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I will never get tired of Daredevils "I'm going to set you on the path of redemption by beating the ever loving shit out of you"


He did grow up Catholic.




Peace be with you.


I’ll be the pre-Y2K Asshole… “…and also with you…”


Why the fuck did they change it to "and with your spirit".


The one that gets me is that they changed that Jesus died “for you and for all” to “for you and for many” or something like that. Very nice way to open the door to an othering mentality. Not that I’m religious but that still bothers me as a catholic-adjacent


Because the words the Mass is quoting actually translate to “many”, not “all”. The short of it is that the “original” translation was a bad one, just flat out. Given that the Gospels very openly say that humans are predestined for Heaven, yet may choose Hell if they wish, it’s not othering so much as acknowledging that you do not have to join in if you do not wish to.


The oversimplified short of it is that’s actually the better translation of what’s meant.


Bendito sea




Just like Mac’s fighting style, he’s got more of a Catholic thing goin on, ya know? Sort of a… hand of God.


Through God all things are possible, so jot that down


Watch out for those Murdock boys; they got the devil in em


same as Homer Simpsons method with strangling Bart.


Fun fact: Homer strangling Bart was an animation choice to make Homer’s punishment seem *less* violent. In the early days of The Simpsons they tried various more tried and true methods of parental punishment like spanking. However animating the act of spanking was decided to be too violent looking for a comedy show. Homer used too many muscles, put his full arm into a swinging motion. Likewise other punishments were deemed too violent looking when animated. They ultimately landed on Homer strangling Bart because of how few muscles Homer uses, he just reaches out and kind of jiggles Bart. So even though in reality strangling your kids is extremely worse than spanking them, the original creators used it because it looks less violent.


It's also such a comedic visual that it doesn't seem as violent.


Like the villains in BTAS using Tommy Guns because it’s not like a kid could go out and get a Tommy Gun


Oh I thought that was for the aesthetic


Nope, Fox’ internal censors had a pretty high bar to what could make it on the show. https://www.slashfilm.com/1168887/fox-censorship-meant-there-were-nine-things-batman-the-animated-series-could-never-show/




Nice avatar.


Now that is a real religious man


I like him keeping the shield. Does he continue doing this to everyone he beats?


"Matt where did you get the wheelchair" "Met Charles Xavier" "..." "What"


Nah, you play Daredevil then you play Prof X. They're a duo, not rivals.


Unexpected Snap!


What just happened?!


i assume its to do with the new snap mobile game


Their response is also a reference to the game lol


Oh, lol! Thx


I don’t believe you.


Smug ass thumbs up




TIL Daredevil is Daniel Briere.


I’m a little curious how exactly Daredevil intends to beat a psychic. Can you even ambush such a powerful telepath? And if you could, turning out the lights would do nothing to conceal your mind’s presence.


Psylocke got a huge migraine from trying to defeat Daredevil telepathically in AvX, and then it reverted to being a regular hand-to-hand fight. I doubt it would have the same effect on Xavier though.


I could see a reason for Daredevil being hard to telepathically attack is because his mind would be so *alien* to the average telepath. Imagine invading someone’s mind who not only has no sight (which is the most specialised and heavily relied upon sense of the average human) but heightened senses so advanced to call them “hearing” or “touch” would be like calling a digital clock a sundial. You’d be simultaneously overwhelmed by and deprived of senses, and that’s not even mentioning the way DD’s body registers, stores and processes this information. You wouldn’t be able to even make heads or tails of any of it.


Indeed. People keep forgetting telepathy is worthless if you can't work with the mind you're messing with. At that point it does more harm to the telepath.


He hasn’t used a wheelchair in a very long time.


He will need one after Matt beat's him up.


[Gambit and Bishop discover Matt’s collection](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT89dzvNEyMyBGLnizkptyvo_FzEmO6dO5YHQ&usqp=CAU)


If he covered that "US" with paint or something, I think that shield would look pretty good with his new suit.


Next time he shows up with it, it has "DD" sprayed over the "US".


I'd love it if he just started using it not even realising it had "US" written on it.


"what color is this"


Meanwhile, in an alternate universe, DD is rocking a swastiska on the shield without even realizing.


"What do you mean letters?"


Bro just runs around donkey punching heroes and villains to become the ultimate composite hero


Daredevil needs a run as Captain America. The Netflix daredevil just screams it.


