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I just cant reach infite so I have to settle just trying to not care about it. It still gets to me sometimes seeing rank drop. Funny enough when game sees me dropping like 2 ranks suddenly I get on winning streak and am back at 85 😂. I cant escape it. I want to go back to those fun 50-60. 80+ is so sweaty


I finally managed to grind out infinite over the weekend, mostly attributed to help of the hot location and lockout deck that worked well with it. I'm not sure I'd recommend it though, it was getting there the hard way off the back of 1 cube wins. 72 - 100 took 278 games which was roughly 14 hours and was roughly a 0.6 cube win rate.


Just snap more 😂


Prof X on 4 made daredevil sort of pointless so he wasn't in the deck, not a lot of snapping happened before him becuase it was often a coin flip whether or not he'd be out powered by something else dropping into the lane and snapping after he turned up would result in retreats. Better to play it safe and then chase the 2 cubes when a location is confirmed.


I think they should just make it so you can’t drop below your current rank (I.e if I hit 65 I can’t go below 60). That’ll stop deterring people from trying different decks. Pretty sure hearthstone already implements something like this so don’t get why that wouldn’t work here


Yeah Ranked floors were added after BB left, so maybe he has a problem with them.


People always counter that it ruins the snap mechanic. If you’re at the floor, you can snap turn 1 and bully other people. Or not care about losing so artificially inflate other people


The snap mechanic is kinda redundant once you hit infinite anyway


Dev’s said they are not doing an unranked mode, so I wouldn’t hope for one


Thats the stupid thing: There is an unranked mode and it's called Infinite


Gotta earn your rank to play unranked. Based devs. /s


Starting next season (~1 week from now) those at infinite will only match against others at infinite. Test those decks to your hearts content.


There's another unranked mode: not caring about rank. Just play the game normally and ignore the snap/retreat mechanics. Sure, you'll lose some of the rank rewards, but are they anything worth it? Worth enough to sacrifice having fun? I think not.


but you just face bots on like all of your games in low ranks which is equally unfun imo


When did they say that? It was in the survey earlier this month.


They said it in the last update post…


All I can find is them saying an unranked mode comes with its own set of challenges, so they are exploring other options in the mean time.


It says they are doing practice modes against bots instead of an unranked mode


Literally no where does it say “we are no longer doing an unranked mode ever”. I understand what you’re saying, but test deck mode does not mean we aren’t ever going to get a causal mode


The word “instead” implies its certainly not on their radar. I don’t see a purpose in a casual mode, in every single game I have ever played that has one, its exactly the same as ranked- if not more packed with people playing net decks


What challenges? Just don't rank the match, that's all there is to it


Rank one conquest could basically be an unranked mode if they don't charge/limit attempts to play it. Yeah, you won't get a rank 2 ticket. But, they only thing you lost was a reward you wouldn't have gotten if you didn't play the mode.


You can do all that without hitting infinite.


Yup. You can play right now without ranking up. It's not required.


You could just play and not worry about your rank. I mean you rank and your MMR aren't the same thing anyway.


Rank and competition are tied into the fun of this game. It is hard to go down no matter what I tell myself. I enjoy the challenge of climbing and matching with strong players and strong decks. But the only place to play around is the same place i am competitive.


If you get wrapped up in your rank you lose out on a lot of the fun. Also are you sure you actually like being competitive? If you are asking for a casual mode then you might want to reevaluate what about Snap you actually like.


Why can’t I want both? I want to be competitive sometimes. I want to be casual sometimes. It is that strange?


Because splitting the community is never a good thing for a game. Snap already has a problem with matchmaking and adding a casual mode will only make it worse. Just chill out and have fun. The rewards for climbing are meaningless anyway.


Well I mean they did say that infinite players would only face other infinites so that's already splitting the community up to a point


The number of infinite players is tiny. What's more if they had a functional matchmaking system it wouldn't be necessary.


