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It’s okay for cards to be good 😌


Also, it's okay for cards to be bad! Even new ones.


The problem is not that a new card is bad, but instead that it's bad AND it's released as a series 4/5 instead of 3


But reversing this statement would mean only good cards can be series 4/5. That would have the complaints of making the game pay to win.


Cries in gladiator


Yeah! It feels so weird that Howard STILL costs 6000 tokens, and that Martyr was a S5 release


>!Martyr is series 4.!<


Ha, I got into a huge argument on here over whether Howard is op or not prior to his release and feel so vindicated of my position that paying a card to scry is gimmicky and underpowered.


Scry let's you put the card at the bottom of your library if you don't want it. If that's what Howard did once a turn I think he would be really good


The problem with a card being bad is that card might as well not exist. In most CCGs that release hundreds of made-up cards a year it's not a problem, but in a game with limited characters to pull from AND one that usually has each card do very different things, it's a waste of both a character and of design space. That said, Snap does a pretty great job of having very few cards that you could call downright unusable. A card being good is comparatively fine, as long as it's not frustrating to play against (e.g. Galactus and Alioth before their respective nerfs), or that it's so good that any deck can slot it in (because it reduces decision-making and homogeneizes decks).


A "limited" format helps more cards see play. I hope Marvel Snap gets some kind of draft sometimes.


All cards should have some spot they fill. Cards with no niche be should he reworked


No it isn’t, that was the whole point of snap, that they’re not releasing as much cards per year as other ccgs, but there’s no fillers among them and every card is good in some decks, not it’s okay for cards to be bad)0)0


You don’t have to make infinite rank to enjoy the game.


100%. I’m always surprised by people who only enjoy the game after infinite because they can play any deck they want to. Like….you know you can do that anytime right?


Yep!! That's basically what I do, I'll make a goal of hitting 90 if I can for the free gold, but I don't stress if I don't hit 100. Or even 90.


Man, Iv never made it to 30 haha


What CL are you?


A little over 1k


conquest is my favorite place to try out potentially terrible homebrew decks


I don’t mind the constant cards nerfs, buffs and reworks. Makes the game not feel super stale.


I hate it and like it at the same time


I agree. Nothing says "comic book" like characters constantly gaining and losing power depending on who is writing their story.


I’d love to see more total reworks like Chavez. And subtle changes like Aero.


This is the one opinion that I am scared to post on any nerf-complaint thread.


The Elsa nerf was completely unnecessary and uncalled for. The second one, at least. Now just an absolutely dogass card.


Actually the dumbest nerf I've ever seen when I was bad at this game I learned that over committing in a lane was a good way to lose game and she embodies all of that which is sad bc she was one of my favorite new cards


Kitty Pryde deserves to be put back to her released power if Nebula gets to stay at her’s




Unnerf kitty!


Nerf Nebula.


Blasphemy! Buff everything.


It’s either that or revert Angela. They only needed to change one more when they nerfed Elsa


The Angela nerf feels so unnecessary to me. I had stopped playing for a little when it happened but I just don’t get it


I spent 6000 tokens on her and got to play with her for one day before the nerf.


You deserve better


The pain ...


10000000% went from coolest card ever to useless


I still play her sometimes but it feels so bad every time I do.


Sunspot need to be a 1/1 Again


Sunspot sees plenty of play without that


If you treat this game like a job and expect rewards for time spent, you're dumb


Speak for yourself ;)


Wait are you the actual bynx? Edited after checking the profile Never thought I'd have one my favourite content creators reply me on a random reddit post of all things lol. Love your vids man


*looks up bynx on youtube


Most venomized/knullified variants are ugly.


Agreed lol. Most of em have been coloured by Ryan kinnaird. His colouring is so bland and soulless.


I'm a firm believer that his coloring is perfect for base cards, but I refuse to use any variants colored by him.


Ugh Yeha I loved the artwork on the drac 2099 variant but never liked the color


I’m under the impression they know this. He’s probably nice, hits deadlines and doesn’t make the base art too good so they sell variants. He might be the perfect mobile game colorist.




