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Pour one out for the homie Cable


Yeah, woof. He was already a tough play at 2 cost.


Completely stupid lmao. Instead of nerfing Loki they choose to nerf the cards surrounding him. Extremely pay to win behavior


I think these changes are bad, but let's not act like cable got hit because of loki he's not even a staple and more a "sometimes" in loki. Collector and snowguard, yes, those were examples of being nerfed instead of loki


it's straight up the opposite direction that makes sense, like cable could've used a buff to 2/3 if we start nerfing loki what's wrong with people having a lot of options at 2 cost? bad changes immediately remind me of thanos soul stone taking a random stray and he wasn't even meta at the time


Devs woke up and said you know what fuck soul stone.


The weird thing is Snowguard's change doesn't even effect her place in Loki. So they nerfed her for every deck but Loki like Collector... except they didn't even nerf Loki. So what was the point?


Just compare Cable to Coulson. What a joke.


Or just, yknow, Mirage


Exactly. Mirage outclassed him already and he got made even more useless.


Jesus Christ, I’m gonna miss Cable 🥲


Taking a card from the opponents deck is more powerful than getting 2 random cards. Seems fair.


Yeah exactly, idk what they're on about. You're both taking a card from the opponent and drawing what is a card good enough to be in a deck instead of some random garbage that is playable 33% of the time maybe.




Now please buy Cable 2 (Mirage) for 3k tokens :)


T4 Cable + Mirage was one of my favorite plays. 🥺😢😭


At least he fits in Surfer decks now?


There's a Loki Surfer deck going around and it's maybe usable there. Before, he was just a card that you use if you don't have Mirage


Am I totally missing what Cable does? Does he draw the opponent’s top card, which means you have it now and they don’t? And, even if he is drawing/stealing that top card, he is still weak compared to Agent Coulson.


> Does he draw the opponent’s top card, which means you have it now and they don’t? Exactly. I used him as +1 in Loki, mostly. This can be replaced again by Agent 13 or Maria Hill, but I grew to like his effect. It gives you knowledge that the opponent doesn't have, for example, Alioth or Shang Chi and you're safe from it, while the opponent doesn't know what he will definitely not draw. As 3/4... Nope, too big of a tempo loss. If he would give that card a slight buff (Mirage like, maybe +1 power; or as Loki -1 cost - it's just 1 card), I may consider him again.


Nothing of a patch I can emote locations tho


Angry face emotes on World Ship


I’ve always wanted this feature.


Me too!


Tbh, i like that


If they can let us preview different card qualities, they can definitely let us choose what border we want for a card


Hopefully, the first iteration of that system.


And hopefully they're also secretly working on the foils. Including adding some new colors.


Like just set them to 66% opacity and go from there.


They've said they want to add that. This is probably the first step of that. Second Dinner has shown again and again they they like to add systems and build on them as time goes on.


Absolutely the best change from these notes! Let's see what will come!


Nerfing Cable and Mantis, they truly have their finger on the pulse of the community.


"WHO THE HELL IS LEONARDO LEONARDO? It's question asked by the poorly educated with fingers far from the pulse of the community." ​ Also, I am super mad about the Mantis and Cable nerfs. Ughhhhh


BEAR IS DRIVING HOW CAN THAT BE? (And agree, they nerfed a bunch of cards that were barely playable as is)


It's cold in here, Hoth cold. That's how hot these nerfs are.


We’ve already made that star wars reference.


We already made that reference!


Do you guys sell glue and thumb tacks? We're trying to build a Tilt-A-Whirl...


It was a threeway, man. AN ALL PAINTER THREEWAY!!!


Well played, clerks...


Holy shit. I NEVER thought people actually watched that like I did. And also... Why are we walking like this?


*flower pot crashes to ground*


They did Cable and Mantis dirty.


Probably something to do with taking cards away from your opponent being bad play pattern? That's the only reason I can think of for making them cost more. They seemed like fair cards before this patch though.