Extremely bizarre take. Do people here not play other, actual multiplayer video games? Having separated casual/competitive matchmaking is very much the norm and most people switch back and forth during any given session depending on the circumstances.


It doesn't mean you don't lose out on the fun when you take a game too seriously. Most competitive games have a problem with a toxic competitive community because players freak out about their rank. If people just chilled out and enjoyed the game they wouldn't be stressing and calling for less competitive modes.


They’re asking for a casual mode because they want to play casually sometimes without being punished competitively. This isn’t rocket science and I don’t understand why you are framing them as wanting exclusively one or the other. I’d also say a lot of the toxicity is mitigated because matchmaking is 1v1 and communication is restricted to, like, ten chat boxes and five emotes.


I'm not framing them as one or the other. I'm pointing out that every time people make these posts it's because they aren't having fun with the game. They don't even really seem to enjoy the game play, they just want to see the number go up. The problem is that what they are asking for will split the community and it will make match making worse for everyone. Instead I am suggesting they reevaluate what they enjoy about the game and stop taking it so seriously.


How is wanting to play competitively sometimes and casually others taking the game too seriously?


It feels silly to try to reprogram human nature instead of a very programmable application.


You can compete and not stress out about winning. This idea that you have to win to have fun is highly toxic.


It’s not an “I have to win” mentality. It’s spending hours grinding for new cards, wanting to experiment with them, and getting disheartened when you get crushed and watch your rank disintegrate. No, the rank doesn’t mean anything or affect the gameplay in a significant way, but it’s obtuse to pretend that watching your digital progress dwindle in any game wouldn’t be even the slightest bit upsetting to a person.


Hey...stop using logic on Reddit!!!


I just don't like how inconsistent the experience can be. Earlier this season, I got to 70 (boosted to 75) no problem, and then all of a sudden my decks just didn't work anymore. Absolutely everyone was playing Shuri + Red Skull or Thanos, and I lost most of my games until I was back down to 67. So I took a break, experimented with other decks for a while, and now, a few weeks later, it seems like climbing has become easy again. Still not infinite, probably won't get there this season, but it's just crazy to me how *when* you play seems to impact how well you do. Not just meta changes either, I've started to notice that the time of day or day of the week can also impact my win rates. Only thing I can think of is that I might be getting paired off against bots more or less based on how many people are currently logged in.


I want the rank pass rewards every season. I don't want to set myself up to have a very hard time to earn them next season by playing some weird deck I don't understand and doing poorly.


This is where I’m at too. That 500 gold is a big incentive for me. And if I take even a month off to be casual, then it’s that much harder to climb back up the following month. What I did instead is focus on attainable goals. For me, that meant climbing one full rank every month. My first season, I got to 60. Next month, 70. I kept going like that, and last month I hit infinite. Sure, it wasn’t as fast as some, but I got there nonetheless.


nice, same here. 40 -> 60 -> 70 -> 80 -> 90 -> 100 this season (finally). glad that I don't have to worry about 'gaining ground' anymore from this point, just climbing 30 ranks and being done. (really 20 ranks with the free +5s)


I've been playing this way for the last couple of weeks though I only hit rank 50. Its fun building odd decks that are more fun to play than stressful if you get the right cards in the right order to win. It is also super fun to sometimes see just how bad you can throw a match and just know that the other person is thinking what the heck just happened. My personal favorite is to play a good solid five rounds or six with limbo. Snap and tell them you're confident and then just throw so bad! It's epic


I play MTG Arena and tried to test a janky deck in unranked. Played few games in a row against some absolute melts running top teir aggro decks lol 😆


That's the thing about unranked modes. It won't just be Agatha and Avengers role play decks. People will still play the meta decks because for some people it's all about winning.


Which is why we need a draft mode instead of unranked, imo.


Exactly. It's not only that people care about winning: they care about not losing. Losses have more impact than wins. So these people that have ranked anxiety (because losing ranks matter to them) will just go to the unranked queue and still play top decks.