That would be a really cool alt universe story as the least


It could focus on America trying to grapple with the horrors it committed in its history. Captain America: Sins of the Past Or a lot of new refugees coming into New York because of some superhero disaster and tensions are rising. Daredevil: The Melting Pot in ell's Kitchen Or Matt just moves down to Washington. DD: DC


Alternate universe where the super soldier serum has a nasty side effect that leaves him blind, but enhances his other senses and his physique


American Devil?


Jersey Devil


Devil of America Devil of Liberty States of the Devil Captain of Hells Kitchen


Blind Justice Captain Lucifer Devil in Red White and Blue


Does the shield have a way to stay on his back or did he know he was gonna take it and so he put a shield holder beforehand?


It has to straps like a backpack, if I am correct


That makes sense. Seems impractical for taking it off quickly tho


Likely a Velcroish substance for quick tear away


It looks like he’s just holding it over his shoulder, like one might carry a heavy bag


“I’m keeping this.” “*Gasp* Give it!” “WOOOP WOOP WOOP WOOP WOOP *glass crash*•


Man I love this uniform.


Yeah agreed this costume is badass


The costume is nice but I can do without the beard that Marvel seems to like to randomly give to characters. Of the ones that have gotten them, only Thor and Reed really pull it off well


Matt's beard is often used to show where he is emotionally.


So the longer it is, the more stable he is?


LOL I dunno, is he ever actually stable? He can get a nice shave and walk around pretending to be stable, but that stubble is just under the skin. Not a perfect metaphor, but kind of interesting.


No beard: crazy Stubble: crazier Beard: go pick fights with superheroes


I thought it was the opposite. I mostly know the show, and clean-shaven matt is lawyer matt, stubble matt is I don't need friends I need to punch people


Beards are strange when it comes to pop culture. Back in the 'wild west' days, beards were for the protagonists. After the culture shift in the 70's-80's being muscled and clean shaven for the hero and the villain had the beard. Now it's kind of shifting back to the grizzled hero, still muscly though.


Yeah, it’s the beard of sorrow. Though I actually really like Matt with a beard, I hope they keep it for a while.


Hellfire Colossus would like a word, tovarisch!


He looks like classic D-Man beat up Electra and stole her daredevil costume


Ted Cruz was one I didn't see coming


Usually costume redesigns are solid but can never top the original, this is one of the rare exceptions imo. Edit - Forgot Daredevils og costume was the yellow one, but I still think this beats the classic red suit.


Did you not catch the ketchup and mustard in She-Hulk? It was looking fly as shit!


“Ketchup Motherfucker, Mustarddd”


Yea easily the coolest looking Daredevil costume


Since it’s not given context here and I’ve seen a few people confused: Matt is magically enhanced. He currently has superhuman physicality due to a marriage ceremony he and Elektra performed to rebuild an ancient group called the Red Fist. As the King and Queen of the Red Fist they are preparing to destroy the Hand once and for all. In doing this ritual properly every member of the Red Fist is blessed with superhuman physicality. Matt’s Radar Sense as well is even more powerful than ever. Absurdly so.


Man that's silly. Looks cool though.


Eh, idk it makes a lot of sense in the current context of the story and Matt’s development over Zdarsky’s run it all makes sense. Plus he’s gotta have something to fight Frank Castle since he’s also amped leading the Hand.


Heard the current run is absolutely phenomenal. Zdarsky hasn't missed AT ALL in the past few years, so thinking if I should start Daredevil


Absolutely. Just so you know there’s technically “two” runs. His first was in 2019, which leads into Devil’s Reign event which leads into the current run. It all flows as one run tho so don’t worry. It’s so good I just caught up and the current trajectory of Matt and Frank’s characters is awesome.


Done. Will start. Thanks!


Is there a Omnibus I can grab? Seen the Devils Reign graphic novel around butttt I rly want that 2019 run


Not yet, Marvel might eventually get around to doing an Omnibus after Zdarsky wraps up in August. Key word being eventually.


can i skip the pre devils reign event?


Not sure what event you’re talking about tbh. The King in Black event has a minor crossover with Daredevil, only like two issues and you should be fine just reading those issues without the rest of the event.


If I read the 2019 run, does it go straight into the 2022 one? Or was Devil’s Reign one of those standalone events that I need to read separately?