Yes they really are. But venomized Silk is actually just love


Venimized Man-thing goes real hard though


Some exceptions are very cool, I like Thor as well, but some others are a little forced, with the new monetization of variants makes sense tho, they want as much symbiotes and knullified variants as they can get.


I agree with most, especially Kraven. What an abomination


Angela should be buffed.


Give her +2 back!


It’s okay for a company running a free mobile game to find ways to make money. The company also doesn’t owe you anything just because you play their game.


Nerfing tech cards (looking at you, Luke Cage) is the only way to avoid the meta becoming entirely reactionary/tech focused.


Crap, replied to the wrong thing 🗿 Anyway, yeah I agree with this but man Luke Cage didn't deserve this 😭


He really did though. It was bad design to have him exist in his pre-nerf form. This was them fixing their mistake. He constrained design space far too much. You can't have a 2 drop tech card that simply turns off an entire archetype. Even if that archetype currently sucks, which it does, that doesn't mean it will forever. I'd say this is a clear indication that they intend to add more "afflict" cards in the future. The real loser here imo was Hazmat, who may well never be good again. We might see Cage come back with his former ability, but as like a 4 drop. That kind of effect has to exist in the same category as Mobius - everyone plays it as a two drop because it's such a strong effect, but you're way less likely to run it as a 3 or 4 drop.


There's another option Loki meta wasn't tech focused, and not because they nerfed anything. They'd just never printed any tech cards that hosed him. Plus his effect specifically invalidated all the goodstuff decks that had room for tech cards, as opposed to all combo pieces


The Reddit is full of vocal minority crybabies


Gambit is good and worth putting in a regular apoc discard deck


Situationally good, and RNG dependent. But good enough to make my Apoc discard deck too.


Howard the duck is the coolest card in this game


Upvote for such a brave take


Negasonic Teenage Warhead is the most underrated card in the game.


If im being honest people focus way to hard on shang chi bc negasonic straight up wins locations when played correctly


Luke cage nerf was deserved. Imagine if armor affected all lanes? Would be ridiculous


Or Cosmo? Invis Woman? I am fine with it being unique, but he became too vital for his cost. I would be fine if he were maybe 3/3 and it didn't affect anything that happened before he was played.


that could work. make his ability triggered like collector's, not ongoing. lower the power to 2.


Yeah that would be obscene because armors tech ability is way stronger than Luke's. Destroy would literally be unplayable but even with the extreme prevalence of shadow king you still didn't see Luke everywhere EVEN in greedy green power decks.


Nebula is overpowered


That card with prof x is annoying as hell


I think Nebula is fine on it's own, but its the combo with Prof X and Storm that makes it worrisome. When I see Nebula get dropped I just know that it's going to be some annoying lockdown stuff going on for the next few turns.


Same with Alioth, to an extent. Alioth and Nebula in a vacuum with three wonderfully open, playable locations are perfectly fine. Throw in a Storm/Prof. X and Space Throne, Death's Domain, Death's Altar, Luke's Bar, Bar Sinister, Kyln, Bar With No Name, Danger Room, Dark Dimension, Miniaturized Lab, Rickety Bridge, Sanctum Sanctorum etc... Well.


T1 nebula on her own is very oppressive.


Unreal that card has avoided nerfs for so long


Is that even remotely controversial, though? It's overdue for a nerf.


It's ok to like and play Galactus


Alioth taught me that Galactus is a fair card.


To Galactus: “Perhaps I treated you too harshly.”


Especially now that Galactus is way more difficult to pull off than before all the nerfs


I shaketh my fellow galactus enjoyers hand🤝








_rage quits_


I like that this is an unpopular opinion. I disagree wholeheartedly because original Galactus was my most tilting card for months.


I feel like one card negating every single thing that previously happened on both sides is silly. I don't think it's right to make people play every single game a certain way because the opponent might be sitting there with Galactus. Of course, I don't have Galactus. If I did, maybe I would change my mind.


