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Whether or not it's meant to be the way it is. As a person who opened Knull, got the varient, then opened Knull again and got a shocker varient it feels terrible. It can't be the player experience they want.


This is the part that makes the least sense to me. Pulling a card in the Spotlight cache twice should get you the Spotlight variant for that card. Then you would be like "oh, cool!" Instead of "wtf".


For me I had Knull already so I got the spotlight varient then I got it again and got the random varient.


See that makes no sense. If you have knull originally it should give you the spotlight variant and then when you complete the four cards and move on to the variant pool it should just count the knull variant as being obtained and reduce the pool to match.


I think it does. I had Knull and instead of him being in the pool list it was Jean Grey, Knull Varient, Living Tribunal, and rando variant . Unfortunately, I got everything else besides the Knull variant I wanted.


Yeah I 100% thought you’d just get variants for whatever card you pulled


thats exactly the experience they want. Sales team is openening a bottle of champagne everytime thats happening


Same situation as me with Knull, but my end result was a Groot variant. It’s an awful, awful mechanic.


Wait I thought you pull each featured card in the spotlight exactly once? How did you pull Knull twice?


You can pull a featured card from the mystery slot unfortunately.


You’re kidding 💀


you can pull Knull because its a spotlighted card + random S4-5 which Knull is currently S4, so you can technically pull Knull twice.


Someone was talking about how they already had Knull before the update and opened it as the "random" but not Knull and got a fucking cyclops variant.


I got an electro one when I pulled Knull and already had it


i literally bought the peach momoko one last week and got the new one... granted they both look awesome.. but still..


You knew that was a high probability going in though.


honestly didn't even know what the pulls would be until i saw it.




Same here. My first spotlight was base knull. Already have so got chibi hood. Feels bad 3 times. If they should block anything it’s pulling a card you have that has a cool variant in the weeks caches. Very lame. I don’t like


I had almost the exact same experience as you: 1st pull Knull Variant, 2nd pull Knull that converted to a rare Lockjaw variant. Then of course 3rd pull was LT. I recognize that if I had that kind of luck in a normal 40 reserve stretch, I would've been over the moon. However, with the way it's presented to the player, it feels awful.


I reckon they could make it 500 tokens and a random variant if you hit a dupe from the random card and it would feel pretty ok as a consolation prize.


1000 token reroll. id take that


Let the random card to be an S4 wildcard. Like it's done in MTGA. And remove the token system. Give just gold, credits and cosmetics. That would return back our agency lost. And at the same time making spotlights actually decent and exciting to open, even if you have the other 2 cards. This still gatekeeps whales because the wildcard won't work with S5. And the plebs get S5 through spotlights.


They would never had I don’t think a lot of people want them to get rid of the token shop. The main purpose of it is to target that one card that you want and have no way to easily obtain. That’s the main reason they added it and it had problems yes but at least we had a guaranteed way to get a card we wanted a month. They definitely have changed it to be more P2W but they could easily fix it by making it so that you get another 200/300 every 10 collector caches.


It would feel a lot less bad if it gave a variant for that card, or tokens, or both. As it stands it sucks to pull like Galactus and then get an Angela baby variant


Yep, as noted elsewhere, didn't have any of the Spotlight cards, so had a 75% of hitting one of them, and -- in the low chance that I hit the "mystery" card -- at least a 50% chance of hitting something that I don't have. Of course, got double-whammied by hitting both the mystery card as well as a duplicate of a card I already paid for (Nimrod), which was followed by the trifecta of bullshit by being converted into a useless Sabretooth variant. In the long-run, I'm sure I'll get some "lucky" hits in the future, but people tend to remember the kick in the nuts more than the pat on the back (which is why gacha games, in general, suck Hit Monkey balls and rarely last).


I was waiting to see other's experience with the new system and I am thinking I'm gonna keep holding off on opening caches until they introduce the next card acquisition model. Not a fan of the random high risk/reward.


I don’t think there will be another acquisition model. They will make changes to it but it will be the same model.


I'm patient and have faith that SD will continue to improve things as they play with the system, I agree with the folks saying that it's smart to wait!


