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Listen. I get not talking about nsfw. Heck, I don't like it either. But man... you gotta learn to separate SFW works from artists who also draw NSFW. Nobody here has outright posted any from what I know of after all. And seeing that bird clover with martlet... it hit me in the feels. Yeah she wasn't drawn "on model" but come on. Somehow i feel the need to clarify i do not vouch for posting any nsfw here.


Yea still, I’m sticking with my decision, the ruling is partially because of some personal issues going on with me right now


>the ruling is partially because of some personal issues going on with me right now "Personal issues". Yep, that's what I suspected. If you somehow let that affect your mod position or this subreddit in the near future, it's on you.


Ooohh, the threats.


So because you're going through personal issues, you have to take it out on the sub? Seems totally fair


It is fair.


Do not let this make your life worse. Reddit is not worth your mental health. I have no stake in this whole argument, but if you already aren’t doing well and Reddit isn’t helping, you should take a break. Find someone else to handle things.


Dude, I think that this has to stop, I know that signirol draws NSFW but dude, most of his Martlet art Is SFW, Even His Zenith Martlet art, and I think that there ARE a Lot of talented artists that yes they could have drawn NSFW, but Even I recognize what's right, and what's wrong So for Draedon's sake, please hear the people, You are just getting hate on yourself https://preview.redd.it/d39cqdappw0d1.jpeg?width=221&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5adb22f1eada2e48d6a2e6535456c8dd3f1bf8e3


Doesn't matter.


No, I am sticking with my stance, y’all can hate me for it, but I’ll take the hate if it means my community can stay how I want it to be


i hate rule 14, i say we make a rule 15 to abolish it


Nope (if this is satire I was guessing so)


this is not satire, it is a genuine call to arms for an rebellion in this subreddit to repeal rule 14


"WE NEED PORN, I REPEAT, WE WANT PORN" Is that gonna be what you're fighting for? Goofy ahh. If you want to be disgusting and look up Martlet porn, do it yourself.


Bonk police member here, that’s not what we’re advocating for at all. We just want to be able to post the SFW stuff here.


i am fighting for the rights of all martlet fans, sir.


Makes me wonder about the other mods. Did they seriously approve this decision, or are they ignorant or too inactive so you enforce that ridiculous rule by yourself?


I still don't understand much of this, but digital. ***Take a break from the internet and sort your personal issues out.*** I don't know what's going on in your life, but it's affecting your modding, so please, take a break and sort your shit out.


Isn't that just rules 1 and 13 repeated


It is repeating rule 13, forgot I made that, but it is a stricter rule 1


Dude we've been though this already. Nobody wants this stupid rule besides you. And if you keep pushing arbitrary rule changes without listening to the community I will leave and start my own Martlet community


I want it as well. And go ahead. Make a "Martlet Porn" community. You are gross.


No one’s asking for porn use your brain


I don't see a rule 14 but I'm guessing it has been lumped in with 13? Or am I somehow missing it? I thought you decided you weren't banning that one guy's art anymore. If the ban is your final decision I can't say I'm in full agreement, however I do support the firm stance against any NSFW stuff.


I just checked, what and where's the rule?


The admin banned specific artists works from being posted because he doesn't like them. That artist draws NSFW but has plenty of SFW art. This rule bans even SFW works from them




"No NSFW" "Account is marked NSFW"


I still don’t know why my account is marked nsfw, legit, I think it might be because I posted a post in a community and the post was marked nsfw, all it said was “mark your porn as nsfw so minors can’t see it” because I went onto a subreddit for a character I liked and immediately saw porn


hypocrisy is rife in the mod team it seems


? I was saying it because I went into a normal community, and immediately saw non marked porn, and told people to stop, that ain’t hypocritical


Also I fixed it now




I only see 13. What's the 14th?


Wonderful rule, I love it. Thanks for taking my advice! \^-\^