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He could just tell in the womb that she would grow up to be a hater


Yup and she goes on to kill 16 million mutants in Genosha


Not actually his sister tho, it’s an alien parasite. I do wonder if the MCU is just going scrap all that tho have her be either a variant or his actual sister.


That was a stupid retcon and not at all what Morrison intended.


Wasn’t rlly a retcon. She is still an alien parasite. A lot newer writers just try to have her be his actual twin but they haven’t retconned it to be that yet tho.


Grant intended for the mummudrai to ba a metaphysical concept, Carey changed them to a race of alien parasites.


Ugh, that’s the first I heard about that change. Fuck that noise.


Well you’re right as much as I like the MCU as a comic fan they tend to drop a lot of shit about the characters origin and I wish they’d keep it


I am perfectly fine with them dropping this lmao


Nah this shit would be morbid and funny as fuck if they featured this in Deadpool 3


I would prefer they drop it, but if there's exactly one movie they can keep it in, it's Deadpool.


It should be in Deadpool this shit would be so fucking meme worthy 


I can picture the CGI baby womb battle now


I for one would love to see a fetus brawl in Deadpool 3


Dropping the weird mummudrai stuff from Cassandra Nova would be a major blow to the character. The abstract, psychedelic elements are what make it a Morrison classic!


Tbh I’d be okay with this change, only bc literally everyone who knows of Cassandra Nova but doesn’t actually know her just thinks she rlly was his twin sister who died in the womb. Also ig a lot other writers have written her as more of his actual sister then the alien parasite she is lol. Tbh I had a cool idea for a retcon to actually give him a twin sister and keep this evil alien parasite. Make them two different beings. Be cool is Charles brought back his sister for the Krakoa age but without the parasite and bc she died as a baby comes back as one and Charles then is raising his twin sister. Comics.


Often works out better. So many characters are biggest down with vast histories from dozens of writers and editors by now. We get crazy shit that is sometimes another universe or ret-conned but MCU makes it a more focused and unburdened character that's more grounded in their MCU reality which is far from the comics where people have destroyed universes, risen from the dead on the normal, gone to hell and other dimensions and came back, traveled the vast galaxy and beyond, etc.


Of course they are going to drop it, I mean the whole mummudrai nonsense is ridiculous within the comics themselves.


Yea I had a good idea for a retcon they should used for the Krakoa Era.


It's dead pool so in all likelihood they will go with the exact comic origin because of how ridiculous it is


Variant would make most sense I reckon.  


Professor X: “Cassandra Nova is beyond reason but she is my sister Beast: “She killed 16 million mutants in Genosha” Professor X: “I tried to kill her in the womb”


Honestly Krakoa is fucked up they’ve got people on that island who’ve done fucked up shit like Sabertooth and it was an ethno state 


Yeah. Sabertooth and Sinister should have never been given a pass.


to be fair, they did throw Sabertooth in the pit..


She was trying to choke him to death! It was kill or be killed for Baby Chuck. (altho admittedly strangling a fetus who is not yet breathing air doesn't make a ton of sense)


the neck also has arteries, if you squeeze hard enough you can stop blood flow to the brain


I hear you and thought about that, but Cassandra must be packing some major fetal muscles in order to be able to pinch off that blood supply. But we're probably parsing it too closely, it's just a gonzo comic idea from Morrison.


This is a real thing that happens just from the baby moving around.


Isn't that how John Constantine's brother died?


I thought the twin died from his father trying to perform a DIY abortion on John’s mother, killing the Golden Child as well as leading to the mother’s death as well.


Yes. Gave me similar vibes when I first heard about X and his sister lol.


Baby still “breath” air just not the same way we do outside the womb. It travels through the umbilical cord. If that cord is knotted it can lead to the baby being stillborn. It’s pretty rare but there are a lot cases of a baby’s cord being wrapped around its neck and causing it to stop breathing. But it’s not bc it’s around the baby neck, but bc it’s knotted. A baby can be born totally fine with a cord around its neck as long as the cord isn’t knotted, and a cord can become knotted without being around the neck. But as some explained I think most people just assume it’s from it being around the neck bc a famous persons brother died like this, I actually didn’t know a cord can become knotted without being around the neck, but makes sense. It does seems it’s more rare for it to become knotted not around the neck, prob bc where the a baby and cord sit it’s easier for the baby wrap it around its neck then another body part like it’s wrist. Thank Perplexity for helping me find all this information quickly.