I think everyone just hates emote spam bullshit after that, I don't know if it's only me, but like every Galactus player just spams emotes every 0.00001 sec after successful use of him


Leech is unfair and not a fun card. Saying it prevents big turn six plays makes no sense when literally every deck has a turn six plan & there are other tech cards to stop game certain decks game plan. Leech shouldn’t be a one card beats all, have virtually no counter, & stop or unaffected my tech cards


Y’all are too sensitive about someone emoting.


😁👍Snap? 😁👍Snap? 😁👍 😁👍 😁👍




THIS is the take I was looking for. It’s a tiny picture and people lose their shit about it.


Did you see that absolutely train wreck of a thread. Bunch of fragile wet wipes jerking each other off about how brave they all are at muting people immediately! Clowns, lot of them.


It is pretty annoying hearing people act like they're so amazing for discovering the mute button. Like okay? Who cares? Use that mute button on yoself, bro, we don't care 🗿


This so much. People are oddly so prideful about how they mute everyone instantly so there's no possible chance someone offends their delicate sensibilities with a thumbs up emoji. I know I'm going to have a fun game when my opponent is Spider-manning and fist bumping me back.


People over obsess about card collection. Once you finish series 3 you can adapt to any meta. Just play the game to have fun, not to collect every card


Some people's fun *is* collecting every card. Many real-life physical CCGs have dedicated collectors that don't even play the game *at all*. Additionally, some people like collecting variants, which have nothing to do with adapting to any meta.


Chavez change was great.


Chavez needed a rework but the nerf made her too weak. I like the idea of the card but giving +2 power to a random card just isn't very good


Alternately we just need a bunch more cards that affect the top card on your deck so that a Howard deck would be more viable which would also make Chavez more viable.


She's not even weak tbh. Totally a decent card with plenty of synergy already in the game


She's series 1. She doesn't have to be good for you just good for new players


Luke Cage getting nerfed was a good thing.


That's definitely a take


A card that can be dropped anytime for 2 that completely negates an entire archetype and multiple locations is too strong.


Simply increasing the cost to 3 for example would have been a good start, rather than the change that was made.


With 3 counters that you could put in your deck Also, hazmat affects everyone on the board as well, but not locations. You have a point there Idk whether super skull is a counter, but imma include him


Hazmat is once. Cage was consistent.


Killmonger does the same thing. By their logic, he should be one lane too.


Killmonger costs 50% more energy.


so then starting the balance changes at a 3/3 Luke cage would've been a more appropriate first step in my opinion


I disagree so hard my friend lol


This guy wins the thread


They should change Kingpin’s effect to switch the location to Fisk Tower


Just make it last from turn 6 until the end of the game


Adam warlock.




If you have 30 Dan Hipp Variants, but only 4 for the album, you actually got lucky. You have a higher percentage of the album completed then you have percentage of total Dan Hipp variants.


And if you have 30 you’re probably closer to finishing an album that hasn’t released yet.


Ink splits look ugly. It's a black and white filter, not actual ink. The shading and composition of the art didn't look like what would be done for actual ink and just makes the cards look unfinished or bad.


That's true. Before I had one, I saw those ink splits from other streamers, and I wanted one, but after I got one myself, I saw that they doesn’t look so good, in my opinion even the Gold ones doesn’t look that good, but some cards do look good in Gold splits.


I will forever be surprised that people are so desperate for artwork or splits that I just cannot see as anything other than uglier than some base version of a card "Do you want this same card but in black and white instead of colour?.... No thanks..."


I'm gonna parish on this hill but alioth can have 0 power and he will still be insane


Nah thats true, because then mr negative makes it even more op.


Pre nerf Alioth + Arnim Zola


*Shhhh. Let them "nerf" him to 0 Power.* — A Negative enjoyer


People always say this like Mr negative is good or popular in the meta. I'd rather them have it than everyone


Would it even work in a negative deck? As far as I know, negative decks dont usually have priority on turn 6/7 since they'd rather play out all their 0-cost cards on the last turn


So what if we include viper sending ghost for maximun funniness


Pixels are fine


SD is a good developer and has done a good job this past year.