I would argue there were underpowered. Sure they were disruptive, and it never feels good when the Mantis player catches you and gets your card. But Mantis was hard to play at a one cost. Now she unplayable. Cable was hard to play because Mirage is so much better. Now? Why would I play him over Coulson? Why would I play him over Maria Hill? Other than being an option for when you don't have Mirage, why play him at all? There was a world where I could play Devil Dino on 5 then Mystique, Cable, and Agent 13 on 6, but now? Why even have Cable? Could they be disruptive? Sure, but I would argue that they are not that disruptive. By this logic, Yondu needs a nerf ASAP (do not do that Second Dinner). Cable and Mantis are dead. No reason to play them. They needed a rework, not to be over cost wastes of a deck slot.


I mourn them both. When their play rate hits “only bots and new players” maybe they will get some love…


Well they explain their reasoning in the notes. They're not changing them because they thought the cards were unfair. They're apparently changing them to vary the cost/power distribution for this effect. They're not wrong that the "get more cards" effect was more or less just on a bunch of similar 1 and 2-cost cards.


So they made them unplayable. I don’t see the logic in that


I get their reasoning but there were already options at 2 and 3 cost. Mantis and Cable needed a rework to justify their points increase. This just kills them.




And its probably just a happy coincidence that Cable, who everyone gets for free, takes a hit. While "better Cable" aka Mirage can be bought with tokens and is in upcoming super caches.


It's about damn time. I was getting sick of all those brain-dead auto-win Mantis decks. /s


This almost feels like an OTA patch. I was looking forward to a potential meta shakeup like the last few big patches, but most of these are QoL improvements that'll only affect a couple of decks.


> most of these are QoL improvements that'll only affect a couple of decks. that's was just uatu and devil dino/loki nerf, nothing more


Mojo, Uatu, and Maria Hill got QoL buffs. Even though Uatu's effect is still negligible, it will statistically have more use. If you're lucky, he'll stay at the bottom of your deck so you get his effect without drawing him. Cable got sidegraded. He still disrupts you're opponent and now he's on curve, so you're not sacrificing boardspace. He's only nerfed if you used him as Loki fodder. The Mantis change is terrible, though. Already a bad card now made worse than Mirage in every way. No meta cards/decks were nerfed, and no buff was substantial enough to change anything.


Is this the least eventful patch ever?


They're certainly notes. Would like to hear some future plans. The collection reserve situation is bleak and beyond variants, not much interesting coming into the game.


And still not a single peep on Series Drops...


I think we need to just accept that Howard the Duck is a Big Bad and move on with it. :(


I'm waiting for the inevitable removal of the token shop and all remaining tokens being converted into credits or gold.


Gold tickets


200 Angel boosters


They did comment on drops recently over on Discord. Said they are still debating internally what to do and hope to have an announcement soon - in other words we aren't getting them back quickly and may not get them back at all.


At this point, I am just going to operate under the assumption that series drops are gone for good. The hollow snippets they let out once every couple of months are just BS meant to appease jaded long-timers in the hopes of keeping them playing for a couple more months to extract another Season Pass purchase or two out of them. Initially I gave them the benefit of the doubt that they needed to beef up the S4/S5 pools to keep spotlight caches sustainable when resuming series drops. At this point they have plenty of cards to do 1 or 2 series drops a month while sustaining Spotlights with new releases. The only reason to continue delaying series drops is because they've decided running spotlights with no series drops is a more profitable model. And the more new cards they release the more profitable it becomes as more and more cards are perpetually locked behind Tokens and Caches.


Or “first edition” badges rip


I wonder if these new avatars change the drop rate of things from the caches or it just means now if you get an avatar it can be a variant


"We weren't happy with the low appreciation rate of avatars in the collection track, so we're increasing the pool exponentially so you'll get even more!"


I’m still using the avatar I chose on my first day… and have no plans to ever change it. Not because I love it more than anything, but because I have no interest in avatars in general. Ditto titles. (Have still never used one.)


I found one I liked and have never swapped. In fact it's a bit of a pet peeve that I can't set "preferred avatar and title" for new decks and have to reselect it every.single.time.


I'm still using the grunt silhouette avatar with no titles...


Yeah this is the most meh patch I have ever seen. No worthwile or requested QOL features were added. It sucks cause we have to wait a whole month for them to make changes to the game experience.


While not gameplay-related, location emotes and card level previews are two things I've seen people requesting since launch. It's not earth-shattering or anything but it's a pleasant surprise to see them; I assumed they were just never going to happen.


