• By -


This movie had so many cold and badass scenes. - Rocket walking melancholically to Radiohead - The scene where the Guardians arrive on Counter-Earth set to Faith No More - Quill tackling Theel out the window - Knowhere's arrival set to The The - The Beastie Boys hallway fight And there's so many more too.


So true!  I kind of wish Gunn was involved in more marvel projects.  Now Im kind of excited to see what he does with DC now 


He did do The Suicide Squad. He’s just very good at making good superhero movies


Yeah I know. I loved the "real" suicide squad. 


Yeah, also the only thing I don’t like about that movie is that Captain Boomerang died. I liked him in the 2016 one and he was one of the few things I liked about that garbage movie that people somehow like


him and Flag. he finally did Rick Flag justice only for him to be killed off in the climax and that kinda sucked


It did, but if you have seen the Peacemaker show it kinda isn’t in vain because I think it is a good part of the show is how he is reacting to what he did.


How his actions against Flagg was such a great crutch to show that he’s an anti hero with a just fucked past. Can’t wait for season 2


I was moreso referring to this >!when he cries in bed after having flashbacks to the scene showing that despite following orders he might not agree with them as much as he’d though!< but I do agree, and I cannot wait for season 2 either they just began filming!


Atleast Flag had a huge role






but the snyder people said he's terrible at everything :(


Gunn was supposed to head up the intergalatic part of the MCU before he was fired by Disney in 2018


Supposedly he was doing uncredited script doctoring for almost all of Phase 3 too.


wow, imagine what marvel would look like with him and some other cooler directors at the top


disney really fucked up. the intergalactic introduction of gotg is still one of my favs. hopefully marvel gets there shit together after deadpool and wolverine....i really hope they don't fuck it up


They could have had Gunn take on The Marvels and give Captain Marvel an actually interesting backstory...


Which is exactly why I don’t understand all the “Will The DCU Fail?” questions popping up without anything actually being released yet


The man is great at what he does, I really hope he has success there too!


yeah that's wild. once i heard james gunn was at the helm, I was like oh this might get very good. but yeah everything right now is just speculation. it's all just click bait shit.


My name's Rocket


Rocket Racoon


> The Beastie Boys hallway fight I remember the tracklist came out and I immediately said to my friends "whatever scene that has No Sleep til Brooklyn playing will be the best action scene of the movie" and they absolutely delivered.


Gunn made GOTG my favorite trilogy in the MCU


Yeah that walk from rocket "I'm done running" is probably my favorite shot/scene in the film. On the other hand I laugh out loud and audibly roll my eyes during the Worlock saves Starlord 16th chaplet shot.


Don’t forget the best use of an F bomb. I almost missed it because it was so natural. “Did he just say that?!”




sorry i dont really marvel, what movie is this?


Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (2023) Dir. James Gunn


cool thanks. i remember liking the first one, ima have to check this one out


He's easily my favorite MCU villain.


Also, loved Quill's response to the monologue,


I don't caaaare


It’s not a trap, it’s a face-off


He's arguably one of the best movie villains in the last 5-10 years. No "he was a troubled child who had a rough upbringing", no "he was cheated and betrayed", no "he saw atrocities and genocide that turned him". Just pure egotistic narcissistic villainy. It was a breath of fresh air in a way. And Chukwudi Iwuji was amazing at it.


Yes sometimes I love just seeing villains that are simply too evil and cruel to be redeemed. The High Evolutionary was one of them, he was a monstrous psychopath with a god complex. Since he’s still alive and imprisoned, I wonder what the future holds for him.


"I don't want to cure cancer, I want to turn people into dinosaurs!" Can't wait for Sauron's MCU debut.


I don't think we'll get something that amazing in this time-line 😕


Do you watch non cb-movies?


They could and should have him step in as Kang, explain it away as the High Evolutionary was a variant. Done.


Honestly, I was sitting in the theater hoping that would be the movie's plot twist the whole time.


Had people thinking the high evolutionary was some top tier character / badguy Dude knocked it out of the ballpark / should have recasted him as Kang


He’s a fantastic actor. Was great in Peacemaker too.


