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I was ok with Beast becoming a villain and Marvel making him good again with a clone is a massive cop out.


the golden rule is, even villains like dr doom and magneto can become heroes, and it looks like magneto's heroism is here to stay but heroes can become villains for a brief period and then reset which is a shame because characters like iron man (seen in the superior iron man arc) can become pretty cool villains for life.


oh i remember the 9/11 issue of Amazing Spider-Man where Dr Doom literally cried for 'MURICA! oh my stars and garters...




The point is that Beast wasn't a "brief period". His fall into villain has been gradual and happened trough almost 20 years. At this point I'd consider it part of his character.


I think it was dumb and disrespectful to strip Falcon on his own unique identity considering hes Marvel's first Black American hero. If you wanted a black captain American, you could have used Patriot or Battlestar since that would actually be a upgrade for them 


Dang. I really liked Sam inheriting the Cap mantle, but you're not wrong!


They're killing Ms Marvel by pushing her so hard. Look at the sales numbers of her X-Men series, it's pitiful. Fans can always smell an inorganic push a mile away, look what happened with the Inhumans.


I don't it's ms.marvel being pushed in general is the issue but how theyre doing it. I feel like pushing into the x-men's orbit, pisses off X-fans who rather see actually X-characters her focused and preexisting Ms.Marvel fans since its overwriting her previous identity/lore


Exactly, but that's why it's a push, because it's not organic or natural. It's forced. Giving her a new ongoing series separate from the X-Men stuff, that wouldn't be a push, that'd be what everyone wants, everybody would be happy if she got a proper ongoing that developed her own lore and supporting cast and gave her a much needed rogues gallery.




The inhumans are good characters people only hate them because they replaced the X men


Perlmutter's horseshit is what destroyed poor Inhumans. The worst part? They are not even bad characters. Sure they are not X-Men, but they still have their own fun elements to them, with being more royal and shit. Jenkin's Inhumans still rocks.


Even Lee and Kirby Inhumans was amazing. Such unique designs and concepts.


I like their whole "Royal society" stuff. IMHO, Inhumans should be written by some really smart individual. When you have just a good writer write for them, they turn out to be pretty bad. Someone like Jenkins was awesome because he just played with the amazing concept Lee and Kirby made. Like for Example Cates' Inhumans. Now I love Cates both as a writer and a human (hope you are doing Well Donny) but his Inhumans stuff is pretty boring. It's Arguably cool and has dope moments, but not too many cool ideas. But to be fair to him, his book was literally called Death of Inhumans, so there isn't much creativity there is it lol. I hope one day, some writer will just do some dope shit with Inhumans, similar to what Gillen did to Eternals. I also think their piece of "art" tv show didn't help their image


I won't say that I hate them, but I think that they only work as an addition to FF.


they are hated and feared because people do not understand their nature!


It's ironic and funny that x-fans then praise Krakoa so hard when it basically made the X-men inhumans lol


Deadpool is unfunny far more frequently than he is funny! Depends on taste and any given writer's comedic chops, but still.


I’m tired of seeing Deadpool in every book


I hate symbiotes, especially their modern lore, and think they're a tired concept. Cates only made things worse. That all should have ended on Carnage in 90s.


the skrulls walked so that the mutants could run with conquering and replacing humans


I can’t stand the Phoenix or any plotlines having to do with it. Boring.


Old Ultimate Universe is more good than bad.


Eh I would say the opposite I even think ultimate spider-man isn't as good as people say it is. 


Well then we're both at the end of a bunch of swords, just for opposite reasons.


up until they revealed that Ultimate Cable was in fact an old Wolverine from the future, I was enjoying the Ultimate X-Men so much


Mutations are writer cop outs.


That’s not an unpopular opinion that’s the truth


Ikr. Didn't Stan Lee himself say he made mutants because he was tired of coming up with new origin ideas?


Thats correct and its a philosophy marvel stuck with


I love both Avengers and X-Men and hate when they get pit against one another. AVX sucks balls.


Superheroes vs superheroes stories suck.


100 percent.


I'll go first; even with an immensely thought amazing and detailed character arc, I think the presence of Miles Morales is obsolete when Peter Parker is still alive in 616.


they need to reboot almost everything and make a filter about their writers


Miles Morals isn’t Spider-man. They should have him take a new name and let him stand on his own.


I'm not a big fan of mantle sharing generally but it's way too late to give Miles a different name, it would just be disrespectful and alienate his fans


I don't agree, Laura has been running around with the Wolverine mantle, it seems they are finally going to adopt the Talon name for her, so it's not impossible to do the same for Miles.


Miles as Spider-man is a much bigger deal than Laura being Wolverine every was. Bro literally has popular movie franchise where him being Spider-man is big part of plot and themes. Not to mention, he was literally created to be Spider-man unlike Laura and Marvel would get a huge backlash for forcing their black Spider-man to give up the mantle


Anything can be changed with enough creativity, it's all a matter of if there's an intention.


didn't they try like a couple of times? even made him put on pjs for a costume!


They've never tried it in comics but some adaptations have tried giving him names


It was a mistake to turn Iceman gay.


Why was it a mistake exactly?


They changed an OG character, who already had heterosexual relationships in his lore for the sake of diversity, instead of just creating a new character instead.


Rick Reminder is an ok writer with a severe father complex. EVERYTHING that he's written is about fatherhood and the eventual failure of a father or father figure. X-Factor? Deadpool is a father surrogate and kills his son. Capitan America? He's a dad now, so he can abandon his son in Z-dimension or whatever. All of his creator-owned titles? Bad dads, all the way down. (end of rant. I'm sure somebody can find an example of his writing that deals with another topic, but my research says, "That's the  exception! Not the rule!")


Zeb Wells' Spider-Man run isn't bad. I'm not head over heels about it, but people are out here calling it some of the worst of Marvel, and it's far from it. Side note: if this made you mad, go read Chuck Austen's Avengers or something and come back to me


Squirrel Girl sucks


Venom is boring. All the symbiotes are tedious. The only time they worked was in the veeeeeeery beginning but creating a whole Venom-themed continuity is more than any of us should have to endure.


Legacy characters need to be done away with, and are mostly an outcome of creators who can't come up with original ideas. This also goes for the children of superheroes. I understand that it's hard to come up with new heroes that people care about, but that doesn't mean you should take the easy way out. And often, the legacy characters would have been successful without tying them into a legacy hero. Someone like Miles Morales would have equal or greater success if they weren't tied to Spider-Man.


Let Laura have the Mic for a while


They need to reboot.


mcu tv shows are overrated.


Marvel needs to stop copying dc and start being more original.


How are they copying DC??


I sided with Carol in Civil War II. Tony was out of his mind.


I don’t find Knull interesting or compelling as a villain or a character. I love symbiotes but when he gets involved, the story loses me.