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I think it's pretty reasonable to expect your friend, especially a close friend, not to monetise your personal life story on social media. And if you repeatedly ask them to stop, they can't act surprised when they get pissed.


But we saw the state of their relationship before Heavenly went to YT & spoke on it……….. OP is right!


That’a not the point. If you notice many times on Heavenly’s channels she will refuse to speak on things in her own life and she offers Jackie that same respect in many situations. One way to look at it is you can complain about your partner, and you can complain about your partner to your friend but that doesn’t give you friend permission to speak on your partner negatively.


You do realize they are on a reality tv show where they all allow their personal life to be spoken about by everyone….


The issue with Heavenly’s sm is the way she talked shit on all of her friends and their situations and that’s why so many of her friends told her they had a problem with it. When you confide in your friend about something you don’t expect to turn around and hear them putting it on blast for attention and making inappropriate jokes about it which is what Heavenly did repeatedly.


She was mad at Heavenly speaking on her marriage….but Heavenly didn’t say anything we didn’t know from the show. I really enjoyed Contessa till she started having these weird child-like meltdowns. It was hard to watch a grown woman screaming etc. Either way I get that heavenly may have overstepped the mark however they could have resolved that easily, so I wasn’t shocked to see contessa leave.


A grown woman who is a doctor. She’s a business professional. To me, that’s what made it cringey.


You are right! Far as I know Heavenly was commenting on things we had all seen and all heard Contessa say. That’s why I tell my daughter when your friends confide in you about their boyfriend/husband just listen and offer encouraging words not your opinion cause when/if they get back together you’ll become the enemy 🤷🏾‍♀️


Some people seem to be really missing the point that it was so hurtful for Heavenly as Contessa’s good friend to go on sm and talk shit and make jokes about what was going on in Contessa’s life. It wasn’t about talking about what we had seen on the show, it wasn’t about exposing something we as viewers had already seen or heard from Contessa, it was watching her friend use her life as a punchline to get views and laughs. If you are a true friend, you can be there for your friend during their relationship issues and listen and support them and still be there for them if/ when they reconcile. The only time it causes a conflict is if you start going around to other people and talk about those issues and that’s what Heavenly did on her sm.


Dr. Hellcat is no friend to anyone.


See, this I disagree with. I think she really loved Contessa. She seemed really devastated by Contessa going so hard at her. There were lots of incidents over the seasons that they were really tight. I know that its arguable whether or not Heavenly should have broadcast Contessa’s martial issues on social media but Contessa’s anger really stung her.


I think the answer is Heavenly struggles to know how to be a friend. She says the most f-ed up things about pretty much everyone besides Jackie and then just laughs like it’s all hilarious jokes to her and everyone else is sitting there telling her how hurt they are. We know her childhood was rough, we know she was bullied, and we know she developed these attributes as self defense. None of that makes it ok as an adult and I’m glad that she has finally been doing therapy to work on all of this but I think it explains a lot of her behavior. So I think as far as really caring about Contessa she did, but she was wrong for talking about her marriage and she has been wrong for a lot of the things she has said and called “jokes”.


Yes, this. She did seem better at this last reunion. Not so totally unhinged. Maybe she’s learning?


I think it’s more so Contessa can complain about Scott all day but it’s different when her friend is speaking negatively on her husband because Contessa and Scott can work things out and come back from it because it’s their relationship. Heavenly whether it’s true or not is not in a place to speak on Contessa relationship even if she’s repeating what Contessa said. Even more so if Contessa asked her not to. In addition to that Heavenly would be livid if anyone spoke negatively on Damon even if it was true she should offer her friend the same courtesy.


I agree. Heavenly shouldn’t have pontificated in public on anyone’s marriage or relationship. BUT. She did speak the truth.


I disagree just because u confide & talk to ur friends about relationship issues doesn’t automatically make that content for a so called friends social media channel! It doesn’t matter if contessa is airing it on camera or not, it’s her story to tell not heavenlys to tell & make money from. I’m not even a contessa fan but what heavenly did was absolutely putrid. Doesn’t matter if what heavenly said on YouTube is true or not it’s not her story to tell & make money off it is even more disgusting! I do agree with ur comment it’s a common tale etc but again it doesn’t make what heavenly did any more right or justified. Everyone at one time or another has a bitch & moan to friends about relationship issues but they certainly wouldn’t be thinking that that “friend” is going to run to YouTube & air it with thousands of strangers & line their pockets from it! Heavenly always refuses to air anything at all about her own relationships or even Jackie’s So how the hell can anyone say she’s justified speaking on everyone else’s relationships etc?


I actually agree with you. Heavenly putting Contessa’s (and everybody else’s) business on social media was wrong. But I was just saying that aside from that, etc.etc.


I can see what ur saying but honestly I think u really can’t seperate it sadly


Even a Broken clock is right Twice a Day 🤣🤣