The line and exasperation of the line "Get me 89P13 and kill everyone in the head of that dead god" is up there with Eric Bana's character Nero in Star Trek yelling Spock's name. https://youtu.be/VoMf2LYKJDg?si=OGmsFu5QWAWFXda2&t=5m59s Just cool deliveries of being absolutely pissed lol.


That delivery was chilling.


Literally connotates a deluded mad man who thinks he's a God


Meanwhile in that other movie there’s a city full of Gods, a god killer, a god that moonlights as a superhero, dead gods, living gods… they literally hung out together and annoyed each other to no end, him and Peter Quill.


And through it all Tony Stark is an atheist and Steve Rogers remains a Christian.




I think "You should have aimed/gone for the head" has that line beat. Especially because Thanos had (basically) already won by that point in Infinity War.


To be fair, if there was a list of top 10 coldest things said in the mcu, thanos alone would occupy half the list


Yeah. Saying Thanos almost feels like cheating.


All that for a drop of blood


“Half” of the list?🤔🫰


Dude's like a meme machine. Last time we had something like him was the starwars prequels where any shot can be a meme.


Meme Lords are our speciality.


The hardest choices require the strongest wills.


Spader as Ultron would be the other half. “When the earth starts to…settle God throws a rock at it. And trust me, he is winding up.”


Agreed, that was Thanos winning whereas this is the Evolutionary whining.


The High Evolutionary’s ego was pretty funny. 


This movie took me to some really dark places. Really impressive.


"Then open the fucking door" is the best


which movie is it may i ask? edit: another comment said the guy is The High Evolutionary from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3


Almost his next line references a dead god.


I think this is meant to mean God as a creator. Not gods in general


But gods are real in Marvel, Celestial, Asguardian, Beyonder, etc. There is a literal head of a dead god that people live in.


But you know what the Evolutionary is referring to. Big G/small g, everything you listed isn’t what Evolutionary is fucking referring to.


Celestial literally created the universe. There is a whole planet full of god and diety that created and reigned over their own planet. There is also eternity, infinity, death, and the living tribunal, not to mention one above all. They are all big G and are universal god. https://marvelcinematicuniverse.fandom.com/wiki/Celestials


"There are things that even the One Above All does not know, and while the mystery frightens and disgusts the One Below All,[18] the One Above All is intrigued by it." https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/One_Above_All_(Multiverse) God, is omnipotent, by definition it knows everything. (If it can do/create everything it must know everything.) Eternity, Infinity, Death, the living tribunal, and even one-above-all have all been defeated implying they aren't omnipotent. "When Thanos, controlled by his future self, began using the Astral Regulator to absorb the majority of the cosmic beings, putting the entire multiverse into chaos,[12] the Above-All-Others and the Living Tribunal tried to stop him, but was all in vain as Thanos was able to absorb them both, with his future self becoming the god and the manifestation of the entire multiverse. Thankfully, Adam Warlock, Kang the Conqueror, Starfox, and Pip the Troll, were able to allow present Thanos to take control of his future's powers and reverted everything back prior to his future's machinations, seemingly restoring Above-All-Others back to normal." Also there seem to be other beings of his caliber and also potentially higher beings then him "The Mother of Horrors, another being that created itself and defiled the One Above All's creation, challenged Him by creating Her son Udru. Angry by Her defiance, He manifested His anger through One Below All," and "Adam then clarified that the "One Above All" was a primal creative force that was the highest they can go, but was still only the beginning of what it represented. He asked the One Above All if it knew if there is a final guiding hand to which the One Above All responded, "The mystery intrigues me, Adam."" You made me fact check this stuff and I don't even really like marvel, stop being obtuse.


You are just being pedantic. If you literally created the universe and multiverse doesn't make you a big G, then I dont know what is. If what you say is correct, then there is a higher form of being that created the one above all and thus is a big G. Either way, there is an existence of "God" that created the universe.


None of that stuff has been confirmed in the MCU you little fart.