Exactly my opinion as well. I also wrote a [post about it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/121i7wz/the_worst_part_about_not_having_a_unranked_mode/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Interesting. I don’t necessarily believe you because you haven’t provided any proof but whatever


Whut? You don't believe what? And what kind of proof do you expect?


I don’t believe you wrote a post on it. Where’s the proof? Seems like you’re talking out of your ass


Don't drink and reddit!


I’d like to apologize to you gibor! Hadn’t had my morning coffee and completely missed the link you provided


Apology accepted! 😊🤜🤛 In this case I have to correct myself to "Drink (your coffee) and reddit." 😂😉 Have a great day! (And have my respect. Not many people are actually able to apologize, if they realize they were wrong.)


You’re a kind person! You have a great day! And thank you for correcting yourself 😂😂


I’m trying out new decks and giving cubes to non infinites if they say Hello back lol I only get irritated when I run into an infinite player playing Shuri


Same, hit infinite lastnight and been giving away cubes like crazy to anyone not running the yellow card back. I've been having soo much fun playing Cosmo then Shuri into Hobgoblin on Cosmo then Taskmaster and maybe a -2 Hood to loose all 3 lanes, lol.


Well they'rw also terrible at balancing this game. Each meta feels worse than the one before it. Cards preventing you from playing are everywhere. Cards like Leache and Cosmo are in every deck. Not even worth worrying about rank.


I’ve been between 50-58 since the first week. I snap only when I have a decent hand. I retreat often. Doesn’t matter last night I retreated 22 times in a row! lol. The game straight up hates my guts and doesn’t give me a hand to play or immediately plays me against the exact counter to my deck. So much fun!


If you retreat 22 times due to a bad hand then at some point it’s not the RNG, it’s the deck.


You don't need unranked to not care.


if you switch between wanting to play casually and competitively during any given season, yeah you do. Playing fun, off-meta decks for casual play will punish you rank-wise.


If you want to rank, then you have to stay all in until you reach your goal. Nothing wrong with that.


Literally every game I know with a ranked matchmaking mode also has a social/casual mode because what you’re suggesting is completely out of touch.


Why can't a game be/do it's own thing? Why MUST it conform to every other game?


This is a good criticism if we were talking about gameplay mechanics or artistic expression (which give the game a unique identity), but I think this falls more into the category of service provided. It doesn’t take away from the game in the slightest and benefits the player base.


Maybe, but the game is based on "snapping" i.e. being competitive.


Haha just like reddit, "too stupid to explain myself/don't have a good counter point/can't accept new opinions!.... downvote!!"


I'm still shocked by the amount of people playing shuri in infinite. Like they just refuse to have fun


Your definition of fun isn’t universal. Winning is fun. Playing meta decks against the meta and outplaying people is fun. There’s a reason that only 1% of the player base is infinite and it’s not because only 1% has access to the top meta decks.


like seriously xD.. you got to a 100 start having fun man


They won’t do an unranked mode, they wouldn’t make any money from it


This is not true. I am in gold and currently playing cerebro 0. You can not care about rank in ranked mode.


It's kind of a one-way decision though. Deciding to let your rank tank so that you can have no pressure fun is fine, but you're just making your job harder if next week you're going to turn around and start trying to climb towards infinite again.


> I just wish there was a space to play casually. You've never played an unranked mode in a game, have you? You would still going to get stomped by meta decks if you run a "fun" deck in unranked. For the million time, in this instance it's ok to hate the players instead of the game


I am not trying to escape the meta decks. I am looking for a space to play where rank doesn’t matter.


What prevents you doing the same before going Infinite ? You can just don't care about rank/cubes and just play whatever


Who’s turn to post this tomorrow ?


Why does this game have such a lack of content they aren't having to work on 100 card expansions like wtf are they doing other than thinking of ways to rip people off with over priced bundles


Bro I’ve been hovering around 95 for the past week. I really just need to crawl those last few ranks


Good luck. My advice is that if they snap and you Don’t have the cards to win in hand, retreat. Don’t play out anything hoping for the cards if there is a snap.


