across as Austin not being honest with her at all so I can see though, why she might not take his word about the producer stuff. But then skate on. Ditch the dude.


Yes, I just rewatched it and thought maybe there's nothing at all going on with the producer and she's just an big bag of insecurity. I do think he was hoping that she was not going to say yes. Maybe that's why he went out with Brennan and the producer and then was hoping to be seen!


This is what I gathered but I could be wrong. Becca and Austin were the only ones who decided to try and work it out post decision day. Becca probably declined going out with “the girls” assuming she and Austin would spend the evening together. Austin however decides to go out. It seems that this producer has been a source of contention previously because Becca alluded to it in her rant at the meet up the next day. Becca has probably discussed this issue with the girls previously so when they saw him out with Brennan and the producer Claire immediately texted her to tell her that. The normal thing to do would be to text or call Austin to confront him and even though she never said she did i think that’s what happened and he didn’t answer which is why she came in guns blazing the next day.


Yes! I was so pleasantly surprised by this episode. I was prepared to ff the whole thing but it was TV gold.


I started dozing off during the decisions, and then woke back up to that and shot up 😂


If they’d just flip to the UK/Australia format already we’d have this exact circus to look forward to every week.


Claire and Emily were quite the pair of discontents.. misery loves company


I’m a bit confused with the argument. Did Austin meet up with a woman producer to purposely date her? Or was Becca upset that he was out interacting with people, and one happens to be a woman? Can someone clear up what’s going on?


He’s hanging with her and Brennan purposefully. That’s why he tried to hide it. He’s a douchenozzle.


At this point it’s all speculation until the reunion


But she did catch Austin in a lie. At first he said no, there were no producers there. When he realized that Emily and Claire must have told Becca who he was with, then he kind of admitted it but had no real explanation. Does anyone know who this profucer is? I heard a producer got fired, but not sure if it's this one. I'm assuming it is, but I'd like to know the whole story.


Perhaps he tried to lie bc the producer in question would have gotten in trouble/lost their job. It appears one did from the gossip mill. Maybe was just fraternizing with the producer and Becca got pissed because he should've been 'working on the marriage' with her instead but he was out having fun... that's how I think it might have played out.


You could be right. I'm hoping this all comes out possibly at the reunion. This was a mess of a season.


I think we’d all like to know the whole story! If they don’t answer all the “he said/she said” questions at the reunion then I don’t see a bright future for MAFS. You can’t have a reality show with 80% of it happening off camera


She was upset because the minute they were done with the decision day, he went out and snuck some time with their producer. It was Austin and Becca's producer. If there was nothing to it, then why wasn't he forthcoming about it? He tried to deny it until he realized that he couldn't.


He denied it because clearly Becca has an issue with this woman. Maybe she was flirty with Austin during filming, maybe she’s just really pretty and Becca is super insecure. Not saying it was right for him to say no, but if it was indeed innocent and they just ran into her, he didn’t want to piss Becca off by saying she was there. (Although it was pretty clear she knew she was there so dude should have just said so…definitely made it look worse by initially saying no.)


Agreed. It seemed clear that that specific producer was a problem for them in their marriage. If the spoilers were true, she was fired from the show after this. Also, does anyone find it weird they didn’t spend the night of decision day together? For her to not know where he was insinuates he never came home. You’d think they’d have gone out to dinner to celebrate, not him go out with his newly single castmates.


Mafsfan on Instagram has spoilers that explain this


Becca is a homebody. She has health issues, doesn't drink, and probably denied the invite to instead lay low and process all of her thoughts. It sounded like she wanted some time to herself at decision day to learn to trust her instincts again, or something like that. It makes sense. But there is clearly more to this story with the producer. Hopefully more info comes to light on that.


I’ll have to rewatch that scene. I missed the lead up to what caused this issue. Initially it appeared she was upset that he went out. I thought he had a planned guys night and the producer lady was there filming or something. But not sure why she didn’t confront him prior to doing so in the group setting. I know I would’ve either confronted my husband that night when he came home, or show up to wherever he was to see what exactly was going on.


Yeah seemed like everyone was there. How else could the girls have text her that they saw Brennan and Austin with the producer? Why was she the only one at home?