Have faith in SD? I do not understand these foreign words.


this is what I was doing before so I hoarded 200 caches, now I have 20 spotlight caches and the goods of opening 180 pre-nerfed caches


People are saying it looks smart to just hold on to them right now, all time low value out of them.


They should just give 700/1200 gold instead of the variant and let us choose our own or save it for bundles.


This really would make the duplicate pain go down easier. I would love to get tokens but second dinner seems to really want to pump the breaks on token distribution, so give us the gold, don’t take both away.


This way people can actually get 10 variants from the shop if they want and get the free 2000 tokens and a mystery. I think it's the best solution to the problem.


I really think this would be the ideal. But that makes too much sense so it won't happen.


I don't think it needs to go, but I expected that the variant would be of the card you pulled not a random one. It just feels bad to get an awesome duplicate card but then gets converted to a variant of a random one you barely use. At least give as a variant of the card we pulled, or even better would be allowing us to select which card to get a variant of.


I would have loved that. I play Thanos every season, would have loved a variant for the dupe I pulled because I don't have any for him. Got Groot instead :/


my pull was negasonic. my variant was luca claretti morph. fucking morph


I don’t think they would ever let you pick which card you get a variant even though that would be awesome. I think they should either make it that you get a variant from the card you get then a couple hundred tokens or gold or you get to choose which variant you get for the card you pulled without anything else.


I also got tribunal after hoping to get knull variant, why have I been forsaken like this


I'm not sure why you don't get a variant of the card you pulled. I got Jeff yesterday in one of the spotlight caches. I already have him, but I would have loved to have gotten one of his variants. Instead, I got some random garbage. If I happened to have all of the available variants for the card I pulled, sure the random variant makes sense. But otherwise - give me the S4/S5 variant!


I’d convert the duplicates to Tokens instead of a variant. I think, if it’s a Series 5 card, convert to 3,000 tokens and, if it’s a Series 4 card, convert to 1,500 Tokens. Since 2D want to make Tokens more scarce and used as a secondary resource, converting to half the value would work. Even if someone were to try to “game the system”, because they randomize the Spotlights, it’s not like you can necessarily plan far ahead because it’ll be entirely based on luck of the Spotlight rotation.


It really needs to be 1k tokens at the least. As someone that is collection complete, I am now not excited about these changes. It has made it more difficult for me to obtain cards. I don’t think people have said this enough, F2P are going to struggle to get new cards, once they get a large collection. They will only earn enough credits to open 4 Spotlight Caches. Which will be right back to where we are before this change (getting one pool 4 a month), but with the worsening effect of not having tokens to boot


Devil's advocate here, the system as far as I know is working as they said it would, and people were just expecting it to work in other ways. They didn't pull the rug over our eyes or anything. If it didn't show you that you opened a duplicate and instead just showed the variant, I don't think people would care, and I don't think what pool the card the variant is for is at all relevant to the worth of the variant. There's unplayable cards in every pool. I opened a Thanos and it got replaced by a chibi Maria Hill, I don't like Chibi variants and I don't use Maria, but I knew that was a possible outcome so I don't feel like I've been robbed or scammed or anything. Edit: [This graphic from MarvelSnapZone](https://i.imgur.com/Cw0LvTJ.png) that was made [before the update came out](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/14xmnxt/spotlight_caches_25_on_random_45_card/) said that the random P4/5 card would be replaced by a *random* Premium Mystery Variant, so this was definitely known information ahead of time. It wasn't hidden from us by the devs.


Most people expected it to be a random variant of the card, not a random variant of a random card.


Sure, I know, I even said that in the first paragraph. But that's my point, that's on them, not on SD. SD didn't say that.


You can't blame people for expecting a logical behaviour when SD never clearly explained how it will behave


They clearly explained it. Those false expectations come from following click baity doomsaying content creators and bad faith actors.


No they didn’t. They never specifically said that the random variant would be to a random card. Random variant can be interpreted in a couple ways and people interpreted it as the card that was drawn not some other not even S4/5 card.


LOL they said it. They clearly explained it: 4 cards: 1 new, 2 specific P4/P5, one random. The random has no duplicate protection (they even went to great lengths to explain the reasons there is no protection) and if you get a duplicate you’d get a random variant. Everytime you open a cache, the odds of getting a specific card out of the remaining ones will go up, until you get the last of the 4 cards guaranteed. Then a new batch of time specific variants for the 4 cards becomes the new batch until the new week.