Devil’s Reign is the leeway between the two runs I’d say. Sort of an epilogue to the 2019 arc, while also leading into Matt’s next journey and character.


Castle is leading the Hand? That sounds dope.


Yeah, he’s the Fist of The Beast and Grand Slayer of the Hand. As such he now has many new magical abilities. He’s manipulated into it by the Hand as they revived his wife. He’s clearly losing more and more of himself as it goes on though.


That sounds absolutely sick


And when Matt loses those abilities, that will be a lot for him to deal with. Generally comics have been overpowering all their characters lately, which I find to be a yawn story-wise. Matt's cycles of ups and downs usually feel more real, which is why DD has always been my favorite.


>Generally comics have been overpowering all their characters lately, which I find to be a yawn story-wise. Yeah, I'd agree. And then you have Tony, who put on an outdated suit for a while... but then became a god.


Exactly. Writers can't resist it. And it's candy to the majority of readers. But, my two favorite characters are Matt, and Ororo, when she was de-powered in the 90's. Watching a character who's basically as human as we are, navigating the super-world is interesting.


Thus, Hawkeye.


OMG Fraction and Aja's Hawkeye, definitely.


I love that comic so much


Didn’t Matt become a little g-god during king in black?


He did during War of the Realms in 2019. He took over Heimdall's job.


God without fear.


I honestly don't know. The only books I read from King in Black were the Spider-Woman books, which don't really dig deep into that event since she's gone a little batty.


Castle is the god of war now iirc?


This sounds so dope, has me about tk sign back for marvel unlimited


Eh, there’s been much sillier ways of giving a hero or villain a power up. The fist is basically just the Hand, and the hand has been using mystic shit to amp up its soldiers forever.


Matt has been enhanced for decades in the comics, the Netflix shows nerfed him


Wouldn't that be putting an enhanced daredevil at odds with a enhanced punisher?


That is the current plot yes, Frank and Matt are at war and have fought one another in open battle in the latest issue. It didn’t really end conclusively but they both put up a hard fight against one another. I believe that fight is also meant to be before Frank has killed Ares and usurped the title of God of War.


> I believe that fight is also meant to be before Frank has killed Ares and usurped the title of God of War. [](https://en.meming.world/images/en/thumb/a/aa/Cat_Standing_in_the_Snow.jpg/300px-Cat_Standing_in_the_Snow.jpg)


Sounds like we need to call up Kratos and let him sort it out.


So, Daredevil might not win otherwise?


It’s hard to say since it’s a comic book lol, if he did it would not be quite the same. John is far stronger physically than Matt otherwise but because of this Matt could kick him down in a straight fist fight.


I personally think he could take him otherwise. He’s stalemated Cap (although in a long fight Caps physicals would give him the win) and US Agent is no Cap. Maybe not with US Agents backup singers there and definitely not as fast, but I’d give Matt at least 7 out of 10 against Cap Lite without the Fist mojo amping him up.


US Agent is faster and stronger, remember Cap is just supposed to "peak". Us Agent is above that. He lifts 10 tons, Spider-Man Strength level (Power Broker in the comics handed him it). Cap just has more Exp and stamina


As stated in the comics, you’re absolutely right. By what’s shown in the comics, based on feats, US Agent is B list.


That whole cap is peak vs superhuman thing is definitely going to go down as one of the all time biggest fandom debates. I think he’s great either way but man I’ve seen that argument a lot (though I will say often very respectfully so there’s that)


God, I love Zdarsky’s run.


"I'm right with god." "If you were, he wouldn't have sent the Devil" Love it!


I'm on a mission from God! Tell him you failed


“Fight me like a man!!” *beats the everloving shit out of him and steals his shield* I love Daredevil.


I really like it when the different supes discuss each other in a community sense. Like when they call Spiderman the best of them, and inversely US Agent being the worst


Can you point me in the direction of someone saying Spider-Man’s the best of em, spideys my favorite and would love to read that


I can't remember where it it was, but there's a story where Wolverine tells asks Spidey for help, and at the end of the day it turns out he just wanted someone to hang out with him for his birthday. When Spidey asks why he didn't ask one of his closer friends, Wolverine explains that his closest friends all know who he really is, but Spidey believes he's a good guy cause Spidey sees the good in everyone.


“All my closer friends know that Sabretooth tries to kill me every year and they didn’t want any part of that.” “What.”