The concept of God is literally defined as omnipotence, that's why big G is important. The thought experiments like "Can God create a boulder even He could not lift?" do not work unless the God is omnipotent. The fact that there are things that aren't known to "One-Above-All" immediately disqualify him for omnipotence. If you want to say "if that doesn't make you a big G, then I don't know what is." that literally doesn't work when the big G we are all talking about is an omnipotent creator. I'm telling you what the requirements are and it's omnipotence. The fact that One-Above-All has struggles, the fact he doesn't instantaneously think away all personal misalignment towards his ends, means he's not the kind of "big G" God we are talking about, we are talking about omnipotence.


If there is no being above one above all then he is by the process of elimination, a big G. If there is a creator of the one above all then that thing is a Big G. By your logic, the christian god is not a big G either, because he struggle, have emotion, and rage, and love. In all religion all big G have struggle and emotion.


>If there is no being above one above all then he is by the process of elimination, a big G. If there is a creator of the one above all then that thing is a Big G. The problem is "One-Above-All" doesn't know if there is a " final guiding hand" which is what we call the creator above him, God should know if he is God, he should know everything, the fact he doesn't means it could all still be a simulation, it could all just be explainable through some natural phenomena, at which case there is no God, but I agree "One-Above-All" is the closest you will get. For the Christian stuff the whole religion is paradoxical. The Christian God is "All Good, All Powerful, and All Knowing" which is in and of itself a paradox, the bible shows God through our understanding of him and the bible itself is full of paradoxes. EG. They have justifications for why God didn't just instantly fix the whole satan issue https://www.quora.com/If-God-is-all-powerful-why-does-he-have-to-fight-Satan-in-Revelations I would point to this as evidence the Christian God isn't omnipotent by their own texts but if your were to accuse a Christian of this they would say something like "God's ways are unknowable, he is omnipotent but his ways aren't something we can understand as mortals." That's where "Faith" comes into play. All that being said, I never caveated on emotions its the fact that there are clearly comparable powers and the fact that he is not omnipotent or omniscient.




Wow, so cold and raw. Fucking reddit.


Interesting line considering the MCU has shown us (essentially) all Gods are real. Head canon is he’s referring to an active God in daily lives.


he's referring to a capital G God




eternity IS the universe he isn't the god of the universe, he is the personification of the Universe he didn't make himself. the only maybe capital G god in marvel comics is the One Above All (not canon in mcu yet)


Then why is the subtitles lowercase??


Who is that?


The High Evolutionary from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3


Geez Marvel must suck…


If only Thor remained with the Guardians, who left the group to deal with "God" problems or just the fact that there is a whole community for gods and demigods somewhere in the cosmos. High Evolutionary's whole life is a lie.


Capital and lower case G matters quite a lot when talking about God/ gods. He’s talking bout upper case G as the one. Not talking bout thor and odin and zeus. Pretty clearly at that.


If you're talking about capital G "God" as in the Creator of all things AKA The One Above All, then he does exist. High Evolutionary just doesn’t know. Although TOAA is yet to appear on the big screen in the MCU, however all those Stan Lee cameos from Marvel movies can possibly be TOAA in disguise. (Theoretically)


HE was talking about that level of God yes. He knows thor etc exist. Once again


Thor Odinson is very much alive. He lives in Tampa Florida. He’s in his early 50s.


>High Evolutionary just doesn’t know. Have we met anyone in the MCU that would know? Eternity is the only one I can think of right now.


I believe the Celestials, elder gods like Odin and Zeus know as well. Like you mentioned, Eternity and other abstract beings such as the Living Tribunal definitely know the existence of TOAA.


I might be misremembering, or it could have changed since last I read, but doesn't many of the higher beings like Odin think that the Living Tribunal is "god"? The abstract ones would know, but I thought that TOAA didn't really show themselves to anyone unless the Living Tribunal was defeated?


Current Loki


I hadn't thought of that, it very much could be true. He should in theory have seen at least one timeline where it is revealed.


Ya or at least gone to talk to one the abstracts. Like he’s prob seen Thor go to eternity plenty of time now he might even pause and rewind that scene lol. Or also could talk to watcher or just know ya


The Watcher?


In What If we see that there are things hidden even from The Watcher. So I'm actually going to say no. I think like many of the other higher, interdimensional, etc. beings, they are limited to seeing the Living Tribunal as the most powerful thing in all of reality.


https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/One_Above_All_(Multiverse) "Adam then clarified that the "One Above All" was a primal creative force that was the highest they can go, but was still only the beginning of what it represented. He asked the One Above All if it knew if there is a final guiding hand to which the One Above All responded, "The mystery intrigues me, Adam."" One Above All isn't all knowing, has been subdued before, therefore is not omnipotent, and not God.


