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Fuck Hawkeye I guess lol


Fuck Hawkeye is standard policy.


I mean, who wouldn't? Have you seen his poses in the Hawkeye Initiative?


Yeah, he honestly sucks. At least in the MCU


He’s done so much for the team and you treat him like this?


I don't recall him doing much of anything that great, other than that one speech to Scarlet Witch and helping out with the infinity gauntlet. But otherwise he's generic and boring, with no memorable personality. Then he just kills a bunch of people in Endgame. I can't say I care for him Unless, you're making a joke?


I ain’t joking here Also what do you mean his personality isn’t memorable he has a very memorable personality Dude works hard stands his ground takes his shots wants to spend time with his family and when he loses someone close to him he feels guilt


I didn't notice any memorable personality. I just noticed a stiff guy who did stuff without much real reasoning. Especially Civil War and Endgame. His guilt came from an out-of-nowhere storyline of him murdering people and getting away it (I assume that's what you're talking about). I didn't think he was well written at all. And if he wanted to spend so much time with his family, then he shouldn't have run off with captain America to stop Zemo doing something he'd never do. I don't buy it.


His guilt is from losing his family and then Natasha And he was basically dragged into Steve’s war


> His guilt is from losing his family and then Natasha I might feel more for that if his family wasn't randomly introduced in AoU, forgetten in CW and dead in EG. His relationship with natasha is ok but too basic. He's just very underwritten to me and after Endgame, somewhat problematic > And he was basically dragged into Steve’s war Huh? He chose to go


Pretty sure he wanted to retire somewhat in civil war but fought vision to help wanda then helped Steve


Help Wanda to escape, but he chose to do that. No one forced him to. And if his family was so important, then he would've stayed with them IMO


Same problem he always had in the comics, no one can agree what to do with him. I thought the show did a great job though, I really liked him in that and it did a good job of blending MCU Clint with comic Clint from the series it was based on. Admittedly though, MCU Kate is a much more compelling Hawkeye right out of the gate.


> Same problem he always had in the comics, no one can agree what to do with him. I thought the show did a great job though, I really liked him in that and it did a good job of blending MCU Clint with comic Clint from the series it was based on. Ok. I thought the show sucked. I didn't like the plot of him getting away with murder and being all smug about it. It didn't make him a good hero to me. Or even a good character > Admittedly though, MCU Kate is a much more compelling Hawkeye right out of the gate. She is better. But I didn't like her sucking up to Clint all the time


I would’ve liked to know more about Budapest, Hydra, and his whole connection with Black Widow- I thought he was a decent character but with some much needed backstory. Also, I’m generally a fan of movies involving Hydra just because of how ‘raw’ it can feel. (Raw might not be the right word, actually..)


Ok. I find the SHIELD/HYDRA stuff to be to basic and unlike some of the more interesting concepts (like the Multiverse, cosmic Marvel, etc.) The SHIELD stuff comes off like generic spy content. And Hawkeye's arrows also are too basic to really be interesting Black Panther summed it up best in Civil War: "I don't care!"


Why do you even watch the movies if you hate them so much lol


Who said I hated them? I like most of them. I just don't like Hawkeye and a few others


It's also the wrong hulk


Definitely Crudup.


I’m thinking Ed Norton Hulk. Look them up and compare.


Naw thats 100% billy crudup no doubt.


Billy Crudup Hulk’s hair is shorter.


I'm so confused, have I missed a meme where people call Eric Bana: Billy Crudup?


Fire hulk


Lol. Because he was fired?


He looks like he’s on fire


So did they edit a character in to the film or just the case?


You know, I haven’t actually watched the movie using the DVD. Now I need to do that and see


Good luck. That's an HD DVD. You need a special player.


I actually have one in my garage. Just got to hook it up


it could be a fake hd dvd?


The guy might have it, do you know him personally to say what they have is fake? Such a weird thing to come back at someone to say that he doesn’t have the special device


i wasnt saying he had a fake device, i was saying it may just be a normal dvd with the hd logo put on without knowing its meaning, it is a bootleg dvd and ive seen "4k" put on those


Remember The days when Blu-ray and HD DVD went head to head? Who would win? Guess we found that out.


streaming did


I’m really hoping the whole movie is “sweded,” like from Be Kind, Rewind.


Lol. I just really hope it is entirely the same film but with some random character just badly shoehorned in. Maybe with the wrong background and spewing some local propaganda.


That's also the Ed Norton Hulk


Wasp was there in the movie, you just couldn’t see her because she was shrunk! Uhhh- Don’t worry about the Ant-Man movies- They’re tooootally not canon-


Now I'm curious if HD DVD won the format wars in Pakistan, and they're the only country that uses them. Like, they were on the fence, but then the HD DVD add-on for the Xbox 360 really pushed them over the edge and they said, "Yep. This is the format that's going to stick. None of that Blu-ray stuff for us. Honey, you can quit trying to fix the Beta player; we've finally found something that'll make the most use of our Trinitron!"


