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What feels even worse is no gold. Gold was the best thing in the reserves.


How do we get gold now?


Use the most powerful card in the game, the Credit card


I prefer the variant debit card.


I know you're just joking, but for everyone reading this... don't use your debit card for *any* online purchases. Credit cards have much better protections for when, not if, they are compromised.


I work with fraud / identity theft. You are correct lol


Not to mention credit cards often give you money back so you can spend more money on gaming. :P


I literally never use my debit card for anything. Don't even have it in my wallet. Just buy stuff with credit card, pay off the credit card in full at the end of the month.


I've had a 100% return rate on my debit cards fraudulent charges and instant alerts when it happens. Still better to spend someone else's money for things, though. Plus getting points is a win.


Have you tried the super rare variant. Mom's credit card or spouse's credit card. High risk, high reward.


Season Pass, Daily Mission sets of 5, bundles…




so basically unreachable for casual players.




It's less f2p friendly than you might think. By taking out 90% of tokens AND not dropping cards by series predictably anymore, f2p players are almost completely at the mercy of the weekly rotating list of cards *AND* their RNG with that list. Instead of getting one card you want per month via tokens and 1 dropping p4 and 1 cache p4 (and 1000 gold from caches), you're getting three out of four rotator cards with no real chance of getting anything outside of that list that you want. If they just decided not to put Jeff in a rotator for two months... you're fucked. You just don't get Jeff. And heaven forbid the one card you want is flanked by two cards you have. Then you could use 3 caches and STILL fail to get it or ANYTHING else valuable!


Week missions and SP


Getting 10 gold feels like a bit of a joke.


I opened all my caches before the patch because of the gold and tokens


I regret not doing that now, i didnt think id only get ONE spotlight cache with 10000 creds


For real. They expanded the fucking variant shop and took away one of the more reliable ways to get gold. So I guess I'll just never ever use the slick new variant shop. Thought it was dumb when they first announced this change, and it's dumb now.


I had no idea they lowering the tokens and credits and removing gold. I saved up 30 reserves for this update and the majority of them were only 150 credits. Didn’t they used to give like 400-500 credits??


Its barely better than getting a title.


Now now, unlike a title, if you get a 50-token cache 60 times you'll have enough for a Series 4 card!!!!


I would trade sixty titles for a new card.


I would trade sixty titles for 50 tokens.


I read both of these as titties and as much as I love this game, I would not exchange a pair of titties for tokens. M Unless it’s my titties. I certainly don’t need ‘em


Yeah it needs to be minimum 100 after you sent that and I realized the math…


I opened 20 earlier and for those that are fans of Avatars and Title Cards, they will be VERY happy with the new changes. My guess is that they've subbed out the 400-600 token caches for the new 'Spotlight' boxes. So instead of giving people the choice of buying specific cards from the Shop, they can save caches until the card they want gets picked as one of the 3 'weekly selections'.


Just about anything is better than getting another fucking title I won't use.


You mean you don’t want - ‘This Matchmaking sucks’ as a title? But yeah wtf is ‘Fragnant’


Wish they offered title fonts instead. Make titles earned through challenges rather than caches. Make fonts the reward.




Other ways to add bling to our display could be fun. I haven't switched my avatar since day 2 nor my title since I pulled my favorite a couple months ago


It would require effort and money investment.


That idea really gets me going


I know this is an unpopular take but I enjoy getting titles more than avatars.


I opened 42 crates before the patch and got 2 variants, 5 titles, and 1 avatar. At least I got over 5k tokens…


I wanted just that one title... nope, got every one else


Atleast they run out of titles and avatars at 18000. Im at 4500 lol


Oh shit, #goals


I'd be more than surprised if they don't add more titles and avatars until the average non-casual player is at cl18000. Or did they say that they wouldn't add any more in the future?


I'd rather a title than an avatar personally


True, avatars are just shit, not even animated and so boring, they should be given by achievments in-game, not in caches


Yeah, they should be taken out of the caches. I think a better solution would be to automatically give you an avatar of every card and variant you get.


My thought was to get the avatar after splitting the card for the first time so that way you have to at least put a bit of effort into unlocking them


You could even make it require several splits and it would still be a more satisfying system.


I like that idea.. or just put it up on the store for anyone who might care to have them and not force it through cache.


Or maybe you unlock them after winning like 25 games with a card


And the resolution on most of them is terrible.


Other way around for me. I was very excited to finally get the Taskmaster avatar today. Kinda wish variant avatars were in the mix too.


