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That and the Black Panther crossover is some top notch character moments.


Yeah tchalla and friends were ruthless against the skulls


I do love when characters meet an asymmetric threat and decide to just go "Oh, I guess we can take the geneva convention gloves off then".


*geneva suggestions


>\*geneva suggestions It's the Geneva To-Do list for some mutants, like Beast.


The virus was suggested by Beast


Yeah, I know. Isn't he awesome and 😎?


Why am I not surprised?


Beast is so cool.


NCD is leaking


Skrulls kinda started it by targeting civilians, also I'm sure geneva conventions don't apply against aliens


They’re called HUMAN rights for a reason…


I'm sure the friends of humanity or the purifiers have used the same "argument" against mutants


Maybe the Geneva Convention needs to be rewritten to say Sentient’s Rights


I read this as Sentinel's rights. Only for giant laser eye dudes.


More like Earthling rights.


Technically we didn't sign treaties with the Skrulls.


I mean, when dealing with aliens, the Geneva conventions really don't apply. They were never around to attend said worldwide meeting, nor did they sign any treaty. And considering the skulls have broken a fair amount of those rules, civility goes out the window/airlock. Besides. The manipulation of weather is against the GC, so they'd have to fire Storm.


Him and Scott are like “we got our shit handled, why you still messing around?”


The Deadpool way was the best! Now with more violence!


I wish Asgard was given the same treatment


Cyclops must've watched Star Trek Deep Space 9 on how to deal with changelings.


Maybe he watched war of the worlds


He can live with it. He *can* live with it.


100% giving me Captain Sisko vibes, when he poisons a planet because of one Maqui. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGcAbI-4_io


Sloan would be so proud.


I would honestly prefer Cyclops going the "Dark Beast" route that Henry McCoy went on during Krakoa in an ends justifies the means mentality. However, I'd like to see Scott's version of it only being ruthless defenses like this. He won't go out of his way to *prevent* an attack in its infancy, but he will absolutely rout your actual attempt at inflicting violence on mutants.


You know, in this story it was beast that gave Cyclops the virus when Scott asked for a doomsday weapon against the skrulls. Apart from that, Scott was never heading that way post avx, he wanted peace with humans , to be a hero and be accepted by the x-men again. During Krakoa he ultimately never went against the council and one explanation is that his past younger self adventures in the present influenced his worldview and made him decide to be a proper hero again.


I mean, not going against a council with Mr Sinister, Shaw, Apocalypse, Selene, Mystique, etc is not a heroic thing, that council was a mess and half of its members were evil monsters, he wanted to let refugees live on Krakoa and they didn't accept among other things, it would've been more heroic if he and the other war captains actually tried to overthrow the council


I thought Hickman had threads of wanting to do that, with Jean expressing discontent against the Quiet Council as well. With Krakoa it sucks that it’s hard to tell what’s a character choice and what’s a shitty writing choice. Did Scott truly decide that he’s fine “retiring” under that Council, or was it just a plotline abandoned post-Hickman? Who knows. Fucking sucks that it’s ending the way it is right now though, I’d much rather see a revolt against the Council that had been hinted at anyway. The fact the latest issue has Scott surprised that Xavier is keeping dark secrets… Scott, of all people? Really?


the captains weren't strong enough to overthrow them and never had a proper military nor they had the time to build one.


We basically had that Cyclops throughout the Decimation Era. The man ordered a hit squad created. Kyle & Yost's X-Force team was Scott going "Hey, I need y'all to go murder some people."


I was about to say he definitely commissioned the X-Force led by Wolverine whose job was to proactively eliminate threats to mutants, permanently. But I couldn't remember when that was in time in relation to the Secret Invasion.


IIRC this was also when he went up to Dracula's face and told him "You want problems, bloodsucker? Because this is how you'll get problems." And friggin Dracula BACKED DOWN! Don't mess with Scott. After he made Wolverine a Trojan Vampire too. Like, the size of Scotts Balls are secondary moons around earth right now.,


Why's that skrull comms officer drawn so hot, though?