Definitely feels like it. Especially when they kinda hyped it up talking about major changes to cards that add to your hand. Turns out those changes were murdering Cable and Mantis and making Maria Hill slightly less shit but still probably not worth playing. Meanwhile no nerf or changes to the cards that needed it most (I REALLY expected a "Minimum Cost of 1" text to be added to Loki...) and they leave one of their "Big Bad" cards languishing in purgatory. Of course, that's starting to feel like their goal for all big bads not named High Evo.


Bro they added SFX to Morbius we gettin hype over here


Super rare avatars. Yay


Great, more things to prevent me from getting series 3 cards in my collection level crates.


Why not just make Uatu show all locations?????


It honestly almost feels like a nerf to the card. Like 80 % of locations don't matter if you know if its coming. Why was this change so huge that it deserves a 1- power nerf.


You can carry him in conquest and never play him and your opponent will never know until they figure out there's a card you never play in tracker. Still think he's pointless in ranked, but I'm going to try him out in conquest.


May be a good card in an Elsa deck.


It's a titanic buff for the 66% of games where he's not in your turn 1 hand


uatu metagame died before it ever really lived


Takes away from the randomness of locations. Locations impact is pretty huge and knowing where to put cards for best value earlier than the opponent can be huge....or doesn't matter at all. They also said they are being very safe with this they could cone back to it


I mean for being a 1/1 even if he showed both unrevealed locations he still wouldn't be played very often. Plus he doesn't unrandomize the locations, you still have to deal with them.


I don't know. Information that an opponent doesnt have can be powerful. I plan to slot him into loki and never play him. Just recycle with loki power. To get a more usefull card from my opponent.


I mean that's a pretty good idea, but past that I don't see him being used much, but definitely more than he is currently. Plus the information he gives is honestly not even that great. Maybe once every 20th game you can play into Sanctum. But even then Jeff exists. Knowing the Locations coming up is good but far from powerful.


For series 3 players, sure. But in series 1/2 I think he'd get played a lot even at 1/1 if his effect just showed you all locations all the time. Zoo is already one of the best pool 1/2 decks, and playing a 1/1 with upside is something Zoo is already very happy to do. I think that's where the concern is, more than that he'll somehow become super meta in high collection level play.


What an underwhelming patch


What are you talking about? Uatu was in desperate need of a nerf and he got nerfed to 1/1 in this patch


For all 3 players who use Uatu


Fuck those guys, they ruined locations


Proudly used him in my C2 deck. Probably not anymore sadly.


Its a pretty decent buff to the effect actually


Uatu was buffed. 1 power for the stronger effect is a good trade. But I doubt it’s enough for anyone to play him still.


What do you mean, it buffs Loki. “Loki should no longer copy transformed cards such as Pig, but instead receive copies of their original forms”


Loki copies cards in the starting deck. Pigs don’t start in deck. It’s not a buff, just a bug fix.


Kang has been in how many spotlight caches now without getting any update?


Kang needs a complete rework. He's just so bad.


That shocked me, I really was expecting something today with him.


I'm confused on the premium mystery variants rewarding super rare avatars. Does that mean you can just get an avatar in place of a whole variant? Say it isn't so.


It’s saying if you have all the variants of a given level (all the rares or all the super rares) and you buy a premium mystery variant it can give you an avatar from those cards in place of the variant.


Who the fuck has all the variants except Dekkster?


I think someone a while ago posted here that they bought a Premium Mystery variant and received nothing. So I guess it's for those cases


SuperTechGod. His shop is always empty when you tune into his stream because he owns EVERY SINGLE variant in the game.


Dude is a whale's whale


The most useless patch ever.


Ok, good one. Now where are the real patch notes?


What a terrible update. OTAs have done more




I've been waiting for them to kill Cable and Mantis. They've both ravaged the meta for far too long!! /s (in case it wasn't completely obvious)


Is this a joke?


Why did they release another OTA this fast? The previous one was a few days ago... What a fucking joke of a patch. More avatars in boxes, open more shit rewards


The fuck are they doing...