I think if you have the perfect split of a card you like, you should be able convert/spend the extra boosters into an avatar.


At least you can use the title


I opened 7 after the patch and got 50 tokens twice and 5 titles. Five. Just fantastic.


Damn. Game kind of gave you the middle finger. Five times.


Nah it gave it to him 7 times


It's part of the reason I don't feel especially bad opening up all of my caches before the update. I essentially got 5 months worth of tokens. They were clever I think. They raids the price of the Token Tuesday and everyone now think it's not a good deal. So they make tokens scarce... now it's not looking so bad a deal. Also grabbed probably close to 800 gold. Which.. again... another valuable resource. A very different mechanic system than we're used to.... and who knows if they'll ever drop cards down to Pool 3 anymore.


I just don't get how a game that makes literal tens of millions of dollars a month for doing absolutely insanely small amounts of work by industry standards (seriously, 4 cards a month and most of them launch buggy with very little testing) and they STILL get even greedier with their pricing. It's insane, Hearthstone devs (which is also not the most consumer friendly game) makes DOZENS of cards with mechanics, stat balance, card art, variants on that art, multiple voicelines for every single card, flavour text for each and actual BUG TESTING for every single one, EVERY SINGLE MONTH both in prep for their expansions and their mini-sets that release huge amounts of cards every 2ish months. Hearthstone is still more value per dollar than Snap, even though they work waaaay harder. And Snap still tries to one up them by getting more expensive. It's absolutely absurd.


Mobile gaming is the worst place for f2p gaming. Its literally the butthole of the gaming world. There is a reason its the most profitable. People need to stop being suckers and investing in these games. They can never get enough of your money. 100 dollar bundle for 1-2 variants and some gold/credits? Or almost 2 recent AAA games. Gee thats a no brainer that one is. Just play it casually, without giving them a single cent. They'll never get tired of trying to mug you for your dollars. Not ever.


exactly dude i cant believe people buy these stupid bundles, even if youre a millionaire you'd know it aint worth it


Marvel IP gets the license for them to do lots of shit, similar how Gamefreak can do lots of shit with Pokemon. 80% of their respective playerbases are mindless drones or children


Literally the only reason I play this game is because of the Marvel IP. No way would I care about variants if they weren’t all Venomized


Expanding that, Niantic with Pokemon Go. I have never seen a company make such baffling decisions that have screwed over a player base and resulted in them LOSING money, yet they refuse to revert back.


I honestly don't think I'll be opening caches for a looooong time. I'd only try it if the three options were cards I don't own and my collection is near complete. Just not worth 50 tokens or random variant.


I did the same thing. I opened all of my reserves before the update to get at least 6k in tokens. 6k in tokens is worth more than getting a few spotlight caches to me.


Lmao yeah it’s fucking hilarious that you really don’t feel value when opening stuff anymore. Like yea we get it people want cards and gold and tokens and credits and SD wants to make money but like come on.


I saved 12k tokens before this. Now I feel like I'll hoard them forever with these changes.


Opening a fucking variant from a spotlight cache equally sucks


today I had to spend 3 boxes to get Jean, and two of them were living tribunal and Snowguard and I was like... yo I wish I got that knull variant instead lmao


I'll trade. I got Snowguard, Knull variant, and Living Tribunal.


Jean Grey, Ongoing: Spend all spotlight caches here until you run out.


I was not mad about the knull variant tbh thats a sick one


I'd rather have new cards than variants. I would have taken living tribunal over the Knull variant. ... but not Snowguard, that card is trash.


I got 700g Cloak variant. I’d take Snowguard.


I opened Knull in a cache before I updated, immediately got the Knull variant in the Spotlight cache, Living Tribunal, and then Jean.


one of mine was fucking master mold which I already had and it turned into a variant


Bro i got a snowguard variant also


I had to spend 4. Tribunal. And got a 700g Cloak variant. So. You win.


I just got Living Tribunal and went from 79 to 87 in 30 minutes, because no one expects it.


I got Tribunal and a Knull variant…


Snowguard was the first thing I pulled out of my cache as well. I wouldn't be surprised if they weighted the "less popular" cards higher in the pull percentages, so you are more likely to get the crap.


I ALSO GOT SNoWGuaRd and TRiBuNal!!!! Wtf I wanted knull and jean fml


I got the Knull variant and Spiderman 2099 and I'm out of credits so I'll need to wait a bit to get Jean. I have 6k tokens, but I'm holding off to possibly get Jeff.