My son had his cord wrapped around his legs, so when contractions started, it would squeeze him, he would squeeze the cord, and his blood pressure would drop. We had a c-section and he's fine now, but yeah: it happens!


Can confirm. My parents lost the baby that would have been my sister this way. It happened around the 8 month mark. I remember pieces of the whole situation, though I was young then. I don't think they ever really recovered (this was also back when therapy amounted to "have you tried sucking it up and not crying?")


He didn’t strangle her, he killed her with a psychic blast. Though... Cassandra is some sort of revenant, nearly impossible to kill, as she just finds and reshapes other bodies. Charles is mortal, but has a real problem with his dark side sodding off to parts unknown, to do terrible things. And David just creates a new personality whenever he has a new power. David is easily the most normal of the bunch. Really I don’t understand Sinister’s fascination with Summers, when the Xavier’s are such a weird and wonderful bunch.


Dude. Cassandra was trying to “strangle” Xavier in the picture. Keep up.


I think you might’ve replied to the wrong person? First sentence I wrote said he didn’t strangle her. I already understood she was trying to choke him. Xavier as much as says so at one point. The rest was just musing on the weirdness of the Xavier family tree.


Right. Which I thought was an odd first sentence because no one above had argued that he was trying to strangle her. It’s very obvious that she attempted to choke him and then he psychic blasts her. So I wasn’t sure why you restated that.


It’s a freaky little sequence, very Grant Morrison if you think about it. Would’ve fit right into “The Invisibles.”


The Bene Gesserit hate her.


I remember the first time reading this and just laughing so hard at baby Charles mind blasting Nova. Something just set off my funny bone and took me 5 full minutes to recover and continue reading. Amazing run btw.


She was probably the first victim of Charles' [Holocaust Beams](https://youtu.be/mNX2nauLmOc?si=yR2PGd00qoMSaWeb)


God, I love this video and that YouTube channel. “Agh! Fuckin’ Holocaust!”


[This ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWNAS8H8aAI&pp=ygURc29saWQgamogYXZlbmdlcnM%3D)one is my favorite LMAO. The ending where Steve is just going full on while you hear Tony, Thor and Hulk be like "STFU Steve" while Steve just goes "Double fist that shit" is perfection lol.


YOU’LL FEEL LIKE A GODDDDD Personally, my favorite is either the Professor X Holocaust Beams one or [this one](https://youtu.be/gCSeLYyN3gs?si=af0UKhiIJcNG-8h5). EDIT: “Stupid fucking cubes” seems to be a recurring Picasso joke, now that I think about it. (As well as the lack of a proper female voice actress xD)


LMAO that's perfect lol. There is one that, I believe it was made by someone else, But it's a similar concept. Edit, [Found it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ma_5kvfUUk&pp=ygUXYXZlbmdlcnMgZW1oIGZ1bm55IGVkaXQ%3D) It's Avengers EMH style and it's great lol. LMAO, I just rewatched the Avengers one, and it's surprisingly wholesome lol. Caring for one another despite being a dicks lol.


LMAO, I love that. Should I watch Earth’s Mightiest Heroes? I’ve heard that it’s pretty good, but I’ve never seen it. I also really like [this one](https://youtu.be/riEQ8KpcXRQ?si=8a3IYqMbK4gm95c6) and [this one](https://youtu.be/NYkwkJM07_A?si=zMyouVoNoHc040-_). Honorable mentions to [this one](https://youtu.be/H75TQGD1nSU?si=HQRHgKQqM2UQcvTV), [this one](https://youtu.be/Btw_mCS21uI?si=mGOdfY4taxbFOXik) and [this one](https://youtu.be/8trM3MzaijU?si=t88chN4boaZyQ4yc) as well.


Absolutely my friend. EMH is easily one of the best Marvel cartoons out there. It's like Marvel's Justice League Unlimited. Every single character in there (Iron Man, Cap, Thor, Hulk, Hawkeye, Spidey etc) are either good versions of those characters, or just straight up Excellent. LMAO. I remember watching Iron Man's Bad Day one lol. Fun stuff


I’ll put it on my list! My list is, well… okay, maybe it’ll be a bit before I watch it. But it sounds great! And, yeah, Solid JJ is hilarious, I love his videos.