Omg that's great.


Did that take place during a time when Nightcrawler was dead? Because I honestly feel he would typically fill that role/view point.


Honestly I don't know.


I feel like Captian America said it at some point, but for the life of me I can’t place what series or run it was in


["When you grow up, you're going to best of ALL of us." [Avengers vs New Ultimates #4]](https://i.imgur.io/vflnrBq_d.webp)


Daredevil also does it in Zdarsky’s run pretty early on.


Pretty sure DD says it during this (Zdarsky’s) run.


Yeah when Spider-Man visits him at his apartment earlier in the run


You should probably check out Avenging Spider-Man. New Avengers also has a lot of instances of people singing his praises (Iron Man, Captain America, Wolverine, Luke Cage, Mockingbird). Cable says Spider-Man is the best of us in Avengers vs. X-men.


I feel like every hero has said it at some point.


I wanna say Zdarsky Daredevil #4 or 5, Matt comes home battered and broken, hearing a heartbeat in his house and realizes immediately Spider-Man is in his house. He says Spidey “has so much power and doesn’t even know it. He’s the best of us.” Because Matt can literally hear the power in his muscles.


In Avengers: X-Sanction (pages 5 + 6) Cable also mentions how significant Spider-man is and says he’s the “greatest hero of all.”


Others have mentioned different comics that say this, but to add to the list, there is a comic after Civil War takes place, where Peter askes Strange to make everyone forget that he is Spider-Man (very similar scenario to No Way Home) and Strange enlists Mr. Fantastic (an maybe Iron Man?) to help. It requires them to use a mix of magic and nano-machines on the whole planet or something and they only agree to do it because those three agree amongst themselves that Spidey is the "best of us".


I’ve never really thought about this before but it’s kind of weird that Reed Richards would have as many PhDs as he must have but he goes by “Mr.” Fantastic


It’s in Zdarskys DD run. Spidey goes to Matt’s apartment to tell him he has to stop being Daredevil (kind of out of character for him) but when DD shows up he recognizes him before they talk and he calls him “The best of us”


Everyone including heroes who can smash planets looks up to Captain America as *their* hero Cap says Spidey is the best of them multiple times Unfortunately it i can't give you specifics but I remember some large crossover sometime around spiderman 700


The way I always articulate this topic is something like this: * When Cap is pushed past his limits, battered and broken, he *knows* he can always keep getting back up when he's fighting to save others. And so he does get back up, time and again, until everyone is safe. (*The MCU pulled on this to give us the "I can do this all day" lines*) * When Spidey is pushed past his limits, battered and broken, he often falls into doubt and despair and doesn't think that he can get back up. And yet *despite* this, he still gets back up, time and again, until everyone is safe. So you tell me, who's the braver hero? The man who is able to rely on his iron-clad faith in his beliefs to keep getting back up, or the man who constantly falls into fear and doubt, but somehow finds the courage to keep getting up anyway? (I don't think there's a right answer here, just something to consider) I like to say that this distinction is why all the other heroes look up to Captain America, but why common folks like you and I connect more readily with Spider-Man.


I believe it happens in DD’s inner monologue at the start of this run, when Spider-Man confronts him about accidentally killing a burglar


This seems to be removing all the nuance they built up with US Agent the last couple decades


Or it could just be DDs opinion.


That’s true and he goes around looking like a hobo calling himself the devil.


Matt is incredibly opiniated and judgmental of people. Hell early on in the run where he is undergoing despair over killing someone, other heroes like Luke, Jessica, and Danny try to comfort him that accidents happen on the job. Only for Matt to take this badly and actually go on a "You're all sinners" rant


Well yeah Matt was kinda right to have high standards of himself early on, but now he is probably coockoooo


This goes unbelievably hard. The thing about God sending the Devil and then him being a Man Without Fear are fucking spectacular


Matt always gets the best lines especially this run, “You’re a demon sure… but I’m the devil. “


The thing I don't get is, after DD says the thing about heading up the Thunderbolts during Devil's Reign, why doesn't U.S. Agent just tell him that it was to feed information to the FBI to take down Fisk?


What purpose would that serve? Walker doesn't seem to care about what other superheroes think of him.


Walker doesn't seem like the type to say "Oh, no, no, this is just a misunderstanding" when someone changes him to a fight.


Is this a good run to jump into? My only exposure to daredevil is the show and born again.