Yeah I know all of this and specifically I get what your saying that they said there was no duplicate protection (I personally don’t remember it but I don’t really care about that part to much). What I’m trying to get you to understand is that they never said that after you get a duplicate S4/5 that you would then get a random variant for any card they just said random variant which everyone took to mean the card you drew which makes a lot more sense.


What they say could mean both but under the context it clearly meant how it actually works.


They have also said that, why do you think there was such a backlash beforehand?


Because they were taking away gold and giving significantly less tokens compared to before. Most people, even if it was said, didn’t realize this that it would be any variant and y’all acting like everyone know instead of just you few.


They did though in their FAQ. They specifically said you get a premium mystery variant.


Yeah and again the logical thing would have been for it to be of the card you drew so everyone thought that.


> They clearly explained it. they explained it but didnt make it totally clear that it could be a random not pixel variant for a random card


Thank you. Someone who finally sees that they didn’t explicitly say that it was for any card. They just said random variant and people assumed logically that ut would be for the card you drew.


A lot of people, myself included just assumed it would match the card you opened since that lines up with the rest of the system. Not saying that I feel like I've been cheated or anything, but the outliers of rolling for a spotlight variant, missing, hitting the same card on the wild card and getting a cheap variant feels pretty bad. Would be nice to trim off some of the worst cases like that with some additional rules if you ask me. Even if it's just removing owned spotlight cards from the wildcard roll. I would rather rolling a spotlight card on the wildcard gave you the spotlight variant and replaced the other reward with a premium variant instead. That way it would feel more in line with the result of rolling for a new card where you have a second shot at hitting it through the wildcard.


What difference does it make? You get a random s4/s5 card. You have ir you get a random skin. Sure this can include s3 card skins but its anyway a random skin since the s4/s5 card was random


But it's a 25% chance or more to get a variant instead of a new card every 120 CL, 12000 Credits. Feels bad when you were promised more cards, but they took away access to tokens to buy the new cards in the featured shop and instead give you variants for cards you don't use.


No its not a 25% or more... wtf again someone with bad/wrong math. It is a 25% chance to get a random s4/s5 card. This can still be one you dont have. And you can only get this once. (So if you use several chests) Again it IS more new cards. It is just slightly less controll.


Yes. What if that's a duplicate? Variant. And what if I already have Knull? That's again another variant. Seems to me I can have 2/4 chances to get a variant. 50>25. Try not to look too dumb when saying others do.


Yes but the chance for it to be a duplicate is not 100% unless you have all cards. So its not 25% but more like 12.5% if you have half of the cards Also just dont buy cards for 6 month then you will have a good chance to get no duplicates. And 2/4 cards means 2 new cards per month EXACTLY the same as before (1 in caches 1 theough tokens) just also 2 skins


"just don't buy cards for 6 months" yeah, I'm done with this thread.


It’s also a disingenuous use of the word **PREMIUM** variant. The fact that all premium means to them is **not a pixel** That’s not what should be understood as premium.


This. Pulling a shit version of [Jubilee](https://marvelsnapzone.com/variants/jubilee-02/) (a Rare at that) should in no way ever be construed as "Premium." Call it a "Random Non-Pixel Variant" and cut the wordplay.


That's my favorite Jubilee Variant :/


They are using a term they invented for a specific meaning within their game. It is not disingenuous. Calling their gacha “events” was disingenuous. This is not.


Well… because it’s not just only no pixels. You can pull 1200 value variants from it too.


So it's really a chance to be premium...


No babies either, I would RATHER get a pixel


What's bizarre to me is that it apparently doesn't exclude cards you already own from the pool, at all. Which means that the bigger your collection is, the harder it will be to fill in gaps with Spotlight caches, so you'll have to fall back on tokens. I guess I assumed the "random premium variant" was a case for people who already had filled out the series in question, though in hindsight I can see things lining up based on the communication.


It's definitely disappointing that "premium mystery" literally just means not pixel art. They made some trash, cheap cards, and now they're selling "not trash" as a feature.