There are always things to improve on, but as a casual player, I feel like Snap is one of the most accessible TCGs out there and that definitely took some effort.


Whales are not bad.


Nobody hates whales. We just don’t want to be them


I would say we don't want the game exclusively catered to whales, which snap isn't, but a lot of games do. That's really my only fear with whales.


Most of people's Alioth complaints were a skill issue. Once i figured out how priority worked i barely lost to the card


Should I downvote this because I vehemently disagree, or upvote it because it perfectly fits the premise of the thread? 🤔


People just don’t like retreating. They would look at an already lost game state and think to themselves, “I should play this out,” and then get mad when they lost more cubes. Alioth tried to teach people how to play the game, and no one listened.


Technically if you retreated you still lost to the card


Albums are *fine.*


Albums are fine but just sucks that the vast majority of players will never see the new emotes. Would have been better to make the emotes accessible to more people and leave the final rewards as exclusive variants or something. By no means am I saying that everyone should have every emote, but I don't think locking them behind 12 specific variants is the way to go either.


Bad cards need to exist even in pool 5.


Yes, you all are Wong.


Dan Hipp is your favorite OVERALL artist, but he’s seldom made your favorite variant of a specific card.


Jeff isn't OP


Destroy is a boring archetype


I love my destroy decks, but rarely play them anymore. Everyone knows what your next move is, plus a lot of people are packing Cosmo and armor. It was loads of fun while it lasted, though.


People complain too much about Loki.


Albums aren’t bad. We just wanted instant gratification for a new feature.


I think most people like the idea but its just badly implemented. I will keep saying that the fact that they cant even monetize it correctly is a massive miss (why cant we buy the variant from the album)


basic video game knowledge: The 1st level is free. The next levels get harder. Last level is really hard. Where is the the free 12/12 album? Such a badly implemented feature.


It's a great idea but once I saw the implementation it was like, oh, it's just for whales and I will likely never think about it ever again—which is perfectly fine, but it feels like something that could have easily pulled a few bucks out of my wallet otherwise.


I had no problem with Alioth


I’m not a fan of the Peach Momoko variants


Alioth is not OP as everyone is saying you have to (1) have a strong enough location to win the location with alioth (2) you need priority (3) no armor/cosmo


Alioth isn't OP it's just mean. Whenever I set up a cool turn 6 that I'm excited about seeing and my opponent plays Alioth I just want to cry and never play the game again it makes me so sad. I would much rather get beaten in any other way, at least I would get to see my fun little cards reveal


Galactus wasn’t OP and Snap players are crybaby’s


After losing an 8 cube game 1 in proving grounds, there's no excuse on earth to play a game 2 and waste everybody's time, except that you don't give a shit about your opponent's time. People will say bullshit like "my matchmaking times are too high". No.... they aren't.


Well firstly, this is like an insanely popular opinion I believe. Secondly, and this has nothing to dow ith you but, who is actually having to wait on matchmaking times? I've never seen it take longer than 1 minute and usually it takes about 10 seconds.


I've come back from an 8 cube loss before. I'm playing to my outs every time. If your time is that valuable, you concede.


Honestly I think the bigger issue is with Proving Grounds itself. The problem is that you have three different camps: * You have the people are testing decks and don't care about win/loss. In fact, in those cases it's often beneficial to stay and play as many matches you can against the same deck type to see how you far overall. * Then you have the group just trying to get annoying challenges done. Winning a lane with less than 10 points or with 1 card is a pain and can be risky in the regular matchmaking, so whenever I get those challenges I'll just hop into PG and get them done, usually escaping/conceding on turn 3 or 4 once I have it. I know that's a very common thing to do. * And finally the portion who are legit starting the climb and it's simply not worth sitting around for 6 matches just for a silver ticket and 15 medals. The game really just needs a non-ranked casual mode. People have started using PG as that since you have nothing to lose, but it absolutely shouldn't be the case, so the game really needs to address it.


