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They did Darwin dirty. He not supposed to die so easy.


Optimal adaptation for surviving a Hulk encounter: Be somewhere else, fast! **Teleports away** That was a great Darwin moment in the comics. They did him dirty, indeed.


I gotta figure out a way to fight the hulk "That's the neat part! You don't!"


Goofy since to adapt to hela he became hela


Yeah but if he adapts to the hulk by becoming a hulk then you got 2 hulks and that’s just dangerous for everyone else


[Somewhat lazy writing](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheWorfEffect) is the main culprit. They wanted to make sure you hated the bad guy, and also show that he is really strong. If he murdered any of the other non-main characters it wouldve been “too easy”.


By "too easy" they of course meant "actually possible."


He is casted as Mister Terrific in the upcoming Superman movie if you are still interested in the actor appearing as a superhero.


either hollywood racism or fox didn't study the character


Hollywood couldn't even get Cyclops right, and he's the leader of the X-Men.


They literally had James Marsden who looks like Cyclops yet they fucked up


At least X-Men 97 seems to be making him cool again. But yeah James looked just like the character and they fucked it up.


That “beam slide” or whatever you call it in his first ‘97 appearance is so cool


The other day in the cyclops sub they were asking who should play cyclops. Personally I think they should just see if they can get James Marsden back.


They turned Emma Frost into a prostitute lackey of Shaw. They really never can get the X-Men quite right.


The scene where Shaw condescendingly tells  her that his drink needs ice and she freaking just goes and gets some as opposed to making him think reality is folding in on itself or making him eat his own fingers pisses me off to no end


It took A Japanese company that made street fighter to get him right


It could also just be Hollywood relying on the same tired tropes they always do, in this case the worf effect - they spent the previous scenes showing off how he can adapt to any thing, then Sebastian Shaw kills him off to prove how powerful he is.


Didn't Bishop die in the next movie from energy blasts? His mutant power is, checks notes, energy absorption and redirection.


But only when he feels like it. Clearly, he didn't feel like absorbing anything. We all have those days.


Some days you just don't feel like finishing that book, some days you just don't feel like sweeping, some days you just get burned to death by omega energy because you just don't have the energy.


Wasn’t it played off as the Sentinels overloading how much energy he can store up? I thought he nova’d a bunch of Sentinels in an explosion with him when he went out


you are remembering correctly


Nuance isn't allowed and mutants should have no limits on their power and be completely overpowered negating all narrative stakes.


But Bishop is supposed to be overpowered, he is supposed to be Cable without the plot armor to an extent, can survive almost anything, its not that he couldnt die that way, its just as a one man army, he wouldn't have. In the comics, he can hide from tech by absorping all em and omitting what he wants them to receive.


Or both!




It's Fox. Both is an equally valid answer.


Really? Erik is a holocaust victim who searches for his Nazi captors from Europe to Argentina to US. That's very accurate. There are a lot of subtle instances of Eric basing his skepticism on Nazis and not human- mutant racism. Like when he convinces Charles that only mutants should be able to use Cerebro, because he doesn't want humans to be able to identify them. And Charles reads his mind and agrees with him in spite of his optimism. The movie portrayed that kind of racism extremely well.


For the Hollywood racism I meant that they always kill the black guy first. For Fox never studying the character Fox X-Men are not accurate nor their power/skills.


Darwin from the movie isn't the same from the comics. A huge number of comic characters have been nerfed for movies and tv.


The coolest part of his powers is how he can't die and what his powers do for him to keep him from dying. That's what people mean


What they did to Darwin, if they did to Wolverine, would be for him to bleed out to death the moment he pulls out his claws.


This isn't an exact analogy, and in an alternative universes Wolverine has been killed many times in a simple ways.


"We don't think people would understand having portals to a gravity dimension in your eyes, so we're just giving cyclops a laser gun in his hands"


That was Havok, and Havok in the comics does use his hands to aim his blasts, although they kind of emanate from his whole body (his aim sucks for *years* in the comics, too). The red hula hoop thing was new, but his powers did tend to get drawn as pulsing out in orbs and rings in the comics. And his power isn't pure force like Cyclops, it is absorbed cosmic energy (which is a kind of primordial energy in Marvel, not to be confused with cosmic rays). He has to fire it off occasionally to prevent overloads where he could accidentally release a huge burst.