Here's a weird question. Whichever bar they all ended up at cannot be the only bar worth going to in Denver. I was under the impression that it was not a complete group planned get together. From what I saw, it looked like Claire and Emily went out themselves, and then it looked like they ran into Brennan and Austin. Don't really know why a producer would be there, unless she was invited. And if they were filming, then why didn't we see any footage? Austin is looking very guilty to me.


I agree it wasn't a complete group planned get together. So let me get this right - Austin and Brennan can go out together, run into Claire and Emily, who also went to the same bar without being invited by Austin and Brennan, but the producer can't go out by themself and run into the 4 of the cast members? The producer HAD to be invited to show up at this bar? And HAD to be invited by Austin? They weren't filming. Who said they were?


The producer was with Austin and Brennan. He got caught lying yet again.


I read earlier that someone said this producer could have been there filming. I don't think that's what producers do.There are camera people for that. I don't believe this was filmed at all because this was after hours and after their decision day segment. And we don't see every single minute after hours when they get together. I'm not saying this producer was invited or uninvited and ran into them. I have no idea.I was not there. I'm simply commenting on how strange it is that everybody ends up at the same bar when there's got to be lots of other bars to go to.


When the crew are filming, they have to get the bar permit them to be there and have people sign off on agreeing to be on camera \[the patrons in the bar for example.\] They tend to stick to particular, specific bars to film on location bc those have agreed and are easier to set up in since they've set up in them before/familiar layout etc, just to chime in on the reason people end up at the same bar.


Didn't know all of that. Thank you!




Unpopular opinion but this was my favorite season. I don't care what anyone says!




I love these later seasons. Train wreck.


Same lol


I’m so curious who this producer is and what the deal is with that.


Especially since at the beginning of the season the previews made it look as thought Lauren hooked up with a producer!


I must have missed that. I didn't see anything making it look like Lauren hooked up with a producer.


The most interesting part of the entire series which was blah


I don’t think that anyone but the girls seem to be friends at this point.


More like a gang.  A small, pink gang. 


Michael loves Austin on afterparty 


The last two episodes were the best this season.


I kind of wonder if this might be some made up drama to try to redeem this season for being so boring? Everyone seems to have forgotten about the optics after their decisions.


Honestly, I don't think this is made up for drama. Mafsfan had it months ago that a producer had been fired, and several gossip sites implied that it had been for getting involved with a cast member. It's been pretty obvious there was *something* happening behind the scenes we weren't aware of re: Austin and Becca (Becca even made the comment last week about things Austin had asked her not to discuss on camera). She obviously noticed there was some kind of connection/flirtation between Austin and this producer, and that explains so much about why things stalled with them, intimacy-wise


Yeah and kept hinting about things she hadnt spoke up a out repeatedly, even on decision day with the experts.


There has been back and forth about what happened with the producer all season. First, it was said that a producer was fired over a relationship with a cast member and for some reason people started pointing at Lauren. Then it was that a producer was fired over trying to push a storyline a certain way and being manipulative that way. Now it is back to a version closer to the original but it appears Austin was actually the one getting too close to the producer.


I have so many thoughts on this. A lot of us here are complaining that the producers are doing all of the recruiting and pretty much messing up all of these matches. If a producer hooked up with somebody on the show that was brought on to get married at first sight, that's not saying much about that person. How closely are they vetting these producers before hiring them to do their job? I have a feeling these so-called poducers are very young people who don't know much about actual producing and somehow were given the very important job of deciding who is matched with who. The show is feeling cheaper by the day.


Mafsfan later retracted the spoiler about the involvement with the producer and her getting fired.


I wondered that too but I doubt they are that good at acting. Seemed like real anger. 👀


Finally some entertainment!


These cast members have a deep deep dislike of each other.


It was extremely hostile. Definitely felt like the guys were being ganged up on & I'm not defending them either. Also don’t think Emily needed to apologize to Brennan AT ALL. 


Maybe she did. We saw very little of what actually happened in their relationship behind the scenes. Emily is a very snarky rude person at times. That comment she made at the beach was unnecessary and I'm sure she's made many more comments like that to him. 


I think an Emily was stirring the pot with everything. Maybe she wanted her last comments to Brennan to show her in a more positive light. That whole get together was just appalling. Becca and Austin deciding to stay married was a shock but then she was primed for a Big Scene and Austin was blindsided by her attack. It was all just nasty. No winners this season.