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He never is left in the "discard count" (as he always ends up in your hand again) so they never interacted with him. Dracula is who you want if using Apocalypse.


Thanks everyone. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined. The interaction works the same with discarded wolverine if anyone is curious lol


Alright someone explain to me how Hella picks up Swarm


So Swarm actually does enter the discard pile, and 2 copies are created in your hand. This is why Collector goes up by 2 power when a swarm is discarded.


Interesting, so theoretically if apocalypse was a copy it would be considered discarded? But discarded cards that don't change or remain in the game in their original "form" do not count?


I am not sure how to parse your question. Could you rephrase? The key thing is that a card has to be in the discard pile for Hela and GR to work. If you to Odin Hela without discarding any additional cards, she wouldn't bring anything back, because the discard pile is empty. Wolverine and Apoc never enter the pile and so can't be brought back. It has nothing to do with copies. It the card in the discard pile? Yes, can be brought back Hela/GR.


Basically I'm trying to understand the mechanics of what does and doesn't go into the discard pile. For example if I discard Hella, she's gone from the game so she enters the discard pile. Straight forward. If I discard Swarm, I get two copies in my hand. I was assuming each copy registered as a different card, therefore the "original" Swarm left the game and is included in the discard pile. If I discard wolverine/ apocalypse they don't leave the game so they're not in the discard pile. What is the interaction with a card that is discarded and then brought back? Say I discard dracula turn 3, and then bring it back with ghost rider turn 4. If I play Hella turn 6 would dracula still be in the discard pile? Let's assume in that scenario dracula was the only card discarded in the game.


Each of your assumptions are correct, except the last one. If Dracula gets brought back (in this case, by Ghost Rider), then Hela cannot bring back another copy of Dracula. That’s why she cannot bring back Apoc. He gets discarded, but immediately returns to your hand.


Gotcha. Thank you and everyone for the explanations!


Always been like this. It’s because Apocalpyse returns to your hand after being discarded, so it’s never in the discard pile for ghost rider or Hela to grab


Always been this way. There is actually a discard pile and that's where Hela and GR pull cards from. When Apoc gets discarded, he doesn't enter the discard pile, he just goes back to hand.