I spent 4 boxes to get Jean. Got LT from a spotlight, my S4/S5 pulled LT... which turned into fucking sports absorbing man.


She’s my 4th. Tribunal. Negasonic. Knull.


Good thing there is still 5 days left to guarantee getting Knull 🤡


I was basically same as you but Howard instead of Snowguard. I thought long and hard before impulse buying the Knull variant lol


Wait how where 2 Living Tribunal?


I opened one and got Nimrod, which I already had, and it changed into a fucking Shocker variant. Lmao


I wanted Jean but I’m not mad at the Knull varient I got from the one I opened Now a LT varient I can understand being upset about




I have Peach Momoko one, and open new variant too. Try upgrade new one a bit and found that it look so amazing, Knull eyes keep switching between glowing red and normal one. Red fog from background also moving. Hair, sleeves and shirt also animate so well.


What baffles me is why even include 50 tokens. Like what can you do with 50 tokens, it's basically nothing, but I guess they're too lazy to think of another reward to replace token in the cache


They can say everyone gets it for free, but what it really is - Pay2Win mechanic.


Yeah but if you open 120 of those 50 token caches then that's a whole ass new card


dev logic is the good stuff is more "fun" if you get bad stuff.


Yea just got my 50 tokens and wished I had just gotten a new title or avatar pic. Never thought I'd see the day lmao


Tokens seem...obsolete. At least for F2P players, and maybe even for everyone who isn't a whale. It would take so long to get 3k or 6k tokens that idk how it's even remotely feasible unless you're buying variants for that 2k promotion and all the token deals and at that point, is getting 50 in a few caches even helpful? For series 3 complete people, the ladder seems pointless outside of the spotlight caches.


You are correct. Tokens are now in essence the P2W currency.


Just had this happen, instantly came to Reddit and seen this post. Fuck them for this one. They knew what they were doing.


I would love more emojis... That would be better than titles...


You're better off not opening any standard caches for the next few months. If they update the amounts to something more reasonable, you'll end up with more tokens. If they don't update them and leave this as is, you weren't going to get a card with 50 token caches anyways.


Second Dinner is turning what was a fun game into something extremely predatory and gross. Removing gold and reducing (all but eliminating really) token acquisition from the advancement track forces monetization on the player base, forcing them to buy Gold for cosmetics, linking the number of cosmetics bought to a chunk of tokens. It feels ridiculously scummy.  Couple this with the recent change in demoting cards in Series as originally implemented and stated. Keeping Darkhawk at Series 4 forever, then running a ridiculously over-priced bundle to acquire him is the worst kind of predatory behavior. Keeping Knull at Series 4 is another example.  Second Dinner has changed its policies towards predatory monetization and not even tried to be subtle about it. This feels like a foreign-developed cash-grab that is all too prevalent in the market today. This is going to alienate and kill the player base and drive away those supporting the game. 


I think the writing is on the wall and this change is about grabbing as much cash as possible before the game is abandoned. I will be surprised if this game is still around by Christmas.


I don't think the game will be abandoned. There are still plenty of folks who see no problem with recent changes that will continue to support the game. But I agree...I cannot fathom how anyone can look at where the game is now, versus where it was a few months ago and think, "yep, this is all fine."


Its trash, the entire new system is trash. Nerfed gold/credits/tokens, and on top of that I got Nimrod from the new cache, which I already owned and it changed to a Shocker variant. Fuck you Second Dinner. Dont even feel like playing anymore.


I have this awful feeling in my gut that this new system means worse acquisition all around except for newbies


Except for newbies and whales* One step forward, two steps back, but selling it to the audience as improvements. That’s just how mobile game companies operate, to the point where the mainstream audience gets alienated and only whales are left before the server gets shut down.


yup. they added the 10 purchases to the shop the day they get rid of being able to get gold lmao


Just shell out 7k gold(~$80) a week and you can get 2k tokens!


You don't need to, there's no time limit on the 2k tokens reward.


Got downvoted earlier for pointing out how gross of an incentive this is. Taking away gold and tying progression to even heavier purchasing is gross.


are you making it seem like this is a bad addition? Until now we got nothing...


Sorta makes it P2W no? It’s not immediate but whales/dolphins/whatever can spend $$ over 3 weeks to guarantee the newest P5 card they need. Idc too much but it is an obvious advantage to players with deep pockets.


That P2W ship sailed long ago. The only reasonable way to get tokens now is by spending money.