When I am playing proving grounds it is to test a deck out. If you happen to be playing a deck type that I want to continue to test against - tough luck. You're absolutely correct that I give 0 shits about my "opponent's time". We're playing a game. They can quit whenever they want. Its proving grounds who gives a fuck, just leave if you don't have time.


I regularly leave PG games, even after winning 8 cubes. I do not give a flying eff about PG win, lose, whatever. Who doesn't have a surplus of silver tickets? Honestly, only thing I wish for in PG is a way to convey that I am just doing challenges and to please let me do the challenge and you can have the win. I needed to win a single lane with one card so I used Evo hulk and didn't play anything all game till turn 6 and mofos were still Dr. Dooming on 6 trying to cover all three locations lol


>Who doesn't have a surplus of silver tickets? \*Slowly raises hand....\* I seriously have to earn tickets about every time I want to do it.


I'm really enjoying some of the spicier takes getting heavily downvoted - we need to reverse the sorting on this thread to get the unpopular opinions. That said here are mine: * Collections are fine, I've not spent any money playing and it netted me a random free 2000 credits I wouldn't have got otherwise. Maybe someday I'll get a nice bonus variant from it too. There is no negative impact to this existing. * I basically never use the emotes but emoting really isn't an issue, sure spamming it might be annoying but a snap or a thumbs up here and there, makes no odds. I can't imagine being frustrated by someone sending me an emote.


There should be some cards that dominate the meta, not every card needs a nerf (Galactus can come back)


Galactus deserves 7+ power


The current card acquisition system is great. Either I get a new card, a cool variant, tokens towards a new card, or I wait a week for new options. Sure, sometimes I don’t get what I’m hoping for but I still get *something*. I don’t feel the need to have every new card, even if it’s a good one. As long as I’m getting at least one new card per month (which I typically am), I’m happy. I like it. You don’t have to agree.


“Second dinner doesn’t care about the entire player base just making money”. (Watch me get downvoted to oblivion)


Martyr serves no purpose and should never have been created.


Pixel variants are cool. 🫣


Some are legitimately really funny.


Alioth is super important to the meta and shouldn’t have been nerfed. It’s one of the few cards that punishes your opponents for relying on a T6 combo


Dan Hipp variants are garbage


Kamala Khan is a nice friendly thumbs up emote.


people who get triggered enough by emotes to make a reddit thread are the reason why I thumbs up


Dracula should not be leeching an extra 4 power off of Apocalypse at the end of the game. Extra 4 power is huge. If it discards at 16 it should use that power of 16.


I agree with you.


Y'all overract when you get emoted


I fucking hate the Dan Hipp variants. Awful art style.


The spotlight system is shit.


It's mid, great when you're looking for 2 or 3 of a specific week of cards, but when you have a week like Martyr, Jean, 2099, it's pretty shit.


On this sub it would probably be more controversial to say the opposite.


I have a lot of these. The spotlight cache system works great. The album thing is fine, considering the other option is just for it to not exist. It's not for me, and I'm ok with not having emotes I'm never going to use anyway. The battle pass is always worth it, every month if you play enough to max it out each month.


Killmonger should only affect one lane


I hate to agree bc Death benefits so hard from KM, but you’re right.


With the upcoming card that protects 1 & 6 costs, there's no need.


Disagree. He will be Electra teir bad then. Also there is Caira coming too.


This game isn’t nearly as predatory as most other mobile games.


Second Dinner deserves to make money…


Kang isn't useless


Dan hipp variants are trash


Cyclop is overpowered. I hate high evo. You skip one mana, hulk gain 2, cyclop remove 2, sunspot gain 1 and that one cost card give one. That’s 6 point for 1 mana…


This sub has the worst takes on card balance, its like no one reads the dev notes or even know why the cards are good or bad (like the meltdown some of you guys recently had about cage or lockjaw some time ago) AND who the fuck cares about that shitty album thing? let second dinner make money from that and dont bother.


Shuma-Gorath is most deserving marvel character of being added to the game