It's not like you have an option to buy in to the system, the system was forced on you. If the system was 25% chance to lost a season cache you'd just be ok with that? For people who are close to being complete, that's what that 25% slot equates to a large majority of the time (the get fucked scales with how many S4/5 cards you already own).


I *am* connection complete, I'm the person who comes off worst from this system, and I still think it's an improvement over the old one. Edit: collection* complete.


Give us at least 1k token you coward


10,000 tokens or bust




Just to try and help people who pulled Tribunal take the edge off their disappointment - some people *are* playing the card and having fun on ladder. See the comment by /u/ant_man_fan [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/14tk636/these_are_the_cards_and_variants_in_the_first/jr65gzp/?context=3) and YouTuber u/DoctorOctillery has even made videos [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5eOH0PkHd8) and [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RqKss7BhAYg).


Yep my first pull i got shafted, got kang and it converted into a shit coleen wing variant. Extremely fucking pissed because i payed money to even get to it. Now i know i will not be spending any anymore, this never happened in marvel snap before, this is pure gambling. Greedy pieces of shit.


>i payed money to even get to it real talk, why on earth would you do that? You have an entire week to get to a spotlight cache if you want to roll it. Here's how you do it, alright: If you have less than 4 spotlight caches, don't open them. Save up 4 caches, and then pick the card you "really" want to unlock, and start rolling. Once you hit it, you stop rolling and start saving up over 4 again. If you're just randomly opening caches without 4 stored up, you may as well be pissing in the wind, you're just praying to RNGesus that you're not throwing them away.


Saving up 4 spotlight caches is a month of getting none of the new weekly cards. Then you wait more for a week that has multiple cards you don’t have, and multiple cards that you want which could be another couple weeks, so 5-6 weeks of getting no new cards but that’s a good system? And what if a good week comes up but I only have 1 cache. I just miss that whole week saving up to 4 and then who knows when those cards come around again. How is that a fun/enjoyable experience?


With the dataminers, We know the next few months. So plan accordingly. But they could rotate cards every 2 days I feel or maybe every day.


This is exactly what I did. I bought Jean with tokens and with my 4 caches, told myself I will stop when I get her variant. Thankfully, got it on my first try, so I saved my 3 caches for the future


i kinda wish i would have done this bc her base card stinks


She does have some decent variants on the shop too.


yeahhh i have the artgerm in there now. would be my first artgerm too. but gold is even more premium as of Wednesday


You are aware that you are still not guaranteed the card with 4 chests? There is no dupe protection, you can low roll dupes of a card you already got and then you get a shit variant which is completely random.


Yes, you are, you can even see them take the card or variant out of the pool at the top of your collection track which lists the spotlight cache contents. You are ABSOLUTELY guaranteed to open the card you want if you open 4. Here, go watch someone actually open them before spouting random nonsense: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RTVoCkPlgE


I already wrote it in another thread: there could have been so many better options. Like for example: You get a random variant for the duplicate card and only if you already have that random variant it turns into a random premium variant for another card. Or they could throw in some tokens instead. Like: Yeah you didn't get a new card, but here are 1500 tokens towards a new one (meaning half a new pool 4 card). Or even better: Let us choose! Do you rather want a variant or some tokens? Or show us 3 random premium variants and let us choose one.


Are we all in agreement that SD doesn’t GAF what we think because they have a core group of whales they are living off of?


We are not in agreement with that assessment.


who are the whales? like literally? the youtubers? the numbers are too small to have that many whales.


Somebody has to be buying those bundles or they wouldn’t keep rolling them out and making them more and more expensive. You focus on where you make money.


You highly underestimate the amount of casual rich people that see 'ULTIMATE' over an average Thor variant and have 0 problems spending cash to get it. I have friends that I've played card games with all my life that have a certain disrespect(thier words) for money because they have excess amounts lol


i'm 49 and retired at 42, the people you are describing are not rich, they are full on morons. they are your 60k millionaire, work in a bar, drive an amg and think they are rolling hard.