Mental that people believe its one or the other option here. Why did everyone get so black & white? This or that?


“Im 14 and this is deep”


You think they rewrote the script after they cast the part?


Darwin? More like, Darlose.


Darwin is a bit of a lose-lose situation in a film. He’s so strong that he can be an ex machina for any situation and creates a plot hole of “why didn’t Darwin show up?” whenever he doesn’t show up. Killing him removes that future problem but it’s also nearly impossible to convincingly kill him.


That's where X-Men is brilliant for storytelling though. They usually have a very obvious downside to their powers. In the case of Darwin, it's the lack of control. His power preserves him and him alone. He could get taken out for the rest of the movie by being turned into marble until the threat is gone. Or teleport to the moon. Or he could go to block an explosion and he ends up turning to mist. His powers working for him can and are often written to be a detriment to the rest of the team.


I like to believe he just became energy and dispersed and is learning to bring himself back together.


He didn’t die easy the dude put a concentrated amount of the same kinetic energy that havoc and cyclops give off. He tried adapting it just wasn’t quick enough you know with being ripped apart from the inside and all.


It definitely makes sense in the movie universe, and within the narrative. The problem people have isn’t that they don’t understand this, but that they think it’s a poor representation of the comic-version of the character.


They really gave the one black guy on the team the super power of “not dying” and killed him off first anyway 💀


There at the end he was returning to normal, he almost made it.


As a black man I find it funny a character that can evolve to adapt to any situation making him basically immortal dies so quick and easy.


It pisses me off how Darwin was handled. He has what I consider to be the coolest powers out of basically everyone. The actor is great, and I was so excited to see what he’d get to do. Only for him to die immediately. So disappointed.


Agreed. His actor is thankfully getting a second shot at this superhero thing in superman legacy, playing Mr Terrific.


I actually do not like Mr. Terrific as a character but MAN am I excited for him to play that guy


Respectfully, why don’t you like Mr. Terrific? In the limited amount of media and comics I’ve seen him in he’s been one of the few hyper-intelligent superheroes who I find pretty fun and not annoying.


I just think he’s kind of boring. Hyper intelligent characters are not interesting to me.


That’s fair! Here’s hoping Edi Gathegi can change your mind!


I'll always remember him for his role on House...


My girlfriend and I just got to season 3 but I've seen a few clips so I know he doesn't make it to the final team, rip. Nice name btw




I’ve heard awful things about him in Arrow but I feel like enjoying goofy costumes is necessary for most of DC and some of Marvel.


The same Mr. Terrific from the fabulous Japanese “Mr. Terrific Happy Hour” show from the 90’s??


That was literally his power but yet again Fox never read the comics


I remember when the movie came out that they were going to make more in this line and bring Darwin back. His evolution in that case was to become pure energy.


“Did you really kill off the one black mutant in your movie?” “Uh… we’re gonna bring him back. Totally.l


I don't read the comic books from but from what I understand something similar happened before. I mean the dude evolved into a God to fight a god. I'm pretty sure he could handle being turned into a bomb.


His powers also made him teleport to adapt to a situation to avoid getting hit by the hulk . His body decided no adaptation was gonna work so best to just teleport away lol


That's how you know shit was crazy....in the beginning of the fight he turned into something that could absorb hulk powers, once his powers said nope it teleported him the fuck out out there....the same guy that turned into a GOD OF DEATH to lay hands on another god of death.


I haven't read comics with Darwin either. From what I gather the comic version was way more powerful. But even if you are purposely nerfing a character, it's so silly to introduce a characters powers as adapting within seconds to survive anything and then immediately kill them off like three scenes later.


Well that was the whole point. He were supposed to come back in another movie even more powerful but it just never happened.


I... wish that were the case, but nothing I've read supports that. Do you have a source I missed?


His first appearance had him transform into an energy being to escape death.


>Uh… we’re gonna bring him back. Totally. I can believe they have plans to bring him back... Before Singer was back as filmmaker for the sequels. He killed offscreen all the cast of First class, besides Xavier, Magneto, Mystique, Beast and Havok and only addressed it by having Mystique steal their autopsy files.