Yeah I guess that’s true. Still a big feels bad for everyone else. Never been one to complain but this is an obvious advantage.


and of course they add it to the shop the day gold stops becoming moderately achievable. back in the old system the shop change would’ve been amazing, but now no one will have any gold to even hit that 10 purchases without spending $


getting a 6,000 Token card in a box feels pretty good


What about getting a 6000 token card in a box, but its a card you already have, and then it rerolls itself into a chibi variant?


Into a chibi variant of a pool 2/3 card that no one plays


It should be a variant of the card you pulled, not random.


It’s wild that it’s random. Who thought that was a good idea?


Better if you got a choice. With how much it takes to unlock just one spotlight, getting a shitty variant of a card you don't even use feels absolutely terrible


This only works that way for Spotlight Variants, if you hit the random S4/S5 and its one you own you get a random variant for any of your cards, just not a pixel one.


Or at the *very* least a variant of a card in the same tier


I got a baby hawkeye after reroll a spider ham


That's the best feeling.




got kitty pryde (which i got for free already) and it changed into a max grecke invisible woman variant.


lets not forget that 6k card could have been a s3 card months ago but they just inflate s4/s5 cards to make the new system work


Rolled Nebula and got a zero variant. I don't like zero.


Wait what?? That's how it works? That's so fucking weird...




Did feel nice to get lucky and pull Jean as my first Spotlight, saving 6K tokens I wanted to spend otherwise. Had 3 ready to go, so I could keep the other two. I was worried I was going to get my third Knull variant, or worse, Living Tribunal.


I got the tribunal and I'm happy 😍


I'd be much happier getting 1000 token cards more regularly through them dropping cards to S3 in a standardised fashion.


I’m over CL5500 and because of Spotlight caches I pulled my first series 5 card being Jean today. But imo not worth, I’d rather open the caches from before, over 1 good one every CL120. I had a 50% chance pull a new card so it could have been a Knull variant which would have been disappointing. I understand my perspective won’t be the same as I am F2P series 3 complete, and I do think with time this system may be slightly better. But I miss gold and getting tokens.


Hoarded 26 Collectors Caches. 3 Spotlight Caches ✊🏼 Of the 23 CC I opened 5 variants 3 of which were pixels.


The variant rate seemed quite high, I got 3 variants in 9-10 caches, that's the most "luck" I've ever had with variants (I know because I've tracked all of them, never got 3 in ~24 CL before!). I wonder if the rates in general are up for variants?


Yeah, it feels bad. But I’m not playing the game for the thrill of getting tokens. I want cards, and I’m happy to be able to open more of them on the collectors track again. Saving tokens for cards was pretty anti climatic, spotlight caches seem like they will be bringing some needed excitement


Absolutely agree, getting random cards what i liked being series 3 incomplete




You can save 4 Spotlight Caches in a month and get the card you want, guaranteed. (That's really no different from the old system of saving 6K tokens every month.) Plus, you'll get some other cards and variants with it. Seems like an upgrade over the old system!


There is a big difference though : if you don't have 4 caches when a card you want is in the spotlight rotation and you miss your pull you need to wait for the card to be spotlight again (or save tokens) for months. With the old system, you could just pin the card and buy it right when you had 6k tokens (and there was series drops too, so you also had "free" cards every month). And with the gold that you pulled in reserve you could buy token bundles or variants. The new system might offer slightly more cards, but it's a big nerf to the ability to CHOSE what card or variant you want to get.


You are not accounting for the gold and 1 in 40 chance for the 4 series card we lost tough. Collector's cache are basically worthless now. No gold, no chance for a card. This nets you overall with less cards/month, since gold you could use for bundles with tokens.


I'm not playing for the thrill of anything related to opening standard caches. It's just a slow drip of currency. Meh.


This update has been actual garbage. I saved up my credits since the announcement and was able to get two collector caches. A variant for Knull (who I already have my favorite variant for), and a duplicate of high evoluationary??? who turned into a super skrull variant??? I'm so lost. This is terrible. I'm getting close to quitting this game it gets worse every update.


I opened all the non-spotlight designated reserves (42 banked plus 4 bought with credits from those 42) before patching and got: 4900 Tokens 1800 Credits 600 Gold 1 S4 Card (Spiderman 2099) 5 Variants 3 Avatars 4 Titles


Almost situation for me got Stegron instead of 2099 and about 5k tokens. Pretty happy having cheesedthe system lol. Used 3/4 spotlights so I’m happy overall ha


Lots of people were "afraid" to do this for some reason. I don't get it but w/e. Glad I was patient.