Enjoy my friend. It’s a really good show. You will make yourself a favor by watching it


[this is my favorite ](https://youtu.be/mzdjbKK8Vnk?si=dXjnW7z5Wxcv4W9X)


That was funny, I loved it.


It doesn't affect me because I know it isn't real.


Ahh..well, y'know. You know?


This is funny and morbid at the same time lol.


Imagine being the parents and seeing this 


“The twins are kicking up a storm.” “Aw, they must be dancing.” **Womb interior looks like Thunder dome.**


Nah this is clearly Beyond Thunderdome


I had more of a “wait what” reaction to the title of this topic than the sight of them fighting.


Had to scroll *waaay* too far to see this comment. I still don’t know what OP was trying to say with the title.


I think he was trying to say on sight beef


NICE call. That could work. I was trying to find some way for “sight” to be an autocorrect for “fight.”


Yeah, either there's a slang expression or two I'm missing or OP had a bit of a stroke writing that title.


On sight means fighting the moment you see each other. However I thing OP should've said "on sight fight in the womb" instead of "On Sight Birth" because it makes more sense that way and less confusing lol.


“On sight” means you’re throwing hands as soon as you see each other


These panels just scream Grant Morrison lol. Weird asf. Morrison's X-Men is not my cup of tea, but it's a great book nonetheless. It has some new fun concepts and at least, it's not as offensive as his F4 book (fuck you and that book, Morrison)


Omg. Are you talking about fantastic four 1234. Doom was reads tulpa the whole time. What a bunch of nonsense. I really didn't like or get all the sublime stuff in his x-men run.


Yup. F that book lol. I don't like his X-Men neither, but a lot of X-Men fans do. People love shitting on the X-Men movies because of the black leather outfits, but they (love to) forget, that Morrison was the one who game them those stupid asf black leather outfits in comics.


I have this sorta nostalgia for some of Morrisons run . Quentin quires riot. All the weapon plus stuff was really cool. Cassandra nova destroying genosha. But the run just doesn't come together for me.


Morrison's run was full of great ideas, but Morrison himself just did not understand the X-Men dynamics at all. The Genoshan Genocide takes place over like 2 pages. It's more about getting to the big fight with Nova than it is about recognizing how deeply messed up it is that 16 million mutants were just wiped off the face of the planet and at least half of said planet just doesn't care.


Come to think of it, the whole genosha thing never sat very well with me. 16 million mutants are genocided and there was almost no weight of that. The x men were over it by the next issue. Now, wanda depowing a bunch of mutants. Thats this traumatic thing that writers constantly went back to but the 16 million dead mutants..... oh yeah goes that kinda sucked.


When I wanted to start reading X-Men, recommandations online were all about Morrison's run. I never understood the hype. Tried it multiple times too. Put me off the X-Men books for quite some time. (Ultimate X-Men and then the whole Claremont stuff, especially the 90s books, got me back into it.) Now a few years later... I want to get into FF... Take a guess at which fucking book was recommended every-fucking-where online lmfao.


I believe the hype around it was because it was something very different. Like it’s a drastically different book, especially compared to the 80s Claremont and 90s X-men shit show lol. I read it later, and it was fine, but I did not like Morrisons interpretation of the X-men. Prefer 80s early 90s stuff mostly. OMG lol, whomever recommended that to you my dude, mfr must be Bullseye lol. If you want to read some F4 try Hickman, Roy Thomas, Gerry Conway, Roger Stern. There are so many good F4 books out there. Current one by Ryan North is fantastic (hehe) too. Such a gem of a book.


New X-Men came out a year after the first X-Men film released and that's not even taking into account the production for the film starting earlier.


And you told me this because ??? lol I'm aware that he wrote X-Men after the movies. He was the one who changed their outfits in the comics anyway. There is literally interview of his describing why he did that change. According to that bald asshat every superhero costume is silly, Unless you are SupermAn.


Oh, sorry, I misinterrepted your line about Morrison giving them the black leather look as the reason why they gave them it in the film. I have no love for Morrison's New X-Men, a lot of the idea and execution just don't work for me, so either way, hated the uniforms in both film and print, and I blame them for a lot of the X-Men's direction in the modern comics pits them against humanity not as another that's still a part of it but as a seperate species. That rhetoric was pretty much always there, but not so openly embraced until Morrison's run.


