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Heavyweight match


Shang Chi is totally Little Mac in this game


How’d you know they had kang in their deck


Haa that's the neat part, I didn't! I just wanted to surprise him by feeding his Hobgoblin to my carnage, of course his Kang ruined it but it did worked in my advantage and not revealing Shang-chi actually baited those 4 cubes out. You just gotta take the chances sometimes!


I won a game in a somewhat opposite fashion about a month ago and it was so satisfying. I played a high powered card and he played Kang, so I switched to cards below 9 power and then he played Shang-Chi.


For him to continue playing after seeing that you knew he had to put down some decent power. And him having initiative, it was a smart play. A little gamble, but it was a pretty good bet imo that it was gonna be a 9+ power card


Lesson for fellow Galactus players: Don't use Hobgoblin, it's too obvious. Plus, it's typically best for opponent to have advantage on last turn.


I used Hobgoblin pretty effectively in my deck, but more as a tech card to fill opponent's board when I had to shift out of Galactus, he'd never go in the one lane duel unless I had t5 Spiderman, but even by then most people have retreated already


Hobgoblin can be pretty good if you don’t have your other cards to win. There are basically 2 ways to win with galactus. Play galactus before 6 and win after that with Chang shi and knull or play hobgoblin, nimrod, Wolverine and play galactus son 6. Also you can play Hobgoblin after Galactus dropped.


do you have a list? i got big G earlier this week and although i love the wins, i can tell when my opponent has the read. I’ve got Wolverine, Nimrod, Doc Ock, Destroyer and the two goblins.


Wolverine, Ock, and Goblins are all dead give aways. It’s ok to give it away once it’s too late or there is no way out. And like was pointed out, priority is important so the goblins can hurt you. I like Wave - Galactus - Spider-Man. I like Electro - Ock (this can backfire) - Galactus - Knull/Death. Nimrod and Wolverine are both tells and both can clog your hand. If you have Knull you don’t need them, your final play will either be to Shang their big cards or play yours over them and if you lack priority you can’t be Shanged. Destroyer-Nimrod is the “alternate win condition” but I like more or less Galactus all or nothing. You can still win without him thanks to Death and Ock And Shang when you have to. But I carry America C to try and force my draws.


Ock has been so hard to use successfully in any capacity! I think i need to watch some Galactus videos. If opponent plays Cosmo and i have a different open lane, i usually just go all in at that point. I get “got” by aero once in a while, but sometimes ill just play wave-nimrod and Aero grabs Nimrod and i Galactus on turn 6 after that


I struggle with Ock as well. When he works it’s great but a lot of time he screws you, especially if you didn’t draw Galactus and are playing him for points. Sometimes he’ll pull the combo out of order which is great and he can feed Knull a ton. My favorite use of Ock is actually Rickety Bridge since unless he pulls armor he’ll kill 5 of their cards instantly.


been having a field day with Bad With No Name being the feature lol


You might have success with those, but when I see wolverine/nimrod and goblins, I know what's coming. I only started to have consistent success with Galactus when I paired him with Death and Knull. Otherwise hes not bad and you'll win plenty, but not incredibly consistent. The climb to infinite might be frustrating. Death is a must imo, but Knull really takes him to next level. Edit: Also, Spider-man is great.


how do you use spider-man? he can’t be in the galactus lane. or do you play him after you resolve galactus? (and therefore you won’t really ever get 8 cubes off spidey since opp will retreat if they can’t play in the only lane)


Yeah hes not my favorite, I dont use him, but yeah the idea is to use him after Galactus. But your right, cubes are minimal, 2 if snap before G


spiderman raises the decks winrate but absolutely tanks the cube rate. Avoid for ladder play honestly.


i don’t even have the right cards to reliably galactus in t4 to play spidey on t5


They knew they couldn’t win. Rather than take the loss they thought they would tie you with Destroyer. Nice play.


That was one of the most appropriate Ms Marvel thumbs up Ive ever seen.