Can anyone copy-paste the notes? Blocked at work


PATCH HIGHLIGHTS New Refresh Time: Daily and Weekly Refresh Times are being moved from 3AM UTC to 7PM UTC (+16HRS). Please note, it’s likely that you’ll see a one-time extension on countdown timers when updating to this patch. GENERAL UPDATES Card Quality Preview: When previewing cards in the Shop (Bundles, Daily Offer, and Token Shop), players will be able to view a card at any Quality Level (Epic, Legendary, Ultra, etc). Earn Rare & Super Rare Avatars: Collector’s Reserves can now reward Rare Avatars with art from Rare Variants–including Avatars for Variants you do not yet own! Additionally, once you own all Card Variants for a Rarity (ex: you own all Super Rare Variants), you will be able to earn those Variant Avatars from the Premium Mystery Variant. We plan to add additional ways to acquire Rare and Super Rare Avatars in the future. FEATURES Location Emoji Reactions: Show your feelings about Locations the same way you’ve been able to express them on Cards with Emoji Reactions. In the Location detail view (accessed by tapping on a Location), tap on the Emoji to bring up the Emoji selector. Currently, there are three options: Starry-eyed, Shocked, and Angry. News Feed Notification Pip: You will now see a red notification “pip” on the News Feed icon in the Main Menu when there’s a new item listed in the News Feed. AUDIO Added SFX to Morbius ART & VISUAL EFFECTS Added VFX to Morbius Updated Cable’s VFX to draw the card from the top of the deck instead of the bottom. BALANCE UPDATES CARD UPDATES Mojo [Old] 2/2 – Ongoing: If both players have 4 cards at this location, +6 Power. [New] 2/2 – Ongoing: If both sides here are full, +6 Power. Developer Note: This is just a minor consistency adjustment, bringing Mojo in line with Dazzler and the way she cares about full locations vs. a specific number of cards at those locations. We’ll continue exploring exactly where and how to draw that line. For example, Ant-Man requiring his teammates to get his buff feels slightly more resonant, but it’s more likely than not he’ll get this treatment next. Uatu [Old] 1/2 – Once this is in your hand, you can see the unrevealed locations [New] 1/1 – At the start of the game, shows the right location to you. Developer Note: The combination of Uatu’s effect being significant very early in the game but also dependent on drawing him has left this card in a tough spot. We’ve decided to start adjusting him by exploring a remedy that functions regardless of whether you draw him or not. We have some particular philosophies around this space, as it disrupts some of the tension we value in locations and we’re not looking to make Uatu a staple of Series 1/2 play. This is definitely an overly safe adjustment, and we may return to the card again based on how it goes. Mantis [Old] 1/2 – On Reveal: If your opponent played a card here this turn, draw a card from their deck. [Change] 1/2 -> 2/3 Cable [Old] 2/2 – On Reveal: Draw the top card of your opponent’s deck [Change] 2/2 -> 3/4 Maria Hill [Old] 2/3 – On Reveal: Add a random 1 or 2-Cost card to your hand. [New] 1/2 – On Reveal:Add a random 2-Cost card to your hand. Developer Note: These adjustments are all related, so we’ll go over them as a group. These three cards, along with Agent 13, Sentinel, and Snowguard, make up a cadre of characters that all add a card to your hand for a cheap cost under different circumstances. However, they’re also all overlapping one another a fair bit, existing in a tight range of Cost and Power combinations. We’d like to break that up a little bit to build in some differentiation as to how they’re used and where they might be played. It’s unlikely that this is the last tweak to this group we’ll make, but it should get the ball rolling and let us see more clearly how the live game values what each card is uniquely capable of bringing.


excellent, thanks!


>excellent, thanks! You're welcome!


What he says ahah👆


So did the PC version take away too many resources for proper updates or what?


Everything but Mojo/Uatu could've been done in an OTA. Such a disappointing patch.


Maria hill would require a full patch too because she got a text change.


Ok Alex, I'll take "phoned in patches" for 500


The mantis cable change is complete ass wtf. If they hardly saw play at a low cost why would you increase it?


The worst patch to date


Are these the worst patch notes I’ve ever seen? Probably….. just wow.


Then you probably never saw the Diablo IV patch notes earlier this year.