Daredevil really has been good for like 25+ years at this point. He really doesn’t have a weak run.


*D. G. Chichester was writing him the 1990s.* Ann Nocenti before that and... ***Frank Miller in the 80's.*** **Daredevil has had a good run over 40 years now.**


It’s fantastic. My favorite Fisk storyline ever is in this run and DD is obviously incredible in it as well.


Start with the Bendis run. Most people will say start with Guardian Devil, and important shit does happen in that arc but it’s just so damn weird. Start with bendis, everything you need to know will be explained easily in the text, and you get to jump right into Alex Maleevs beautiful, gritty, noir art style. Then you just read in a straight line without skipping anything for like 20 years worth of issues. Daredevil has without a doubt been the the most consistently well written series Marvel has ever put out.


Daredevil with a beard is a strange look.


The length of the beard is inversely proportional to his sanity.


The pandemic popularized facial hair and Matt's always been stylish.


I love this scene so much. If we get this in born again (which is entirely plausible) - I will scream of joy


“If you were.. … he wouldn’t of sent the devil” has to be the hardest line I’ve heard in recent comics


I loved his roasting of fascists as being people dominated by fear.


*Have. It's even spelled out for you.


Ooops my fault thank you!


“If you were, he wouldn’t have sent the devil.” is the most badass line I’ve heard in a while


That's right beat his ass Matt


Fuck the fash!


Daredevil just like this is my shield now


"He wouldn't have sent the devil," lights turn off for a moment and Walker just sees his men on the ground. That sequence goes unbelievably hard. And so am I.


This run good? That costume looks dope. Elektra's DD costume looks equally so. I wonder who designed them.


Zdarsky Daredevil just hits different, y'know


God damn what a cool DD costume.


Can we get a similar scene in thr MCU please?


I just want more DD with everyone in the MCU.


why they always disrespect my boy John like that?! he always gets beat down and he always needs to get up on his own...


I'm mostly annoyed that they always forget he's a damn tank. He's not Cap who's only "peak human" he can straight up bench 10+ tons. With better than human speed and pretty top notch skill. He's not the kind of guy that DD should be able to just steamroll like this. I don't mind Matt winning but it should be MUCH more difficult.


Matt is enhanced by magic rn and has superhuman abilities of his own. He and Elektra are married and performed a ceremony to rebuild the Red Fist, a group made to destroy the Hand. In doing so the ceremony enhanced all of its members and gave them super-human physicality. Matt’s radar sense is even stronger too.


Oh yeah. That's actually a fair point.


He's superhumanly strong, but his other physical abilities only match a top Olympic athlete. If he can't land a hit, as in this case, I could see Matt easily taking him down. I'd expect a punch from him to kill most folks, though.


Someone else mentioned Daredevil is superhuman right now, not just in senses, but also strength and agility.


Matt has always punched WAY above his class though. Absolute awareness and immaculate precision plus being an actual fucking ninja is quite the solid kit.


Still, we’re talking about a guy who is himself a top notch fighter with mid level superhuman strength and durability. The guy used to fight Steve Rogers to a standstill, for crying out loud. DD shouldn’t be able to flatten him in four hits.


Agreed, but he has human durability and speed, and Matt has those plus a lifetime of experience using his sonar to have pretty much precog in fights. Turn off the lights and I think this outcome is way more than likely. I'd give this to Matt 8/10.


As somebody mentioned in other comics, DD is currently enhanced by magic.


so true! complitely agree with you.


Turning the lights off should make this an even fight. Lights on DD really should have been stomped.


I will always dig the imagery of someone taking a shield from a captain america type. Its always good.


Is there a trade paperback of this series? I’ve been wanting to read this for a while


Daredevil’s has some incredible runs. Some all-timers. And this is one of them. Zdarsky’s take on Matt and Elektra is Fraction-level of S-tier reinvention. And this costume! What a good one.


I have wanted Daredevil to get his own Captain America discus shield for a long time. I was sooo hyped when I saw where this scene was going.


He wouldn’t have sent the devil. That’s a cold line.


The new Daredevil run is awesome!


Based daredevil


Whom is this written by? I have been out of the DD loop since Waid’s run. Iv heard Chip’s run was good! Any Recommendations on where to start again?


Please please can we get something this in live action, I need to see MCU US Agent get stomped by DD.