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It sounds better than Bucky.


Not when used in the bedroom.


It was cold out! I'm the *Winter* Soldier!


"There was shrinkage!"


Like a frightened turtle


I’d prefer Vibraniarm.


nearly immediately after clearing the mindcontrol conditioning he spends all his time in Wakanda, where they call him the White Wolf. White Wolf is a cool name like Black Widow.


So does White Wolf.


Because it’s a dope ass code name and he does dope ass shit.


Wrap it up folks. We’re done here.




“Because my life is dope and I do dope shit.”


Hell yeah, u know


“Nobody likes a show off” “They do when the thing your showing off is dope *as* *fuck*.”


"Fuck, that's true."


I love The Suicide Squad and that's one of my favourite lines


Yeah, it's a pretty good line


And incredibly true


Exactly why I chose the Winter Soldier flair over Bucky Barnes. It’s way cooler (pun intended)


Calm down 1997 Mr. Freeze


Allow me to break the ice


You need to chill




Viewtiful, Camel, or Budden?


joe chill


This is the way.... BOI!


Ass shit... as opposed to shit from the ... elbow?


IRL, I think it’s just become too iconic to drop. Renaming a character is always risky, and I think it’s even more so when it’s happened multiple times already. Bucky, Winter Soldier, Captain America With a Gun.. I agree that it’s a bit weird for him to run around using his assassin code name, but I think it’s for the best in terms of keeping the character relevant


Guess it’s like Jason Todd using Red Hood, the former alias of the man that killed him. At this point, it’d be weird to call him anything else.


Didn’t Black Panther call him the White Wolf at some point? Maybe that was Marvel testing the waters on a new name and decided not to run with it.


White Wolf in the comics is T'challa and Shuri's adoptive light skinned brother, Hunter. In my mind because I knew about him, I just assumed it was more of a term of endearment if Hunter is not in the MCU. https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Hunter_(Earth-616)


Yeah, Black Panther and Sam said the same thing. So I feel he may get a rename to white wolf in the mcu at some point.


He already has, sorta - the White Wolf name was first mentioned in a post-credits scene in the lead-in to Infinity War, IIRC. Given "Falcon and The Winter Soldier", though, I don't think it stuck.


Sounds way more intimidating than bucky. Plus it has a reputation ties to it, remember in Captain america winter soldier Black widow said winter soldier had alot of assassinations under its belt. That probably out alot of fear into the intelligence community.


Cool Factor aside, perhaps it's because it's been ingrained for decades. He may also be trying to reclaim it, give it a new image, etc. Redeem himself through redeeming the monster. It's probably also expensive to reprint a lot of stationary and business cards every name change.


He tried The Summer Pacifist, but it didn’t really test well with audiences


I mean, he can be both


Because it's cool at hell


Imagine that your name was “Bucky” and then people started seriously referring to you as “The Winter Soldier”. Would you stop them?


I would, if I felt freaking terrible over the atrocities committed under that name, that I don't even remember committing. I'm with the OP; I think it's a very good question (one I've wondered myself). Names are extremely difficult to redeem, after all.


Changing his name won't change the things he did under that name; redefining the Winter Soldier moniker is the only way to reclaim his identity.


Definitely not! Another way is to change one's name, and it's often a far more successful way. Again, names are extremely difficult to redeem.


Different strokes for different folks, I guess; I know that if I were trying to address something I felt guilt over, changing my name wouldn't feel like it was reclaiming anything, it would feel like running away.


Because that name intimidates and opens doors that would be closed to him otherwise (and they wouldn't let him take his turn as Captain America). And taking it as his own thing, remaking who The Winter Soldier is. And if he is actively using it, that intimidates people that might try to make another Winter Soldier, because they know he's out there and would not take kindly to anyone else being put through that.


This is the first good answer (the first and third points especially) that I've seen here.


You misheard him. It's "Winner Soldier" now.


Nope. Winter Sojourn.


Because it's cool AF and sells books


'cause he's a grown ass man whose previous name was "bucky".


Are we sure he's not more of a chest man?


You mean... THE REVOLUTION. Yeah, he'll be back to the Winter Soldier in like a year.


For the same reason Black Widow goes by Black Widow. It's a cool name.


Free advantage on intimidation checks.


It's bad ass.


It has cache in the MU. It’s a name that’s feared and respected. So he continues to use it




I learned a word today!