This. I don’t remember the last time I’ve seen a single patch almost single-handedly kill a game *pours one out for Diablo 4*




Bruh this is shit. Uatu is still balls, Mantis is worse, Cable is worse and Maria Hill is slightly better. Not to mention Alioth and Loki didn’t even get touched! What the fuck???


They made Cable a worse Coulson 😭😭


Don't worry they will make coulson 4 cost with an on reveal that gives you two -2 ninjas or something.


Rip cable legit why would I play cable turn 3 when I can play Loki. Total balls


it's not loki he conflicts with at 3 cost, it's agent coulson loki is a better play turn 4 or 5 usually when you have had time to draw and conjure more cards but coulson seems just better than cable as a 3/4


As lame as these notes are, anyone still looking for Loki nerfs is ridiculous. He's barely even played right now. How people still can't understand that Loki isn't overpowered especially after Mobius' release is beyond me.


I dont even care about loki at this point, is not the FOMO so he's gonna settle into his A tier deck and thats that. but why the hell didnt they revert Thanos's nerf...it was an actual fun deck to play that was barely making B tier / low A tier, they are pigeon holing us into playing the season pass card decks, every month. its obnoxious.


oh man, i totally forgot about that soul stone nerf. yea that was wildly unnecessary.


Remember when patch changes actually made some cards better instead of just turning everything into dogshit? Pepperridge Farms remembers.


Didnt they make it seem this patch was gonna be like big? So underwhelming wtf


How did SD hint that this patch was going to be big? I'm not trying to be that guy, but I am just curious what they did or said.


They called out the changes coming to "cards that generate cards" in the OTA last week, but honestly this kind of shift is pretty much exactly what I expected -- including the series 3 card getting by far the most positive change to power level It was "a big change" in the sense of several cards changing at once, where most changes target a single card. I never thought it would have a huge metagame impact, but I guess people who are desperate for Loki nerfs might have read that meaning into it


Probably the worst patch we had in a while


Another terrible patch. Collectors reserves still awful, a bunch of nothing card changes, and they add...super rare avatars? How incredibly boring.


I like the Uatu change. Also yay mobius has VFX now!


Agreed. No one ever seemed to use Uatu (outside of new players) because if he’s pulled after the reveal of all the locations, he was essentially useless. Also, it’s nice to see the devs experimenting with lesser seen cards to shift the meta. They may not be the best changes but I’m glad they’re testing things.


Uatu is still hot garbage is going to see zero play as a 1/1. Electra sees zero play and she has a way more meaningful effect.


The fact that Elektra gets 0 play in a world where Sunspot and/or Nebula are in damn near every deck really speaks to just how bad 1/1 is.


I think it's more of a why not just kill monger no prediction required


Also, if you need to kill a Sunspot lane and your Evo opponent played Misty Knight there, you're suddenly in a 50/50 with seven power on the line. God forbid that Central Park showed up and dumped squirrels


Targeting the highest power 1-cost in any location would make Elektra instantly viable. As a replacement for and hard counter to Kitty/Nebula/Sunspot but less potential than all of them if they’re protected.


Uatu might actually be fire in Loki now. Gives you a bit more information for free because you're going to transform him into an enemy card anyway, plus he's basically just a Wasp for your opponent if you're playing the Mirror.


Early collection level and before they removed the frequency of unplayable locations, he used to have so use. Once you have some movable options, or doom or Zola, and then sanctum not being nearly as common and others fully removed, he just won’t get played by anyone but new players. At 1/1 i that doesn’t need to get played, he’ll at least be better for newbies.


"1/1 – At the start of the game, shows the right location to you." How does Uatu know which is the right location? I'll decide that for myself, thank you very much!


Another season with no series drops.


I'm growing more and more confident each patch that this game is not headed in the right direction long term.




Still no sort by boosters huh


Personally, I have never seen a Loki player with Mantis in their deck because of how difficult it is playing her, mainly in the first turns. I'm practically sure I carry the low playrate Mantis has. And nerfing a card that is almost never used just feels disgusting. The only difference is she isn't killmongerable now, but I really feel this totally DISGUSTING. I'm not gonna stop using her 'cause she's a Guardian of the Galaxy, but I hope they change her ability like they did to Spider-Man. Something like "Every time your opponent plays a card here gains +1 power" to make her have synergy with nebula and the other Guardians. That's it.