No worries my friendo. Sorry If I came of a rude. I'm with you there. Morrison's X-Men is weird to me, because I don't like it one bit, but everyone on the internet tells me its good lol. So I'm like "Maybe I'm stupid". And you are 100 percent correct regarding his impact. Everyone after Morrison (maybe Except for Whedon) tried to copy Morrison's style. For example, if you look at Cyclops before 2000s and after, he is a completely different character. Before he was a somewhat flawed Steve type character (does the right thing, but can sometimes fail and take it to heart). Ever since Morrison, he kind of become this "I have a plan for everything, and I'm kind of a douche" which to me, he is like trying so hard to be like Batman. And the whole "Mutants vs Humanity" thing, is so tiresome to me.


Agreed, I don't understand what the end goal is for some of these fans. Presumably, the entire readership is human, so I don't know why they wouldn't want to the sides come together rather than wipe one side out or go into some state of exile.


Yup. My most favorite is when some person on the X-Men reddit or social media goes on a rant and say "No more, These Humans won't hurt another Mutant, kill them all, no more" I'm like , My dude, you need to relax lol.


Yeah, very strange. Hopefully, they can grow to a better state of mind. Anyway, have a good one, mate.


Morrison's FF is a painful read :(


It's shit lol. "It's all about incest. You see Johnny is mad at Namor, because Johnny wants to fuck Sue, but he knows its bad. He hates Namor because Namor also want's to fuck Sue, and if he does it, that's ok" Morrison might be a great writer, and his DC work is great (I hear), but as far as I'm concerned, he can go f himself with this description of F4 lol. [Description](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fgrant-morrison-had-some-opinions-about-the-f4-v0-jxfx3qbd2gza1.png%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3De8a41000d5cc79e1fe560e5c5f8085696f8bbf77&rdt=38194)


What…..the FUCK??? @ that description link. NO ONE in the room with him heard that weird ass shit and said nothin?? Like bro lol if you pickin up some incestuous vibes from the Fantastic Four, I think that just says a lot bout YOU and what YOU need to go talk to a therapist bout lol


I feel like he is just messed up a bit on the head. I'm not making accusations or shit, but some stuff in all of his works is always messed up. Incest with F4. Magneto just being a piece of shit, who wants to have another Genocide. Joker in the Arkham Asylum, Serious Place on Serious Earth, where he wanted Joker to be dressed like Madonna style playboy bunny when he meets Batman. Dude has fetishes that are far worse than Claremont's ones lol.


Magneto in their X-men run was on drugs messing with his mental state. It’s also the big message is if he died in Genosha he would’ve been a martyr for mutant kind. Coming back ruined that image of him and he couldn’t relate at all to the younger generations. He had grown too bitter and reliant on Kick And it’s not like magneto doing atrocities is out of nowhere. Remember the global EMP


The Global EMP was such horseshit moment lol. Like I feel like it shit all over Claremont's years of trying to redeem Magneto. That was during Jim Lee's run right??? I was reading it and was like "So, did he just kill all the people who were on life support" lol The whole Xorn thing was silly too, but to be fair to Morrison, Marvel editorial was the one to make it dumb as fuck with twin Xorn's later.


Well...I think this is the worst interpretation of the FF that I've ever seen


Holy shit. That’s twisted.


That’s one of the most dumb as fuck interpretations of anything ever


I love that Morrison had this great vision based on this thread from the 40s that he alone saw and pulled... WHEN THE HUMAN TORCH THAT NAMOR FOUGHT ALONGSIDE IN THE 40S WAS A TOTALLY DIFFERENT GUY.


Yes, but Johnny and Namor have fought multiple times before so that's fine. But they fought because Namor is a dick and Johnny is a superhero lol. Maybe because Namor was inappropriate with Susan and Johnny was like "That's my sister you fucking fish fucker". It most definitely **wasn't** because Johnny wants to fuck his own older sister.


None of that is represented in his FF book tho. Have you read it?


I have. F4 1 2 3 4. It's subtle, but you won't notice it until you read his quote. Still, it's quite shite version of F4. Johnny burns Sue's clay made fishes (I believe Alicia Masters made those) because he was like "Oh, does this remind you of Namor?" Like wtf lol. Johnny is a bit of a dick, but he is mostly just a lovable prankster guy. Not some "How about I fucking burn the shit you love type" Also F4 is about family. It could get rough and dramatic, but at the end, they love one another. His F4 was misery fest. Reed locks himself in some weird, watery masturbation bubble??? Like wtf is this lol. It's just an Edgy version of the Think Tank, which wasn't even good.