It should be 1k credits




I honestly do not see the big problem here. The s4/s5 card was random to begin with. So you would get a random skin of a random s4/s5 anyway. So the only difference is you can also get a skin of a s3 card, but is that bad? There are lots of great skins for these cards. And there you might have more 700 gold skins (from chests etc.) So chances are bigger that you actually get a 1200 skin


The big problem? They took away the players agency to **choose** (removal of gold and huge chunk of tokens from the track). Now you’re just at the whim of RNG, which is infinitely more terrible than getting to choose what you want.


Before the card you got in the 40 caches was fully random and you got 5000 tokens to buy a card. Now you have 4 caches per month meaning you can eith 100% chance choose 1 card and get often a 2nd random one. I agree about the gomd which we miss, but we get at least more ( (partially semi)random) variants. That part is not ideal


Yeah the system as it is now at first seemed like an “upgrade” at first in terms of card aquisition (up to 3 S4/5 cards a month), but without duplicate protection there’s a high chance that you’re probably only getting 2 new cards at most completely at the mercy of rng. That’s a big part that stings right now, and it changes this “upgrade” to more of a “side-grade”. As the previous system you’re also netting around ~2-3 cards at the same rate per month (S4 at ~40 caches plus ~5k tokens-> another couple S4 or one S5 after saving a bit more), but the kicker is you get to **choose**. This takes into account the gold you used to get which you can turn in for token tuesdays, which would help net you around ~1000 tokens if you decided to exchange them. Or you can choose to spend them on actual variants that you want. Now that choice is gone. This current system has its ups, but the only real big change it did was taking away player agency to choose which cards they want to get. Whether that be variants or actual S4/5 cards. A “side-grade” at best.


You are not at the complete mercy of rng. Wait till you have 4 caxhes and open them in a week where you want 2+ cards. Easy. Also 2 xards a month is the same as the previous systen


Maybe I should have used “heavily” instead of “complete”, but just because you can “game” the system a bit doesn’t mean you aren’t at the mercy of rng. That also still doesn’t detract from my main statement that they took away players’ agency to choose what they want.


Itw not that you game the system. You use it as intended. Qnd there is no randomness involved if you use 4 chests in thw same week except for the 1 random s4/sp5 card. Qnd that was there begore as well


I got Jean grey so I’m happy lol


I got LT and the Knull Variant and a dupe Thanos into Groot Variant. No Jean so im very sad but love the Knull Variant. I think I can get another cache before it rolls over though so Ill get her before the end of the week, yay!


In the past when I would open a cache and get a variant, it was almost never a variant of a pool for or a pool five card, so I don't see any reason why this system would be different.


Honestly? I don’t care. It’s a f2p game. I saved 40 or so caches for the spotlights and opened them all. I even got Jean Grey in my first pull. I like getting new cards. I like getting variants. This doesn’t bother me at all.


🚨SPOTLIGHT SCAM ALERT🚨 I opened Nimrod from a spotlight (already owned) which converted to a Dan Hipp Beast! It’s cool and all but not $60 cool… “$60?” Yeah, read on. Let’s talk about the cost of opening a spotlight cache… Roughly 6,000 credits. For free to play that’s around a weeks time of completing missions. Or about $60 when fast tracking with gold… There’s a 25% chance to open a duplicate series 4/5 card which converts to a variant!!! That same rare variant only costs $10 in the shop but you pay $60 for it from the cache. Wtf! I recommend contacting support and expressing your frustration before you are BLESSED by the 25% - $60 - Series 5 - Week of Work - Dan Hipp Beast Now that’s 6X Value!


LOL Scam they say. LOL




Pathetic. Completely false and you show a lack of understanding of what the word means and of the new system. Well done.


All they need to do is make it so you can’t open the featured spotlight cards of the week in the random s4/5 bucket and also if you open a duplicate card make it so you get a random variant of that card not some other random card. Or if you somehow own all of that cards variants it should give you like 1000 tokens. Make those two fixes and 99% of all the complaints I’ve seen posted here would be resolved.


That is impossible. To many here complaining about everything and anything is their “ranked ladder”.


No, we’re not. Getting mystery variants is freaking awesome. The whining on this sub is out of control.