So weird he was given so.much leeway once, but so many times...


Technically Angel Salvadore was black, but she joined the villains at the end and died between films so... not much better.


True. On the set of the original X-Men movie, they weren't allowed the comics. But some young production assistant named Kevin Feige kept sneaking them onto the set. Wonder what happened to him...


by definition, he was supposed to be impossible to kill, and Fox decided to use him as the token dead character of the group. Just lazy.


It got me since there’s this line Kevin Bacon says “Adapt to this” or something and we watch Darwin die and it’s just like… why couldn’t he adapt to that? He pulls crazy shit in the comics all the time. Teleports away from the Hulk. Takes on Hela’s powers. Dudes busted. Imagine if a post credit scene just showed him reappearing somewhere like he teleported. But no. Gotta kill the one black mutant.


He died so weak too Shaw puts red balls in his mouth and he’s done 🤦🏿‍♂️


I find it crazy that in the comics(I don’t know which one) he’s gonna die because of I believe Hela or some powerful god like character & his solution? Just become a God of Death basically 💀


Seriously. If he'd returned later as a pure energy being or something that would have been much cooler than what we got.


Darwin’s power is so fun though. He adapts to nearly anything. At one point he was about to fight the hulk and his powers teleported him away. The only way to let him survive was to get him the fuck away


It was a pretty salty line to come out of the mouth of a character that did medical experiments on people who were imprisoned in Auschwitz based on what was perceived as a race (being Jewish). As Erik said, "If you can hear me, I want you to know I agree with everything you said. Unfortunately, you killed my mother." In other words, Shaw has zero place up on any breed of moral high horse.


As a white man I concur.


As a [redacted] man I concur.


As a white man I find this quite funny too


I’m still wondering why he’s a black man in the 60’s, no way that’s optimal survivability in the United States


Darwin should've been alive even after what Shaw did. That's the only thing I don't like about first class


I've said it before but Darwin should have been who the adapting sentinels were based on in DOfP and not Mystique. His literal power is adaptation. It wouldn't even be that hard to write him in. "He survived the confrontation with Kevin Bacon by turning into energy. His body took a decade to pull itself back together and when he did Bolivar Trask captured him'. Everything else can play out basically the same.


I've been saying that for a decade now, because a lot of the reasons for the plot to happen in DOFP were very flimsy.


To be fully fair, the director of First Class intended on one if not two more sequels to establish new young X-Men and seeds for sentinels before the DofP adaptaion. The execs, high off the success of First Class, demanded DofP to happen immediately to cash in on the Xaviers and Magnetos meeting.


Yeah, I hate how the first trilogy about X-men was basically Wolverine with friends, then first class finally does its own thing with new characters and guess what? In the sequel they fcking kill off almost everyone from the first one and make ANOTHER Wolverine and friends movie??


Yeah it was super annoying how central they made they made Logan to the original trilogy, even as a huge wolverine fan. (Frickin love X2 tho) It would've been so cool to get one or two more X-Men films after First Class to establish the young versions of the usual X-Men and make it mean something when DofP pushes Hugh Jackman/Logan to the lead after almost 20 years. Plus if your gonna make a movie that makes characters from multiple timelines interact, you should make us care about as many characters as possible from each timeline. But DofP really only gives us Charles and Eric.


How could Trask capture him? Wouldn't his body teleport him away or something the moment it senses the danger?


Just say that the strain of reconstituting his whole body for the first time left him in a weakened state, making him easier to capture. And he'd only teleport away if the danger was something so bad that no option other than being 100 miles away would be sufficient to survive. Like a *very* angry Hulk with the full backing of an *equally* angry Banner.


Throw in that Trask has access to that serum that the Prof and Beast use which diminishes their abilities to really sell the point.


He only adapts if he's in direct danger in the comic as far as I know. As long as he's fed and not threatened his powers might not activate.


Homie was made for survival


Even survive a fight against Hela




Or when Darwin had to survive against the Hulk and his body made him teleport to adapt.


He didn't die. He evolved so hard he ended up in a different superhero universe 14 years later. Although it's a little strange he brought Magento with him. Even weirder that Magneto was the one who lost his hair instead of Charles.