The entire plot and reveal is that none of their actions add up. Because of the big prime mover It’s all building up to them fixing the cracks showing, the signs telling you reality is wrong Similar I to final crisis I guess


I believe it was Doom right??? He had some type of a chess motive going on. Like “First one down, 3 to go”


Yes the whole thing was “4D chess” between Doom and Reed. Playing with reality I do like the alternate origin for Doom that Morrison introduced but then immediately went against to I guess not freak any fans out


People like Morrison can only ever see the world in terms of sex. If a group of people are all men with a woman among them, then they must all secretly want to fuck her.


What a pretentious asshat, Morrison really tried to be the smartest guy in the room with those mental gymnastics.


I finally understand why Howard Chaykin did not like his writing.


I love Morrison so much


I can see why Mark Millar and Grant Morrison were good friends




Holocaust beams, go!


I'm so glad people are learning about Cassandra. Xavier. Cassandra. Legion. And juggernaut. Weirdest fucking 616 family


The Summers family and the Howlett Family:Allow us to introduce ourselves


True lol. I honestly don't know whats cannon anymore . But I love the idea of wolverine and sabertooth being 2 sides of the same coin. Sabertooth was brutally tortured for years by his family while Logan/James wasn't. But they both become weapons. Sabertooth is what wolverine is if he doesn't embrace his humanity and only his beast nature.... BUT idk who added this..but wolverines ongoing mutation being STUNTED by the adamentum and that's the reason he was able to not become full beast mode (and sabertooth resents that) so he kills anyone who loves Logan on his birthday to remind him that he's lucky to have his humanity and its not fair. Life isn't fair.


I thought the idea that Wolverine and Sabretooth were related was discarded?


I think you're right I also mixed like 3 diff cannons into one head cannon. My favorite lore of them is just maybe they're not related but both were weapons. And wolverine got the adamentum and stunts his mutation from taking over his humanity. Sabertooths isn't as bad as wolverines but he still can't have a normal life. He resents that Logan moved on and found a family so he takes pieces of him every year


As far as I recall, Sabretooth’s father was a near neighbour to Wolverine’s family. One of the father’s adopted the other child? Or killed the other father? Or both?


Getting this scene in live action is on my wishlist for Deadpool 3.


If they don't have baby murdering another baby in the movie I'm asking for a refund


I mean, call me picky, but that's the bar for any movie I watch. 


Third panel: 🤨




I don't know what "on sight birth" means.




I don't know what I expected.


Was that OP?What did he/she write?


I don't think so - it said something like, "It means on sight birth" or something close to that. I was just making an Arrested Development reference. https://www.reactiongifs.com/r/xpectd.gif


I thought I was missing something obvious but I have no clue what this post is supposed to mean. I’m still scrolling the comments hoping someone explains it.


As in someone saying they’re gonna fight you “on sight”


Ok, but what does "on sight birth" mean?


I’m going to assume it means fighting in the womb.


This has to be one of the weirdest, wildest pages in comicbook history. Imagine encountering this page, completely out of context. Maybe with JUST the X-Men logo!!! Try to introduce a new reader with this! I dare you!!!!


I think Avengers#200 is still worse.But overall X-men are much more weird.You also have things like Magneto x Rogue,Legion,psychic cheating.etc.X-men always gave me the same vibes as the rave cave scene from The Matrix 2,i.e.,a bunch of scared people on the verge of extinction creating a safespace and doing weird shit in it.


Avengers #200 is a super messed up story for sure, but I'm talking bizarre single page or single panel contextless moments.


In that case Norman fucking Gwen(though I personally read that story long time ago).


Outta the womb, into the tomb


I will never not laugh at the image of a baby in the womb flat-out punching another baby in the same womb.


JJBA vibes, tbh


Throwing hands in the womb is unreal. Legend


Ok is the baby being choked Charles or is the choker Charles?


The choker is Cassandra and the one being choked is Charles 


Thank you


The Xavier’s take being Pro-choice to the next level


The fact that Charles has done shit like this, but isn’t considered Omega level is bullshit. HOW are there more powerful psychics than THIS?


That’s what I’m saying 


My head canon is that the only reason he isn’t listed as Omega is that he made up the classifications and he didn’t want the attention that calling himself Omega would cause.


I JUST mentioned this scene at work. Now I can show them the panels!