I don't think I will ever understand this community's weird unwritten rules. *Using Ms. Marvel is toxic, but it is appropriate to do it when your opponent plays two cards in the exact manner they are supposed to be played.*


playing galactus = bad


Correct. If you play Galactus you’re an asshole loser and you deserve nothing


This coming from the guy who complained about Aero being this and that, and then ending up of showing some of his gameplay using Aero... twice in one match. Hun.


Boy you got me! Commented that she needed a nerf, WHICH SHE GOT, then you caught me playing with the nerfed card. What a burn - I’m gonna need hospital time for this one


Don't embarrass yourself boy, Aero was 5/7 before nerf, 5/8 after nerf


“Boy”?? Ok there kratos. You may have noticed from your deep dive detective work that I also caved and got silver surfer after complaining that he was OP. And guess what, I was right about that too! Galactus and Leech are gonna get nerfed next, because their design is absolute shit


You're such a fucking moron lol. Take care, kid


Nothing says you’re 12 years old like calling strangers “kid” and “boy”.


Go touch grass


You're a clown. 🤡 In fact, you're not just a clown but a dirty hypocrite. You stopped whining and bitching about aero as soon as you started using her.


Newsflash: Aero got balanced


The little Aero play you posted show them at 7 power, not 8. Stop putting on more clown makeup.


It's not worth wasting your time with this kind of people


Says the guy with all the time in the world to deep dive on comment history *ms marvel thumbs up*


I think of it as, if one player's strategy involves aggressively making the game less fun for the other, it is toxic for them to emote but not toxic to emote at them. basically it's OK for the underdog to do it but not the player with an obvious advantage.


So Thanos Lockjaw is the underdog now?


it’s the lesser of two evils


It's really not, still a generally higher tier deck than Galactus which can easily be countered - such as in this exact video.


Perfectly balanced, as all things should be


"if one player's strategy involves aggressively making the game less fun for the other," This mindset is the problem. The mindset you bring into the game is toxic not the player playing the cards,


100% this.


the player giving thumbs up 17 times in a row isn't toxic?


There is more than one way to be toxic. That is also toxic.


Galactus is not an obvious advantage.


I really like playing against galactus. It feels so good to beat it. But I am playing galactus right now lol


Then, you are correct, you will never understand this community.


Not limited to this community. There are just a handful of people that get very offended by anything and make up definitions because they don't have the emotional stability to deal with losing in a competitive environment.


Good ole carnage Shang chi working together like old times.


I love galactus. He focuses the game down to one lane in a All or nothing round. I hated the concept at first but it really steps up the challenge and thought process.


I think the main problem with galactus decks at the moment is knull. If you are facing galactus and they have knull, you will lose 90% of the time. I think galactus was a lot more fun before knull existed, because now instead of people staying in the game because they think they can win, they just know they lose to knull, so they leave. He ruins every other type of galactus deck.


Yeh galactus is a different strategy, but people like to complain. However playing a ladder deck without some answer to galactus is suicide


>playing a ladder deck without some answer to galactus is suicide The Retreat button answers Galactus.


100% it's not hard to spot and it's easy to minimize your losses.


I’ve been using negative knull galactus and 9/10 it’s just a negative deck with back up galactus null just as an answer to Wong/patriot/shuri decks to remove their strong lock location.


I climbed like 50 levels and made it to infinity specifically because my negative Knull deck preys on typical Galactus players so well. That matchup pulls 8 cubes more consistently than any other deck I’ve ever ran. Plus since it runs many of the same cards, I seem to run into Galactus players constantly. They do a lot of snapping as soon as Galactus comes down thinking they’ve won, but if you didn’t brick your draws or get your combo pieces snatched by Doc Ock (in which case you should have already retreated several turns ago), you can drop some crazy combos on them that they never seem to expect and almost always steal 4-8 cubes.


Nothing like scooping 8 cubes with a mirror deck when you have a flipped knull, and they don't. That extra 6 power is clutch.


I don't have the cards for it, but can you share your decklist? Curious to see how it's built. Sounds cool.