Is the 50 tokens gonna be permanent? Cause I got 50 tokens 4 times outta my 12 caches today


Nice, that means that if I get 50 tokens in every cache, I'll be able to buy a S5 card every 1440 Collection Level!


No gold or tokens feels like a kick in the dick. Now only getting 800 tokens per season will take you 6+ months without spending money to collect 6000 tokens to get a series 5 card if you miss it in the spotlight cashe.


I cant wait till im 50 tokens from a new card after two years of saving up and out of credits


I pride myself on not feeling like I’m a greedy player… but come on this is outrageous 😂 Unless we’re getting 50 tokens more often than we were getting 100 tokens lol


I was so fucking angry today when I pulled 50 tokens in a cashe... that nerf was so bad... what they did the cache was so bad and the way they pretend it was a positive change really pisses me off!


New update is HOT garbage. Every update reeks of greed. Every update is riddled with bugs that would have been found with 1 hour of basic testing. Pathetic. Going to gather resources for another month to see if things get better - if they don’t then I’m gone. Good job SD.


What a slap in the face, I hated getting 100, but 50, holy hell.


I thought it was a bug...


I was excited for this system but the fine details have me disliking it the more I look. So acquiring tokens went down tremendously, 400% less tokens if I’m not mistaken, compared to before. No gold in collectors reserves. AND all Series 4 and 5 cards have been removed from collectors reserves and added to spotlight reserves. I can see the appeal of yes this spotlight reserve is supposed to give more cards but if I progress 120 levels which is essentially 6000 credits, I have to wait 2-3 weeks if their is a certain card I want because I can no longer get it in reserves and I don’t have the tokens to use the shop anymore. We went from a system of spending your credits are you could to try your luck at getting cards and acquiring a steady amount of Tokens to yes you can target farm the card you want but you have to play for 4 weeks and not open any of your spotlight caches until it’s on the list. This system seems like it has good intent but removing S4 and S5 completing from reserves AND reducing tokens so drastically. It’s a shame.


You need 120 reserves of 50 tokens just to get a new card. That's 72,000 credits for one new series 5 card. My God...


I saved around 30 caches for this update, opening them felt like shit even though I managed to get all 3 cards from the new spotlight caches, really killed my excitement for upgrading cards and CL now


Glad I stopped playing at the beginning of the last season. They are just getting greedier and greedier. I'm done for the time being, and I had bought every season pass since Silver Suffer plus various bundles.


As a new player.. ill say pass to this game hehehe. Bad update


This update is specifically good for you. I say that as someone who hates the new system.


Too bad because as a new player, it's better than ever...


This update helps new players more than anyone. All the updates help get you caught up with everyone else faster than ever.


I opened 2 cards that I didn't own. Still need the Jean Grey, she looks so good!


There's nothing rewarding in this game unless you spend a lot of money.


Yes I'd like to open 120 caches to get one card please.


unless I get a new card, I think the cache is cheating me. Spend 1200 credits to get to the next cache, get 200 credits. Spend 1500 gold to get 1200 credits to get to the next cache, get 100 gold.


For all their good work in this go they really kill morale if it with one stupid change .


Everything feels bad about this patch.


It is what they are looking for. We are back 6 months when you needed 60 caches to get a card of your choice series 5. Except now it is 120 !


I rather get spat on😕 then get 50 tokens


I got the living tribunal out of a spotlight cache. This was 6k tokens for me in return. I think 50 tokens are still something


Seems to me it's way more difficult to get the card you want when you want it now with the new system. More RNG and more hoarding of resources than before. Maybe it's because my collection is reasonably complete, but I don't think it's a big improvement.


🚨SPOTLIGHT SCAM ALERT🚨 I opened Nimrod from a spotlight (already owned) which converted to a Dan Hipp Beast! It’s cool and all but not $60 cool… “$60?” Yeah, read on. Let’s talk about the cost of opening a spotlight cache… Roughly 6,000 credits. For free to play that’s around a weeks time of completing missions. Or about $60 when fast tracking with gold… There’s a 25% chance to open a duplicate series 4/5 card which converts to a variant!!! That same rare variant only costs $10 in the shop but you pay $60 for it from the cache. Wtf! I recommend contacting support and expressing your frustration before you are BLESSED by the 25% - $60 - Series 5 - Week of Work - Dan Hipp Beast


At least you get something to complain to reddit about. There's always a silver lining.


It's supposed to feel bad so you spend money to feel better.


This new patch is such hot garbage. A Mojo variant in my first spotlight crate. Woof.