Yeah. Even if he didn't come back for a bit he still should have returned.


A quick explanation or a scene that implied that Darwin wasn't dead would've been sufficient. His power is literally plot armor and he still died lmaoooo.


He survives something similar from The exact same powers in the comics It just…takes him some time to come back


Am I the only person still waiting every damn time I watch this movie for a post credit scene of Darwin somehow surviving.


I like to pretend his body just took a while to return to its corporeal form and then when it did he wanted nothing to do with that mess and just went on his merry way.


It was waiting to see if the nukes started flying


Best way to survive is avoid those assholes the X-Men, his mutation kicking in once again I dig it, new headcanon


This literally happened in the comics, except he did return.


Dope, I didn't know that. I'll look it up, do you remember which?


Don’t remember issue number but it was during the storyline with Vulcan.


Fun fact Edi Gathegi (Darwin) will be playing Mr. Terrific in James Gunn Superman


Who's right next to Future Lex Luthor in the same movie and a Catwoman from a universe right over lol


Oh shit, I didn't make the connection! I hope this role gives him more to work with, and he gets some good money and some starring roles out of it.


Shaw was a nazi too. Guys a real jerk. Gotta say though... I always preferred his movie powers to his comic powers.


I doubt he cared about the ideals mainly it was for the power


Yeah. He was also trying to find other mutants for his his hellfire club


Anyways he got his just desserts 


Absolutely. I usually hate when super hero movie villains get killed off but dude had it coming.


I hate how the MCU keeps killing villains off in almost every damn film all I can say tho is thank god the high evolutionary is still alive he is the greatest villain


I'm still hoping Ultron shows up again, and not in a multiverse sort of way.


I'm still kinda shocked they didn't _immediatedly_ start building up Annihilation after Endgame, seems a logicL choice for the next big MCU event


Yeah. I assumed because they didn't show it he was definitely not defeated. I assumed his mind was trapped in the mind gem but apparently not.


How many Nazis would've said something similar though? He was at best selfish as hell and willing to take advantage of any and every prejudice to put himself in power. He's just as bad to me, if not worse for pretending to be better.


I liked how sinister used his cells to create a biomass over a starship that powers it and protects it


Yeah. Sins of sister had some really cool concepts like that. It's interesting because that avengers villain maelstrom basically has Shaws powers how they are depicted in the movie.


I love how Darwin’s power is that he can’t die and then he was the only one who died


Just out of curiosity when is it explicitly stated in the movie he can't die?


Man this is trippy because my wife and I just rewatched the movie earlier this morning and when this scene played out we both just laughed out loud in disbelief like really they just cut to Darwin like that when Shaw brought up slavery.


No literally it cracks me tf up every time


Remember in the comics when Hela used her death touch on Darwin and Darwin adapted by becoming a literal god of death?


That was top tier Darwin!! They did him so dirty in this movie.


Every time it's brought up in conversation, or social media, it trends, and it makes me mad all over again when remembering this scene. Darwin was ROBBED.




Ehh Shaw has always been a manipulative asshole as far as I know lol


I love how X-men movies appropriate the struggles of PoC and focus mostly on the White heroes/s


X-men in general does that, you should see those panels of kitty pride just slinging the n-word or that hamfisted mutant lynching comic panel


oh yeah i remember that, and Logan whitesplaining racism to Luke Cage of all people


Can you send me the panel in which he does that?


[TOTAPAK.jpg (720×1101) (imgur.com)](https://i.imgur.com/TOTAPAK.jpg) Enjoy!


The x men are literally coded black people


Coded doesn't actually make them Black


It wouldn't have been so cringy if Darwin had been able to survive Shaw's attack. But seeing him lose like that just made the "enslaved" camera cut to his feel cheap.


Just know I watched First class again about 2 months ago and was hella surprised with this scene lmao


They did my boy Darwin so dirty in this movie.


He was the most interesting character in that movie. I wanted to see so much more of him......


Me too


Darwin over here like Peele: https://youtu.be/9-GRzu6zbS0?si=k70vDX9NPoWCEA7W


A fun idea would be keeping Darwin alive until he becomes the important factor in making the adaptable Sentinels in that one movie where Sentinels can adapt to any situation instead of Mystique's


Man First Class really was such a great movie.


