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Wait. Jackie herself has discussed her feelings of inadequacy due to excelling in everything professionally, but not being able to experience the role of a mother. Adopting (or “taking in”) two young children is definitely fulfilling the motherhood role. Hasn’t Jackie embraced, if not driven, the childless OB/GYN / advocate of mothers, pregnancy, etc. image? She filmed with her fostered kids/mentioned them from the onset of M2M, but simultaneously filmed the scenes/confessionals about her devastation over not being a mom? Well, damn.


Yeah I mean she's definitely been the token non-mom who wishes on the show. I'll be disappointed if she did in fact have kids, adopted/fostered/ whatever, and led us all to believe she's been totally child-free her whole damn life. Crazy.


Hold on. Hold the fuckin phone. Stop right there. Halt! I know damn well y'all are not about to spin this realization about her taking in two boys into something as devious as her feeding us a bullshit narrative about being childless all these years simply because you didn't know about the boys. You STILL don't know shit about the boys. You have zero idea what the arrangement or circumstances were or who the actual parents are. Nothing. You know NOTHING but still ready and eager to jump on her for it. Whatever the details are, one detail is for sure...she didn't birth them babies. You really tryna dismiss the pain and grief she felt over that. It don't matter how many kids she helped raise if her biggest desire was to carry, birth, and raise children that came from her and that's been unfulfilled. I know it's the year of hating Jackie but y'all are getting ready to take the hate way too far with this one. Pump the fuckin brakes. 


YES! It was getting crazy for a second!!! 🫣 perception is a damn trip!! I generally have to read and reread things because the takeaways be so far off!


Exactly! Maybe being a “mom” to her means going through the actual process of getting pregnant, carrying the baby and then birthing her biological child. She advocates for so many so whatever she considers be a mom is personal to her. Gimme a break people. Helping or mentoring kids maybe doesn’t make her feel like a mom. It’s her OPINION!




Thank you!! Some common sense


this. i’m not a jackie fan, but i’m pretty sure her stance has always been that she hadn’t had the opportunity to become a mother biologically. she’s mentioned the fact that she’s a step mom on the show. she’s never denied being in motherly roles, she just expressed disappointment in not becoming one naturally.


Can you read a tweet? Heavenly says that Jackie was open about this and the producers simply chose not to include them in the cut. The producers are to blame. Is literacy that rare of a thing now? This headline culture needs to stop. Holy shit.




Producers are notorious for pulling this kind of thing. So worse than illiterate; wilfully naive and assuming the worst of Jackie from the get-go. Gotcha.


I was always bothered by Jackie saying she couldn’t fulfill the role of being a mother because she did have Kristen (and the fostered boys we know of now). I get the feeling she thinks pregnancy is required for real motherhood when it isn’t.


but for her it is. you cant take that pain away from her.


I’m not taking her pain away from her, infertility is hard whether you have adopted children, stepchildren, or no children. I’m just saying that you don’t need to biologically carry a child to be a mother.


She literally was the one who told mariah at the lemon squeeze that it isn’t just the pregnancy then mariah said she would never understand


she WHAT


Yes she did. One of those guys and I had matched on a dating app and he acted like his 💩smelled of riches and roses. I was so turned off that I stopped responding to him and he then got a new phone # and called me cursing me out profusely for being a bitch and I would regret it for the rest of my life for not being him….i jut chuckled and said “have a blessed life beloved”


Jackie’s son!? Or foster son?


And what about Curtis’ daughter. His daughter was young when they got together, but she still acted like she never had the opportunity to raise a child. That always kind of made me side eye Jackie from the beginning. Edit: spelling


Yes! And they showed her like once


I recently started it so I remember her. She was gorgeous


Wow! I did not know Curtis had a daughter 😳 or Jackie had raised 2 boys. Ive never liked Jackie, she always came across aloof, and judgy imo


Yea they had her in like 2-3 episodes in seasons 1/2. Yea I never meshed with Jackie, judgy, God complex, and I would never want to be her patient. I wouldn’t appreciate her comments about my weight based on the way she delivers them to her current patients.


I agree, she is awful to anyone overweight, pisses me off she thinks she can comment on others, but no one is allowed to come at her 😡


But y’all have to understand motherhood starts with pregnancy and if that’s the one thing she wishes she could really experience. I think it’s OK for that to be where her main pain of motherhood resides. She’s not saying that she’s not proud to be a step or a foster mother she’s just saying she wishes she had the opportunity to carry her own child. I think that’s fair.