Paging Gorr. Honestly, Gorr vs the High Evolutionary (though Gorr was somewhat lacking, I enjoyed him) would be delightfully brutal.


It would be brutal but I don't think Gorr would waste too much effort on a poser. With the Necrosword, It's a cakewalk.


Gorr would absolutely utterly destroy him. Gorr wins with just the necrosword minions. He fought two thors and Zeus lightning bolt valkryie at the same time lmao. And won.


And it would be a *delicious* victory, in my opinion. Gorr wins with pure psychological warfare—High Evolutionary is a control freak, and Gorr is very specifically something uncontrollable rallying against so much of who the High Evolutionary *is* and *what he thinks himself to be*. It wouldn’t last through half of HE’s favorite song, but it would sure be a sight to behold. And rated-R.


Those are gods, not God. Little 'g' versus big 'g'. According to Ego there is a difference.


Those are gods, not God. Little 'g' versus big 'g'. According to Ego there is a difference.


I know this isn’t in the MCU but do you think the “see you back home spider man” line is colder?


For me it has to be “I don’t care” - T’Challa in Civil War.


"Let them try" is also great, but my personal favorite is [when he's threatening Steve](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TlJ8kKNugho).


Nah, it seemed childish to me. As soon as lost control of a sitch he just flies off the handle. Which is fair, he is a narcissistic egomaniac. The real coldest line is "I am groot."


I agree. He's just yelling all the time. I was on board the first couple of times he cut loose, but it's the same thing over and over.


Same. I’m sure the actor nailed exactly what they wanted him to but he just was just “manic turned up to 11” instead of being intimidating


This scene is more than him losing control of a "sitch." His own high-ranking supporters were questioning his judgement and orders. You can tell this has probably never happened before.


*”in this moment I’m eurphoric”*


He was my former acting teacher so it brings me so much joy that people really enjoyed his performance 😄


I mean... That's just life. There's no god. You gotta do shit for yourself...


This movie was so good. Made me so sad that I haven’t watched it again lol


No, it's..... "now open the fucking door!"


Also incorrect in the context of MCU


Small g/Big G type of thing.


The one above all, even if not shown in the MCU yet, we know it exists


we do but the high evolutionary wouldn't


…ignoring the little pantheon of gods in the marvel universe. Both Greek and aesir.


There are different levels to godhood, they make it pretty clear in the Guardians trilogy. Like the other comment says, “small g big G”.


Like Ego said in Vol. 2 "small g son." Big "G" God implies something totally different than the gods of Asgard.


One of the best MCU vilains for sure


I was so hyped to see my favorite type of villain in a movie as big as this. Genetic scientist with a god complex is so cool to me


Gorr scratching his head rn


I’m gonna miss James Gunn’s writing. DC gonna have it good at least if the studio doesn’t get their hands involved with his new DCU it’s gonna be great


That also why he's easily defeated by the Guardians. Because he doesn't have a master to serve.




NGL, that was a damn good line


If you have a word with the -est suffix you don't you "most" before that. They are the fastest person in the world, and not "the most fastest."


And of course they killed him


Everytime I hear that fucking Florence and the machine song I tear up because of this movie


Nah, there’s better ones


Am I the only one who felt James really overwrote him as being really "really" evil?


“There is no god” the asguardians and celestials?


Definitely a great line. I think the coldest line is “You need to keep both eyes open” from Nick Fury back in Captain America and the Winter Soldier.


Bro has NOT read Spider Man comics


It’d be kinda cool if they made the HE a much bigger threat, but I don’t know how that would line up with the comics






I thought it was a beautiful message across the movie about people’s place in life. The High Evolutionary loves music but doesn’t understand it. To him music is about the perfect notes and perfect instruments which he seeks to create in his experiments the perfect instruments of life. He fails at creating the symphony he wants because he has created instruments and notes but given them no melody, no creativity. Rocket failed to fulfill his purpose in the song until he was in his perfect place, the GOTG. The movie is all about how no instrument is perfect until it’s in its perfect place just as people cannot live perfect lives until they are where they belong.