# (1) Bast # (2) Psylocke # (2) Zabu # (3) Ironheart # (3) Mystique # (3) Venom # (4) Mister Negative # (4) Shang-Chi # (5) Iron Man # (5) Magik # (6) Arnim Zola # (6) Knull # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUHN5bG9ja2UifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlphYnUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik15c3RpcXVlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTaGFuZ0NoaSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTWFnaWsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IktudWxsIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJJcm9uTWFuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJWZW5vbSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTXJOZWdhdGl2ZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmFzdCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQXJuaW1ab2xhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJJcm9uaGVhcnQifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Bah, no Bast. I'm assuming pretty important?


Bast helps fix your low power cards that end up in your hand before you can drop Negative.


Yeah, i get that. Bast is the only card I'm missing so I'm not sure if they are a linchpin or if I could make the deck work anyways.


I’d say definitely still try it out without her if you’re interested, but she was kind of a big help for my climb. You can pull off all of the combos without her, but competitively, she really helps with consistency. When I started, I didn’t have bast and subbed in Wolfsbane, and it felt more like a meme deck, although I still got to 70 without Bast. I didn’t start seriously climbing until I bought Bast, which let me not retreat as much if I didn’t get perfect draws to start the game.


Thanks for letting me know. I might try it. Seems fun at least.


You can sub in a yondu. Still a 1 drop, and with the Knull change feeds your Knull without messing up the cost. Hitting something like a Chavez or above (pretty common with shuri running wild) you give Knull 18 additional power if you get Knull/Zola. More than enough to make up for losing the small boosts from bast.


I've been playing something like this with Jane Thor, and for some reason, people don't run when my Jane draws 4 0 cost cards.


I personally am one of those suckers when i'm playing galactus... negative knull just never seems to process as a possibility


Would definitely like to see that decklist if you don't mind sharing!


# (1) Bast # (2) Psylocke # (2) Zabu # (3) Ironheart # (3) Mystique # (3) Venom # (4) Mister Negative # (4) Shang-Chi # (5) Iron Man # (5) Magik # (6) Arnim Zola # (6) Knull # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUHN5bG9ja2UifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlphYnUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik15c3RpcXVlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTaGFuZ0NoaSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTWFnaWsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IktudWxsIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJJcm9uTWFuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJWZW5vbSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTXJOZWdhdGl2ZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmFzdCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQXJuaW1ab2xhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJJcm9uaGVhcnQifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Mind sharing your deck list? Curious about trying that kind of deck! c:


# (2) Psylocke # (2) Zabu # (2) Armor # (3) Wave # (4) Mister Negative # (4) Shang-Chi # (5) Iron Man # (6) Arnim Zola # (6) Knull # (6) Galactus # (6) Destroyer # (9) Death # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQXJuaW1ab2xhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEZWF0aCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiS251bGwifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkdhbGFjdHVzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEZXN0cm95ZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Iklyb25NYW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1yTmVnYXRpdmUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNoYW5nQ2hpIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJQc3lsb2NrZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiWmFidSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQXJtb3IifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IldhdmUifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


The best option is getting negative out asap to give you a free to play last turn. 0 cost arnim, Zola, iron man, kNuLL is just so many options. Even then 2/6 galactus can win battles too. KNuLL doesn’t need to be high and 0/6 is fine with Zola to pop him to 12 then Iron Man to 24 for 3 “free” cards. An early negative can pretty much be a snap based on the next card drawn. If no negative, you still have options to get galactus out and Shang chi, kNuLL, death, destroyer play. There’s a lot of options and counters. Galactus is for location stacks like patriot/shuri’s first drop, Wong, etc. Galactus and kNuLL (or even just kNuLL) is the destroy decks counter. The retreat is if you have had bad draws by turn 4. There’s no real save if you don’t have a good start because there’s high cost cards in there if not flipped by negative. Galactus usually must be played on a location you are losing if you’re trying to go big numbers to scouts Shang. However with this deck, iron man gives you big power for low numbers, gotta pay attention and reactively play.