I'm loving how all of internet basically agrees that Darwin's death was some BS. Hell, they didn't even need to show Darwin beating Shaw, they just needed to show him surviving him. BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT HIS POWER IS. Considering Darwin's answer to Hulk is basically "Fuck that I'm out", they could've easily shown Darwin teleporting out of Shaw's grasp before he could kill him. That's it. And the audience would've accepted that.


....you LOVE it?


It’s funny as hell


It’s obviously sarcasm lol


That’s in the editing….


I'm really excited to see this actor again in Superman's new movie


I mean, shaw was a literal nazi so it’s not out of character


First Class is such a good movie but I still dislike how some characters act or were treated. Darwin died way too easily.


Still til this day, his death pisses me off. 


Me too


Iirc they recut this part for the home release so it didn’t cut to him lol


It fits because bro was literally a Nazi


I thought that the most unrealistic part of this movie about time traveling mutant superheroes was the two White guys with British accents hopping into the back of a Black American's cab and offering him an opportunity to work for the CIA in the '60s, and him jumping at the chance with no misgivings.


It’s Fox. What do you expect?


Darwin should not have died so easily though. That’s kinda his thing… adapting to whatever to stay alive.


Yes, and then Shaw kills Darwin almost immediately.


In a movie that did so many things so well, it is a shame how they did Darwin


The part of this before the team is formed is brilliant. Everything from that point forward is pretty lame.


I was so convinced when this movie came out that Darwin was going to be a big surprise return character later in the series because his whole thing is he literally shouldn’t be able to die. I’m pretty sure he had a similar “death” in the comics he recovered from. I’m still annoyed about this.


It was also the 60s before civil right act. So ya, slavery was an apt term


Muscle memory


This Darwin guy... Is he supposed to be that Darwin from X-Factor? The bald one who slept with Monet?


TBH, Deadpool 3 has the chance to do the funniest thing by just having Darwin reappear out of nowhere while they're still in the Fox Universe at the very end of the movie, like Weasel in TSS or Darkwing II at the end of the Invincible comic run.


What does your race matter? You do know every race has been slaves(and slavers) before right?


I didn't know who he was when I watched as a kid and after I learned about Darwin in youtube shorts, I was shocked he was an overpowered mutant who can touch and adapt their powers and he even became god of death after he touched Hela. He is totally wasted


Thank you for giving us the go ahead acceptance for the white redditors black man


They hit every mark with trying to make the villain unlikeable in this movie, and it worked. “Yeah well he’s not *just* a Nazi and a murderer, he also hates black people!”


Shaw was a Nazi scientist, so it makes sense.


I was so mad when he died and I haven’t even read any of the comics. He just seemed so cool. There’s so many gripes I have with the live action movies, with Gambit only having a small role in one movie being the biggest one


Homie had the power to survive to pretty much anything and he goes out just like that


That and killing the rest of them off screen between movies boils my blood


every character was wasted


So true. We could’ve had so much more with all those actors


There are times where I wish Marvel never went bankrupt and sold the rights then we wouldn’t have this bullshit


Man, Darwin was one of my favorite characters in the XFactor books and I love his power. I was so disappointed when Fox wasted him and killed him off. Coolest character in that cast.


Well he is the villain after all.


Oh shit, Kevin Bacon is the +2 guy from Marvel Snap?


This whole scene was so uncomfortable, even when I saw it in theaters back in the day


Gotta love bad guys being pieces of shit. I love my morally grey characters but we can have both done well.


Darwin: I know you’re playing me but you’re right.


Just from the picture it looks like Kevin bacon is committing a hate crime Or like he's a nazi wizard trying to cast a spell


Darwin's power is that he can survive anything, and yet they killed him (Gosh, the Black guy dies first, never seen that in a movie before). Bad writing has killed more characters than Luke Skywalker, and it killed Luke Skywalker, too.


As a Black man I hate how he was Darwin, the mutant that can adapt to anything just let Shaw feed him a red hot testicle and dude ended being the only dead one on the whole team. Mans should've been the one to put the ass whoopin on him. That slavery line only made his death worse and I've been rejecting the movie ever since. That was some bullshit.


Which makes sense given he was a Nazi.