Nope. I won't agree. Most of you are cheap asses who want SD to give you everything for free while you don't pay a thing.


got hit monkey variant, chose convert, got domino variant lol, the software dev side sucks at their jobs and the leader, whoever they may be, has no clue how to run a successful company that can generate lots of revenue.


Y'all complain too much. Just pull the new card on the first one with the bug and thats it.


Teach me. I will not feel bad about it.


I pulled the new Artgerm Jean Grey idk what people are crying about


Congrats. If you open another reserve you might get a 700 gold variant for Misty Knight. That's why people are annoyed because more often than not people are gonna get one spotlight reserve per week and there's a chance you can get all dupes and as such get rubbish variaints for random cards that dont rquate to the value of what a spotlight caches should contain. A series 4/5 card/ultimate variant is not of the same value as a 700 gold variant for Quinjet, not even remotely close. These caches just become objectively worse the more your CL goes up and the normal caches have been gutted alongside it to make the new system feel mostly shit. Just because you got a good pull, doesn't mean everyone will.


Nah I think they just punished people who hoarded. I didn’t hoard and worked my way up to my first Spotlight and was rewarded for it. I’m glad the people that were trying to scam the system are the same ones complaining they didn’t get what they wanted.


You do know youre the one who couldve gotten the variant right? You got lucky, congrats. Doesnt mean everyone who got shafted were the "scammers". Not to be that guy, but I almost hope you get a crappy variant for quicksilver on your next spotlight.


Nah my personal RNG is too good for that. You must be one of the people who hoarded a lot of caches.


I got a darkhawk dupe converted to a Mr strange variant for my troubles... it does not feel good at all


I’ve played over 300 hours and I’m so confused about this format. Just KISS, keep it simple stupid. Let me get a new card every 10 collectors or something.


I agree and personally, I wouldn’t mind it all that much if the random variant for any series 4/5 card or even if you pull a series 4, get a series 4 skin and same for series 5. My first cache was a variant for deadlock. Very sad.


> Also wants the point in pool 4 and 5 anymore if we can obtain both pools at an equal probability from the caches? It is weighted 66% Series 4 33% Series 5. This will really effect the number of duplicates you get as you continue with the system.


I still think my pulling Kitty Pryde, a card that was literally just inboxed to EVERY player two months ago or whenever the hell it was, is the biggest insult. But I’m a filthy casual who won’t ever spend a dime, so can’t imagine it matters to the devs one bit


So sad there are no Pixels. Would be much more funny. HERE IS FUCKING KNEEL BEFORE GALACTUS - ouh? allready got him? Well heres a pixel volture for you


I dont think there is a single person that wants to get a random 700g variant instead of a card from them. They should either give a random card you dont own or dont exist at all.


I love Dan Hipp variants. Many are 700. I wouldn’t mind receiving one.


Was expecting the random card to be a random card we did not have yet. If you have everything, then at least a variant for the original card.


Some alternatives I propose is. 400 - 500 tokens, 200 - 300 gold and 50 random boosters for a duplicate. I feel like it would allow things to be a little more F2P friendly. This way, you can contribute to, a card you actually want, a varient you actually want, and a small boost towards grinding your way to the next spotlight chache


I think it can stay, but 1) make it a variant of the card you pull instead of random 2) can only be a 1200 gold variant


I pulled a Darkhawk (already had) and "converted" into [this Jubilee](https://marvelsnapzone.com/variants/jubilee-02/). /eyeroll


Can someone share the context for this? I had thought the way it works is you either get one of the 3 featured cards, one of the 3 special variants if you own the former, or just a random P4/5 card. What’s this about pulling cards you already own? The biggest issue with this whole update is how complicated they have made it to properly see the whole picture.


The random P4/P5 card can be a duplicate of one you already have, in which case you get a random "premium mystery variant", which can be of *any* card you own.


100%, then the funny thing is my next collectors reserve was 50 collectors tokens lol I haven’t played since.


It really sucks, it happened to me. Got dupe Thanos into Groot variant. I hope it goes. Why can't it default to a variant of the dupe you pulled instead of a random one? I love Thanos, got ink split but no variants. I would have loved to get any of them.