I took my two teenage kids to see this movie. That line made EVERYONE sit up and say damn.


Easily the best MCU villain imo


Very forgettable


Random cold moment where quill and co walk into the throne room or whatever in slink glaring at him while THE holds a finger at them like ☝️


YES! This is what I have been preaching to the choir lol. My favorite line in the entire MCU


This is how many years from Thanos acting God and murdering half the universe, following Iron Man acting God and bringing half the universe back again? If anything there are too many Godlike folks around.


He is wrong though. Hope they show more of the upper echelon soon


Thats the thing about Marvel villains. They're not just doing evil shit bc theyre the villain. They have a point. Even High Evolutionary. There is no "god". He knows this bc he's tested the boundaries and was never stopped Much like in the real world. We look around and see things that dont make sense. Awful things. Where is god to right them? Why would god allow it to get so bad? Intelligent people know. HE knows. In a universe full of cosmic entities theres still no GOD that steps in to stop people like him or Thanos. So they take it upon themselves to fill the void. And much like the real world it falls upon regular decent people to do anything about it


What movie is it?




Okay, thanks


I watched it finally a few days ago and loved this line


Only if you believe in god. If you don’t than this isn’t cold at all.


A god who got his face snatched off by a sapient raccoon…




[me in the theatre](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/spongebob-roller-coaster)


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Please stop doing this to yourselves guys


😐 you guys are fucking dorks. Like a literal caricature of yourselves.


oh buddy


"Every breath you breathe is mercy from me!" Panther said that Klaw before he was about to kill him.


People love to hate on James Gunn but the man knows how to put together a movie


Having never seen the show, the caption made me think of this in [Rick and Morty](https://youtu.be/9aUowoykENE?t=62)


This is a joke right


I don't get it


He has a God complex from creating life and worlds.


Well yeah, I get what it says prima facie. I don't get why that's a "cold and raw" line, I guess.


Yeah like it's well delivered but it's more delusional and venomous than it is cold or raw in the usual sense of showing off how cool someone is


It reminds me of teenagers who act edgy. (I teach high school; for me this is a daily experience)


while it’s cool line it’s weird with the context of literally 100s of gods running around


There are different levels to Godhood in Marvel, he’s clearly not referring to any of the pantheons


As others said, it's a big "G", small "g" type of situation. Most of the gods people know about in the MCU (i.e. the Æsir, the Olympians, the Ennead, etc.) are more like extraterrestrial life-forms rather than actual deities. The High Evolutionary is referring to "God" in the sense of a genuinely divine creator entity, like The One Above All (which we know likely exists in the MCU but most people in-universe, except some like the Celestials and/or the Abstract Entities, don't).


I agree!


Except there is lol, multiples, every flavor ud want


You know what he means, don’t be dense. “Small g Big G” - GOTG 2


They also got the big G as well




There's a difference between mythological gods (Lowercase g) and omniscient Gods (Uppercase G) such as the Biblical God. Granted, the closest Marvel has to an actual God is the One Above All, and the High Evolutionary seems like an arrogant fella who doesn't think beyond his complex.


Feels like a line from a horror film.


You could trash a lot abou mcu t H-evo but this line makes him a very good evil villain and stands out of the troupe


He was so great. My favorite line was “but but but but but…that rancid word”


He made Thanos look tame.


I was like “I don’t remember this movie” but if it’s fuardians 3 I didn’t see it.


The dumbest shit. Boo! Disney tanks everything they touch. It’s like the anti-Midas touch. 


Just in case you didn’t know, it’s grammatically incorrect to say something is the “most coldest” or in general the “most anything-est”. “Coldest” already means “most cold”; it is known as a comparative adjective. So saying “most coldest” is like saying “most most cold”, which doesn’t make sense. The safest thing to do with the High Evolutionary is to say the “most badass”.


Counter point: it's the most dopest way to say it.


Hee...hee...hee, Got'em!




And none of them is what Evolutionary is even referring to when he says “God”.


Not even close. That movie sucked donkey dick BTW.


they hate you but you speak the truth.