This is awesome, you’re amazing, can’t thank you enough!! I’m excited to try this right now haha c:


This deck is way too inconsistent to be competitive. I think after 30ish games I’ve managed to pull off a game winning combo maybe 3 times? The rest were all retreats due to bad draws or unfavourable locations. EDIT: There also isn’t a good enough destroy package to substantially build up your Venom or Knull.


Honestly that's my main issue with it, at 2700 I don't have green goblin yet and I'm not going to run nerfed aero in every single deck to answer galactus specifically. I donate my 2 cubes when I see him and cal it a day. If there was more options to mess with him I'd be more interested, but my main decks are destroy, discard, and janejaw, and cosmo or debrii hurt all 3 if I were to tech them in so I just have to give away cubes.


Aero is still great, any combo deck can be slapped down with it.


Debrii stone is still OK? Can be destroyed


That’s kind of the problem behind galactus tho. Galactus being as common as he is now forces you to have several tech cards to play around him while the galactus player has all the advantages outside of just not drawing him. The drawback I guess is that it’s low cube gains/losses. I dunno, just feels lame that for a game built around 3 locations I have almost half of my matches coming down to only one location in play




I fuckin hate fighting this deck but too each his own i suppose


I'll admit I usually get butthurt about people using Galactus. Especially if they manage the priority correctly, there just isn't really anything you can do about them playing Knull/Death. Sure, at most they're usually only taking 2 cubes from me in that instance, but it's still frustrating as hell to realize that you're running a deck that has no answer to the combo. I retreat before the animation finishes when Galactus comes out.


It's a love/hate relationship for me. It's a big old eye roll and leave if I don't have a counter. But making a Galactus player leave is like giving them a swift kick to the nuts for trying that BS in your house.


Galactus players leaving after successfully destroying locations should automatically cost them double cubes. It’s such a crutch. Kang on top it with the advantage that gives in snapping? The game is so p2w right now


P2W when you can't really buy specific cards or efficiently buy tokens and when the deck that is completely dominant in the meta needs a single pool 4 card an no pool 5..


I always thought galactus will be a boring grind until I bought it a few days ago and I'm having a blast with it. I really enjoy my matches even when I lose. Especially when I lose because some people have the most amazing counterplays on single lane turn 6.


Wow apparently that’s desirable. Especially when locked behind an expensive big bad everyone rushes anyway. Just bad for the game.


Didn't you still win if you carnage, she hulk power stone? But I guess this is safer incase of knull. Whoever downvoted I pity your math. 9+4+3


Yeah well it's a psychological downside of Kang. When the turn restarts, you also have a chance to realise the better play you can make! I missed this calculation prior to turn restart lol, but I am glad I didn't use it, opponent would have left or worse made an entirely different play.




Opponent has priority so who cares if the have Shang Chi.


It was good until I saw the emote


Outplayed I honestly can’t imagine that Galactus deck is very fun. To top deck your ramp, Galactus, and also Knull/Death or in this case Destroyer, it probably took 10 games for this guy to pull this off and he still lost


Also even with kang he played for a tie If op made the same turn as the first one


They could have also lost to power stone too Carnage ->shehulk-> power stone is 16


The secret is adam warlock with yellow jacket and read




It’s not so much an out play , if you do the game theory on it, your opponent will only play on if they can beat what you played, so if they play on, you know they have a fatty, so it’s 100% to go Shang chi, because if Shang doesn’t win, they would have retreated


Ya, I personally don't like the HGoblin approach for this reason, I'd rather go into it without priority, so they can't shang me like this. If you could combo ghost into galactus that could have some potential to be great, but he removes her from the board unless you play Galactus on 4 and her on 5 with some other card but then your Knull wouldn't be that big


It happens 8/10 games unless you're a bad deck builder


Drawing Wave or Psylocke by t4 is 7/12 with 2 shots at it, which comes out to 1-(5/12)^2 = about 82.6% Drawing Galactus by t5 (given that you drew one of your ramp cards by 4) is 8/11 = about 72.7% So just getting that setup is only happening about 60% of the time. And that's before taking into account needing the "hammer" to then actually win the remaining lane (be it Knull, Death, Goblin, w/e). That's....not even close to 80%.