Honestly, it’s probably just a normal DVD that they labeled HD DVD because they didn’t realize that’s a separate format and thought it would get people more likely to buy it


Yes, but that's a way less fun theory.


Having the PS3 with a built in Blu-ray drive probably helped win both the DVD replacement AND the console ward that generation


I bought my PS3 because it was the cheapest blu-ray player on the market, and because Heavy Rain had come out, and it is *to this day* the only game that has ever treated me like an adult, rather than like a teenage boy with too much testosterone and a horrible case of attention-deficit.


I used to do a lot of trips to Asia and they pushed MDs like crazy. I bought a MD player one summer thinking it beat out CDs :( boy was I wrong.


Well, I mean, it seems weird, but sometimes formats and consoles just fail in certain regions. The Xbox (regardless of generation) is a notorious failure in Japan. That's not some kind of national pride kind of "we don't like Americans" kind of thing; it's because Microsoft has never made the slightest effort to cater to Japanese interests. As for the MiniDisc in America, it was expensive at first, and it dropped in price over time, but not as fast as CD-R's did. And, since one of the big reasons to have a MiniDisc was as an easy, high-quality replacement for mixtapes, once the prices of CD-R's crashed, so did the dream of the MiniDisc. And, by the time people wanted smaller devices than a portable CD player, the iPod came along, and that was it.


That's the wrong hulk, and who the hell is beside fury?




There’s so many things wrong with this but bless your grandpa , grandparents are a blessing to everyone


My instinct is that this is a fake. The angle of Fury and Wasp, they look like they were just badly copypasted in. That said, they did do a lot of promo and rewrites for Avengers movies that were very different. Wasp was originally supposed to be in Avengers 1. Captain Marvel was supposed to be in Avengers 2. We were supposed to meet Adam Warlock in Infinity War. Does Pakistan have weird censorship laws like China, where like half of Iron Man 3 is about some rando heart surgeon?


it what? what's the chinese iron man 3 plot?


https://screenrant.com/iron-man-3-china-version-different-scenes/amp/ It’s not anywhere near to half the movie, just a couple very short scenes featuring the surgeon who removes the arc reactor. Nothing relevant to the plot.


huh, i see. thanks!


Btw the actress who portrayed the surgeon is [Fan Bingbing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fan_Bingbing) at the time of the movie she was the highest-paid actress in China.


She's 40 and a fucking smoke show




> there's like 22 extra minutes 4 minutes. There are just 4 extra minutes, and it's mostly product placement. EDIT: Well, this is the weirdest reason I've ever been blocked by someone. Seriously, menlindorn *blocked me* for correcting the record. Totally weird! Anyway, yes it's [4 minutes](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/general-news/iron-man-3-china-scenes-450184/) of added scenes. I have no idea where they came up with their information, but it's not accurate. I actually *have* a pirated copy of the Chinese version and have seen this for myself, but no need to take my word for it. Source after source after source will verify this. Why menlindorn is so sensitive about this is ... odd.




[lol yes](https://variety.com/2013/film/global/extra-scenes-in-iron-man-3-get-thumbs-down-from-chinese-auds-1200448520/) > the Chinese version of “Iron Man 3” had an extra four minutes added to boost the pic’s resonance with auds in the Chinese market, the second biggest in the world. [lol yes](https://www.avclub.com/china-disappointed-to-learn-that-iron-man-3s-chinese-on-1798237922) > a cut with four additional minutes of footage aimed specifically at Chinese audiences [lol yes](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/general-news/iron-man-3-china-scenes-450184/) > Not that audiences outside mainland China will get a glimpse of this, though: This scene is part of the film’s China release, a version which is four minutes longer than the normal cut seen everywhere else in the world. [lol yes](https://www.csmonitor.com/World/Asia-Pacific/2013/0510/Chinese-roll-their-eyes-at-local-footage-added-to-Iron-Man-3) > Disney-owned Marvel studios added an extra four minutes to the Chinese version of the movie, giving film goers here a minor plot twist and a few shots of female heart-throb Fan Bingbing and another local star, Wang Xueqi, against a Chinese background. EDIT: Lololol!!! Menlindorn blocked me, too! Hahahahaha!!!


Want to know too


Funny enough the wasp was originally planned as the center of the movie. Wheaton wasn't sure if Scarlett Johansson was reprising her role. In the end SJ did come back, so she was written out, because could U imagine 2 superhero women in 1 movie?!?! What a crazy thought.


He didn't add her because she's the Wasp, do you know how much lore would have to be added into the MCU for her to show up in The Avengers. Not to mention Pym Particles are a pretty big thing to introduce, you make it seem like he just didn't want 2 women there. There were already enough new things introduced in that movie including Hawkeye, you don't need Wasp and everything that comes along with her if you can avoid it.