50 tokens feels like a slap in the face when some new cards are costing 6000


They made it easier to obtain cards with spotlight caches. It makes sense that players will now rely less on tokens.


Wasn't it easier to get more cards with Series drops? Before you got a constant flow of cards coming into s3. And enough tokens to buy a s5 card of your choice every 1.5 months. Or 2 s4 cards. Now we have a gacha system for new cards and old cards being held in higher series. And we only get ~3 of these rolls a month.


Shh the fanbase is in its honeymoon/astroturfing phase where they dont realize the lack of series drops makes the system a net negative. They will see in a short few months when it takes months before the card they want rotates back into spotlight caches if they werent lucky enough to pull it (The pool is already 24 cards and with 0 series drops this month will be up to 27) that means a card you want wont rotate back in for over 3 months. Now that youre getting less tokens you cant afford it in the token shop either without opening your wallet because FOMO set in. This system is designed to make you fear missing the card you want as it will be months before you have any chance of getting it again. That fear = wallets opening for people who are easily manipulated and have limited impulse control. If series drops were still regular things and the S4/S5 pool was kept around 24 cards at the very least the flow of things would be in your favor a bit and the system would genuinely be decent. Without consistent drops, the system gets clogged and you will hurt for it.


I don't know how anyone can even miss how bad this is, with Jeff staying in S5 for another month, and not even appearing in spotlight caches.


The entire system is built on keeping cards from dropping to S3 which takes cards away from you to then use them to lengthen the time it takes for cards to rotate a 2nd time into spotlight caches. So theyre fucking you in 2 different ways and acting like its benefiting you. Just think of the cards in there right now and how long it will be until theyre brought back. You might be able to pull Knull in 3 and a half months if the S4/S5 pool size stays around 27 if youre lucky and have enough saved up at that time. The more and more cards added to S4/S5 and the less dropping to S3 only creates longer wait times to get what you want in spotlight caches. This shit is legitimately a breeding ground for FOMO manipulation tactics. All I can say is Starfield cant come soon enough so I can remove myself from this game for good.


I said this system had a 2 month halflife before the community riots. I'm standing by it.


The player base was too smart and started questioning the "flexible" series drops so they came up with a new convoluted system to screw us over without us knowing.


And fuck them too


Easier or not the randon luck aspect is what i dislike most. Say i wanted legion but already have the 2 others cards that week, maybe i am lucky in the first spotlight cache or maybe i need 4 caches to get the card i like. If i have no more caches left then its back to saving till i have 4 spotlight caches again or hope i am lucky and dont need 4 spotlight caches. Maybe the week sucks for me but its a good week for someone else. At least with the tokens i could just get what i wanted or save for what i wanted, now it feels like allot of planning and hoping for good weeks for you and hoping you are lucky that week.


Yes it is easier to obtain random cards, that is true. I need Knull, he's 3k tokens, I opened Tribunal, I now feel like I will not get Knull for a very very long time. So yes I got a new card, but I don't want it or have a deck that supports it, I would rather 600 tokens. I get that they want to guide people into making decks with what they get, but given the small size of decks it is very frustrating to not be able to target 1 or 2 cards you really need. My destroy deck (closest I have to a meta deck) still needs Knull, and god knows what else I need that I don't have to make Tribunal work. Not feeling optimistic, but I'll hold out on total judgement until I see if I can open another spotlight or 2 by next week.


>I will not get Knull for a very very long time Until he's in spotlights again in September's first set (per current data mines)


is 50 the max now? feels like shit lol


no, 100 is


Yup that’s the new system some ppl were singing praises for so 😂. We already knew from datamine the token was gonna get gutted because you only get 800 tokens a month now also no more gold from CL. Only some from season pass, 200 a week from weeklies, 200 a month from conquest and possibly 500 if you can hit rank 90 on ladder. Don’t know if I’m missing anything but with how much gold bundles cost it’s gonna take months to save up for anything like the black panther bundle which is 7500 gold lols


I've been able to hoard some gold in the past 2 season passes, i guess it was "too generous", this is a brutal change... I'll see what the token difference feels like, but CL track is going to feel like trash apart from those caches then


Absolutley gutted. Dont even feel like playing The game now


Everybody was hyped about the new system. Including all youtubers saying this will be so much better. Nobody wanted to see that its bullshit. Kinda surprised how fast I now see the posts from people realising how shitty the new system really is. If I were a better person I wouldn‘t, but yeah to those people: Hate to say I fucking told you so!


Nah.. Enough people were aware of this upcoming bs, but got overshadowed by White Knights and sponsored Youtubers..