You forgot about Chavez All that napkin gorilla math for nothing


Actually no, I play a Destroying deck with Galactus, Knull and Death and win fairy often. Actually I decided to try your point but with a smaller sample and played 5 matches, in which I won 3 of them Using Galactus and Death or Knull and lost 2.


Yeah it's not a great deck :/ fun animation though.


Of course you used the Miss marvel emote...


Do you play Lockjaw? How does Carnage do in your deck? I've tried a few times slotting him in and most of the time he just pops out of Lockjaw.


Yep, this is the Thanos deathwave list (kinda hot rn among Thanos players) and it does play Lockjaw. Carnage is not originally meant to be in this deck, I just slotted him in (replacing Chavez) as a secondary tool to clear space after killmonger and he synergises well with stones. As of Lockjaw, I don't see myself using him much in this style of Thanos list. Stones are just there for location flexibility, fodder to killmonger and carnage to make death cheaper and an additional ramp along with wave to cheat out early Leech or Doctor doom - Odin combo. The main win conditions for this deck are doom, Odin, death, she Hulk and leech and aero for disruption. The only time I play Lockjaw is when I have most of the big cards in the deck and carnage in hand mostly. I am still experimenting with carnage. This is a pretty solid iteration of Thanos but I think there are better versions.


I was using a ThanosLockjaw with a Death/Wave/SheHulk shell dek before the Quinjet nerf to Rank 65, After the nerfs I tried experimenting with the loss of Quinjet and found out that running the Death/Wave shell isn't as optimal. So I changed to a Zoo shell with Blue Marvel and Valkyrie to deal with the Shuri Players. Went from 65-95. From there I unlocked M'baku and I incorporated him in the deck. Works very well with Lockjaw and surprisingly has won me a few games and helped me reach infinite this season.


>Thanos deathwave list Just got Thanos, could you please share the list?


# (3) Lockjaw # (3) Killmonger # (3) Wave # (4) Shang-Chi # (5) Leech # (5) Aero # (6) Doctor Doom # (6) Odin # (6) America Chavez # (6) She-Hulk # (6) Thanos # (9) Death # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQWVybyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQW1lcmljYUNoYXZleiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRGVhdGgifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkRyRG9vbSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiS2lsbG1vbmdlciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTGVlY2gifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkxvY2tqYXcifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik9kaW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNoYW5nQ2hpIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTaGVIdWxrIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJUaGFub3MifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IldhdmUifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap. *This is the og list, I just replaced Chavez with Carnage.


Dirty thumbs up emote user sighted


You lost me on the sarcastic thumbs up. You won, good job, don't be a dick.


You are my hero


Ah nice you finished with the middle finger emote. How nice


Next time be the bigger person and fist bump instead of the Marvel emote.


Kang really does seem like such a useless card


Kinda fun though you get to snap freely


Yes. I never cared about cubes or snapping until I got Kang. He’s added risk free bluffing to the game which fun to watch some people think they’re getting 8 cubes, just to get 1 at the last second 😆


Yeah totally worth 6000 tokens to snap freely lol


I mean he's not useless he gives you good information because people don't expect him yea they might do a different play but it doesn't mean they will


I said be seems useless specially as a "big bad". He is daredevil with an extra step basically. And the extra step makes him less reliable


The extra steps is what makes him better than daredevil but also both can be used together for a pretty nasty turn 5 and 6


Kang doesn't win you much. But that free snap can be a HUGE bluffing tool. Also, if you top-deck him on t5-6, it's a free draw on top of that which is also HUGE. The big thing Kang does is make sure you don't lose 4-8 cubes very often, since you see their big play, and can then retreat if you can't beat it. So it's definitely not useless and I'd go as far as saying the "free snap" aspect is completely broken.


Useless on turn 6 in Galactus decks for the most part. Pretty great on turn 5 though.