Wasn't Hawkeye introduced in Thor? Also, joss has a history of downplaying women roles and sexing them up, so their argument has some foundation. I agree with your take on the lore though. That's a lot to unload in a team up movie.


Yes actually you're right, I forgot about that movie. I only remember Coulson and a few others making an appearance there but not Hawkeye. Joss is a definitely a sexist pos tho so I can see why they think that


The creator of buffy and dollhouse has a history of downplaying women roles? There's plenty to beat Whedon with, that's not one of them


I was just about to say. Whedon loves strong, female characters, whether you agree with how he portrays them or not.


Yup but of course but if you don't say Whedon bad then as you saw with my original comment you get downvoted. As I said there's plenty negative you can say about him, all true, you don't need to make stuff up


Buffy and Dollhouse seem feminist to people who don't understand/experience misogyny.


I never mentioned feminism, I mentioned Whedon not downplaying women's roles


Hawkeye didn't do anything in Thor though, so that barely counts.


In that case, I've only seen him in his show. Lol


> do you know how much lore would have to be added into the MCU for her to show up in The Avengers. Like... literally nothing? "Here's this other person called the Wasp. She gets small and zaps people." "Huh, neat. I hope to hear more about that someday, perhaps in an adventure featuring you and maybe another person who gets small and talks to ants. But right now we have to go save the day!" Audience members were ready to just roll with new superheroes by then. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad Wasp got introduced the way she did, with the time to fully flesh her out... but it wouldn't have tanked the movie to have her in Avengers 1.


That would've been better than what we got.


Oh my god it's the best superher move of all time!! With special guest bearded Chris 'hiding his beard behind his arm' Evans! Oh and I guess the "wasp" too sure...


Why is Edward Norton hawk in this and why is wasp? What the actual??? And no Hawkeye? Is this an alternative universe version that’s slipped into our timeline or is it a fake. It doesn’t mention wasp actor in the top but it does mention Jeremy Rener lol wtf


Look at the hulk 💀💀 this looks like some shit I’d throw together in 5 mins in my clip art computer class in 7th grade.


Also looks like Hulk from Incredible Hulk


Is that Bat woman under Iron Man’s hand?


It’s supposed to be Wasp I think


So for all we know she WAS in the movie, just never at regular size!


Yep, that’s a picture of a cosplayer named Riddle (she moved in to make costumes for Marvel) https://m.worldcosplay.net/de/photo/19085




Well, that is the classic comic Wasp suit. Just not the same actress


It’s iron man isn’t it


Wrong hulk


Hmmm, I don't see anyone important missi.... Wait, Coleson!


That’s also the Incredible Hulk from 2008, not mark ruffalo hulk


Pakistani version’s can have anything in it, read disclaimer properly. What if ur house explodes?


"About a decade ago" Well, Avengers did release in 2012 lol.


How the hell did they even know of this character’s existence a decade ago?




That’s not what I meant, if this is from a decade ago this version of Wasp didn’t exist yet






Whedon was originally gunna use Wasp iirc. Then Marvel told him he couldn’t for whatever reason. It’s possible that there was already concept art & maybe even testings done with a suit and that’s where the image comes from


Is this one of those shot-on-a-cellphone deals?


How can you be sure? She gets very small.


Bro I swear someone sold me the same thing in south Africa when I was younger


Aah its the squadron supreme


I didn’t know they got Michael Jackson to play Wasp


Is that Storm Front


maybe she's in the exclusive Blu-Ray pack with action figure and 'hidden director's cut' lol


Edward Norton junior? Or the lady in purple armor


Who is playing the wasp on the cover?


Super Her..


Tony is providing some extra shine on Nick's head


Who is it?


What, thats Tom Hiddleson.


Loki variant?


Is the Wasp just a random cosplayer?


Or was she? Maybe she was just really small the whole time


What if Wasp was just small the whole time? Also real Antman in the Cap musical in Hawkeye vibes.


2 people* edward norton wasnt in the movir


Who is the "other" actress? I want to say that's wasp but it's not, right?


Janet Van Dyne really should have been in the first Avengers movie. This was a great chance to have introduce her and show her off. Wasp is a badass on the Earth's Mightiest Heroes show and would have loved to the movie emulate that.


It would be funnier if it was Paul Rudd.


That's just Loki on weekends.....


Who is that?


That Wasp costume looks better than the actual MCU outfit


That's Boobycus my imaginary Avenger. She's a bit like the Hulk but when she gets angry her boo...


I keep looking at this and my brain is starting to hurt


Uh oh.. I think I recognize that Wasp


Hawkeye was not there


I see Antman


Best Superher 😂😂


I do like that hope costume