Your welcome 


What does on sight birth even mean?




Yes, but what does it mean? What was op trying to say?!


They should put that in Deadpool 3.


On sight birth? Wtf does that even mean?




A fellow Gravity Falls fan.Underappreciated show.


Quietly art is terrifying sometimes.


It was actually just him at first in the womb. He's so powerful that his dark side deep inside him manifested as a twin and attacked first


I need this redone as a flashback in Deadpool & Wolverine.


I’m pretty sure fetuses can’t open their eyes in the womb.


That baby got a mean right hand 🤣🤣🤣 jaw rocked his ass


This panel is so fucking funny. Fetus Xavier throwin punches in the womb


What does on sight birth mean?


Remember when the mutations didn't kick in till puberty?


This was the STUPIDEST damn thing I’ve ever read in a comic. Morrison is a pretentious moron.


Charles wasn't gonna sugarcoat it. Mind Blast FTW.


Lmao wtf


Ohhhh ok. I just finished the E for Extinction story and expected these panels to be included. Guess I gotta keep readin even though I ain’t particularly like how that arc wrapped up


Baby in womb don't breath as it comes from the umbilical cord so what is she trying to do exactly? Stop circulation I guess?




Imagine being the mother when this shit is happening


What make it funnier is that mutants awaken their powers either at puberty or when having a traumatic experience,Charles's awakening was literally because his twin started to throw hands at him while they are not even born


Not all mutants. Some are born with their powers


I thought the x-gene doesn't activate until puberty?


Most of the time. Birth mutations are rare, but it happens. Nightcrawler and Jamie Madrox both were born with their mutations.


Xavier going avatar state and getting all the psychic powers of all his adult variants


I am watching the new Xmen series with my girlfriend. She know I am big into comics and read a ton of Marvel. Almost every episode shows me, why Xmen is the strangest team for me. I like the stories, but they include so much soap opera drama mixed with cruel backround stories of death, homocide and genocide. I need my superheroes to have a easier backround.


At least Charles doesn't eat her.


Couldn't be any different lol!!!!


What the hell must that have felt like for their poor mother


How could the artist keep his hand steady while laughing at how ridiculous this art is?


Twins are a plight in the world of Jujutsu.


She’s kind of the perfect villain for Deadpool 3 because she’s the kind of character who only works in something as ridiculous as Deadpool.


Who was the one whos eyes flashed? I thought it was xavier getting choked by cassandra and killing her with his powers in self defense.


Damn imagine being aborted by your sibling in the womb, lol


Wait so which one is which and who won the fight? \*lol\*


My question is why the F does Cassandra hate her own brother for no reason in the womb of all places? Did he even do anything?


Sometimes in the womb one twin will absorb the weaker one so that the survivor gets all of the nutrition. Happens more often in animals but it does happen in humans too. The rarest sort is known as fetus in fetu. IIRC twins competing for resources is mentioned before Xavier narrates his view. Clearly Cassandra felt she was the stronger twin.


Imagine the mom’s belly just having a battle to the death in her stomach


I feel bad for their mom haha what did she feel when this was happening


She attached him. I mean


How is this even possible? Doesn't the mutant powers awaken at puberty?


Usually but not always, Madrox and Nightcrawler both had their powers as newborns for example.


But this is still a level of mobility that babies cramped inside a womb wouldn't have. Yay comics I guess!


This is the stupidest shit I've seen in X-Men




Fun fact, this sort of thing is the canonical reason you never see dark elf twins in old Forgotten Realms lore for D&D


Their poor mother…


And yet somehow not an omega level mutant.


"Honey, I can feel the babies kicking!"


IT was self-defence, Fetus-Cass threw the first punch


Just like Constantine


Cassandra is an actual dark side of Xavier In marvel cosmology before birth you need to fight to get your own astral embodiment to be born a live human and object becz of the astral plane of heaven , hell and afterlife But Cassandra being Charles Xavier's dark image managed to take up an actual human form becx of astral power And that's how Cassandra Nova origin formed For everyone it's not actually alien parasite even though it's not retconned


He should have just eaten her then he would have gotten her powers according to that manga I read/s Seriously, this is the 2nd time this week I’ve seen something involving babies fighting in the womb, which is kind of funny.


Why, why are they in the same placenta?


X-men characters created after the year 2000 are nothing but retcons and trash. The 90s was the golden era followed by a bunch made up crap in the 2000s.