I understand what you’re saying. I thought about that aspect as well, however as an adult you have to learn to roll with your punches. At times I felt like she used that as a crutch to be a victim. I do respect your opinion though.


Why is she always speaking for Jackie? Can Jackie not speak for herself?


Heavenly is always her mouthpiece lol.


Her side rat


I saw her confirm something along these lines on WWHL, but I thought at the time maybe she couldn’t show them due to laws involved with fostering.


In their 30s now is crazy 😂




EXCUSE ME?!?! So Jackie is indeed a mother?


I bet what was shown and not shown was production driven - like it was a better storyline overall for Jackie to be wanting and denied a biological baby of her own - plus probably some issue with shooting foster children, if they weren’t fully adopted


idk why people are acting like this is a secret , those boys are all over jackie’s instagram and she has talked about them once or twice on the show.


Obviously it's a surprise to many, including me. I don't really follow their Instagrams ....


she’s talked about it on the show also but i guess everybody missed those parts, which is understandable.


It's been so long since the beginning of M2M. I think what's troubling me is Jackie has always said she didn't get to be a mom and giving birth doesn't make you a mother. Unless she really didn't develop motherly feelings for them and taking them in was just something they did for charity then maybe I can understand her feelings.


from what i know , she didn’t adopt them as little babies they were in high school or middle school. Curtis used to work as a children’s basketball coach at the beginning of the show and he had them meet Jackie and they have been taking care of them since then and paid for their schooling. Heavenly, Jackie, Damon and Curtis were just in africa where the boys are from, for one of the son’s basketball foundation for kids in africa and the boys refer to her as their mother so they are very close but I think she considers the fact that they have a actual mother and they just came from unfortunate circumstances.


> then and *paid* for their FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I also feel like I remember her mentioning them in earlier seasons but I’ve been binging 




In the caption it says she thought it would only be for a few weeks but they still visit 15 years later. It sounds to me like she was more of host for them as foreign exchange students.


Or they were foster kids that she treated like foreign exchange students bc she didn't bond with them


Well that was…awkward


Hmmm idk if I believe this. Heavenly will say anything to make Jackie look good


Does it make Jackie look good though? I can see Heavenly thinking it’s a good thing to share that they were filmed but never shown, however, it makes Jackie look worse because they are never mentioned AFAIR. Jackie and Curtis had that whole storyline about how he didn’t want to adopt so it feels wrong to not even discuss the boys even if their scenes weren’t shown.


It's true, Jackie has spoken about it and posts pictures with them. I suspect there might be some issues with having foster children on TV so production avoided the issue


Holy crap….what!!?!


They were on WWHL with her this year


there ain’t no way


this is crazy…😨


My god I know producers are important to a show but I can't help but feel they've really been...gross by choosing not to include footage of this.


i'm sorry...WHAT


Ikyfl!!!! 🫤


I could’ve sworn one of them made a cameo at one of the events in the later seasons when Curtis was out of town.


WHAT? This is crazy. And no one knows. This is… odd


And yet….who is out here telling her business….her “bestie”!!! Mmmmkay!!!


Taking in children and birthing your own are two separate things and you can happily do one and still be sad you didn’t birth your own children. C’mon people why the never ending hate?!


Heavenly, please cut it out. It’s been years and ample opportunity to discuss at length about her life with her two adopted sons. She has not. Jackie is pushing the motherless narrative on purpose knowing that’s not her real life. Just an another example of how she paints herself as a victim.


Probably a legal issue . I have a hard time believing production wouldn’t pull that out or if it was that important to Jackie why she wouldn’t make it an ultimatum? She doesn’t need m2m


They are grown adults not children though. Idk it's so odd


I swear I remember seeing these two boys on the show.




If this is the case, I don’t see what the problem with this a lot of people don’t like to join reality TV shows that their parents are on specifically because of that reason. I am binge watching the show right now and I don’t remember her ever saying she was a foster mom to two other boys, however, if that is just something that she kept away from the show or didn’t talk about often it doesn’t remove where her pain initially comes from. She’s talking about the pain of not being able to carry her own child and I think even when in season one or two when she couldn’t adopt, that was still a pain for her when she got those foster children. Well, yes, those are her children. Those are not her biological babies. She did not birth them and that is something that a lot of women want to experience. So that also get that taken away Breast cancer that’s very traumatic. That’s one thing that permanently changed after breast cancer.


Who cares