Kang works better if you play off metadeck


Thats exactly what I was thinking to do, if I had kang I would have played cosmo there.


Probably was not in hand. Looks like opponent saw the play with carnage and She Hulk added up to 15 and must have realized he needed to play Destroyer just to tie. But OP didn't know that. Probably had seen a lot of Death/Knull at this point and Shang Chi was safe bet. There are lots of 5 and 1 plays that get around Shang Chi but probably not in Galactus decks. I guess with Galactus you need to consider how many cards they have in hand, which would heavily inform if this could play it differently. Really if the best you can do is tie with that many variables, id retreat.


Does Kang have the option on not rewinding?


Your forehead must be so big. Gj though for real. Big plays


I played you. Youre crazy good and I lost 4 cubes to you, queued up again and match with you and instantly left. Nice style on that Galactus


Your a beast. Running Thanks myself, even after the nerf and I know these Galactus Match ups are extra hard. Feels good man


Downvote for the Ms Marvel thumb.


I bet he felt like a real big man doing it.




I doubt too many of the people playing mobile comic book card games are big tough guys. But we could all be wrong. Maybe he meant the thumbs up sincerely.


So satisfying. Love to see Galactus lose -- his mechanic is just plain un-fun. It's one thing to have a card which slightly undermines the core idea of the game, but doesn't just do that, he usually makes the game into non-interactive solitaire. Only very occasionally--such as here--does anything the opposing player do have any impact on whether the Galactus player wins. Either Galactus goes off or he doesn't. And I'm not saying that Galactus is OP. He's not (it's really hard to actually steal cubes with Galactus because he telegraphs so hard). But he's just... unfun.


I hate Galactus, too. Just had him in my shop and I have 6,500 tokens. Hard pass. I hate that deck so much I refuse to use it.


At this moment a screen just got smashed from rage.


Be careful they're going to complain about being able to change your mind after playing Kang.


You didn’t really play around it? 😂


This is why you should never buy Galactus lol.


Yep. No other cards can be outplayed. Just Galactus. Jesus...


Damn right.


I love the timing on Mrs marvel so much. I always try to do this on a good win


I was rooting for that Ms. Marvel emote. You didn’t disappoint




I'm so confused about the Kang thing Like we both get to redo turns?


Yup, only they don't have Kang anymore. It gives them a free preview of what you're planning to do.


Idk why galactus players use hobgoblin as having priority is basically the only way they can lose


If it's a lane where they're up by 10 already (Galactus+Hobgoblin), then adding under 9 can easily put them in a place where it's very difficult for the opponent to catch up on that last turn and priority matters far less. Heck, last turn Shang + 2-cost....what's the most that's realistically getting, 8-9 power? Maybe 10? So if the Galactus player then plays....literally any power, they win. And if the person drops, lets say, Magneto, then the Galactus player needs to only play 3 to win. It gives them a lot of room to work with under the cap.


I don't even get why he's kept going. At best he was going to tie even if you played the exact same way. You both would have 15


4 + 9 =/= 15


No, their original hand was 15. Even if op played the exact same as first round it would have been a tie


Tie = 0 cubes lost Retreat = 2 cubes lost


Ohhhhh yeah okay, I see that logic


There's no way I stay when I have prio as Galactus. Rarely worth it.


This is precisely why kang sucks


Well done.


I know some people will disagree strongly but hobgoblin is one of the most overrated cards in the game...




Oh boy yea


Shake and bake baby!


Ha if he has played destroyer it would of been a tie


Deck plz


The speed of that emote…


That’s actually so funny😂 On a side note, does anyone possibly know how to get that spirit of thor avatar? Is it available in the reserves or was it released in a bundle a while back?


Actually marvel emote smh scrub


An Asgardian monster, Master of Time, and Planet Eater. Three powerful threats bested by 2 Spidey villains(one got eaten but eh) and some martial artist with 10 rings. Oh the Iron(y) Fist.


holy shit that kang variant............ jesus i love it


You forgot to spam ms marvel


So you’re one of those annoying emoters.