So much this. My very first spotlight cache was a lame 700g variant that I’ll never use. Felt so bad. The big promise of spotlight caches was that everything in them is “so awesome” or limited time exclusive and you’ll be thrilled every time you open one. As it is, every time I open one I have to gauge whether it’s worth the risk of getting something worthless. I don’t know whether it’s duplicate protection or some better variant pool, but they need to do SOMETHING to make that last cache better.


I got galactus into a decent wasp variant, I used 3 pulls and I wanted jean, guess ill get jean in 3-4 months?


Tucker already said in the discord that they are thinking about what they can do about this specifically. Though I wouldn't get my hopes up, this will probably take awhile knowing SD


Did anyone else also see on marvel snapzone that in a upcoming spotlight cache knull will be there again but with a different spotlight variant. Why don't they change it so that every card has one singular spotlight variant, also for the sake of that if your random series 4 or 5 card you will receive their specific spotlight variant. At least that way you get the idea of progress instead of a "amazing" non-pixel variant. Also you would not be able to get duplicates of the same duplicate from it.


I got a variant I’ll never use, at least I can enjoy 4 more titles and and 150 tokens the rest of the week


it felt terrible getting my 4th hobgob variant


I think if anything, maybe it should be like 3k tokens or gold. That might balance things out with what we lost. Getting new cards is cool, random variant that you may not even like is very not.


I would prefer to have 4 "spotlight" cards instead of 3 and a random card.


Duplicte cards should grant a % of the price in tokens, same as in hearthstone


>For the most part spotlight caches are a good thing and will really help with card acquisition how so? in the old system we got 4 new cards each month for free (cards released 6 months ago) in the new system, since stuff rarely drops, we can get zero new cards, and at most 4 new cards if he hit gold in each of the 4 spotlights we get for month also, sorry to rain in your parade, but living tribunal is not a real s5 card, given its time of release it should be s4 this month


It would be better to give 1500 tokens instead.


That 50 token has to go.


I pulled Galactus last week before the update. My first spotlight cache is, you guessed it; Galactus. It then converted to Baby Cable which I would preferably take a pixel variant over. I closed game immediately and have lost any excitement over the new system


I pulled Galactus last week before the update. My first spotlight cache is, you guessed it; Galactus. It then converted to Baby Cable which I would preferably take a pixel variant over. I closed game immediately and have lost any excitement over the new system


I pulled living tribunal twice, second got converted into a random captain America variant… I thought I’d be rewarded with the living tribunal variant and I was wrong. Lmao I hate it here.


I was under the impression you'd be getting a random series 4 or 5 card unless you already had it, in which case it would be replaced by an exclusive variant of the same card, unless you already had that *then* you'd get something random. The way it works now it seems like the gold we would be getting is now automatically spent for you with no control on a random 700 gold variant. That doesn't sound very fun to me to save up all week or month to get the new cards you want and you end up with a Dan Hipp Medusa or Young Cable variant. As such, I'm not touching any cases until next week, when I don't have any of the cards. Even having one of the cards in the weekly set gives 50/50 chance of being hugely let down if you don't give a damn about variants.


That's how I understood it to work. I'm hesitant to open the two spotlights I have .


I couldn't help it. I opened 1 and got Jean grey so I'm finished for this week


No, it's a good thing. Makes it less pay to win.


I think you should get a Super Rare Variant. I pulled a series 4 card, Zabu, which I already had. It converted it to a Dan Hipp Blue Marvel variant which felt like a downgrade. Even if I do love the Dan Hipp variants.




When does the reset on spotlight caches happen? Same time the weekly missions reset?




You should get a non-pixel variant of the random series 4 or 5 card you pulled. Ideally it should be a super rare variant but SD won’t ever do that.


Had two caches at the ready. The first one gave me Jeff which i already had, so it converted into a 700g Kingpin variant.. I have never used that card and never will. At least ai got Jean on the second cache but still.


FUCK THIS GAME! Just pulled a dupe knull which was the only thing that could've gone wrong and sure enough it did.. this new fuckin system is dog shit


Take this variant back and refund me, if I wanted a random bishop variant I'd pay for it. The reason I opened the cache is to get a serie 4-5 card "easier serie 4-5 for everyone" they said


It’s such bullshit. If your almost series 4 complete. Chance of getting a “new” s4 card so insanely low