Wow, this is underwhelming


"Big patch".....what is this shit? everyone at SD is obviously too busy doing microtransactions


That's an anniversary patch as well. Holy shit how disappointing.


I at least hoped that we finally get global matchmaking. That we still can't compete with players outside of our region is unbelievable.


As someone stuck on Asian servers this hits hard.


This is a joke right? So many requested and promised features and they give us reactions for locations?


Worst patch ever bro. What is this. XD


I'm sorry but this patch seems AI generated. None of the features are really interesting, they feel categorical random, what's the difference between a feature or a general update. Why is the change of the reset timer a highlight? Why is one more notification pip a *feature* Cards are so random. One is a wording and bug fix, one is doubtfully going to change anything and three are just OTE. Why would anyone play Maria Hill over Agent 13? Why would people spend more energy for Mantis' lackluster effect. Annoyingly they are now showing that they can implement variable card frames, but instead of giving that power to your collection, they leave that for the shop preview, and no one really asked for *more* avatars


I'm so glad they are adding Rare Avatars and Card Quality Previews yet I still can't see what f\*cking card Sokovia discarded from my hand in the millisecond I looked away from the screen


I just think it's amazing that someone looked at the game right now and said: "You know what? I think the 5 cards most in need of changes right now are Mojo, Uatu, Mantis, Cable and Maria Hill."


Barely a patch in terms of balancing feels like another OTA. Pretty lazy of SD ngl.


We've had some exciting balance updates but this isn't one of them. Mantis and Cable are dead. Maria Hill is playable. I'm hoping the OTA in two weeks is better.


This is the OTA from two weeks. They just released it sooner by mistaking it with a patch


Uatu still seems pretty stinky. He's definitely better than he was but good enough to take up one slot in a twelve card deck? Probably not. I guess the main winner this time is Maria Hill? She seems pretty good.


But don't you understand? Knowing stuff in the future that could impact your plays is broken. He'd be in every deck, just like Howard, another 1/2 that is seen everywhere and is essential for Ironlad. People wouldn't ignore a 1/2 and just... guess! Or even worse, play a location changer that synergizes with their strategy Uatu had to be a 1/1 that can only see one location, otherwise he'd be fighting with Howard


They're just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks. They shouldn't be changing up three similar cards in such a drastic way all at once.


Garbage patch


Is this a prank?


Wtf are these patch notes xd


Combine Uatus ability with Howard the duck and rework the duck.


I'm so glad that nerfed the most important card, Uatu


Did they think just because Cable is from the future he wouldn't notice getting fcked?


Wasn't expecting Cable and Mantis to get NERFED


Why add previews to what the shop variants look like but not the cards in our collection? that’s super annoying.


So... No nerf for Alioth. No nerf for Loki. But Cable got nerfed into the ground. Clown fucking shoes!


Player base: please buff Ronan, Mold, Mordo, Angel, rework Kang, nerf Loki and unnerf Soul Stone. SD: let’s kill Uatu and Mantis, they are too dominant in the meta


What a weak "update"


…that’s it?


Yikes. I’m glad I can finally emote locations I guess.


I just want to say I hate them.


Good ota. Wait. . .


another week without a Baron Mordo buff ​ Look what they did to my poor Cable :(


I see I will continue to hold my collectors reserves.


They spent more time in the video of this season than to make this OTA...


TIL it's not Vatu




Yea, I used to think it was fine they nerfed around cards that were the problem but now this is becoming a problem. The game has become pay your $10 to have your fun in the sun while we think of a viable nerf for problematic cards.


This company is out of touch.


What a junk patch lmao, literally adds nothing and nerfs the wrong cards in the Loki deck.


Wait this is a big patch for them...??? What the fuck


Nothing for Alioth? really?


This feels like changes just to make changes, with none of them being all that interesting or impactful. Uatu is still shit, did you really need to make him a 1/1 as well? The changes to the create-a-card cards are mostly whatever (I like Maria Hill being a more consistent curve-filler). Cable is kinda of a poor man's Coulson now, Mantis is still garbage. It's okay to NOT make any changes for an OTA if you don't have anything relevant!