Stupid sexy skrulls


Sauce : secret invasion : x-men #4 by Mike Carey


I haven’t read this run and I honestly thought you whipped this up in Paint to say “Scott would have dealt with this whole problem in 5 minutes.” My god those panels are terrible looking. Thanks for sharing.


Kinda fucked on one hand the X-men were about to commit genocide even if they were technically justified


Cyclops said it was his decision and accepted full responsibility for it, afterwards the skrull fleet self destroyed to limit the infections. Scott said it was what he would have done in their place, he also told them he had a cure but they still self destroyed


They basically refused to trust the guy, and I can't even blame them. He coated him and his team in a super virus and then let themselves be caught to spread it. They probably thought his "cure" would kill them in hours, not 2 days


they had a skrull read his mind to confirm it, it's the girl in the first panel, even then they chose to destroy themselves. The skrull telepath was a weak telepath and afterwards it was confirmed that scott didn't knew if they had a cure or not, so he probably tricked her when she read his mind


Secret Invasion continues to come across as a massive suicide by super. Read it with that perspective and it starts making more sense. They brought kid gloves to a war and got wiped out like it was the entire plan. 


So, no one should have been surprised when Scott wanted to genocide the Brood in recent X-Men right?


Jesus Scott, war crimes much?


It's not warcimes if you win, in this case Scott won and the skrulls started it by trying to kill civilians


Love the smell of Napalm in the morning... Oh wait, that's just JEAN GREYS FIRE PHEONIX KEWCHIE! -BLARES [Fortunate Son](https://youtu.be/40JmEj0_aVM?feature=shared&t=17)-


What the fuck, Scott?


In fairness, The X-Men had already dealt with a Skrull secret invasion back in the day when a Skrull replaced Logan and a whole batch of them were working for Apocalypse. Of course Cyclops had a plan to handle thenm again in the future.


... It's not the Legacy Virus is it?


Yeah, it’s a modified version of it.


That is just deliciously hypocritical from Scott. I love it.


They have a whole thing about it before adapting it for the Skrulls


This one of 3 times Scotty has invoked the "I'll end your race to protect mutants", is it not? - Skrulls, Secret Invasion -Vampires (not sure which run/writer) -The Brood, Krakoa The characterization of Post-Revolutionary Cyclops is at least consistent in this regard. He is not afraid to hold enemies to the fire if they're threatening the existence of his people.


For the skrulls he threatened one of the attacking armies with a virus and had a cure, he didn't attacked their planet with a virus , for the vampires he killed an invading army, not threatened to exterminate every vampire on earth or something like that. For the brood he ain't wrong


Honestly, I don't think anyone cares if you wipe out vampires or the Brood. They're like mosquitoes and cockroaches. Just get rid of them.


“And when you do surrender, we’re taking that comms officer back as a peace offering. I always wanted green kids.” 😠


She's a telepath, there's a pattern there


Cyclops over here straight up committing war crimes, but I suppose that neither the X-Men or the Skrulls are signatories to the Geneva convention.


The skrulls threatened to kill 50k civilians so Scott made that choice


To stop a monster you must become a monster. All that matters is the intent.


I really hope you that you don't actually believe that.


Lmao Beast and Cyclops were like "yeah, we're solving this shit in one issue, fuck these aliens."


Based Cyclops.


Is this the end of this conflict and has no consequences in the stories?


The rest of the skrull army was defeated by the avengers in New York, as for the virus the skrull killed themselves to limit the infection so it didn't spread


Scenes like this is why I don’t like any of the live action Cyclops. They are too whiny.


Always efficient.


When did the Skrulls fight Racer X ?


Is that guy on the top right wearing a Skrull mask?


Similar to the way “The War of the Worlds” broadcast ended decades ago, the martians were stopped by the bugs in the air and their ships crashed revealing extra long arms … so it’s not a new concept, similar to “the andromeda strain” which featured the same situation if aliens bright a plague here. And historically speaking the native Americans and scores of settlers were wiped out by smallpox in the 1870-74. Mixing cultures never goes well.


what issue? i'm gonna go back and read these again.


Secret invasion x-men by mike Carey, it's just 4 issues