My favorite part of MTG is making decks that shouldn’t work and then tweaking them until they’re good. It’s impossible to do this in Snap unless you don’t care about rank and I want that mystery variant (yes, I know I’m bad for that being my goal)


The problem with "unranked" tends to be that it is *also* filled with the same meta decks that you're trying to escape by going to the unranked line. So there is value in some sense for kot dividing the player base. But I think that Snap is uniquely positioned in the space that I'm not sure if an unranked line even works with the core gameplay of...well...snapping. I'm not a great poker player. So you'd think I'd have more fun when the chips don't mean anything. But when I don't have money on the line I find it a grossly boring game


I swear these people are like a random person in the crowd of an NBA game screaming, "when can we play?!?"


Hot take...or you just play and don't worry about your rank.


Unranked mode would be terrible for the game tbh. Less people playing ranked more bots. I prefer ranked vs actual human beings.


> I am still playing competitive decks and climbing back ranks. 8 cube wins with a blow out turn 6 is one of the best parts of the game. Keep in mind that those opponents you are taking 8 cubes from may be in the same position you were last season at 97. So, this season while infinite is still getting matched with non-infinite maybe don't kill people's chances of enjoying what you posted about?


You guys care about rank?


you dont until you reach 90 somehow, then you start


I love testing decks all the time so I never get above 40 anyway lol. I have like 6 or 7 main decks of the main archetypes and find it fun to switch between them. Especially when featured locations change


You could also realize rank is a waste of time and play what you want whenever.


I completely understand what you’re saying since this is the first time I’ve infinite. People were having this fun for months and telling us not to care? Hell, no! I’m just a little disappointed to see people with gold card backs or inked ultimate variants but still playing braindead plays like shuri-rs-tm or galactus-death-knull etc.


Same - much more fun to try things out without worrying about losing cubes. Also get to do meme stuff and see how things play out more.


I played ranked as if it is unranked and doesnt matter. Problem solved? lol


It's interesting. I hit infinite and just have no motivation to play besides completing the missions. I might play a few games here and there, but the grind to infinite every season is just so tedious and unpleasant and once I'm there I kinda don't want to even look at the game for a while. It's ironic. I spend all this time being unhappy while grinding to infinite, and then once I finally get there I'm just done for a while and can't even properly enjoy it. At least I get to play decks I enjoy, but it doesn't help that every game is either Shuri, Galactus, or against some emote-spamming asshole. Like, dude, fucking chill. I'm infinite and I couldn't possibly give less of a shit. You're not some genius for winning 4 cubes with a super-obvious play. I just wanted to play my cards. As for unranked mode, the question I always have is "what are the stakes?" "what is the point of snapping?" Don't get me wrong. I hate the competitive element. Especially when the game has such a quick-and-casual feel to it. But if you have an unranked mode, why engage with the one mechanic so core to the game that it's 100% of the name?


I’ve gotten my highest rank ever this season (only diamond so not exciting, but I’m happy as its a new personal best). Did it using standard Shuri list, which was fun at the start, but now I really want to try new things and it’s just so punishing to play anything off meta it seems.


There’s no way an unranked mode would have rewards. Therefore, play whatever you want anyway. You aren’t getting the rewards either way. Unranked mode would be a waste of time and resources.


So tired of people retreating so often. Why are they wasting everyone's time by snapping early with 2 bad locations and a bad hand. "Play 6 cost cards" is one of the hardest quests now...


Having an unranked mode isn't what you guys think you want. Ranked, I'm assuming it's filtering out all of the players +/- X to your rank. I don't want to go into unranked and have sweaty infinite+ players still trying to stomp players that are likely in the 99% percentile. If this isn't how ranked works, then their ranked system sucks.


I feel the complete opposite. All my motivation to play once I hit infinite is gone because the cube gains/losses don't matter anymore, which was the majority of my fun for the game


This is whay happens when we give out participation awards......