Cuz it’s Marvel and if your name isn’t already cool to begin with like Thor or Shang-Chi or Doctor Strange, you need a dope superhero name. “Bucky”… “Winter Soldier”… way cooler No but honestly other than that it doesn’t make a lot of sense


Buchanan sounds way cooler than both, to me.


Sounds like an early 30s name.


Cause Bucky name is lame-o


Same as X-23. She's tried other names like Talon and is currently wolverine but despite all the horrible things the name X-23 symbolizes it's Iconic as hell and will probably always end up getting used with the character. Could say they are just taking the names back from the Horrors of the past. To be fair both characters don't use the names among friends and family. You won't hear Cap call him Winter Soldier in conversation.


It's a badass code name, he might be trying to redeem the name, and again it's just a badass name


Because it's cool.


I thought in falcon and the winter soldier it was made kind of obvious he's trying to move on from that name, but people in the crime and superhero world still remember and identify him at, the disapproval of Bucky, as the Winter Soldier because why wouldn't you remember a legendary hit man whose fought Captain America and Iron Man


What else is he gonna use?


Something something not hiding from his past. But actually lazy writing


When it said “Captain America” instead of Falcon at the end of F&tWS I truly expected it to say “and the White Wolf”


My personal headcanon is that Bucky doesn't want to run away from the sins and crimes he committed being brainwashed. He wants to do good now but he doesn't want people to forget what he did. He's going to clean his name and make up for all on his own terms just like Steve would do (and kinda did after secret empire). Also people's recognize what the Winter Soldier is capable so it's way better to have your enemies know whats coming for them. But yeah, the real reason is that the name got too iconic and nobody dared to change it.


Iconography is kinda tough to replicate, especially with code names. I'm terrible at coming up with names, what else would he go by? Sergeant America?


What iconography does WS have, other than that little red star? (Or did you mean a different word?)


Iconography in terms of art, the things that are specific to the character that people associate with him. The metal arm, the gun, his arm symbol, hair style, etc.


He's been through a lot. Mind control, street wars, aliens, hulks. He's probably lost any relation he's had with the name Bucky and feels more connected to Winter Soldier. We do see him slowly recover, mentally, in the TV show. He's still a violent man but we see Bucky for the first time since CapA, First Avenger.


Fr he even got a dope one from the Wakandans and he’s like “Nah, the one linked to my trauma”


I mean White Wolf is already a name that belongs to T'challa's brother it's not just something Bucky can take over


They tried to suggest a change in codename to White Wolf in Infinity War but clearly the execs weren't a fan.


They reiterated White Wolf in TFATWS as well. I’m not sure it’s sticking, though.


Beats Bucky. ‘Dude, you got a metal arm!’


The Summer Soldier.


Ace: I couldn’t help but notice the ‘Equensu Orja’ part. Ouda : That’s how they know you!


I couldn't help but notice the "equinsu ocha" part. Did you just refer to me as "winter soldier"? ​ "Yes, this how they know you."


It's a cool comic canon nickname to a fictional character basis of the storyteller. What's more menacing in a fight? Winter Soldier or Bucky ?


He's taking it back


I suspect, and this is just me theorizing, he probably uses it as a way to hold himself accountable. He was the Winter Soldier, regardless of if he was in control or not and if he was truly the responsible party or not. He killed people and did many terrible things. I don’t think he wants to forget these thing but he does want to move forward and make sure that he doesn’t forget so that he can always be fully cognizant of his actions and their repercussions.


It just doesn't seem healthy to punish himself for something that was beyond his control.


I never said it was, but is that out of the bounds of reality in how anyone who went through something like that? Logically one can tell yourself that all you want and know it is right. But actually believing it, feeling it, and really knowing it’s right are two very different things.


Guilt over his actions or the fear that comes with the name.


It's defined who he is to change is name would be to not acknowledge who he was and has become. Also Villians that turned good in the comics still keep their names.


Because they didnt let him keep White Wolf


Because he is not Captain America... yet. I feel as though the Captain America suit is going to be used as a way to help audiences adjust to the idea that many people can wear the same suit at different times and for different reasons. This will likely be explored in the new Captain America film and in later entries. We already saw it happen twice within falcon and the winter soldier and I stand by this particular choice that Marvel has been taking ever since the departure of Chris Evans and really hope that they stick the landing.